Power Rangers Crystal Blades

By CrystalDragon0937

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Power Rangers Canine Force. Next, Super Canine Force. Then, Mythic Knights. After that, Mythic Knight Heroes... More

1 Hour Episode Beginning: New Year, New Fight
Episode 1: Crystal Blade Power
Episode 2: New Jobs
Episode 3: The Sing-Off
Episode 4: Talent Tragedy
Episode 5: A Pest Problem
Episode 6: Couple's Counseling
Episode 7: Reverse Psychology
Episode 8: This is a Robbery!!!
Episode 9: Horror Movie Horror
Episode 10: A Popstar's Fame
The Diamond Blades
Episode 11: Sports Day
Episode 12: The Sweets Competition
Episode 13: Rubble the Genius
Episode 15: Flu Season
More Character Designs
Episode 16: Detective Chase on the Case
Episode 17: On Screen
Episode 18: Picture Day
Episode 19: The Reveal
Episode 20: Trust
Coming Soon: Crystal Blades, the Movie

Episode 14: Ice Dancing Vs Ice Hockey

93 1 0
By CrystalDragon0937

Prank Opening: The Mumdinger

In New Adventure Bay high history class, the Rangers and the other students were watching Humdinger sleeping on his desk while they do a worksheet assignment. Eventually, the Rangers finished the worksheet and had nothing else to do.

Marshall: Man... how long has Humdinger been sleeping?

Then Sweetie looked at the clock to check the time.

Sweetie: 30 minutes.

Then Humdinger began snoring very loudly, annoying everyone else.

Everest: His snoring reminds me of Rubble on a sugar crash.

Then Rubble became offended.

Rubble: Hey!

Then Chase went over to the sleeping Humdinger to check how heavy he's sleeping. Then Chase began waving his hand in front of Humdinger face to check but he didn't wake up.

Chase: He's really out cold.

Then Chase thought of a mischievous idea, worrying the girls.

Skye: No... Chasey... please...

Chase: Marshall, Rubble, grab a couple of toilet paper rolls in the bathroom.

Marshall and Rubble: Okay!

Then Marshall and Rubble rushed out to grab some rolls of toilet paper while Chase kept an eye on the sleeping Humdinger, annoying the girls.

Girls: Ugh...

Then Marshall and Rubble came back with rolls of toilet paper.

Chase: Now, we mummify Humdinger.

Then the boys began wrapping the sleeping Humdinger in toilet paper, annoying the girls even more.

Sweetie: You guys do realize that some of that toilet paper is filthy, right?

Rubble: We can wash our hands later.

Marshall: Yeah. Right now, we must prank the Humdinger.

Then the boys finished wrapping Humdinger in the toilet paper and they ushed back to their seats. Then the bell rang, which indicates that class is over. The ringing of the school bell woke up Humdinger. Because of the toilet paper, Humdinger couldn't see or talk, causing him to walking around with his arms open like a real mummy.

Humdinger: MMMMMMMMMM!!!

Then the boys and the other students began laughing at the prank, but the girls didn't laugh.

Skye: You guys and your pranks...

Then Coach Bull entered the room, causing everyone laughing to stop.

Coach Bull: Alright! What's going on in here!?!

Then Coach Bull noticed Mummy Humdinger and became scared as he approached her.

Coach Bull: AHHHHH!!! MUMMY!!!

Then Coach Bull punched Mummy Humdinger, knocking him out cold and causing everyone else except the girls to burst in to tears laughing.

Boys and other students: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Then Coach Bull blew her whistle to quiet everyone down.

Coach Bull: That's enough! All of you, get to class, A sap!

Then Coach Bull left the classroom.

Everest: Remind us to not trust you boys with changing the toilet paper back home.

What Everest said made the boys laugh, annoying the girls.


In New Adventure Bay, at Sweet Chocolate, the boys were fixing the chocolate milkshake machine at Everest's ice cream counter while the girls were watching in amusement.

Skye: Hey, guys, how's it going with the repairs?

Then the boys gave the girls annoyed looks.

Chase: Do you ladies mind? It's hard enough to fix the machine without you three mocking us.

Sweetie: Well, then get better at repair stuff.

Then the girls laughed at Sweetie's comment, annoying the boys, but they decided to continue fixing the milkshake machine.

Rubble: Who knew fixing machines is harder than it looks.

Marshall: That's because mechanical engineering is dumb down to the understanding of a child before the recreation of our world.

Then the boys finished repairing the milkshake machine.

Chase: Okay, I think we're good to go. All we need is to try it out to make sure it works.

Everest: This outta be good...

Then Rubble took out a glass and began using the milkshake machine to dispense the chocolate milkshake, but then the machine began to spray the chocolate milkshake all over Rubble, meaning that it's still broken.

Rubble: AHHHHH!!!

Seeing Rubble covered in chocolate milkshake made the girls laugh.


The girls laughing annoyed the boys.

Marshall: Alright, ladies, you give it a try.

Then the girls stopped laughing.

Skye: Alright...

Then the girls nodded in agreement.

Girls: DADDY!!!

Then Sheldon came out from the kitchen to answer the girls' call.

Sheldon: You called me, girls?

Everest: The milkshake machine is still broken.

Sweetie: Can you fix it for us?

Sheldon: Sure thing.

Then Sheldon came over to fix the machine. After a few seconds, Sheldon fixed the machine and it works perfectly as he used it to dispense the chocolate milkshake into a glass.

