Twisted Wonderland x (Todorok...

By Memesuga01

737K 29.1K 15.3K

Follow Todoroki (Y/n) in her journey of being in Twisted Wonderland, and on the way somehow having a harem of... More

~Todoroki (Y/n)~
Welcome to the Villains' World
Welcome to the Villains' World
Welcome to the Villains' World
Welcome to the Villains' World
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
Tea with Riddle
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
Studying with Leona...or not?
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
Beach Day with Octavinelle
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Scarabia time!
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
Pomefiore Shopping Spree!
~Birthday Special~
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
Getting to know Idia!
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
Small A/N

The Watchman of the Underworld

2.7K 154 29
By Memesuga01

My longest chapter lol

-3rd POV-

"Sorry to rain on your parade, but this isn't some tourist destination. You can't just roll up on your broom like, "Me and the boys looking for classmates!" You guys got a screw loose or something?" Idia said.

"Whoa...Idia-senpai's really here!" Epel said, shocked.

"So the Roi des Dragons spoke the truth. He claimed that Idia Shroud was the Watchman of the Island of Woe, who governs Styx. Goodness...I truly am shocked." Rook said.

(Y/n) stared at the male, 'So this is Ortho's brother...' She thought.

"That makes two of us. How'd you get here?" The flame haired male said.

"Before I answer that, might I have confirmation of one thing? Are those who were abducted safe?" The hunter said, eyes narrowing at the male.

"I'm gettin' sick of this cloak-and-dagger act, so sure, I'll tell you. Yes, they're all full of life to an annoying degree."

The male smiled, as the other three were relieved, "Wonderful! I've been so worried, I thought I might burst!"

"But like...The Charon troops trounced you back at school. Why did you follow us when you knew you couldn't beat 'em?"

"I told you—Vil is in mortal peril."

"Mortal peril. My searches indicated this is a state of grave danger involving the risk of death. You've said this a few times now, Rook Hunt-san. Is Vil Schoenheit afflicted with something that endangers his life?" Ortho tilted his head.

"No, but he might, given time We have come to avert a terrible crisis for Vil. I care not what happens to me, as long as my dear friend is safe. Please, I implore you, could you deliver this to him?" He said, showing them the items.

"What's all this stuff? Doesn't really look like medicine." Idia said, looking at them.

"Scanning bottle ingredients. Main ingredients: water, vitamin C, collagen, essential oils..." The boy's eyes widen, "Wait, are these...?"

"Indeed! They are dear Vil's skincare products!" The blond smiled.

"They're not life-saving medicine?!" The flame haired male  loudly exclaimed, "Wha...It's really just a buncha creams and stuff? You're not, like, trying to smuggle in some dangerous potions to help them break out?"

"I've just finished scanning the whole set. There are no corrosive fluids or any other toxic ingredients. While they do contain moisturizing agents and a cantrip-level enchantment...They appear to be honest-to-goodness homemade skincare products." Ortho smiled.

"Dude...I don't even know where to start. It's clearly not worth risking your life over skin creams. Like, ever."

"How can you say that, Roi de sa Chambre?!" Rook said, making the male's eyes widen and reel back, "You are right—there is nothing more sacred than life. However, some of us hold aesthetic principles in such high regard, we're willing to stage our lives on them." 

"Yeah! You're just sayin' that 'cuz you don't know how scary Vil-san gets when you skip yer skincare routine! It's bad news, Ah tell ya!" The lilac haired male exclaimed.

"Okay, you don't have to shout..." Idia said, before looking at them with eyes widen, "So...You guys don't have any other demands? That's it?"

"Oui!" The hunter smiled.

"Wow, attacking the Island of Woe just to deliver cosmetics...Even with Styx's supercomputer system...Your behavioral patterns are impossible to predict. We should probably save this data as an edge case." Ortho said.

"Okay, I get why Rook and Epel are here. Well, I don't get it, but I get it." The flame haired male looked at the twins, "But that doesn't explain why the prefect of Ramshackle Dorm and her twin brother came along." He smiled, "Are you here to deliver some cat food for Grim? Or like, a grooming brush?" He said, 'They look like my favorite characters from my favorite anime...I think there was a special event for it and now I won't be able to get a figurine of them.' He though, crying internally.

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes at him, "I'm here to bring Grim back." She said.

"Sorry, I don't think I heard you right. You mind runnin' that by me again?" He grinned, "I must've had a chunk of brimstone wedged in my ear or something."

"Grim is part of our dorm." Shoto said.

