Paranoid Girlfriend[GL] - (Tr...

By An-errr

340K 17.8K 1.3K

Dai Shiyuan has a girlfriend who is very beautiful, with gentle eyebrows and eyes. Every time she calls her "... More

Sister-in-law 2
Sister-in-law 3
Sister-in-law 4
Sister-in-law 5
Sister-in-law 6
Sister-in-law 7
Sister-in-law 8
Sister-in-Law 9
Sister-in-Law 10
Sister-in-law 11
Sister-in-law 12
Sister-in-law 13
Sister-in-law 14
Sister-in-law 15
Sister-in-Law 16
Sister-in-law 17
Sister-in-Law 18
Sister-in-law 19
Sister-in-Law 20
Sister-in-law 21
Sister-in-law 22
Sister-in-law 23
Chapter 24 Teacher 1
Chapter 25 Teacher 2
Chapter 26: Teacher 3
Chapter 27 Teacher 4
Chapter 28 Teacher 5
Chapter 29 Teacher 6
Chapter 30 Teacher 7
Chapter 31, Teacher 8
Chapter 32 Teacher 9
Chapter 33 Teacher 10
Chapter 34 Teacher 11
Chapter 35 Teacher 12
Chapter 36 Teacher 13
Chapter 37 Teacher 14
Chapter 38 Teacher 15
Chapter 39 Teacher 16
Chapter 40 Teacher 17
Chapter 41 Teacher 18
Chapter 42 Teacher 19
Chapter 43 Teacher 20
Chapter 44 Teacher 21
Chapter 45 Teacher 22
Chapter 46 Teacher 23
Chapter 47 Teacher 24
Chapter 48 Teacher 25
Chapter 49 Teacher 26
Chapter 50 Teacher 27
Chapter 51 Teacher 28
Chapter 52 Teacher 28
Chapter 53 Teacher 30
Chapter 54 Teacher 31
Chapter 55 Teacher 32
Chapter 56 Teacher 33
Chapter 57 Teacher 34
Chapter 58 Teacher 35
Chapter 59 Teacher 36
Chapter 60 Teacher 37
Chapter 61 Teacher 38
Chapter 62 Teacher 39
Chapter 63 Teacher 40
Chapter 64 Teacher 41
Chapter 65 Teacher 42
Chapter 66 Teacher 43
Chapter 67 Teacher 44
Chapter 68 Teacher 45
Chapter 69 Teacher 46
Chapter 70 Teacher 47
Chapter 71 Teacher 48
Chapter 72 Teacher 49
Chapter 73 Teacher 50
Chapter 74 Teacher 51
Chapter 75 Teacher 52
Chapter 76 Teacher 53
Chapter 77 Teacher 54
Chapter 78 Teacher 55
Chapter 79 Teacher 56
Chapter 80 Teacher 57
Chapter 81 Shan Yaxin 1
Chapter 82 Shan Yaxin 2
Chapter 83 Shan Yaxin 3
Chapter 84 Shan Yaxin 4
Chapter 85 Shan Yaxin 5
Chapter 86 Shan Yaxin 6
Chapter 87 Shan Yaxin 7
Chapter 88 Shan Yaxin 8
Chapter 89 Shan Yaxin 9
Chapter 90 Shan Yaxin 10
Chapter 91 Shan Yaxin 11
Chapter 92 Shan Yaxin 12
Chapter 93 Shan Yaxin 13
Chapter 94 Shan Yaxin 14
Chapter 95 Shan Yaxin 15
Chapter 96 Shan Yaxin 16
Chapter 97 Shan Yaxin 17
Chapter 98 Shan Yaxin 18
Chaparral 99 Shan Yaxin 19
Chapter 100 Shan Yaxin 20
Chapter 101 Shan Yaxin 21
Chapter: 102 Shan Yaxin 22
Chapter 103: Shan Yaxin 23
Chapter 104: Shan Yaxin 24
Chapter 105: Shan Yaxin 25
Chapter 106: Shan Yaxin 26
Chapter 107: Shan Yaxin 27
Chapter 108: Shan Yaxin 28
Chapter 109: Shan Yaxin 29
Chapter 110: Shan Yaxin 30
Chapter 111: Shan Yaxin 31
Chapter 112: Shan Yaxin 32
Chapter 113: Shan Yaxin 33
Chapter 114: Shan Yaxin 34
Chapter 115: Shan Yaxin 35
Chapter 116: Shan Yaxin 36
Chapter 117: Shan Yaxin 37
Chapter 118: Shan Yaxin 38
Chapter 119: Shan Yaxin 39
Chapter 120: Shan Yaxin 40
Chapter 121: Shan Yaxin 41
Chapter 122: Shan Yaxin 42
Chapter 123: Shan Yaxin 43
Chapter 124: Shan Yaxin 44
Chapter 125: Shan Yaxin 45
Chapter 126: Shan Yaxin 46
Chapter 127: Shan Yaxin 47
Chapter 128: Shan Yaxin 48
Chapter 129: Shan Yaxin 49
Chapter 130: Shan Yaxin 50
Chapter 131: Shan Yaxin 51
Chapter 132: Shan Yaxin 52
Chapter 133: Shan Yaxin 53
Chapter 134: Shan Yaxin 54
Chapter 135: Shan Yaxin 55
Chapter 136: Shan Yaxin 56
Chapter 137: Shan Yaxin 57
Chapter 138: Shan Yaxin 58
Chapter 139: Shan Yaxin 59
Chapter 140: Shan Yaxin 60
Chapter 141: Shan Yaxin 61
Chapter 142: Shan Yaxin 62
Chapter 143: Shan Yaxin 63
Chapter 144: Shan Yaxin 64
Chapter 145: Shan Yaxin 65
Chapter 146: Shan Yaxin 66
Chapter 147: Shan Yaxin 67
Chapter 148: Girlfriend 1
Chapter 149: Girlfriend 2
Chapter 150: Girlfriend 3
Chapter 151: Girlfriend 4
Chapter 152: Girlfriend 5
Chapter 153: Girlfriend 6
Chapter 154: Girlfriend 7
Chapter 155: Girlfriend 8
Chapter 156: Girlfriend 9
Chapter 157: Girlfriend 10
Chapter 158: Extra 1
Chapter 159: Extra 2
Chapter 160: Extra 3
Chapter 161: Extra 4