Sheldon: There you go, kids.

Girls: Thanks, daddy...

Sheldon: No problem.

Then Sheldon went back to the kitchen, leaving the boys angry that the girls used Sheldon to fix the milkshake machine instead of doing it themselves.

Chase: That doesn't count, you three.

Rubble: Yeah! You can't make our father do stuff for you.

Sweetie: But we're daddy's little girls...

Then the girls giggled mockingly until Sheldon came out of the kitchen again.

Sheldon: Oh, and one more thing. Girls, your mother and I are docking your pay again for this week.

Then the girls became confused.

Girls: What!?! Why!?!

Sheldon: Well, two days ago, you girls ditched work just because there was a sale on rings at the mall. Then, yesterday, you three gave out free milkshakes to a large group of children who were clearly conning you, hence the broken machine. And, recently, you just made me and the boys fix the milkshake machine instead of fixing it yourselves.

Then the girls folded their arms and pouted in anger. The boys were amused by the girls' karma.

Girls: Awww...

Sheldon: Sorry, you three, but the daddy's little girl trick doesn't work on me.

Marshall: Good discipline, dad!

Sheldon: Thanks, Marshall.

Then Sheldon went back into the kitchen. Then the boys laughed at the girls' pay dock.

Chase: What goes around, comes around, huh ladies?

Then the girls glared at the boys.

Skye: Okay... we're sorry.

Chase: Apology accepted.

Marshall: So, Evy, are you excited for the new Ice Rink opening at our school?

Everest: I sure am, Marshy!

Then the other four Rangers became confused.

Rubble: New Ice Rink?

Everest: Yeah. Because of the school's ice dancing team's success, the school board decided to fund and build a new ice rink in the school so the team and I can practice there.

Then the other Rangers began to congratulate Everest.

Sweetie: I can't wait to see what the new rink is gonna look like.

Marshall: I bet it's gonna fit the standards of the ice dancing team's captain.

Then Everest began to blush.

Everest: Tomorrow is when the team and I can try out the new rink. I hope you guys can come and see us practice.

Skye: We'll definitely be there, Eve. You can count on us to support you no matter what.

Everest: Thanks, guys.

Meanwhile, in the Black Palace theater, Lushadow-Grim, C, and S were watching the Rangers at work on the big screen.

Lushadow-Grim: A new ice rink in a high school. That's a new one. None of the high schools from my old world had ice rinks. I wish they did though.

C: Perhaps the new ice rink can benefit us as well?

Lushadow-Grim: Yes. S, do you have a plan? I told you to come up with one the next time an opportunity like this comes to pass.

S: I do have a plan this time, Lushadow.

Then C became surprised.

C: You do? That's a surprise.

Then S stood up.

S: It's time that I've proved my worth to you all and come to terms to who I really am. Grace?

Then Grace, the Morganite GrimStone appeared next to the trio.

Grace: How may I be of service?

S: Everest is very excited to try out the new ice rink so she can practice her ice dancing talent. I want you to make sure she and the other ice dancers never get that opportunity.

Grace: Oh really? How so?

S: One word: Hockey.

Then Grace understood what S meant by hockey.

Grace: Oh... I get it... I think I know what to do from here. Leave everything to me.

Then Grace left.

C: Hockey... Are you getting Grace to cause conflict between the ice dancers and hockey players to fight over for the new ice rink.

Then S sighed is disappointment.

S: ... Yes... so much for it being a surprise...

Lushadow-Grim: What a spoiler alert, but I'm still curious to how two different sport teams on ice clashing with each other is gonna play out. I must say that is a good plan for entertainment, S.

C: Indeed. I too am very impressed, S.

S: Thank you both.

The next day, Everest and the ice dancing team were heading over to the newly completed school ice rink under the school.

Everest: Okay, ladies, it's our first time using the new rink so let's go make it a memorable first time.

Ice dancers: Yeah!

Co-captain: We're all excited, Everest!

Everest: That's great!

Then Everest and the other ice dancers arrived at the ice rink only to find that the hockey team is already practicing on it. They were all confused because the ice-skating rink was built only for them.

Ice dancer 1: Hey, what's going on?

Ice dancer 2: Why are the hockey players here?

Ice dancer 3: I thought we had the rink to ourselves.

Ice dancer 4: Yeah.

Everest: Don't worry, girls. I'll go see what's happening.

Then Everest put down her bag containing her ice skates and went over to the rink and got the hockey player's attention.

Everest: Excuse me! Who's the captain of the hockey team?

Hockey Captain: Me! I'm Joe.

Everest: Hi, Joe. I'm Everest.

Joe: We know who you are. You're one of the three most popular girls in school, co-captain of the cheerleading squad, and captain of the ice dancing team.

Then Everest became surprised by how much Joe knows about her.

Everest: Oh... okay... then, can I ask why you guys are practicing on our rink?

Joe: Your rink? We don't see the words ice dancer written on it.

Everest: But the ice rink was built for us ice dancers. The rink doesn't even have the hockey lines painted on it, and the rink is circular, not rectangular like a field.

Joe: So?

Everest: So, this is our rink. The principal and super intendant even said so.

Joe: Must've missed that meeting.

Everest: You guys can't play in this rink. It's our practice time.

Joe: Well, what are you, girlies, gonna do? Ice dance us to death?

Then the hockey players began to laugh, frustrating Everest.

