Drex x Jake Oneshots (Drake t...

By Katt-11

960 12 8

Just a bunch of random one-shots that will be mostly drake with some side ships :) I hope you enjoy this! IMP... More

Music room


299 6 4
By Katt-11

Hello my lovelies I hope you enjoy this chapter please vote or leave a comment to let me know if you like it!

Ship: Drake

Side ships: none

Genre: Fluff

drew and jake already dating in this.

Jake was startled awake by his alarm once again after putting it on snooze twice as usual, but unlike yesterday was hit with an intense headache and a wave of nausea when he sat up. The headache only got worse when he attempted to stand falling back onto his bed.

Fuck... I can't miss school with that stupid science test. Jake got out of bed slowly this time hoping his vision would stop flashing colors eventually if he stood still. Once he felt close to normal, he walked over to his closet and just grabbed the most comfortable thing he saw which happened to be Drew's oversized hoody he had left at his house the other week. Jake still wasn't sold on the idea of giving it back yet, at least not until Drew's scent wears off. What it was a perfectly good hoody! He grabbed a pair of jeans same shoes and grabbed his headphones not to make his bad day worse, but his headphones were at 20%. How did I forget to plug these in? he was screwed. How could he fight a headache without music? Jake didn't feel like walking, so he caught the bus which did not help his constant waves of nausea. He was almost passed out by the time he got to school but was awoken when his headphones gave him a warning that it was at low battery. No shit sherlock. Jake walked off the bus to be greeted by drew, Liam, and henry as usual. He tried to smile but it was no use.

"Hey jakey!" henry shouted in the middle of talking to Liam and drew. Jake walked over and waved taking his place next to drew.

Henry and Liam were back to arguing over God knows what as always. Jake started to zone out when drew whispered "are you okay you seem off today" looking into his eyes with concern "did you not sleep well you've got bags under your eyes." Drew reached up to touch jakes face checking if he was okay as jakes face went a deep shade of red. "you're burning up" drew said with his voice filled to the brim with concern.

"I'm fine drew I promise, just a little tired that's all." jake said trying to sound comforting to his extremely concerned boyfriend grabbing his hand.

"If you say so," Drew replied skeptically taking his hand away from Jake's face. "Wait is that my hoody?" drew said with a smirk." Jake immediately went red, signaling to drew that was a definite yes. "Where did you even get that?" drew said with a smile that only made Jake's face grow a deeper red. Jake mumbled something right before the bell rang making jake flinch.

"Shit... we gotta go to English see ya at lunch!" Liam yelled as he and henry headed inside.

"Come on we've got to go," drew said with a smile. Jake smiled back they were headed off to science so Jake could get the stupid test out of the way. Jake felt like crap but at least he had Drew with him to keep him sane for the time being.


As the day progressed drew noticed how his boyfriend looked worse and worse throughout the day falling asleep in every other class. Drew knew something was wrong and was proved correct when jake quickly raised his hand to go to the bathroom and after 10 minutes returned smelling like puke. They had a free period next. And as they were getting stuff out of their lockers drew asked "okay be serious with me are you okay?" jake looked confused at the question as if he thought he did an excellent job of covering it up. "Are you sick?" drew said with concern. Drew always seemed to get stressed about this stuff especially with jake most likely because jake never would tell anyone.

"What no? why would you think that" jake said with an extremely obvious fake smile.

"Babe come on I've known you since ninth grade I can tell when something is wrong." Jake still sat there as if he didn't know what was happening still. "Look, you have bags under your eyes, worse than usual might I add, you smell like puke, and you haven't been acting like yourself all day," Drew said almost getting annoyed about how much his boyfriend refused his help.

"Okay fine maybe I am a little sick, but that does not mean I can't get through the day" exclaimed jake.

"Why won't you let me help you?" drew said in the same concerned sympathetic voice.

"I don't want to be a burden to you Drew!" jake said loudly tears brimming his eyes the fact that he felt like shit was obviously Faking it harder for jake to hide his feelings.

"You are not a burden, and you never will be," drew said calmly "and I'm sorry but I'm taking you home." Drew grabbed jakes hand and started to take him to the exit. Jake made his protests but jake could hardly ever say no to drew and walked with him to Jake's house.


Drew dragged him up to his room and told him to take a shower, change his clothes and brush his teeth if he wanted a kiss from drew. Jake did as was told and was dragged to bed by drew so drew could check his temperature and get jake medicine. Drew's professional diagnoses demanded jake go to bed and try to actually get sleep. Terrifying. Jake finally laid down after more arguing and complaints still saying he was fine but eventually drew got him settled down somehow.


"Sorry for bothering you," Jake said tiredly as he cuddled into Drew's chest.

"Please I deal with your bullshit every day what makes you think this bothers me?" drew said jokingly earning a laugh from jake.

"Will you give me a kiss now?" jake said innocently. "you promised!"

"Fine but if I get sick it's your fault." After stealing a quick kiss jake cuddled up to drew and finally had a decent sleep for the first time in a while.

They both ended up sick <3. 


Hello again sorry if you did not enjoy this chapter constructive criticism is always appreciated! please leave requests below because I literally have nothing better to do so the chances of yours being written are extremely high :')

Have a good day, afternoon, and night (you are most likely reading this at one am go to bed)

I hope you stay around for more chapters!


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