The male averted his eyes, a bit annoyed, "I wasn't actually asking you to repeat it. I obviously heard every word. Is your sarcasm detector broken? I guess some people let their emotions get the better of 'em, and they pull wannabe hero stunts, even when they got no real skills."

The twins eyes widen, before glaring at the male.

'Who is he to call us wannabe heroes? We fought villains in our world and could've gotten killed by the Hero Killer...' The girl thought.

"Well, unlike you guys, I'm busy. I've got better things to do than listen to speeches about friendship." Idia said.

"Should we ship them back to Night Raven College, then?" Ortho said.

"I'd like to, but..." He looked at his younger brother, "...Ortho, c'mere a sec." He said, as the two stepped a few feet away from the four so they couldn't hear, "It's better to have everyone go through the River Lethe at the same time, to minimize cognitive dissonance. Besides, consider what would happen if we did send them back now. We wouldn't want them getting the teachers or other students involved before the River Lethe is ready to run. tl;dr, I say we keep 'em here until the other troublemakers' tests are over."

"You make a good point. I'd also like to gather data on how Rook's group found this island. I'll access our system and find a safe place for them to stay." He said, before immediately scanning, "Looks like we've got a free room in a training facility here in the Hecate sector. I'll bring them there and draw up the paperwork. They'll need to sign a few things."

"Great, thanks. I've gotta get back to HQ and finish up the rest of tests. We put Subject F's investigation on hold yesterday, so that's gonna take some time too."

"Grim-san really is special, huh? Gambate, nii-san." He smiled, before heading to the four, "Okay! Rook Hunt-san. Epel Felmier-san. (Y/n) and Shoto Todoroki-san. We've got lots of questions for all of you. Would you please come with me?" He said, as two Charons stood beside him.

"Oui. But might we be allowed to at least glimpse Vil and others first? I would feel so much better if I saw they were well." Rook said.

"No contact with the subjects is permitted until the tests are complete. Sorry." He apologized, "I'll make sure you get to see each other once we're done, though. So please, just be patient."

"I see...Very well. I suppose I should be grateful you're letting us stay at all."

"So, uh...I'm going back to HQ now. As for this new banner of troublemakers—don't get any more funny ideas. Just behave and do as Ortho says. Later." The flame haired male said, turning, but stopped.

"Idia-kun, wait!" The blond called out.

The male turned back to him, "What? Was there something else?"

"You're forgetting Vil's skincare products. Could you please make certain he gets them?" He said, holding out the bag of said products.

He sighed, "K. I'll pass 'em along as soon as all the tests are done." He said, grabbing them.

"Merci, Roi de sa Chambre!"

"Could you at least try to read the room? Ugh, you are so exhausting..." He said, as he walked off and got in a vehicle that flew off.

Epel's eyes widen in awe, "Whoa! What was that thing he took off in?! It was super rad!"

"That was a Styx-made technomantic vehicle. We call them Chariots. Most of the island residents don't live in the ancient city here on the seabed level. They reside in the residential block of Oceanus, which is the outer wall covering the island. We've got maglev trains and elevators...But flying machines are still the most efficient way to get around." Ortho explained.

"Right, the outer wall...It just looks like sky up there, but I guess we are underwater. It's wild seeing the sky at the bottom of the ocean..."

"Humans receive remarkable physical and mental benefits from natural light. So we use all kinds of advanced technologies to emulate life on land as much as possible. In addition to the inner wall's artificial sky, we also have different weather and seasons. There are forests and rivers too." He smiled.

"Well Ah'll be..."

"What marvelous technology. I can hardly believe we're on the ocean floor myself." Rook said.

The boy let out a small laugh, "I know, right? It's much more pleasant down here than it is on land!"

"And speaking of marvelous, I cannot help but marvel at the beautiful architecture around us. Those columns are very distinctive. They remind me of ones in the ruins in the Kingdom of Heroes."

"From what I understand, the Island of Woe used to be part of the Kingdom of Heroes way back when. The buildings here in this ancient city are vestiges of that time."

"My word! So these buildings are historic relics? They've been preserved remarkably well!"

The lilac haired male looked at the middle of the city, "What's the giant pillar in the middle?"

"That connects to the Oceanus Gate, the entrance you came in through. It's Styx's headquarters. The column goes down through the island and then waaay deeper." Ortho said.

"And that's where Grim and the others are?" (Y/n) questioned.

"There are a bunch of Phantoms buried beneath that pillar. They're currently asleep and frozen...But still, don't go wandering over there just because you're curious." He looked away, "You wouldn't want to end up like me." He muttered.