Joe: Look, Everest, we hockey players need to practice and this rink just happens to be a perfect spot.

Everest: But you guys have no right to hog the rink. It's meant for the ice dancers to practice on.

Joe: Well, it's our rink now.

Everest: What!?!

Joe: You heard me. You and your other ice dancers get out so we can practice.

Everest: NO!

Then two hockey players picked up Everest's bag and took out her ice skates.

Everest: The rink is ours. You guys can't just swoop in and claim ownership.

Hockey player 1: Hey, captain.

Then everyone noticed the two hockey players holding Everest's ice skates, causing her to get more upset.

Everest: Hey, my skates! Give them back!

Then Everest began trying to reach her skates, buy the two hockey players kept them away from her.

Hockey player 2: Oh... are these yours?

Everest: Give them back! I'm serious!

Then the hockey players began tossing Everest's ice skates to each other, playing monkey in the middle with Everest as the monkey.

Everest: Hey! Stop it! Give them back!

Joe: You heard the lady, boys.

Then Joe threw the ice skates into the rink, causing Everest to jump towards them. She manages to catch them but she slid into a hockey net. Then the jockey players began laughing at Everest' humiliation.

Hockey players: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Then Everest went out of the rink in anger.

Everest: You guys are not gonna get away with this!

Then just as Everest was about to storm off, two hockey players grabbed her arms, restraining her.

Everest: Hey! Let me go!

Joe: Before you leave, we figured you need to cool down from that. So...

Then another hockey player poured a large tank of lemonade all over Everest, humiliating her even more.

Hockey players: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Then Everest began to cry from her embarrassment.

Everest: Girls, practice is over!

Then Everest ran away crying, leaving the hockey players laughing at her humiliation while the other ice dancers felt bad for her.

Hockey player 3: Bye! Bye, little ice dancer!

Hockey player 4: What makes this school think that ice dancers are the best team in this school?

Hockey player 5: Ice dancing is lame!

Hockey player 6: So, lame!

Hockey player 7: Not a real sport, or a fake sport, or any type of sport!

Hockey players: Yeah!

Joe: And as for you, other ice dancers, get outta here!

Then the other ice dancers ran out of the rink, allowing the hockey players to continue practicing on the ice rink. Meanwhile, the other Rangers were in the hallway all angry with Rubble.

Marshall: I can't believe you made us late to watch Everest's ice dancing practice, Rubble.

Rubble: Well, it's not my fault!

Chase: Oh, then remind us. Who was the one who wanted all of us to wait in life for four extra slices of pie at the cafeteria?

Rubble: Five pies something that no one can ever take away from me.

Sweetie: And apparently our pies are something you can take away from us.

Then Chase, Skye, and Marshall laughed at Sweetie's burn to Rubble until they saw Everest, still covered in lemonade and her makeup all ruined from crying, approached them. They were surprised to see Everest in her current state.

Other Rangers: "Gasp!"

Marshall: Evy, what happened to you!?!

Everest: The hockey team snatched our ice rink from the ice dance team.

Then the other Rangers became shocked hearing about what the hockey players did.

Skye: The hockey did what!?!

Sweetie: I thought the ice rink was just for the ice dancers.

Everest: It was, but they didn't care and poured a tub filled with lemonade all over me.

Rubble: I should teach those guys a lesson!

Chase: Nah, Rubble. Let's not sink down to their level. I have an idea.

Skye: What do you have in mind, Chase?

Chase: We tell the principal that the hockey team is illegally hogging the ice rink despite knowing that the rink is for the ice dancers.

Marshall: So, we're gonna tattle on them?

Chase: Yeah.

Then the other Rangers looked at each other and immediately liked the idea.

Everest: I love it. Let's go tell the principal... right after I change into clothes that down smell like lemon.

Then the other Rangers laughed. A moment later, at the ice rink, the hockey players were still playing hockey until the Rangers, along with the ice dancers and the principal of the school.

Everest: Hi, guys! We're back!

Then the hockey players stopped playing and went over to the group.

Joe: What are you doing back at our rink, ice dancer?

Everest: Don't you mean, our ice rink? Principal?

Principal: Sorry, gentleman, but according to this contact, signed by myself, the superintendent, and the ice dance captain herself a few days before the ice rink's construction, this rink is ice dance team property.

Rangers but Everest: Oooooohhh...

Joe: Where does it say that?

Principal: Right here.

Then the principal showed the hockey players the signed contract, but Joe grabbed onto it and ripped it up, shocking everyone else except the other hockey players.

Everyone else: "Gasp!"

Joe: Oops...

Principal: Nice try, but that was a copy of that contract, and I have multiple copies.

Joe: A contract doesn't mean anything. For us hockey players, we mark our territory the old-fashioned way!

Then everyone else began to think about what Joe meant by "the old-fashioned way," causing them to cringe.

Everyone else: Ick!

Principal: I'm sorry, boys, but that's how the laws around this school work. You must leave this ice rink immediately, and if you try to resist, then I shall resort to suspending the hockey team from playing any more games for a while.

Then everyone else became shocked by what the principal said.

Rangers: Oooooohhh...

The hockey players were furious but had no choice but to obey the principal. Then they picked up their gear and began storming out of the rink in anger. After that, the Rangers and the other ice dancers began to cheer for their victory.

Everest: Thank you so much, principal!