Sister-in-law 1

10.8K 230 22
By An-errr

In a dreamlike room with an exquisite decoration, a girl who appeared to be around 18 years old sat in front of the mirror and raised her hand to her smooth and tender face...and pinched it hard.

"Ouch, it really hurts...I can't believe this is not a dream," the person in the mirror showed an expression of disbelief, and her beautiful and delicate face was slightly distorted.

Looking at the three big characters "Dai Shiyuan" on the art award certificate next to the mirror, the girl's eyes flickered with a hint of confusion.

The name on this certificate was the same as hers, but the face on it was completely different.

The big eyes, pointed chin, and delicate skin made her couldn't help but sigh, "Youth is so good."

She had graduated and worked for two years, but now suddenly became an 18-year-old girl, who still appeared to be a wealthy family's daughter.

Dai Shiyuan was a little stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to be happy or frightened.

She remembered that she was crossing the street at that time, and suddenly a car appeared and hit her.

The car was moving too fast that she didn't even have time to feel the pain before passing out.

She thought she would wake up in the hospital, but instead, she found herself in such a strange and mysterious environment.

The room was filled with expensive Barbie dolls, various designer clothes, and bags, all of which looked beyond her salary level.

Dai Shiyuan tapped her forehead with her hand, closed her eyes for a few seconds, and then let out a heavy sigh.

Looking out of the window, she could see a huge lawn and an outdoor swimming pool, which were typical features of a luxurious villa.

In her sight, she saw a woman wearing a dress watering the flowers with her back facing her, and she couldn't see her face clearly.

After watching for a while, Dai Shiyuan quietly closed the window and looked around the room, finally spotting her mobile phone on the bed.

She felt happy and quickly picked up the phone without thinking about why the phone was so old-fashioned.

"Sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service..."

"Not in service?" Dai Shiyuan frowned, confirming the number and redialing it, but it was still not in service.

She was puzzled and a little panicked, and began dialing her leaders and company's phone numbers, but all of them were not in service.

This fact made Dai Shiyuan frown even tighter, and she became anxious, gripping her phone tightly with her youthful face full of worry.

Suddenly she glanced at the date on the screen: July 20, 2010. Dai Shiyuan was shocked and almost dropped her phone.

Was she... back ten years ago?

And transported into a rich family's home?

This speculation was like a thunderbolt that stunned Dai Shiyuan's brain, and she became a little confused.

Such a bizarre thing, she had only seen it on TV before, but now it was actually happening to her!

She needed to calm down...

After staring blankly for a while, Dai Shiyuan put down her phone and got up to look around the room, unexpectedly finding a notebook.

She flipped open the notebook and saw that the first page was filled with a person's name.

Staring at the unfamiliar yet familiar name for a long time, Dai Shiyuan's pupils contracted, and a more fanciful idea popped up in her mind.

It seemed like she had traveled into the book...

This book was recommended to her by a colleague and was a typical wealthy family melodrama. At the beginning of the story, the female lead was looked down upon by the male lead's family and suffered from all kinds of misunderstandings and bullying. However, with her kindness and efforts, she eventually won their acceptance.

