๐๐ž๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž๐ | scream

Par deathcup1d

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๐ˆ๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฒ๐ž๐š๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ” ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฑ ๐ก๐ข๐ ๐ก ๐ฌ๐œ๐ก๐จ๐จ๐ฅ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ, ๐€๐ฌ๐ก๐ฅ๐ž๐ฒ ๐Œ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐ซ, ๐“๐š๐ญ... Plus

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Par deathcup1d

" — 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌! : 𝐝 𝐞 𝐫 𝐚 𝐧 𝐠 𝐞 𝐝
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟎𝟔 | 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐲 "

- Ashley Miller -

Walking back out the bathroom I made my way to my room and to my surprise the two boys were still in the same positions I left them in. "First of all what the fuck are you doing here and secondly how the hell did you guys get in?" I asked, drying my dark brown hair with the towel. "We came cause we missed you Ash." Stu explained. "Your garage window was open." Billy simply added and I mentally swore at myself, I needed to be more careful considering there was a crazy murderer after me. "You know, you should sing more, it's cute." Billy spoke up, my face instantly went red due to the embarrassment, rolling my eyes to try and brush it off I opened my mouth to speak.

"Do you guys not have girlfriends you'd rather spend time with?" I asked, sitting myself down on the only chair in my room. "Tatum has a family dinner." Stu excused but I knew he was telling the truth, if he wasn't I'd probably be on call with her now. "What about you what's your excuse?" I asked Billy, my gaze shifting to him, he was staring back at me. "Sidney and I broke up." He told me, my mouth gaped, I didn't expect that answer. "What?" I asked in disbelief. "She broke up with me this morning, said that I didn't like her anymore and she was right." The boy explained so unbothered. "Oh I'm surprised she didn't tell Tatum or me." I spoke up, chipping the cracked nail polish off my nails the room fell silent.

This was awkward.

"Sucks to suck man but guess what?" Stu spoke up as he threw the white teddy bear and Billy's head, a giggle escaped my lips at the action, it was pretty comical. "What is it you fuck?" The other boy asked, clearly pissed. "Why don't we play a game?" Stu spoke up, that devilish grin resting on his lips. "What game?" I asked in curiosity. "Truth or Dare." Stu answered. I thought about it for a second, it didn't seem to be a bad choice. It was better than sitting in silence until they left. "Alright." I spoke up, making my way towards the bed I sat myself down between the two boys and hugged a soft pillow. "Who's going first?" I asked the two boys. "I'll go first since it was my idea." The tall boy spoke up.

"Truth or Dare?" Billy asked him. "Dare." Stu answered, Billy and I exchanged looks as we thought of something Stu could do. Opening my mouth about to say the dare that came to mind Billy beat me to it. "Give Ashley a hickey." The boy spoke and my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "What?" I almost yelled as I turned my head to look at Billy then back at Stu. "N-no he has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend!" I stated. "It's fine, what Tate won't know wouldn't hurt her same goes for dickhead Nick." Billy backed up, he glanced over at Stu who had a cheeky lopsided smile on his face. "Come here Ash I promise to make it quick." The tall boy informed. I glanced back and forth between the two boys until I eventually gave in, I didn't want to chicken out, especially since my ego would be hurt.

It's just a hickey.

"Fine." I mumbled, Stu crawled over to me his legs on either side of me, he slipped the silk sleeve off my shoulder and leaned in. My heart beat faster and faster as his lips got closer and closer to my warm skin. Once his cold lips came in contact with the sensitive skin in the crook of my neck my breath hitched, I could tell Stu noticed it as his smile could be felt against my skin. At first he placed sweet, small kisses around the area, all that could be heard was his kisses and my heavy breathing, then he started to suck on the area. Biting my lower lip to contain any noises to escape my lips I grasped the hem of Stu's grey shirt. Closing my eyes I tried my best to zone everything out, just as I thought it was over his lips attacked that same sensitive spot. "Stu." I whispered, I tried to push him off me gently but he just hummed in response, I could feel the vibration of his throat as he did.

