A Web Strand Away

By The_Evil_Lucifer

10.5K 345 287

(Wednesday Addams x Spider-Man Dad!Reader) After an unforeseen tragedy, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man... More

Y/n's Info/Bio
Chapter 1: Before Nevermore || Pt.1
Chapter 2: Before Nevermore || Pt.2
Chapter 3: Indirect Meeting

Chapter 4: A Recurring Nightmare

1.6K 64 42
By The_Evil_Lucifer

Alright, another chapter. Let's goooo, though not going to lie, I'm kinda at a loss. Yk, writer's block? Like, I wanna make few chapters before the actual things begins. Sorta like a prequel to the events of the Wednesday show.

If you have any suggestions/ideas, hit me up. Though expect late replies, since I tend to sleep a lot during the day.

Peep the edit on the top. (I need temporary validation)

Key Points: Fatherhood, Responsibilities, Consequences, Love and Priorities


Let's start.


Spider-Man laid on the top of a building, his body indented into concrete roof. His ragged breathing prominent as he struggled to breathe, his suit was ripped to shreds. His blood puddled around his body; His hands shook as the pain started to overwhelm him.

With his view being upside down, seeing as he was laying on his back, he sees the bottled antidote holding the cure to a specific disease. The green substance sloshed as it rolled back and forth, Spider-Man inhaled deeply before trying to move, the searing pain shot around his body. His head started to hurt... he deducted several contusions, lacerations, broken bones... enough to ensure a normal man to live his life on a wheelchair, or death.

Spider-Man groans as he achingly drags himself alone the cracked and sharp concrete surface, his blood trailing behind him. Bare wounds lugs along, grime and small pieces of concrete stick into them. His ripped flesh grew more mangled, he grunts and yelps each time he moves. It was too much, even for him.

He couldn't afford to give up, to stop, even to get a second wind. The fate of New York was at stake here, he can't give up, he won't allow himself to.

Now a few feet away, he lets out a sigh of relief and hope, there's still a chance, he just needs to grab it and follow the plan. Then he heard it, that dreadful sound, the one that has always haunted his dreams.

A maniacal laugh pierces his ears, a feeling of anger and anxiety bubbles up in his chest. He hurries to the tube, ignoring his body 'screaming' at him to stop. Just as he reaches out, an orange razor bat pierces through his hand, penetrating through and embedding into the ground.

Spider-Man wails out in agony, only for a boot to dig into his back, silencing it. He clenches his scarlet painted teeth. "Argh" He struggles to shake off the force on top of him, as the fires behind him casts the shadow of the looming figure over him.

The hood of the individual swayed in the wind, as the terrifying villain cackles. "Did you really think you would win?" He stomps on Spider-Man's back, twisting his boot deeper onto the ever-so gaping wounds.

"Did you think we wouldn't know? That pathetic plan your 'team' came up with?" The monster steps onto Spider-Man's head, before grabbing the anti-serum. "Tch, tch, tch."

Spider-Man looks up at his foe, as the villain peered at the anti-serum. His orange-gloved hand grip tightens around it, the glass slowly began to crack under his strength.

"N-No.." Spider-Man wheezed, before the tube shattered into pieces with the green liquid trickling onto the floor. The beaten hero stared in disbelief, as the fragmented device falls in front of him. A mechanical whirl nears close, the villain cackles as he looks at the destruction around them.

The villain jumps up as the source of the whirls goes underneath him, the Glider shakes before stabilizing itself. He spins around, showing his eerie mask.

The Hobgoblin maniacally laughs.

"It's time to die, Spider-Man." Hobgoblin's Glider let's out two long and jagged blades.

"Already feel like I am." Spider-Man spat out blood, trying to get up as his arms trembles, enflamed by his wounds.

"Not yet you haven't."

"Papa?" A small voice spoke, a chill ran down Y/n's spine. He freezes in place, his heart speeds up. His muscles trembled, not in pain but in fear.

He looks up, hoping, praying what he was seeing wasn't real. Hobgoblin laughs, holding Violet next to him. She dangles as she's held by her wrists.

"Now you'll know what it feels like to die...inside." Horror fills Y/n's eyes, as he realizes what he meant.

"N-No please, please don't!" He yelled, getting on his knees. Ignoring the pain spreading around his body.

Hobgoblin backs away from him, the street right below him as Violet struggles getting out of his grip.

"STOP! You're hurting me!" She screamed.

"Finally, I'll have my vengeance. I'll be free of you." Hobgoblin spat.

Spider-Man tries to rush him, but before he could, his arms get pinned to his sides with something metallic wrapping around him. "What do you think you're doing, arachnid?"