The male lead's younger sister, on the other hand, met a tragic end. She constantly schemed and framed the female lead in the early part of the story, but in the later part, she was slapped and scolded by the male lead's family and was almost universally reviled like a dirty mouse.

The female lead forgave everyone who had bullied her, except for this younger sister, who was eventually sent to prison for her wrongdoing.

However, before she could reach the prison, she went insane and was hit and killed by a car on the road.

The name of this malicious younger sister was exactly the same as hers!

Dai Shiyuan's heart trembled, and her expression became serious.

She didn't want to be hit by a car again...

She didn't want to die...

Dai Shiyuan pressed her forehead and suppressed her panic. She continued to flip through the notebook, becoming increasingly puzzled as she read on.

This notebook doesn't have any diary entries, just one name repeated over and over again.

It's clear that the writer used a lot of force, as the paper is cut through many times.

Between the lines, one can feel that the writer harbors resentment towards this name.

On the last page of the notebook, there's only one sentence: "Shan Yaxin, even if you become my sister-in-law, one day, I will still drive you out!"

Upon seeing the term "sister-in-law," Dai Shiyuan suddenly widened her eyes, her fingers trembling slightly, and her last bit of hope shattered.

She could be certain that she had just transmigrated into this melodramatic, wealthy family abuse novel!

And even worse, she has become the pitiful younger sister-in-law with a tragic ending!

At the thought of the impending death awaiting her, Dai Shiyuan panicked a little.

She didn't want to die, she wanted to live well...

Dai Shiyuan took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

Sitting there, she pondered for a moment, then had a flash of inspiration and began to destroy the evidence.

This notebook absolutely cannot be seen by anyone, especially not the female lead, or her fate will be very miserable.

After tearing until her hands were sore, she finally destroyed the evidence.

Dai Shiyuan rubbed her slightly sore neck and arms, and a smile appeared on her delicate face.

She remembered that her current identity was just a recent high school graduate, and come September, she would be a college student.

As long as she filled out her college application to a school outside the province and avoided any contact with the female lead, she should be able to avoid tragedy.

As a result of her clever decision, Dai Shiyuan's excited heart was beating with joy, her eyes sparkling as if they were filled with starlight.

The college application book was underneath her pillow, and some parts of it were marked in red. Dai Shiyuan checked it and quickly eliminated the local university choices marked in red circles. She believed that the best way to start a good chapter in life was to stay far away from the female lead, and the farther, the better.

Dai Shiyuan smiled happily and chose a few very distant places, places where she wouldn't come back for a year.

Just as she was thrilled with her decision, there was a knock on the door. Dai Shiyuan's smile froze, and her innocent-looking eyes blinked twice.

She didn't know who was knocking on the door, and what if someone found out about the body swapping? The possibility of being discovered made Dai Shiyuan's heart race, and she thought hard for a way to handle the situation.

But she couldn't come up with a good solution.

The knocking continued, like a death knell, making her heart race even faster. Dai Shiyuan's hands tightened on the book, her small face tense.

Suddenly, the door was opened, revealing a smooth and tender white arm. Dai Shiyuan's pupils contracted, and she instinctively held her breath.

The thick college application book fell to the ground with a loud "clang," which sounded particularly loud in the quiet room.

Dai Shiyuan sensed the smell of danger, unconsciously shrinking her body, and all over her body, goosebumps suddenly attacked, directly chilling her heart.

It was this seemingly gentle woman who would eventually mercilessly send her to prison, no matter how she begged and cried for mercy, this person would not let her go.

In Dai Shiyuan's mind, this terrifying scene kept playing back, and her heart rate once again began to violently beat out of control.

She didn't hear what the person in front of her was saying at all, her mind was full of her miserable future.

She didn't want to be locked up in prison...

She didn't want to go crazy and be run over by a car...

Suddenly, a hand reached out to her, as if to drag her down to hell.

Dai Shiyuan instinctively retreated onto the bed, staring and shouting, "Don't come any closer!"

That hand really stopped, and Dai Shiyuan quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The next second, that hand touched her forehead.

Daishi Yuan tensed up instantly, her eyebrows furrowed unconsciously.

"Xiaoyuan, you seem to have a slight fever..." Dan Yaxin's pretty eyebrows furrowed lightly, her voice extremely gentle. "Let me get you some medicine."

After saying that, she withdrew her hand and stood up, planning to leave.

"Hiss..." Dai Shiyuan suddenly crumpled her small face, and a painful sound came from her pale lips.

Translator's note: Hi everyone.

If you are satisfied with my translation, I would greatly appreciate it if you could consider sending me a monetary contribution of any amount, even as little as ₱1. You can send the amount through GCash to this number: 09202881825. Your kind support will not only help me achieve my goal of graduating from college but also motivate me to continue translating the next chapters and finish them with enthusiasm. Thank you very much for your consideration and support. I love you all 😘.

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