Principal: My pleasure, Everest. I'm quite a fan of the team as well. I wish you all best of luck for your next tournament.

Then the principal left, allowing Everest and the other ice dancers to finally use the ice rink while the other Rangers were watching them in support. It was now evening and the Rangers, Sheldon, and Lucy-Grace were having dinner.

Lucy-Grace: Wow! What a story! We're glad you got the new ice rink back from those hockey hooligans.

Everest: Thanks, mom.

Sheldon: Telling an adult is a good move, especially when it's the principal. We're so proud of you, kids.

Everest: Actually, thank Chase. It was his idea.

Chase: Oh... it's nothing... I'm just the man with the plan. That's all.

Marshall: I can't wait to watch you practice your ice dancing tomorrow, Evy.

Everest: Thanks, Marshy. I already have the practice routine for tomorrow all ready.

Then a hockey puck flew through the window and hit Everest on the forehead, knocking her down to the floor unconscious and shocking everyone else.

Everyone else: "Gasp!"

Marshall: Evy!

Then Marshall went over to check on Everest and found the puck.

Marshall: It's a hockey puck.

Then Marshall noticed a little note taped on the puck and began reading it.

Marshall: Hmmm? "The war has just begun, ice dancer."

Rubble: Looks like those hockey players are not gonna let what happened go, huh?

Sweetie: Indeed so, Rubs.

Chase: This whole thing is my idea. I take responsibility for this.

Marshall: No one's objecting, dude.

Then Chase glared at Marshall until Everest woke up with a bump on her head.

Everest: Ouch... what happened?

Skye: The hockey players just sent a message.

Then Everest realized what happened.

Everest: Oh...

Skye: Here, let me heal your bump, Eve.

Then Skye's gem decloaked and she began using her Adoration powers to heal Everest, making her bump disappear. After that, Skye's gem recloaked.

Everest: Thanks, Skye. I'm nervous, guys. The hockey players are the type of guys that would just walk away from losing.

Rubble: Yeah. They just push and shove their way to victory.

Marshall: Don't worry, Evy. We won't let those hockey guys get you.

Everest: Thanks, guys.

The next day, the Rangers and the ice dancers went over to the rink only to discover that the hockey players are once again playing on it without authorization.

Ice dancer 1: Oh no!

Ice dancer 2: They're back already.

Ice dancer 3: I thought we got rid of those guys!

Everest: I'll go talk to them. Marshy, can you back me up?

Marshall: Of course.

Then Marshall and Everest went over to the hockey players.

Everest: Excuse me!

Then the hockey players noticed Marshall and Everest and went over to them.

Joe: What are you all doing back on our rink!?!

Marshall: It's their rink! You stole it from them!

Then Everest grabbed Marshall's shoulder to calm him down.

Everest: Marshall, I got this.

Marshall: Okay.

Everest: It's our rink! You stole it from us!

Joe: Prove it!

Then Everest became frustrated.

Everest: Prove it!?! I'm looking at it!

Joe: Fine, but serves you lame ice dancers right for being a bunch of snitches.

Marshall: Oh yeah!?! We'll just tell on you guys to the principal again!

Joe: Not this time, because starting today is her annual parent teacher conference meetings. She'll be busy for the rest of the week.

Marshall: Then, we'll wait until she's not busy!

Everest: Marshall, we can't wait that long. This Sunday is our upcoming ice dancing competition against the Meowland Tigers. We won't have enough time to practice until then.

Marshall: Oh...

Joe: Well, kiss your ice dancing days goodbye because soon hockey is gonna rule the school. It's about time that New Adventure Bay High has an actual winning sport instead of something uncool like ice dancing.

Everest: You guys are not gonna get away with this!

Joe: Oh yeah? Boys, bats up!

Then some of the hockey players surrounded Everest while restraining Marshall and blocking the rink's gate so the other Rangers couldn't help them.

Everest: Uh oh...

Then Joe and the hockey players began using their hockey bats to beat up Everest as everyone else watched in horror.

Marshall: Evy!

Skye: I can't watch!

Sweetie: Me neither!

A moment later, in the girls' bathroom, Skye was using her Adoration powers to heal Everest's wounds.

Everest: Thanks, Skye.

Skye: You're welcome, Eve.

Everest: Ugh! I'm really starting to not like hockey.

Sweetie: Yeah. I can't stand those guys either.

After Skye finished healing Everest, the girls went outside to look for the boys but they couldn't find them anywhere.

Everest: Where are the boys?

Skye: I don't know.

Sweetie: Please don't let it be something stupid...

Then the boys went up to the girls with a bag on Rubble's back.

Marshall: Hey, hot girls!

Then the girls became concerned about the bag.

Skye: Uh, what's in the bag?

Chase: Well, you know how I suggested we tell the principal about the hockey players harassing Everest and the other ice dancers, but it only made them angrier and they stole the ice rink again?

Girls: Yeah?

Everest: We were there.

Chase: Well, since those guys are a bunch of bull heads and telling an adult way didn't work, we decided since they played dirty trying to steal the ice rink, we get them back just as dirty.

Then the girls became even more concerned.

Sweetie: I'm not liking where this is going.

Everest: I'm not sure I wanna play dirty.

Rubble: Well, too bad, Everest. We just played dirty for you.

Then the girls became more concerned.

Sweetie: I'm really not liking where this is going.

Then Rubble showed the girls what's in the back and revealed a baby pig in a pig sized hockey t-shirt, shocking the girls.