Doc Ock comes over the edge, quickly moving his lower tentacles to restrain Spider-Man's wrists in place of his arms.

As the upper tentacles hold his hero's head straight at Violet, Doc holds Spider-Man in the air, he smiles sinisterly.

(Imagine a damaged Lotus suit in place of the Maguire Suit. I know the edit looks horrid, but at least I tried!)

"You're going to watch her fall." Panic sets in Y/n's chest as he wriggles as much as he could, trying to get out of the harsh grasps.

He sees Hobgoblin back away further, now over the debris and fires on the streets.

"N-No. Don't do this... Don't do this!" He yelled to the monster in possession of his daughter.

Hobgoblin laughs, thriving in his nemesis' begging. He mocks his cry and taunts him by swinging Violet in place. "Daddy help!" Violet cries.

"Does this remind you of someone, Spider-Man?"

"Please! I'm begging you just..."


"It's going to be okay monkey, it's going to be o-okay. Goblin please! Just--"

"You lose, Y/n."

Hobgoblin lets go of her wrists.


As she falls, Doc Ock extends his arms over the edge with Spider-Man in place.

Forcing him to watch his daughter get enveloped by the fire.

Y/n cries as he sees the flames take Violet's form, and Hobgoblin speeds toward him with the Glider's blades out to impale him.

Just before Y/n could get impaled, he flinches.


Y/n shoots up from his sleeping bag, breathing roughly. He immediately gets up and looks around the room, before settling on the bed where a figure slept.

Violet sleeps, unbothered.

Trying to remain in control of his emotions, he composes his breathing.

Y/n adjusts the blanket over Violet, she smiles in her sleep. He moves away, quietly putting on his suit for a distracting patrol. Luckily, it was early on a Saturday.

Stealthily opening and closing the window behind him, Y/n thwips a web and swings away.

Unbeknownst to him, Violet's smile disappears as she opens her eyes with sad expression.

Spider-Man heads into the dense herd of concrete and glass, each building becomes a blur as he swings faster to the sirens that blare in the distance. "Time for work." he thought.

[In the afternoon]

Violet and May walk to a local supermarket, getting groceries and something to cook for dinner. They walk through the store, grabbing what they need to get home before it gets late. Violet gets distracted as she sees a Spider-Plushie for sale, particularly her father's plushie.

She smiles as she holds it in her hands, about to take it to May, only for a chubby hand to rudely snatch it.

Violet looks to see a fat teenage boy childishly frowning at her, "Hey! Give that back!" She demanded.

"No this isn't for you." He sneers.


"Cause you're a girl." He states as Violet looks up to the taller teen with furrowed brows, confused on its relevancy.

"What does me being a girl have to do with anything?" She asked.

"He's called Spider-Man, not Spider-Girl." The ugly teen responded.

"But-" She was interrupted as the boy pushed her. "Buzz off."

Violet, being an intelligent child, tried to grab another plushie off the shelf.

"I said buzz off" The lack-mannered teenager blocked and pushed her away. "Ow!"

The bully snickered, making fun of her. Her miniscule, yet loud yell caught the attention of a person that no one would want to catch.

As Violet's eyes began to tear up, her face had gotten slightly red as a small crackle of blue electricity flickered over her small, balled fists. "Oh wow. Are you gonna cry you little shi-"

"I strongly suggest you don't finish that sentence."

The pair looked to the side to see what seemed to be a pale girl in dark clothes glaring at the looming teenager, the bully looks at her up and down with a scoff.

"Yeah? What are you gonna do if I don't shorty?" He taunted.

Big mistake.

Said 'freak' simply adjusted her collar and walked towards him, the teen immediately went to push her. Only for one of his wrists to get grabbed and twisted.


The bully let out a pathetic yelp as she elbowed his temple, knocking him out. One advantage of being her height, people often underestimate her physical abilities.

He's lucky they we're dueling, she'd have much more fun with this that way.

"Disappointing." She thought.

Remembering the girl, she turns around to expect a terrified and traumatic expression on her face.

Only to see Violet's awe filled eyes, and her mouth agape.

A long and silent pause concurred, as the goth was about to walk away, Violet finally spoke.


Her reaction confused our monotoned goth, as she has never had this sort of interaction before. It was new.

Especially after giving a snobbish individual a beating... this was quite truly a one-of-a-kind experience for her.

Her lips very faintly curl, greatly contrasting the smaller girl's smile. "To you, perhaps. Others beg to differ on your opinion."

"So?" The girl tilted her head, as one of the gothic teen's eyebrows rose in approval.