"Monsieur Marionette? What's the matter?" Rook said.

The girl and Shoto looked at each other, knowing they heard the boy's words.

"Nothing! Point is, there are many dangerous areas on this island, so don't go wandering about like tourists. Now, let's get going. Follow me." Ortho said.


Hecate Sector — Training Facility

"Thank you for signing the NDAs. And I appreciate you telling me about how you got here and what your motives were. Admittedly, your story is so peculiar that I question whether this data would be useful for disaster prevention." Ortho said.

"Oh, really? I thought our motives were perfectly reasonable." Rook said.

"One of you came to deliver skincare products to a subject. One was just mad about losing a fight. And two of you wanted to speak with a subject." He said, looking at the twins, who both nodded, "Humans behave in such incomprehensible—I mean, unpredictable ways. But what really surprises me is how you got here. Rook Hunt-san's signature spell, Arrow Afar."

"As soon as you gave me this information...I immediately understood why you asked to see Vil and the others. You were going to use your signature spell on them so you could find their location, weren't you?"

The blond chuckled, "You have me dead to rights."

The boy smiled, "I knew it! Nii-san was right—you can't take your eyes off Night Raven College students for a second!"

"Had Styx been doing something terrible to them...I was fully prepared to take drastic measures. But now you've given me a proper explanation, Ortho. I knew the medical mages on Sage's Island had treated them after their overblots...But I feel much better knowing Styx is giving them special exams and blot treatments."

"Actually, I'm curious about something." Epel cut in, "Why did Styx abduct them like that? If you weren't going to do anything bad, you could've just explained things before taking them."

"I'm sorry about that. Most of the time, our subjects aren't exactly the type you can reason with. So we prioritize securing the target first to minimize damage all around. Then we conduct our investigation. That's part's non-negotiable. Overblotted mages are essentially monsters incapable of reason, just a mass of hunger and delusion. They're dangerous creatures that will do anything to get what they want."

The four sat quietly.

"Plus, consider how many people have overblotted in such a short timeframe. It's practically unheard of. Styx had to cover their bases. Fortunately, we've now been able to verify that they've all returned to normal. But we had to be prepared for the worst. There hasn't been a single death among the overblotters or the people around them. You guys are really lucky!"

"I suppose you're right; we have all been truly fortunate. Sometimes I have nightmares about the day Vil overblotted and wake up in a cold sweat. I thought I was watching him more closely than any of his five million Magicam followers, and from a closer vantage point than any mirror. But what did I truly see, when I stood at his side?" The hunter said.

"...Rook-senpai." (Y/n) muttered.

"I apologize. There is no use crying over spilled milk. Besides...We cannot say his overblot would've been averted if I'd simply reached out to him. It would be the height of arrogance to claim I could've been his savior. Vil's anger and despair are his alone. The same can be said for the others."

"If you understand that, then why did you come here, Rook Hunt-san?" Ortho questions.

"So that I could tell myself, "I did what I could.""

"What do you mean by that?"

"I didn't do this for anyone else. I was following my own aesthetic principles."

"You really are odd. I've acquired some fascinating data today. Thanks! Anyway, I should probably get back to HQ now. I've scheduled your lunch and dinner for 12:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. respectively. If you wish to change your dining schedule, please use the intercom by the door to call a technician. Just speak to the screen to activate the virtual assistant. We've got lots of games and movies too. Feel free to browse them if you get bored."

He pulled up a long list of movies, shocking the rest.

"Whoa, cool! This movie list's huge, and it's got a bunch of new releases on it." Epel exclaimed.

'I hope they finish the tests soon...' (Y/n) thought, before looking at her brother, who was scrolling through the list.

"There's so many...I never heard of these..." Shoto muttered.

"Merci! You've been most gracious, Ortho." Rook said.

The said boy smiled, "Just sit tight until we've finished with everyone's examinations." Then he left the room.


""I did what I could," huh...I wonder what I can do for nii-san..." Ortho said to himself.


The door opened and in came in the younger brother.

"I'm back, nii-san. How's testing going for Subject F?"

"Just finished, running him through the battle sims. Hmm...He is seriously mediocre in every single way. The preliminary report of him being a direbeast with high blot density checks out, though. What we've figured out so far is that he's a magical fusion of a direbeast and some kind of animal...He's got a capacity for thought that's on par with humans...He's as lackluster with magic as he looks...and his blot accumulation could be phenomenally high." Idia said.

""Could be"? You're usually much more certain about these things. What makes you say that?" Ortho said, shocked.

