
By -greeenn

33.6K 2.3K 1.4K

(Obey Me! Shall We Date? x male reader) In which the odd customers that frequent your shop are unknowingly no... More

(#01) The Cute Barista
(#02) Doze and Dues
(#03) Workplace? Environment
(#04) Stray Curiosities
(#05) A Payment Overdue
(#06) Vague Visions
(#07) Bashful Encounters
(#09) Like Father, Like Son
(#10) Blessings in Disguise

(#08) Distractions 'til Dawn

2.9K 226 136
By -greeenn

→ The Troublesome Feeline

→ Distractions 'til Dawn

→ (#09)

→ (#10)

→ (#11) -

→ (#12)

Blue and yellow eyes.

You couldn't help but stare back at the short child. The blond was lightly panting, looking to be exhausted from his run. With one meek movement of raising his head to better look at you, the kid's beret began to slide off.

You reached a hand out to catch it before it fell.

The male let out an audible gasp before taking the beret from your hand and fixing it back into place. You then placed a hand on Goldie's head, eliciting a satisfied purr in return.

Dismissing the kid's similarity to Mammon's eye color, you gave him a small apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, did he do something to you?"

The young blond breathed deeply, one hand placed above his chest. He shakily points at Goldie. "T-That's...your cat?"

"Ah, well... He's a stray, but I guess so." You rubbed the side of the cat's body with your thumb. "What did he do?"

"He um..." The blond paused. "He from our café..."

His voice gradually grew softer. He couldn't help but feel embarrassment tug at him as the situation gradually dawned on him.

"..." You blinked twice, only to realize. "Oh, the one that opened recently?"

"Yeah! You've heard of us?" Dismissing his exhaustion, the blond smiled brightly. You nodded, your own smile growing. "Yes. I believe it's called... Angel's Halo?"

"Angel's Halo Café!" He added. "Simeon and I work there."

"I see." You stroked Goldie's fur idly. "Ah, again, I apologize for his troublesome misdeed. I can't believe he even got you to run after him all the way here."

"I just got curious because he keeps taking random flowers from our café and runs off somewhere."


Damn, Goldie was a thief?

Wait, he'd been a thief from the start!

All those beautiful flowers were stolen from Angel's Halo Café!

"...So that's where he gets them." You placed a hand on your forehead. "I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." He waved off. "Oh, and um, My name is Luke."

"(M/n)." You introduced, holding a hand out. Luke gleefully shakes it. "Nice to meet you!"


After pulling away from the handshake, Luke caught sight of keys on the hand that also carried the tabby cat. He looked up, reading off the sign of the coffee shop.

"Oh, do you work here?"

"Yes. My mother owns the shop, and I manage it by myself most of the time." You casually informed. Luke's eyes nearly sparkled. "Woah..."

"Don't look so amazed. You and this 'Simeon' fellow also manage a café, right?"

"Yeah! Me and Simeon..." Luke trailed off, looking as though he was pondering. He then flinched. "Ah! I left Simeon back there!"

"Luuuke...!" A calm voice called out.

Soon enough, a tall and attractive brown-haired male with slightly curled tips walked towards your direction, presumably searching for the young blond. Luke waved enthusiastically. "Simeon! Over here!"

Upon the sound of the boy's voice, Simeon perked up and walked towards Luke and his newfound companion. The male's eyes met yours.

Almost instantly, a kind and charming smile graced his features. "Oh? And who might you be?"

"(M/n). I heard this cat of mine has been stealing flowers from your café?" Slight embarrassment tugged at your heart as you spoke.

"Ah, well... I guess so." Smile growing sheepish, Simeon scratched the back of his head. You chuckled. "I'm really sorry about that..."

"Oh, it's fine. We don't really mind. Luke just ran off because he got too curious as to where the cat was bringing the flowers."

"No wonder. He brings me random flowers at various times of the day." You pinched the cat, eliciting a small mewl from him. Simeon chuckled, reaching a hand out, though not making contact, as if he was asking for permission. You smiled. "Go ahead."

With that, Simeon rubbed the top of Goldie's head, receiving a satisfied purr in return.

"Your cat really seems to adore you if he likes to take flowers and bring them to you."

"Just a strange habit he has, I guess." You hummed. Luke grinned, lightly squishing his paw. "What's his name?"

"His name is Goldie."