Feeling the tall boys lips detach from my neck I opened my eyes, they met with Stu's blue ones which seemed to be playful yet so lustful. Pulling the sleeve back up I cleared my throat. "That was hot as hell Ashley." Stu stated as he sat back down onto the bed. Glancing over at Billy whose eyes were practically shooting darts at Stu, he fixed his posture. "I'm next." I spoke up trying to change the tension in the air. There was clearing something going on between the two but I chose not to point it out. "Truth or dare Ashley?" Billy asked, running his fingers through his messily styled curtain bangs. Letting out a hum I tried to think of what to do. "Dare." I answered. I noticed Stu's face instantly light up as the word escaped my lips. "Tease Billy for sixty seconds." The tall boy stated, my eyes widened to his words once again but I wanted to take this opportunity and take revenge on him for making Stu giving me a hickey. "Alright then Stu." I told him, running my hands through my hair I crawled over to Billy. "Start counting Stuart." I teased the other boy.

Oh how I loved teasing boys.

It was one of the things I was good at since I didn't do it often.

Straddling the dirty blonde haired boy I wrapped my arms around his neck, I kept eye-contact with him the entire time, his dilated dark pupils were filled with lust. "You know Billy I could always do much better than Sidney, I know she has no sex drive." I whispered, the flirtatious eye-contact still remaining. Slowly, almost unnoticeable, I began moving my hips against his lower half. I heard a soft groan from the boy underneath me. "Billy boy you could do so, so much better." I whispered, leaning in slowly my gaze shifted from his eyes to his lips and then back at his eyes. He did the same. I could feel Billy's hands wrap around my waist, stopping me from moving, but I ignored it. I kept on doing it for these tension filled sixty seconds. Feeling Billy's hot breath against my lips I allowed a flirty grin appear on my lips. "Times up!" Stu spoke from behind me.

Instantly stopping what I was doing I easily escaped Billy's grasp and high-five'd Stu. "That was sexy Ash." The tall boy exclaimed which boosted my ego slightly. "If you pay me enough I could probably give him more than sixty seconds." I told him. Running my hands through my hair I glanced at Billy who seemed to be slightly lost of words.

I assume he didn't expect that.

Though, everything I said to him was a lie.

Most of it anyway.

"Billy it's your turn." I told him. "Truth or dare man?" Stu asked as he licked his lower lip, wetting his slightly chapped lips. "Dare." Billy answered without a second thought. "Perfect." I whispered. Thinking about what to make Billy do an idea came to mind. "Make out with Ashley for thirty seconds." Stu spoke up and my eyebrows rose. Smacking the tall boys arm repeatedly I was definitely going to get him back one day for this. "He literally just broke up with his girlfriend this morning." I defended myself. "So? He won't be guilty." The boy argued. "Don't worry Ashley I won't bite." Billy spoke up which caused my gaze shift to him instantly.

Billy crawled on the bed over to me, he hovered above me, his legs on either side of me. My throat went dry, not even forty eight hours ago I was blaming him for being the murderer and now I had given him a teasing session and he was about to make out with me. The two of us made eye-contact and for a split second I glanced over at Stu who was watching the two of us. Billy grabbed my chin gently and moved my face so I would be looking at him. "I'm here sweetheart, keep your eyes on me." He whispered, his voice was flirtatious but also held jealousy. Billy leaned down but stopped practically less than an inch away, I could feel the warmth of his breath against my lips which were practically craving to feel his soft touch against my own.

This is so wrong.

But I loved every second of it.

Billy took a few more seconds which were torturous until he finally gave in and our lips connected. It felt like fireworks went off in my stomach, the kiss wasn't sweet, instead it was passionate and aggressive. The boy on top of me wasted no time to slip his tongue into my mouth, my eyes slightly widened at the action but they closed up pretty quick when I felt his cold hands run through my damp hair. Kissing back I wrapped my arms around his waist, my hands grasped his dark blue shirt, it crinkled up in my hands, our lips moved in sync. I didn't know why but I wished these thirty seconds lasted longer or I wished Stu forgot how to count, I could feel my skin getting warmer and warmer by the second. I hadn't made out like this with someone in ages and I loved every single second of it.