"Grim's numbers go haywire every time I try to get a precise blot accumulation reading. One moment they spike into the red zone...Like a subject that's gone full Phantom. Then the next moment, they bottom out and go infinitely close to zero. All attempts at blot treatments have had no effect whatsoever. And look at this." He brought up footage.


"Myah...(Y/n), gimme a bite o' that dessert...Zzz..." Grim slept on the bed, sleeping on his back, " me tuna...."


Ortho smiled, "He's sleeping so peacefully. And all of his numbers are stable."

"He got abducted by a secret organization, and yet there he is, snoozin' away and exposing his tummy." Idia then smiled, "Then again, I'm the Secret Organization Boss (placeholder title), so who am I to talk? I learned something else from the non-battle tests we had him do. He's got traces of a powerful spell on him." He said, pulling up a screen.

"I thought the blue flames coming from his ears were a direbeast trait, but...Do you think it's a curse manifesting, like how it is for you?"

"I tried analyzing it to see, but it's got layers of complex, interwoven magic. I can't piece the whole thing together. Not even with Styx's supercomputer crunching the numbers. It'd take a century for that analysis to finish. But what I found out from studying the outer layers of the spell is that seriously ancient sorcery's involved."

"How ancient are we talking?"

"Like, thousand-year-old primeval magic." He said, making the other's eyes widen, "I've got no idea who cast such a complex spell on Grim, or why they did it...And it's currently unclear whether the blot resistance he has is a blessing or a curse."

"Those are technically the same thing, of course. Blessings and curses are both type of sorcery that bestow magic on someone. The only difference is whether there's a positive or negative intent behind it."

"Yup. Same goes for our family curse that incinerates blot the moment it accumulates. Some people would think a guaranteed, overblot-free life is a huge blessing. But I'm sure our illustrious forebears viewed it as a curse placed on them so they'd never revolt again."

The boy stayed silent for a second, "The reason the Shroud family was ordered to be the Watchmen of the Island of Woe in perpetuity...Was because the first family head took the Titan—the original Phantoms...and led them in a revolt against the Jupiter family, right?"

"Yup. The the Jupiter chucked 'em in the dumpster. Their punishment was being tasked with managing Tartarus, a prison for Phantoms...and the Underworld, the Phantom graveyard." He frowned, "Ugh...What were they thinking, trying to take down the Jupiters just to steal their spot at the top of the family? They must've known their chances were nil. Are they seriously my ancestors?"

The flame haired male continued, "They screwed over their kids, their grandkids, and everyone after that forever. No hopes, no dreams, no nothin'. Over the years, other family heads came up with an idea...They thought if there were no more Phantoms, we'd be freed from watching over this dank, depressing place. So they threw themselves into blot research. But you can see where that got us—nowhere. We're still stuck here."

"Years back, I thought that if we just cast our curse on everybody in the world, the problem would be solved. So I ran an analysis on our curse. But after about three minutes, it hit me. If a curse is designed to incinerate blot, but there's no blot to burn, what would it go for next?"

"It would jump to the source of blot—magic, right?" Ortho said.

"Bingo. We have to keep producing blot—negative energy—or else we'll get an MP-draning debuff just from being alive. If all the curse did was burn blot as soon as it accumulated...The Shroud family would be an upbeat band of merry heroes, bursting with magical might. But dad and grandma supplemented their magic with technomantic devices. And they were ultra-negative and depressing to be around. It doesn't take a genius to understand this curse sucks royally. Was I dense as a kid or what?"

The boy stayed quiet, listening to his older brother.

"The way our bodies burn blot nonstop makes us suited to be one thing, and only thing only...Managing the Underworld, the Phantom graveyard deep beneath this island. A vortex of negative energy. It's the slickest curse imaginable!" He smiled, before grinning, "It's from the Age of Gods, after all. Of course I'd be powerless to do anything about it."

"...You are a genius, you know. I bet if you put your mind to it, you could really change things!" Ortho smiled.

"Well, yeah. I am pretty exceptional. But I'm not good enough to solve a problem that generations of our ancestors couldn't. I'd just be wasting my time. Besides, you can't have forgotten..." He turned to him, "...what happened to Ortho when we tried to leave this place."

"Well..." He trailed off.

"My fate was set the moment I was born. My only choice was to spend my life in this dark, miserable place surrounded by spirits. I guess technically we could ditch our jobs. But if the Phantoms sealed in Tartarus got loose and made it to the surface...The world would go right back to where it started—pure chaos. Then my favorite manga would stop, and there'd be no more Premo concerts. And it'd definitely be a bad time for gaming."