Skye: Is that...!?!

Marshall: That's right, girls. Pucky Pig, the hockey team's mascot.

Everest: You kidnapped Pucky Pig!?!

Then the boys began gesturing the girls to be quiet so no one could know about the plan.

Boys: Shhhhh...

Chase: Keep it down...

Sweetie: Boys, this is very stupid idea!

Marshall: Oh please. What could possibly happen to us?

Skye: You could get into a lot of trouble like getting suspended for kidnapping, animal cruelty, or better yet, getting beat up by those bull-headed hockey players.

Rubble: We're Power Rangers. We've faced worse.

Everest: That is true, surprising coming from you.

Then Rubble glared at Everest until Pucky Pig began snorting, worrying the Rangers that it would attract attention. Then Chase noticed an open room with no one inside and thought it would be a good place to hide the pig.

Chase: Quick! In there!

Then the Rangers quickly brought Pucky Pig in the classroom. After that, Marshall took out a bottle of milk and began feeding Pucky Pig until he's full. Then the pig fell asleep, and the girls couldn't help but notice how cute Pucky Pig is when he's sleeping.

Girls: Awww...

Everest: Okay, boys, what good would come of keeping Pucky Pig as our hostage?

Rubble: Simple. Those hockey bullheads can have their mascot if they hand over the rink and never come back.

Skye: Blackmail? We're Power Rangers. We're better than this.

Marshall: True, but sometimes, you need to know when to not be goodie two shoes.

Sweetie: Worst advice ever...

Chase: I know. We could do better.

Joe: Eh hem...

Then the Rangers noticed Joe and the hockey players crowded up at the door.

Marshall: Uh oh...

Joe: So, you guys are the ones who stole Pucky Pig...

Chase: Yeah. That's right, and if you guys want him back then you better give the ice rink back to the ice dancers. It belongs to them.

Joe: Oh yeah, what will happen if we just take him back from you right now?

Then the boys immediately noticed the flaw in their plan.

Rubble: Uh... well...

Skye: Please don't tell me you guys didn't plan for this.

Chase: It was a short amount of time!

Joe: Hold them down!

Then the hockey players began to hold down and restrain the Rangers except Everest and Joe took back Pucky Pig.

Joe: Oh, and before we go, how about we teach this ice dancer the consequences of kidnapping.

Everest: No! Not me! It was their idea!

Joe: True, but it's more fun to punish an ice dancer.

Then two hockey players restrained Everest's arms as Joe took out a sweaty hockey jersey from his bag, worrying the Rangers.

Everest: Uh... what is that...?

Joe: My lucky jersey. I haven't washed this baby ever since freshman year...

Then the Rangers grew more worried.

Everest: Oh no... please don't tell me you're gonna...

Then Joe began rubbing the sweaty and filthy jersey on Everest's face, disgusting her and the other Rangers.

Everest: AHHHHH!!! EWWWWW!!! GROSS!!!

Sweetie: Oh, the horror...

After that, Everest began gagging from Joe's punishment and he and the other hockey players began leaving with Pucky Pig.

Joe: Come on, Pucky. Let's go get you some delicious apples.

Then the hockey players were gone and the other Rangers watched Everest still gagging from the sweaty jersey's horrible smell.

Chase: We need a new plan.

Rubble: It's too bad we can't use our Power Ranger fighting skills to beat up those bullheads to get the rink back.

Marshall: Yeah. It's a real shame.

Skye: How about we come up with a new plan this time?

Chase: Sure thing, Skye.

Then the other Rangers noticed Everest still gagging in disgust.

Everest: Can someone please get me some face soap?

A moment later, the Rangers arrived back at the rink to confront the hockey players again.

Rubble: What are we doing back here again?

Skye: Well, since handling it the mature way and blackmailing didn't work, we're gonna try the friendly strategy.

Then the boys and Everest became confused.

Boys and Everest: The friendly strategy?

Sweetie: Yeah. We're gonna go over to them and make peace. Maybe we can share the rink instead trying to get it back for the ice dancers.

Marshall: ... And you say our plans are stupid.

Everest: I'm gonna get hurt again...

Skye: No, you won't. Just leave everything to us.

Everest: Oh... okay...

Then the girls went over to the ice rink to talk to the hockey players again. The hockey players noticed them and went over to talk to them.

Joe: What is it now? You better not try to take the rink from us again or next time, we'll be going after the other ice dancers.

Then the girls gulped nervously and decided to stick to the plan.

Skye: Actually, we come in peace.

Sweetie: Yeah, just hear us out.

Joe: Alright, continue?

Then Skye and Sweetie looked at Everest, wanting her to speak next.

Everest: Look, there's no point in us fighting over the rink when we both want to use it. We're very talented people on skates. Both ice dancing and hockey shouldn't fight like this. So, instead of fighting, why don't we just share the rink and become friends?

Then a disturbingly long silence erupted until the hockey players began laughing, confusing the girls.

Joe: That is the most pathetic thing I've ever heard! Hockey is the best sport on ice! Ice dancing is the lamest of them all! We don't need your stupid friendship because it's lame like ice dancing!

Then Everest grew nervous.

Joe: Boys, looks like this ice dance captain needs another lesson.

Then the hockey players pushed Skye and Sweetie back as another grabbed Everest shoulders, making her worried about what will happen to her.

Everest: Please be gentle.