As soon as the name left your mouth, the duo paused in unison, as if recalling something.

Luke furrowed his brows, repeating the name slowly. "Goldie?"

"Yes, Goldie." You laughed sheepishly, finding the name quite dumb, although it grew on you because of Mammon. "A friend insisted on naming it, and it sort of just stuck."

"It's a...nice name." Simeon remarked. "It just reminded us of someone."

"I see."

The tall brown haired male looked up, seeing the sign of the coffee shop. He directed his gaze back to you. "Oh, do you work here?"

"(M/n) manages the place because his mother owns it." Luke answered for you. You nodded in affirmation.

"Oh! That's nice."

"Have you two just closed? It is quite dark already." You questioned. Simeon nodded with a smile. "Yes. We just finished closing before Luke ran off to chase...Goldie."

"Oh, then you two should be on your way. I've just finished too." You waved at them. Luke grinned, nodding enthusiastically. "Yeah! It was nice seeing you, (M/n)!"

Simeon chuckled. "Yes. It would be lovely to see you again."

You bent down, putting Goldie down and dusting your outfit. You gave them a smile. "It would be. Have a safe trip home."

"You too!"


It was the day after you met 'Lev' and the angel café duo.

From rumors swirling around, you heard Angel's Halo Café had quite the reputation, despite only having opened only recently. You were tempted to visit them, but you figured their closing time was nearly the same as yours, and you were still at work.

A shame, honestly. Maybe you could just visit them when you had the day off.

You broke from your thoughts at the sound of the bell ringing. You straightened up instinctively.

"Good afternoon."

You greeted, looking up from the counter to the door. You were met by a familiar brown-haired male from your thoughts. You paused, only to chuckle.

"Oh, Simeon, right?"

"You remember my name. Good afternoon to you as well, (M/n)." Simeon, once again, blinded you with the angelic smile he bore.

"Are you on break?" You couldn't help but question. He shook his head. "I'm out buying some ingredients on a whim since we ran out of flour..."

"Oh, then is Luke managing the shop with someone?"

"No, it's just him."

"Eh?" You were startled at the news. "You left Luke alone there?"

"Are you concerned?" Simeon chuckled. "Don't worry. Luke is more than capable of running that place. It's a pretty slow day, anyway."

"Are you sure?" You said, half-jokingly. Simeon nodded with a proud grin. "Yes. Luke is quite a talented one."

"Well, if you say so." You shrugged, dropping the subject. "Anyway, if you're out shopping for flour, how exactly did you end up here?"

"Oh, that..." Simeon held a finger up by his cheek, looking a little bashful at the question. Though, maybe it was just your imagination.

"I just... came by. Since your shop is on the way to the market..."

"Oh. That's nice of you to visit." You smiled cheerily at the male.

Much to your confusion, Simeon walked closer to the cashier, taking a seat nearby. You raised a brow.

"I'd like to order an ice thai tea." Simeon sat properly. You blinked twice. "...Are you sure?"

"...Is there an issue?" Simeon questioned innocently. You crossed your arms, the corner of your lips rising in amusement. "I just thought you wouldn't exactly order from here because you have your own café, and because you're supposedly in a rush."

"It's a slow day back at the café, remember? I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem."

"You're an odd one, Simeon." Despite that, you held up your notepad and jotted down his previous order. "Would that be all?"

"...Who makes the pastries you sell here?" Simeon asked out of the blue. You hummed. "I do. Why?"

"Then, I'd like two sets of brownies. That would be all." He relaxed his posture, gazing at you from his spot. You sighed. "Yeah, yeah. To what name would you like me to address it to?"

With a light and charming grin, the male spoke his name. "Simeon."

- - -

The angel was a dear to be around. Like a lot of the odd customers you had nowadays, Simeon was quite talkative. In a positive manner, of course.

As you gave him the box of pastries and the tea he ordered, you sat down and chatted with him as well.

"I find it impressive you're able to run this place on your own." Simeon comments, taking a sip of his tea. You chuckled. "I'm used to it."

"Have you considered hiring someone to help you out?" He questioned. You hummed. "Not really, no. I'll think about it though."

"As long as you don't overwork yourself, that would be fine."

"That's sweet of you, Simeon."

Simeon took a sip of his drink, the corner of his lips up into a pleasant smile. You idly scanned through the many containers, each nearly filled to the brim with products you used. Even without any chatter from the male, you felt comfortable.