"What's your name?" Violet asked, looking at her black dress the older girl adorned.

"...Wednesday Addams."

"You're named after a day?" Violet asked, slightly confused.

"What is your name?" Wednesday discounted her question.

The girl reaches out her hand to shake hers, "Parker. Violet Parker." She said, in a semi-British accent. This confused Wednesday, as she shook her hand.

Violet saw her expression, "It's a reference to James Bond. You know, the spy?" It did not help with Wednesday's confusion, but she nodded, nonetheless.

"Your parents named you after a color?"

A saddened look crossed Violet's face, which Wednesday immediately noticed.

"My condolences for your loss." She said, with a glint of familiarity in her eyes.

"No, it's okay. My parents didn't name me... I actually don't know my parents..." She trailed off.

Wednesday says nothing, what could she say to that? She's not the type to give comfort to someone.

"Their loss."

Well, that's something she could say.

"My papa named me though! Well, him and Grandma." This statement confused Wednesday further. She claims not knowing her parents, let alone grandparents. Yet she was named by her... father?

"Your father named you?" She questioned.


"Yet you claim to not know of your parents."


"Do you not see the problem with your answers?"

Violet furrowed her brows, then rose in realization. "Oh yeah! Sorry, I'm uh... adopted." Now that sums up the confusion, Wednesday nods.

Footsteps tracked behind them, as a gasp was heard. Both girls turned to see May standing there with a concerned look.

"Violet, are you okay?" She kneeled and checked over the girl's figure, trying to see if she was hurt.

"I heard you yell, what happened?" May pressed.

Violet explained the situation, as Wednesday analyzed the middle-aged woman. "A kind and decent caretaker, seems like she's done this plenty of times before." She thought, watching the interaction.

She stops as May got up and thanked her, today was full of surprises it seems.

First, she stops a bully with Violet being in awe instead of scared, then getting thanked... all in the same day.

May stops for a minute, looking at Wednesday. "You look familiar dear, what's your name?" She asked with a smile. She hesitated once more before answering.

"Wednesday Addams."



"Hm, I may be reaching but is your mother, Morticia Addams?"

Wednesday was surprised this seemingly normal woman somehow knew her mother, "Yes she you, how do you know her? Were you rivals of some sort?"

"No dear, nothing like that. I knew your mother when she was a tad bit older than yourself." May smiled, slightly reminiscing.

"Last time we spoke she was pregnant. How is she?" She asked.

"Good, unfortunately." Wednesday said.

May chuckled, "I nearly forgot the Addams' way of speaking and mannerisms." Wednesday deadpanned at her.

"You got to show me those moves!" Violet gleamed at Wednesday.

"If I had time I would, but I need to be going. I came to get wilted and fresh roses that are ready to get snipped." Wednesday stated.

"Nice to have finally met you Wednesday, if you need anything here's my address." May took out a small notebook and wrote down the necessary details. "Oh, and make sure Morticia gets this message as well dear." May smiled as she handed the paper to Wednesday, who nods.

"Thank you for beating the bully, Wendy." Violet smiled, Wednesday furrowed her brow but didn't speak on it. She walks away as security start to turn the corner of aisle.

Violet smiled as she mimicked Wednesday's moves against the bully, May laughs at her actions and got her attention to continue shopping.

As they walked about their day, a flash of light occurred. A figure lowers the phone, and stares at the picture.

He narrows his eyes his objective in the photo: Violet.

The person grins at it, "Soon... very soon." He thought.


Spider-Man swinged throughout the city, trying to keep his mind off the nightmare he had. It hit too close to home, literally.

"Spider-Sense!" He twists his body around, just in time to dodge a incoming tackle from a flying foe.

"Grah! Curse your sense of awareness!" He said, as Spidey sighed "Really?" He shoots a line of web and pulls, clocking the man across the cheek.

"You sound like a supervillain from the 60s!" He quips, as he kicked off the airborne villain.

"You need to land Adrien! You're getting way too old for this." Vulture sneers, "Such insolence." He speeds toward him and drives his foot on Spider-Man's side, knocking the wind out his lungs.

"Ah!" Spider-Man thiwps two webs out, sticking to the villain's chest. "No no no no!" He panics as the webbed hero twirls his body around.

They spin around in the air, Spider-Man pulls as hard as he could. Increasing their momentum until he lets go of the web, sending Vulture into a spiral and colliding against the side of a building. "Argh!" The villain yelled.