Joe: Nope.

Then Joe came up and yanked Everest's panties right out of her, horrifying everyone else.

Everest: AHHHHHHHHHH!!! My underwear!

Other Rangers: "Gasp!"

Ice dancers: "Gasp!"

Then Everest got down in embarrassment for losing her underwear. Then Joe went up and yanked Everest's bra off her, shocking everyone else again.


Other Rangers: "Gasp!"

Ice dancers: "Gasp!"

Then Everest was frozen in humiliation until Joe picked her up and spun her until he threw her out of the rink. Then Everest landed on the other ice dancers causing them great pain.

Everest and ice dancers: AHHHHH!!!

Then the hockey players laughed and returned to playing hockey. The other Rangers felt bad for Everest and the other ice dancers.

Marshall: Told you that idea was stupid.

Skye: Okay, you're right. This one's on us.

A moment later, the Rangers were at the school's lost and found section to get Everest a new bra and a pair of underwear. After that, Everest began to get even more frustrated.

Everest: Okay, we tried the mature way, the dirty way, and the friendly way, but every time I get more humiliated and hurt.

Marshall: Yeah. We're so sorry, Eve.

Chase: We are.

Sweetie: We need a new plan.

Then Rubble thought of an idea.

Rubble: Oh, I know! We can melt the ice in the ice rink! If Everest and the other ice dancers can't use it, then neither will the hockey team!

The other Rangers didn't like Rubble's idea.

Skye: Rubble, the point of all of this is so the ice dance team can use the rink.

Then Rubble became annoyed that the other Rangers dismissing his idea.

Rubble: Fine...

Then Chase thought of an idea.

Chase: I got it!!!

Chase's yell startled the other Rangers.

Chase: Sorry...

Marshall: It's cool, Chase. So, what's your plan?

Chase: Since the hockey team took the rink by force, we'll just use force to take it back.

Then the other Rangers became concerned.

Sweetie: Uh... wouldn't we get in trouble for that?

Chase: No, because Everest will be the one to do it.

Everest: Why just me?

Chase: Because first, our help only led to you getting embarrassed and hurt.

Everest: True.

Chase: Second, the hockey team were the ones violating the rules when they took the rink without permission.

Everest: Again, true.

Chase: And third, you're the Aquamarine Crystal Blade Ranger, Everest. The guys are nothing different that regular grunts.

Everest: Also, true... Alright, fine.

Marshall: My Evy beating up hockey players. This, I gotta watch.

Rubble: Me too.

Then the girls sighed in annoyance. A moment later, the Rangers returned to the ice rink with Everest wearing her leotard and ice skates.

Everest: You guys stay here. I'm going in.

Then the other Rangers nodded in response and sat down on a bench to observe. Then Everest stepped on the rink, getting the attention of the hockey players.

Joe: Look, boys, the ice dancer wants another beat down, and this time, she's dressed like a dirty ice dancer.

Then the hockey players began laughing at her, but she stayed strong.

Everest: I'm gonna ask you gentlemen one last time, can you please leave? This rink belongs to the ice dancers of this school.

Then the hockey players began laughing again.

Joe: Oh yeah? What are gonna do, ice dance us to death?

Everest: Yes, but not to death.

Then Everest did an ice leap kick that knocked back Joe, shocking everyone else. After that, Joe became mad.

Joe: Alright! Now, we're mad! Come on, boys, get her!

Then the hockey players began charging towards Everest, but she began to use her ice dancing skills plus fighting skills to combat herself against the hockey players. One by one, Everest knocked each hockey players. Then the ice dance team showed up at the rink where they began to witness Everest beating up the vicious hockey players.

Ice dancers: "Gasp!"

Ice dancer 1: Is that?

Ice dancer 2: Everest?

Ice dancer 3: Look at her go...

Then the ice dancers noticed the other Rangers cheering Everest as she beat up the hockey players.

Marshall: Yeah! Go Evy! Give them what for!

Then Everest finished beating up all the hockey players. After that, they were all unconscious and everyone else cheered for Everest.

Everyone else: YEAH!!!

Then Everest bowed thank you to everyone else.

Everest: The rink ours at last, everybody!

Then the ice dancers began cheering that the ice rink, which was built for the ice dance team, is now theirs again.

Ice dancer 2: We did it!

Ice dancer 1: Come on, girls, let's go change into our leotards so we can practice for the upcoming competition against the Meowland Tigers!

Then the ice dancers left to change into their leotards to practice on the ice rink. After that, the Rangers began to look at the unconscious hockey player.

Skye: Wow, Eve, you didn't hold back at all...

Everest: I was holding in some feelings of anger for them. It kinda feels nice to let 'em all out.

Rubble: Yeah, you really went all out with those guys...

Then Joe got back up all bruised.

Joe: Fighting on school property... we expected better from a Power Ranger...

Then the Rangers were shocked that Joe knows about that they're Power Rangers.

Marshall: What...?

Joe: Yeah, that's right. Ms. GrimStone told us all about you.

Then the Rangers were shocked that Joe knows about the GrimStones.

Sweetie: What...?

Then Grace appeared next to Joe, shocking the Rangers.

Joe: Ms. GrimStone!

Grace: Awww... and it was just getting even more fun...

Chase: So, you're the one behind the hockey team's behavior?

Grace: All I did was gave them the strength they need to make themselves better than the ice dancers.