A soft groan escaped my lips as I started to get out of breath but Billy didn't stop, he kept his lips onto mine. "And times up!" Stu spoke up, Billy lifted his lips off mine but kept his gaze onto them. Practically gasping for air I looked over at Stu then back at Billy who was still hovering above me. "That wasn't half bad Ashley Miller." Billy spoke as he sat back down on the bed, his back leaning against the bed frame. "Couldn't say the same for you, I've had much, much better." I remarked, hoping to get under his skin. "Anyways Stu you sure you were counting because that felt way longer than thirty seconds." I asked and that cheeky grin appeared on his lips. "I may of let it go on for a few more seconds." The tall boy admitted, rolling my eyes I ran my fingers through my hair to fix it. "These actions do not and I mean do not leave this room." I spoke up as Nick and Tatum came to mind.

I felt like I had committed a sin.

But it wasn't my idea.

Peer pressure.

Yawning I covered my mouth quickly since I didn't want to look un-lady-like. Earning a glare from the two boys I opened my mouth to speak. "What? It's literally midnight can't I feel sleepy?" I asked whilst grabbing the stuffed bunny and hugging it close to my chest. "Nah we're not complaining." Stu spoke up as he stood from the bed and started to walk around me room, he looked at all the photos I had stuck around the room. "I remember this one." He stated as he pointed at it. "Halloween 1994." I informed him. It was a picture of all six of us dressed up as various scary movie villains, however Tatum dressed up as a princess every year.

Billy also stood up from the bed and started to spectate the photo wall I had. "Is that your mom?" He asked as he pointed to a picture of me when I was seven and my mother holding onto me. "Yeah that's her." I spoke, slightly ashamed, it wasn't any secret that my mother used to abuse me before she died. Almost everyone in this town knew about it but after she died last year nobody brought it up. "Honestly Ash she deserved to die after what she did to you for the sixteen years of your life." Stu spoke up and Billy instantly smacked his stomach. "Sensitivity you helpless fuck." Billy stated whilst looking at me, mouthing a sorry. "It's alright, I won't deny it." I paused. "She made most of my life pretty much shitty." I added whilst playing with ends of my almost dried hair. "Is that the one from my birthday?" Stu spoke up and I nodded, this one was at Stu's massive house, the six of us had an entire movie marathon that night and none of us even slept for a second.

"Is that us?" Billy asked as he noticed a picture of him and Stu hid behind a picture of my dad and I. "Yeah I took it when you guys didn't know." I answered honestly. "It was summer last year before my mum died, it was when you guys had a water fight with Sid and Tate." I explained whilst licking my bottom lip which felt dry. "I look hot." Stu remarked causing a giggle to escape my lips. "It's the only way I can remember all the memories we have." I spoke. "Cause people don't last but memories do you know?" I thought out loud, Stu and Billy stopped admiring the picture wall and looked at me. "For example, if I died when that crazy killer attacked me, in a few years none of you guys would remember me unless you guys kept pictures of me." I stated swallowing the saliva in my mouth. "But you won't die like that Ashley." Stu stated as he sat back down on the bed next to me. Billy also followed and sat on the other side. "We won't let that happen." The dirty blonde boy stated. A subtle smile rested on my face. "You know you guys aren't as bad as I thought you were." I spoke up honestly.

Gaining a smile from the two boys sat of both sides of me I closed my eyes and rested my head against the bed frame. Many memories flashed through my mind, good ones and bad ones. Opening my eyes back open I noticed the two boys were just staring up at my ceiling. "Ash we're gonna get going." Stu spoke up. "Alright I'll see you guys on Saturday then." I replied. Watching the two boys get up from my bed and open my window to my room I quickly opened my mouth to speak. "Just take the front door." I told them but the two of them just simply laughed. "Where's the fun in that Ashley?" Billy stated. Rolling my eyes at the two of them I watched as they climbed out my window, Stu gave me a quick wave before they were no where to be seen.

They were strange.

But a good type of strange.


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