"That's payback for my side big bird!" Spider-Man quips, shooting two web lines next to Vulture's sides and pulls himself in. He kicks the armored chest of Vulture, who feels the dent pressure against his ribs. Making him gasp for air briefly, before using his wings to slash at the hero. "Nope!", Spider-Man dodges.

He punches and spins Vulture onto his front, exposing the source powering the suit. "Ooo, this looks important!" He yanks a piece of metal out, seeing wires and circuitry decorating the inside of the 'backpack' he wore. "Yoink!" He rips out some wires, sparks flying into his mask.

This causes the wings to malfunction and go haywire, folding and unfolding wildly. Before they knew it, they were launched and hurled through the air directionless.

Slamming into buildings and damaging each other at the same time, Spider-Man realizes that he needs to stop this before he costs the city for the damages.

"Alright, let's see if this works." He thought, equipping two of the small devices he was working on when he couldn't sleep. He taps the near-seamless button, a beep sounded out before he sticks it onto the front and back of Vulture's torso. At least a twenty second timer was activated, now all Spider-Man needs to do is web him.

"Please work." He jumps off him and sees the green dressed bird plummet towards the ground, he shoots multiple webs at him and the buildings surrounding him.

Before Vulture could go past the height of light poles, the device finally burst out, sending the villain to a close side of a building.

Webs enveloped him and cocooned his body onto the wall. "Yes!" Spider-Man cheered, catching a web and descending down. "Wooo!" He flips next to the now-downed birdie, "That was a ride I'll never forget." He quips.

"So Adrien, excited to see your cellmates again?" Spider-Man questions, 'laying' on his side and propping his head up with his hand. "Curse you, you damn insect!" He sneers.

"Well, that's not very nice. Didn't mommy teach you that if you had nothing positive to say, you keep quiet?" Adrien went to say something but gets his mouth webbed shut.

"Hush now, time out for you." Sirens are heard coming towards them, Spidey gets ready to swing away. "Well, I enjoyed the play fight, but I gotta go."

"Yo Spider-Fraud!"

Great, one of Jameson's supporters. Spider-Man looks down to see a man with a shirt adorning his mask being crossed out. "Yes, abiding citizen?"

"Let the police do their job!" The random man yelled out, Spidey sighs. "Great."

"We don't need you or your kind!" He said. "Hey, that can be considered as offensive!" Spidey replied, "What if I was from a different country?"

The man was quiet, before he spoke again "... Are you?" He asked. "No. Regardless, you should watch what you say! Especially nowadays on the internet!" Spidey yelled.

"Are you joking? Is everything a joke to you?!" Another exclaimed. "Funny things are." Spidey quipped, about to shoot a web to swing away.

A reporter, ever so conveniently, interjected. "Does that include the disappearance of the original Spider-Man and the death of Alice Winters?"

Everything stops, as Y/n's breathing hitches. Thrown back to what happened that night, he could still remember so vividly. The fires, the destruction, the screams and cries... her blood on his hands, his arms cradling her limp body... his maniacal laughter.

His body slightly twitches, as a cold shiver ran up his spine. He didn't want to remember it, but how could he? No man could.

He was brought out from his train of thought by a can hitting his head. "Ow!" He touches his head, "We don't need you!" Another yelled, as others began to follow behind.

Trash was thrown at him, dirtying up his suit as he did nothing. He wanted to react, to go down there and make them stop. "You're not Spider-Man!" A woman exclaimed.

The urge to go down there and shut them up grew, but he restrained himself. May and Peter wouldn't be proud if he lost control, he can't do that again. Especially since he's swinging on his own.

Three police units stopped in front of the crowd, and went past the crowd to see the muck on the wall around Y/n. The officers don't like him, particularly since the Bugle let out many papers demonizing him. "Get down and put your hands behind your back!" One yelled as he took out his gun. "What? But I helped!" Y/n said.

"I won't ask again!" The leading officer yelled. "I'm just trying to--"

A crowbar was thrown at him, Y/n dodges and looks to see a grumpy old man glaring at him. "Leave us alone you freak!" Y/n clenched his fists and was going to jump down at the man.

However, he took in a large breath and tried to calm down. "One, two, three, four, five." He repeated in his head before he thwipped a web and swings away.

Before he left for the Academy, he wanted to say goodbyes to a couple of friends.

First stop, Hell's Kitchen.


That's all folks. As stated at the top. I'm a bit of a loss of how to transition the setting from New York to Jericho.

I know that I want Y/n to say goodbye to some fellow heroes, but not much else after that.

So, if any of y'all have any suggestions, let me know.

What did you think of this chapter? I don't really like it, seems lackluster (It is).

Luci out!!

Word Count: (3330)

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