Joe: Yeah! You, filthy ice dancers, used to rule this school and we hockey players were not that impressive about until Ms. GrimStone here used her magic powers to help us prove that hockey is always better than ice dancing!

The Rangers couldn't understand what Joe is saying so they turned and faced Grace.

Everest: Okay. Grace, what did you actually do?

Grace: I merely just amplified the hockey team's skills. You may find this hard to believe, but these guys used to be bad at hockey, which is why the team was hardly talked about in this school. On the other hand, their beliefs on ice dancing being the lamest sport on ice are genuine.

Joe: That's right. Now that we're the best athletes on ice in this school, we can play on whatever turf we want and all the lame "non"-sports, like ice dancing, shall be history.

Then the Rangers were frustrated that Joe doesn't know Grace's true intentions.

Skye: Joe?

Joe: What?

Skye: Do you even know why Grace is helping you and the other hockey players with her "magic powers?"

Joe: No?

Everest: She's turning our rivalry into her own entertainment for the other GrimStones.

Rubble: Then, once they're entertainingly satisfied, you'll become their food.

Then Joe laughed.

Joe: Food? Ha!!! What trash is that supposed to me?

Then Chase face palmed himself.

Chase: Ugh! There's no use, guys. These hockey jocks aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

Joe: Hey!

Grace: That, I agree.

Joe: Hey...

Grace: Joe, please get rid of those Rangers for me.

Joe: You got it, Ms. GrimStone. Boys, get up!

Then the other hockey players got back up.

Joe: Let's go teach this ice dancing Ranger and her Ranger friends not to mess with hockey.

Hockey players: Yeah!

Chase: Remember, guys, don't hurt them!

Other Rangers: Right!

Then the Rangers changed into their Ranger suits and began trying to fight the hockey players on the ice rink. They tried their best not to hurt them too badly. Eventually, they managed to knock down the entire team again. Grace was annoyed with the hockey team's incompetence.

Grace: Unbelievable...

Everest: I felt better teaching those knuckle heads a lesson, but doing it again feels really good.

Grace: Looks like I'm gonna have to do this myself. No matter...

Then Grace transformed into her GrimStone form.

GrimStone Grace: It'll be much more fun this way.

Then the Rangers summoned their Blades, ready to fight.

Marshall: Time to teach this GrimStone not to stage a fight on ice!

Other Rangers: Right!

Then the Rangers began fighting GrimStone Grace. Suddenly, GrimStone Grace suddenly created ice skates on her feet, allowing her to skate and attack each Rangers before they could fight back.

GrimStone Grace: So much fun!

Then GrimStone Grace began attacking the Rangers while skating on the ice really fast, knocking them all down.

Rangers: AHHHHH!!!

Then the Rangers got back up.

Rubble: She's moving too fast for me to use my Protection powers!

Everest: She's not the only one fast on ice!

Then Everest's crystal boots transformed into crystal skates, surprising her and the others.

Everest: Woah!

Skye: Your boots turned into skates, Eve!

Then Everest got an idea.

Everest: Guys, watch this!

Then Everest began skating all around GrimStone Grace while showing off some of her ice dancing moves, confusing her.

GrimStone Grace: What are you up to?

Then Everest began attacking GrimStone Grace while skating fast, not allowing her to defend herself.

GrimStone Grace: Gah! You little brat!

Then Everest skated over to the other Rangers.

Everest: Care to join me, girls?

Then Skye and Sweetie's crystal boots turned into skates just like Everest's.

Skye and Sweetie: Yeah!

Everest: Invigoration!

Then Everest used her Invigoration powers to amplify the girls' speed and agility. Then they began skating all around GrimStone Grace, ice dance fighting her while the boys just watched.

Marshall: Our girls are so hot when they're dancing...

Rubble: Should we help them?

Chase: Nah... we're not as good on skates as those three.

Marshall: I didn't know Sweetie could ice skate.

Rubble: She can. My girlfriend's an artist and considers dancing to be a form of art.

Chase: And our three girls are great dancers, especially my pop star girlfriend.

Marshall: Your girlfriend may be the best at dancing on the dance floor, but my girlfriend's the best at dancing on ice.

Chase: Alright. I'll give you that, Marsh.

Then the Girls delivered a powerful triple axel kick together, knocking GrimStone Grace down.

GrimStone Grace: GAH!!!

Then the girls regrouped with the boys.

Skye: So, did you boys enjoy the show?

Chase: Oh... yes, we did...

Then the girls giggled in response. Then GrimStone Grace got back up but was really dizzy.

GrimStone Grace: Ugh... I'm not having any fun...

Chase: Shall we finish this one together?

Other Rangers: Yeah!

Then Chase and Skye combined their Blades, forming the Infinity Sword.

Chase and Skye: Infinity Sword!

Then Chase and Skye used the Infinity Sword to attack GrimStone Grace. Then Marshall and Everest combined their weapons to form the Boundless Spear.

Marshall and Everest: Boundless Spear!

Then Marshall and Everest used the Boundless Spear to attack GrimStone Grace. Then Rubble and Sweetie combined their weapons to form the Endless Staff.

Rubble and Sweetie: Endless Staff!

Then Rubble and Sweetie used the Endless Staff to attack GrimStone Grace. The attacks from the powerful weapons managed to defeat GrimStone Grace.

GrimStone Grace: NO FAIR!!! THIS IS NO FUN!!!