Something was different.

About Simeon.

Different from your previous odd customers. He was similar to them, but in a whole other way.

You wondered why.

Perhaps it was because of Simeon's kind and gentle personality.

Without even noticing it, your eyes wandered to the male's features. His face was graced with a contented smile as he held onto the cup. Seeing him satisfied with something you created made your chest lighten with slight pride.

You didn't know for how long you had been staring at the male. Only when his eyes met yours did you snap out of your daze. Though instead of showing you were startled, you merely shot him a smile.


"...Hello?" Simeon returned the greeting with slight bashfulness, chest growing quite odd at the mere sight of the smile thrown his way. How long had you been looking at him?

Did he have something on his face at the moment?

Ahh, that's embarrassing...

Pressing his lips together, he took a napkin and wiped his lips. He cleared his throat. You grinned at the male.

"...Aren't you supposed to be on your way right now?" You casually teased. Simeon looked surprised, only to smile back at you, eyes twinkling in barely visible mischief. "Oh dear. Am I being kicked out this early? I haven't even finished my drink..."

"I couldn't kick you out of this place even if I wanted to." You shook your head with a sigh. Simeon hummed, brow quirking up. "Why's that?"

"Your presence is lovely. I wonder if it contributes to the popularity of your cafe as well."

Simeon's eyes grew wide, genuinely caught off guard by the compliment. Or dare he think, flirtatious remark?

"T-that's nothing at all." The male was a bit slow to retort. You hummed, not missing a beat. "Yes. You're right, I apologize. It's probably because the things you serve are delicious."

"...I owe it to Luke." Simeon took a sip, finding the cold feeling on his fingers a comforting contrast from his now warm face.

"I see you two make a wonderful duo." You were quick to shift the tone as if it was never there. Simeon wondered if he had just heard wrong.

"Well, that's true." Simeon chuckles in a barely audible tone. "Luke is a very talented individual, that I can say confidently."

- - -

Meanwhile, the aforementioned 'talented individual' was now panicking.

The customers weren't exactly much, but Luke knew they were increasing. Even so, how was he supposed to man the cashier while working in the kitchen?!

When Simeon had left, there were barely any customers. About one every ten minutes.

Which was why Luke was pretty confident he could manage the cafe on his own.


But where the heck was Simeon?! It's been an HOUR!

How long does it take to walk to a nearby store and buy some flour?!

Relentlessly dialing the brown-haired male's phone, Luke felt his heart drop as it was declined immediately every time.

"Aaaa... Simeon, what happened to you...?" The angel cried to himself.

Did the male find trouble on the way to the market? Was there a long line or something? Did he trip on the road?

Or worse.

He got run over or something!?

Luke's eyes widened in horror.

His finger flew to two other contacts.





- - -

Your's and Simeon's chat went a long way.

Ranging from cats that his friend snuck in his room, to nearly fatal and deadly cooking, to random recipes and tricks.

In turn, you told him about the recent odd customers you'd been having. You didn't disclose their names and appearance. Yet somehow with the events and personality given, Simeon told you they reminded him of various friends of his.

Your chats were cut whenever someone ordered something, though Simeon was more than willing to wait.

"What would you do if a friend of yours asked for your help in the kitchen and the next thing you know, your stove is somehow broken?" Simeon questioned. You shrugged. "I'd kick them out, perhaps? Is the stove prone to gas leaks after at least?"

"...I don't think so?"

"...You mean you didn't...check?"

"...Oh dear."

"Simeon, is this a hypothetical question?"

"But it's been two weeks, and nothing's happened yet....?"

"...I guess that's alright, I guess. You should totally check it out when you get the chance."

"Yes, I really should. Thank you." Simeon let out a stressed sigh. You resisted the urge to pat his back in comfort, partly because you were separated by a whole counter and it would just end up looking weird.

"Anyway, do you know how he managed to break the stove?"

"No. I can't even begin to connect his actions as he is too unpredictable..." Simeon frowned. "Another time, I suggested we make pancakes. They're simple, so I figured..."

"Uh huh. And...?" A smile crawled upon your lips, excited for the rest.

"I turned to prepare a few items and when I came back, the batter was bright red." Simeon crossed his arms at the memory as you suppressed a laugh.

