Hamara Rishta - Anidita

By Rose_Gopal

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A system which snatched the freedom of young girls. A barrister fighting for their freedom. She is a devada... More

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287 34 2
By Rose_Gopal

Happy reading

Roy Choudhary Haveli

When Anirudh returned home he felt satisfied that he had a conversation with her after so long. But this one question engaged his mind

"How did his Bondita end up in this situation? A Devadasi."

He was determined to find the reason


Next day
Roy Choudhary Haveli

Trilochan was determine to get his nephew married to saudamini. He found her to be the best match for Anirudh.

She was woman of high class statues well cultured family, rich and beautiful. And on top of that she was home schooled. He hoped Anirudh understand this.

Today he was going to talk to Anirudh about this.

After performing the morning aarthi everyone sat for breakfast. Almost everyone were present. So trilochan thought to initiate the conversation.

"So anirudh what have you planed to do." Asked kaka

"Kaka I'm going to join court after a couple of days".
He answered concentrating on his food.

Binoy just gave a deep sigh wanting him to go back to London and settle there. But his son was stubborn to no go back there.

"And what about marriage. Have you not thought about it."
Making everyone dumbstruck.

"Kaka why do you want me to get married now. I haven't yet set my career and I'm not interested in marriage now."

Said anirudh as his voice grew dark enough to show his anger.

"Anirudh what do you think. Your already twenty two. How much more time do you need"

"And anyways your gonna start your career so what is the problem in getting married."

Trilochan scoffed at anirudh.

"Kaka I'm done with my food and please don't talk about marriage again."

Anirudh stormed away from there.


Bhaumik mansion

Mr Bhaumik has been making special arrangements for his daughter's birthday. He was hell bent in impressing them with his wealth.

Saudamini was too much excited to see Anirudh and as his family accepted her, she was more involved in grooming herself with the most expensive ornament.

Her cheeks turned in a mere crimson shade, making her appear more beautiful.

"ishhhh"... escaped her lips and coverd her face with her hands



Bondita was busy draping her saree. she was busy in the thought of the man she meet yesterday. A sudden blush appeared on cheeks.

Once she was done with the saree , she took a bowl of alta applying on her feet. She didn't now why but she wanted to meet the man again.

But everything seem to be forbidden here. She still remember Malini a Devadasi had tried to escape the place. And the village people merciless threw her in the burning fire alive. She still remember her scream that traumatized her for years. It was considered as a waring to all the Devadasi. So she never tried of escape.

Bondita after getting ready went to the pond to collect the lotus flowers when she again saw him standing near the tree. When she looked again he disappeared

"What's wrong with me". She murmured under her breathe.

When she walked into the temple she saw him among the crowd which made her more confused.

Suddenly she felt a rough pull on her had and they landed up in behind the Devakamra which illuminate with the light of the diya.

Again she saw him but she was sure that this was not an imagination. But he is here for real. A faint blush appeared and she tried hard not to smile.

"Wh-what are you doing here."

She somehow made her voice audible. She wasn't able to think straight. Her voice was came out trembling.

It made him come out thought.

He had been admiring her.
Her black orbs usually fluttering and crimson pink shaded checks. her long hair was parted and was filled with a thick line of Vermillion.
The nervousness on her face made his heart flutter again and again. Her eyes was adorned with a thick line of khol which was enough to take his life.
' how beautiful she is' he thought

"Nothing, just to see you bondita".
He answered hold her wrist with his hands as gentle as he could.

"wh-hy do you ha-ve to se-ee me"

She felt so excited when he mention that he had come to see her. But her curious mind wanted to ask this question.

When he heard her say this he came more closer making her breath hitched and her heart throb inside her chest. A gasp escaped her lips when he said.

"Today I'm gonna take you to a special place. I'll meet u near the pond at eleven at night,okay"

Suddenly she heard gauri call her name. She didn't know what to do. She tried to run away when he blocked her way pulling her close to himself.

"Answer me, will you come or not"

"Someone is coming here please leave and let me go." She told her voice showed fear but he cared less.

"yes or no". he asked holding her more close to himself

"okay I come but please leave for now". She told him.

As soon as he relased her she ran out of the room. He stood there blushing.


Roy Choudhary mansion

The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky.

All the Roy Choudhary were ready to leave to Mr Bhaumik's house when Anirudh entered.

"Anirudh is this the time to come home didn't I tell you that we will be leaving to attend saudamini's birthday." Trilochan scoffed

Anirudh was in a good mood so he did not yell back.

"Okay kaka I'll be there in a few minutes"

He said and rushed to his room to get ready

"I really don't know what this boy is upto." Trilochan murmured under his breath.

As soon as anirudh entered the room he started getting ready and everyone went to Mr. Bhaumik's house.

Anirudh had planed to take her out and he was so excited


Hello everyone
I apologize to everyone for disappointing you guy. I know that I have taken a long time. But please forgive me. I will try my best to update soon.

Thank you for reading

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