Then GrimStone Grace burst into sparkling lights as the Morganite gemstone falls onto the ground. After that Chase picked up the Morganite.

Marshall: Now, the ice rink finally belongs to the ice dancers!

Other Rangers: Yeah!

Meanwhile, in the Black Palace theater, Lushadow-Grim, C, and S were watching the battle on the big screen.

Lushadow-Grim: Well, that was fun while it lasted.

S: Perhaps it was unwise to rely on a couple of mindless hockey jocks to aid our cause.

C: It was still a good plan, S. No need to be so hard on yourself. How about this? Next time, we come up with a plan together. Sound good?

Then S nodded yes.

Lushadow-Grim: Well, you two sure look happy. Now, we have to deal with a couple of hungry GrimStones not getting their dinner again thanks to those meddling Rangers.

Then the three began to hear a couple of GrimStone's complaining from outside the theater, making Lushadow-Grim, C, and S very annoyed. After the battle, the ice dance team were finally practicing on their rink. During a break, Everest went over to the other Rangers to talk to them.

Marshall: Hey, Evy. You and the team are gonna do great this Sunday.

Everest: Thanks, Marshy. Though, I couldn't help but feel bad about letting the hockey team sit in detention as punishment for everything they've done.

Chase: You don't need to be so empathetic, Everest. Those guys choose to side with Grace and took the ice rink from you ladies. They must suffer the consequences.

Then Skye signed from Chase's serious reasoning.

Skye: What Chasey means is that the hockey players still thought of you and the other dancers as lame before Grace. They shouldn't have treated you with such disrespect to begin with.

Sweetie: Yeah. This ice rink was meant for you ice dancers, and never for those numbskulls.

Rubble: Totally, especially since the rink is designed for figure skating, not hockey playing.

Then Everest began to agree with the other Rangers.

Everest: You guys are right. We, ice dancers, deserve this after all the trophies and prizes we've won for this school.

Then Everest realized something.

Everest: Wait! The hockey team knows that we're Rangers! What if they...!?!

Marshall: It's okay, Eve.

Then a flashback began playing.

Marshall: After you left to check on the other ice dancers in the girl's locker room, we went down to the principal's office to tell the principal everything.

Everest: Didn't Joe tell us that she's having parent teacher conferences?

Chase: Yes, but we just happen to came in during her meeting with our parents.

Sweetie: A coincidence, right?

Skye: We told them about what happened... well, everything, everything to mom and dad but we left out the Rangers part.

Rubble: And when the hockey team were being escorted to detention, mom and dad discreetly wiped their memories so they'd forget about our Ranger status and the GrimStones.

Then the flashback ended and Everest was relieved that their identities continue to be a secret.

Everest: Phew! Well, that's a relief. So, Skye, Sweetie, ready to practice with us?

Then the boys became confused as Skye and Sweetie took off their coats, revealing their leotards and strapped on their ice skates.

Chase: Woah...

Skye: Sweetie and I decided to join the team for this Sunday.

Sweetie: You know... 'cause we're great dancers.

Everest: Well... not as great as me on ice.

Sweetie: Okay. We'll give you that one.

Everest: You two know the routines?

Skye and Sweetie: Yup!

Everest: What about you, boys? Wanna join us? Just for fun?

Then the boys decided that it would be fun to skate with the girls.

Boys: Okay.

Then the boys put on skates of their own and they and the girls began skating, having a good time while practicing with the other ice dancers.

Video Tag: Gamer Boyz

Then the video began playing of the boys were on different window screens playing a video game on the main screen, doing a review on the game while playing their characters on the game.

Chase: Hello, all your people. Welcome back to another video of Gamer Boyz's Review of Games.

Marshall: In this video, we're going a demo on Demon Dungeons.

Rubble: Right now, my avatar is logging into the server and once I'm there, we'll be attempting one of the hardest dungeons in the game. Demon's Breath.

Then Rubble's avatar appeared in the game, but it didn't have any weapons or armor, surprising the boys.

Rubble: What the...!?! Where's my armor, my stone armor that took me over a week to farm for!?! And my battle axe, my golden axe that I got from defeating the troll king!?!

Chase: I think you've been hacked, Rubble...

Rubble: I've been hacked!

Marshall: Wow... sucks to be you...

Then Rubble grumbled angrily over the loss of his game stuff. Then a stone armored avatar came up to the boys' avatars, confusing them.

Avatar: Greetings! I am Destro the Devious! It is I who hacked you!

Boys: "Gasp!"

Rubble: You villain! You won't get away with this!

Destro the Devious: Oh yeah? How are you going to stop me, without your gear!?!

Then Destro the Devious hacked Chase and Marshall's accounts, taking away their weapons and armor, shocking the boys again.

Chase and Marshall: NOOOOO!!!

Chase: You fiend!

Destro the Devious: HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Then Destroy the Devious killed the boys' avatars, shocking them again.


Destro the Devious: See you later, losers! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Then Destro the Devious left the screen.

Marshall: Sorry, guys, but we're afraid that we must cut this video short. No one hacks us and gets away with it!

Rubble: Yeah! That's right! We worked hard to farm for our cool stuff!

Chase: Once our characters respond, we'll show this Destro the Devious to never mess with the Gamer Boyz!

Marshall and Rubble: Yeah!

Chase: See you, guys, next time, and we hope this doesn't happen again until then.

Marshall and Rubble: See yah!

Then the video ended.

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