"He put some hot sauce in for a little 'spice'. Then a few chopped up watermelons so it would be 'refreshing'."

"Did, cook it at least?"

"No, I had Luke throw it away. That thing was probably a hazard." Simeon's smile grew back. You deadpanned at the swift change in expression. "How wise."

Your small chat was cut as a customer stood up. She had been sitting there for a few minutes earlier. With your usual polite smile, you greeted,

"Good afternoon."

The customer greets you back and cites her order to you. After the short interaction was done, the customer sat nearby.

As you prepared to make a caffe mocha, you could faintly hear the customer talking to Simeon.

"...Hey, aren't you the person who works at Angel's Halo cafe?"

"Ah. Yes, I am." You could practically hear the smile on Simeon's face as he spoke.

"Ohh! I thought you looked familiar. I ate there with my friend yesterday. I must say, your desserts are the best!"

"Why thank you. That's wonderful to hear."

"My friend was wondering if you were single too."


"But don't worry. I'll tell her you're not!" She spoke, voice a little raised presumably in excitement. The corner of your lips rose, amused.

'Oh, Simeon's taken-?'

"You and the barista here make a very cute couple!"

You nearly dropped the caffe mocha in progress, startled. Relief flooded you as you managed to catch it in time. You nearly burned your hand in the process though.

"What?" Simeon sounded confused, voice considerably lighter than before. Not wanting to be distracted, you pour the frothed milk onto the cup and swiftly finish the order.

"With all those rumors surrounding your cafe, I have faith that your relationship will go well. I-"

"I believe your order is ready, Miss." You quickly presented the take out caffe mocha to the duo chatting. She paused, only to smile. "Ahh, thank you. I wish you luck in your relationship!"

And with that, the female left, the bell ringing as the door closed.

You sat down slowly.

Silence ensued between the two of you, filled with noise from other customers.

Both of you didn't really fail to realize that the customer mistook you and Simeon to be a couple.

After a few moments, you turned to look at Simeon, only to be surprised to see his eyes on you. He quickly averted his eyes. You sighed inaudibly.


"What's there to apologize about?" The male chuckled shyly. You laughed shortly. "Just felt appropriate. Just ignore her assumption."

"Of course. I thought the same."

"...Are you offended?"

"Quite the opposite." He paused. "It's an honor to be thought of as"

He trailed off. You couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer bashfulness.

Well, you did only just meet yesterday.

"What a coincidence. I thought the same but with you."

You grabbed your notepad and stood up. Simeon perked up at your action.

"I have to remind myself to do a supply check before I leave later." You muttered to yourself. You then paused.

Brows furrowed, you turned to Simeon. "Speaking of which, what happened to making a quick trip to the store to buy flour for your café?"

"Oh, it's only been..." The brunett glanced down at his watch, only to widen his eyes. He flinched back, startled. "Three hours!?"

"...Wait, really?" You glanced up at the clock by the door, only to find that indeed, it had been more than three hours or so since Simeon entered the shop.

The sky was already darkening outside, much to your and Simeon's dismay. He stood up hurriedly, taking the dozen of brownies he bought earlier. He shuffles in his bag, much to your confusion.

With that realization, you figured he would've just bolted out of the door. Instead, he took out his wallet and placed down a bill. You were startled.

"Wh- Simeon, you've paid earlier already!"

"I'm tipping you." He laughed, fixing the strap of his mini bag on his shoulder. He put his wallet back into place and pulled up the zipper. You stood up as well. "You don't need to do that. I just distracted you for three hours!"

"It's fine. I enjoyed your company. Perhaps a little too much." He flashed you a quick smile, he swiftly made his way out, the door jingling when he pulled it open. Though, just before he left entirely, he looked back one last time, waving goodbye. You could only watch as he departed.

You looked down at his nearly empty glass, melted ice lingering at the bottom. Droplets of water were on the outside, a result of condensation.

Looking down at where Simeon sat just a few moments ago, you took hold of his used glass.

With a sigh, you weakly squeezed the item.

It felt as though the room grew colder at the warm male's departure.


As you went back to put away Simeon's glass, the customer's words earlier popped into your mind idly.

"You and the barista here make a very cute couple!"

That was a ridiculous take.

How can anyone assume you and Simeon were a couple when you only just met yesterday?

It wasn't like any of your interactions crossed the border of platonic and romantic.

Well, sort of...


