Morwenna - Book one of The Da...

By EmmielouKates

82.6K 2.5K 289

The triplets are about to celebrate their 18th birthday. Now that they have ‘come of age’, it’s time for Jory... More

Morwenna - Book one of The Daughters of The Stones Trilogy
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 9

1.4K 111 9
By EmmielouKates

I know it's been like forever since I updated this story and this is a short chapter. But it has helped me get back into it and I hope to be writing more soon. I want to thank all of you who have stuck with me and have shown amazing patience. Thanks you all rock :)

Chapter 9

Trystan frowned as he watched Morwenna and her family enter the marquee. None of them looked very happy, and he wondered what could have been so important it couldn't wait until after the party. He tried to catch Morwenna's eye, but was thwarted when Liam's imposing figure blocked his view as he walked towards the stage.

Giving Trystan a look that he couldn't quite decipher, Liam grabbed the microphone.

"Hey everyone it's time for the fireworks, so can you all make your way outside."

A few cheers went up as the party goers made their way to the exit.

Trystan set up a mix cd, then jumped down from the stage and followed everyone outside his eyes searching for Morwenna. He spotted her stood in a huddle with her sisters having what appeared to be a heated discussion. Pushing his way through the crowd he finally stopped a few feet away from them. He was about to make his presence known but stopped when he overheard part of their conversation.

"I don't care if you two think we are special, I've had to live with these bloody nightmares and headaches all my life. I just want it all to go away." Morwenna was clearly agitated and her sisters were obviously trying to calm her down.

"Look Mor, I know it's a lot to take in and those damn piskies have a lot of explaining to do. But it's our birthday don't let this ruin it, we have plenty of time to work out what we want to do about it."

"Ailla's right Mor please calm down. I tell you what, I'll go and get us another drink and then we can enjoy the fireworks." Tregereth squeezed Morwenna's shoulder as she spoke, the action seemed to calm Morwenna a little as her shoulders slumped and she nodded her head.

Trystan decided he had heard enough and stepped forward, slipping an arm around Morwenna's waist he pulled her closer.

"Hey is there a problem?"

He felt her body tense as he grabbed her but then relax when she heard his voice.

"Trystan you startled me, don't creep up on people like that." She chided, but the grin on her face told him that she wasn't really upset with him.

"So are you going to tell me what has you so worked up?"

Morwenna frowned at him then looked at her sisters for help, but Ailla was following Tregereth to the bar.

"Just some family stuff, it's nothing really."

Trystan searched her eyes, he knew it was more than that but decided not to push it for the time being.

"Ok then. Let's find a good spot to watch the fireworks. Who's doing them anyway, did you hire someone in?"

"Oh no, my dad and J... just a friend." Morwenna stumbled over her words as she nearly mentioned Jory.

Liam bent over the control board for the firework display, muttering.

"Everything ok?" Jory enquired as he watched Liam fiddling with wires and knobs.

"What? Oh yeah they're fine, just making sure everything is ready."

"Great, I can't wait to see the show." Jory grinned as he rubbed his hands together.

Liam stood up straight and glared at the Piskie.

"I'm not going to regret letting you help me am I?"

"Relax Liam, I've just added a little something extra special for the girls."

"That's what worries me. Now do me a favour and check everything is secure before I set them off. Give me a shout when you're clear."

"Yes sir." Jory gave Liam a mock salute with his torch, before scuttling off towards the line of fireworks. After checking all the smaller fireworks, he went to the giant rocket that would be the grand finale to the show. It was twice the size of Jory and sat on a metal stand ready for firing. Once he was happy that the wiring was secure, he stepped back to admire the giant rocket.

He was about to make his way back to Liam when a large owl flew down and settled on the tip of the rocket.

"Oh my stars, you can't sit there you stupid bird." Jory exclaimed as he waved his arms around trying to scare it away. But the owl just stared at him and didn't move. He considered zapping it with magic, but didn't want to accidentally set the rocket off early.

"Shoo! Shoo!" Jory shouted as he waved his arms again. Still the bird didn't move.

"Everything ok Jory?" Liam shouted from farther up the field.

"What? Yes Liam everything's fine." He shouted back as he continued to wave his arms at the owl.

Liam saw the torch waving in the air and took that as his signal to start the display.

The first of the smaller rockets took off in a whoosh. Jory was now frantic as he tried to move the owl away from the firework. For some strange reason the other fireworks going up had no effect on it.

Jory decided he had no option but to try and climb up the rocket and push the bird off.

He glanced back at the row of fireworks trying to gauge how long he had before the display got to the finale. Satisfied that he still had time, he jumped up onto the rocket. It wasn't easy to get to the tip because it was quite slippery, but after a few pushes and grunts he made it.

"Now listen hear you stupid bird, you have to leave now. Jory used one arm to steady himself as he pushed at the owl with the other. After huffing and puffing and a few bites from the owl, Jory won and it flew away.

He sat up and raised his hand in victory, but the grin on his face turned to fright when the rocket ignited underneath him and shot away from its stand. Jory wrapped both arms around it trying to hold on. As he leant forward the tip of the rocket dipped and instead of heading upwards tilted sideways.

"By all that's magic I'm going to dieeeee." Jory wailed as he clung on for dear life.

Liam had been watching the display, making sure everything was running smoothly when he heard Jorys scream. He turned towards the sound just in time to see the rocket and Jory headed straight for him.

"What the fuck?" Turning on his heel he started running as fast he could in the opposite direction.

"Liam help meeeee." Jory screamed from behind him.

Liam couldn't reply as he tried to outrun the rocket. When he realised that wasn't an option he dived to the side and landed in the hedge with an "oomph".

Once he was sure he was safe, he stood up and looked up the field to see where Jory was. Somehow the Piskie had managed to turn the rocket around and was headed back towards him.

Realising that the firework was due to explode any second, he shouted to Jory.

"Jump off and I'll catch you."

Jory didn't need telling twice and leapt into Liam's arms. The rocket, now relieved of the extra weight, shot into the sky and exploded into silver, purple and green hearts.

The crowd ooh'd and aah'd over the display, thinking it had all been planned that way.

Except for Trystan, who could have sworn he had seen a little guy riding the giant rocket chasing Liam down the field.

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