Perhaps only certain parts of your conversation, maybe.


Ah shit, you flirted with him a few times, didn't you?

At the sudden realization, your palm rose to slap yourself in the forehead.



A young blond angel tapped his foot against the wood floor, arms crossed above his chest as he glared up at the brown-haired male.

Simeon scratched the back of his head sheepishly, awaiting the short male's wrath.


And so, he waited.


Though, nothing came. Just a look of disapproval amidst Luke's glare.

Unsure of what to do, Simeon laughed nervously. "Luke, I-"

"What took you?!"

The young angel shouted angrily. Simeon felt a shiver run down his spine. His heart grew heavy at the feeling of guilt.

" distracted."

"You were gone for four hours!"

"I'm sorry, Luke." Simeon bowed his head slightly, cheeks rising slightly. "I know I said I'd make a quick trip to the market, but I couldn't help myself."

"I tried calling you twenty one times!"

"...You were?" Simeon frowns, shuffling through his small bag and taking out his phone.

True to his words, Simeon's phone was bombarded with many messages and missed calls. Not only from Luke, but from various other people asking the same thing. Luke must've called everyone else to ask.

He glanced up at the top, seeing the small familiar icon due to him accidentally having done it before.

Simeon grimaced. "Ah...I seem to have put it on 'airplane mode'..."

"You think so!?" Luke narrowed his eyes. "And it's not just airplane mode, you also put it on 'do-not-disturb'!"

Three and a half hours of fretting over Simeon was wasted, his concern proving to be quite useless after all.

Solomon and Barbatos stood by the sidelines, watching Simeon get blatantly scolded by the short angel.

It was quite the amusing sight to see Simeon the one being scolded.

"I..." Luke took a deep breath. "...Did you even get the flour?"

"..." Simeon looked away, face ridden with prominent guilt.

"What could've possibly distracted you from buying flour for four hours...?" Luke's anger subsided a bit. He placed a hand on his forehead in slight frustration.

Simeon smiled sheepishly. "Just...a friend."

The brunett shifted his attention to the duo spectators. "Anyway, thank you two for helping Luke out while I was gone."

"Don't 'anyway' me just yet!" Luke huffed. "Who's this friend you got distracted by from buying flour for four hours?"

"It was just...(M/n)."

Both Solomon and Barbatos perked up silently at the name as Luke furrowed his brows in thought.

"(M/n)..." He pondered on the name.

"That nice guy we met yesterday with the cat thief?"

Barbatos placed a hand under his chin, prompting Solomon's gaze to flicker to him.

Neither said a word.

Simeon sheepishly nodded. "Yes. I was only supposed to stop by and greet him since his shop was by the market, but distracted."

Luke slowly processed the information. Not wanting to raise a possible misunderstanding, Simeon immediately followed up.

"Oh! But please do not blame (M/n) for it. I was the one distracting both of us, if anything."

"...Whatever. Let's just close up." Luke huffed before turning around and marching away to the back.

Simeon frowned, placing a hand on his cheek. "Ahh, I really upset Luke, didn't I?"

"Well, Luke could hardly focus on his job, so he called me and Barbatos over." Solomon gestured to the butler.

The sorcerer frowned. "I was happy to take over in the kitchen, but he was insistent on having me be a server instead."

"...Yes." Barbatos looked away from the sorcerer. "You should apologize when he isn't upset anymore."

"I will. You both truly have my gratitude for helping Luke around here while I was preoccupied."

"It's fine." Solomon waved dismissively. "Anyway, what's that?"

He pointed at the two boxes in Simeon's grasp. Reminded of the item, Simeon lifted them and placed them down on the counter.

"Brownies. I bought a few from the coffee shop I stopped by." He informed. "I was planning to give them to Luke."

"Ohh, from (M/n), right?" Solomon sent him a playful grin. The angel raised a brow. "You know him?"

"You mentioned his name earlier."


Simeon looked down awkwardly before shrugging the matter away. Barbatos closed his eyes.

Simeon took out a box and left the other. "Well, would you two like some? I'll leave the other box for Luke."

"I'll take some." Solomon walked closer.

Barbatos hummed, a small smile gracing his features. "I'd like some as well."

"...Oh! Before I forget, I should try to remember checking on the stove later..." Simeon muttered to himself. Solomon raised a brow. "The stove? Why?"

Simeon paused.


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