"I've got no IRL hopes or dreams as it is. It'd be the absolute worst if I lost my escapism on top of everything else. That, and...I wouldn't have the guts to push reset on the save data my ancestors have grinded levels in for generations." He let out a sigh, "All those people up there, living their happy little lives not knowing a thing about our plight...I couldn't be more jealous."

"They say the King of the Underworld diligently undertook a duty everyone else feared—guiding the lost souls of the dead. But I wonder if the truth was closer to your situation. That it was a job he did grudgingly because someone made him do it." The boy said.

"The King of the Underworld, grudging? Nah, not a chance. Still, though...If that were the case...Well, I was already a fan of the guy, but that'd turn me into a bona fide superfan."

Suddenly, a noise went off, making the two turn to the screen.

"Acting Director, all tests for Subject A through E are complete. We told them to stay in their rooms until River Lethe was ready, but there's a slight problem..." A technician trailed off.

"Yeah, okay. Be right there." Idia said, before frowning, annoyed, "What do those troublemakers want now?"

"...You can totally do it, nii-san." Ortho quietly said.

He looked at him, confused, "Huh? You say something?"

"Nope! Not a word. Let's go!"


A Charon, Idia and Ortho walked into the conference room where the housewardens and vice housewarden were.

"Ah, I see the acting director and his aide have finally decided to grace us with their presence. Would you be here to offer some words of gratitude to the subjects who completed your entire slate of tests?" Vil said, crossing his arms with an angered look.

"Hey, radish sprout. What's up with all this canned food and powdered junk? They make the cheap steaks at the school cafeteria look like five-star restaurant fare." Leona said.

Jamil nodded, "Agreed. Nutritionally speaking it's fine, but I can't eat foods with such unconsidered flavor and texture. Oh, but if this is traditional Island of Woe cuisine, then I do apologize for my discourtesy." He said, though he wasn't apologizing at all.

"Idia-senpai! I demand you supply me with tea this instant!" Riddle demanded, "Rule 339 states..."The post-meal beverage is to be lemon tea with two sugar cubes." I know we're not on campus, but as Heartslabyul housewarden, it falls to me to uphold the rules wherever I can."

"Idia-san. I know better than to ask for unfettered internet access, but at least let me read the morning and evening papers. Preferably one that focuses on world and economic news. I need to stay on top of my investments." Azul said.

"Yap, yap, yap...What is this, a zoo?" Idia said, shaking his head, "You guys are forgetting the chair of command here. I really wish I didn't have to keep spelling it out, but...I'm the boss!"

"In that case, I have some choice words for "the boss." Isn't your job to make sure we're treated adequately after you dragged us here by force? If I might quote Styx's core mission...You ensure our "magical lives are safe to explore." And we're all contributing our data to your efforts for free. I think we're entitled to a reward." Vil smirked.

"Do you all realize you overblotted and caused serious problems for everyone around you?"

"Certainly. But I never caused trouble for you."

The lion male smirked, "Some people just like playing the victim and lording it over the offender, even when it didn't impact 'em at all."

The flame haired male's eyes widen, "Uh, excuse me...You overblotting has majorly impacted me. Again—I didn't ask to do this. Now I'm way behind on my favorite character's event, and all my consecutive login bonuses are shot..." He whispered to himself, as he looked at them, "I've got a bone to pick with all you epic troublemakers." He frowned, "Why did both my parents have to step out now, of all times?" He whispered again.

"Maybe they thought the subjects would be more at ease, since you all know each other." Ortho whispered back.

"Anyone with two brain cells could figure out that it's infinitely harder because we know each other. Classic mom and dad, always prioritizing efficiency over people's feelings. Their travel logs show they've headed to the Land of Dawning to investigate things further. Probably to question the headmage. Y'know, since he's the one in charge of the school with all the troublemakers. If they needed my help, they could've at least given me that job instead."

"But this is the first time you've had friends over, right? I'm rather happy about that, myself." He smiled.

"Huh? Friend...?"

"Yeah. We haven't experienced this personally, but...I've seen lots of scenes in TV shows and anime where classmates or clubmates hang out at each other's houses. It's called "having friend over." Isn't it a perfectly common form of socializing for regular people?"

"Maybe for regular people. But for us? It's just fiction. Besides, this wasn't "having friends over." It was forcibly dragging acquaintances into a lab and making them test subjects."

"But you still brought people you know into your residence."

"It's not the same. Those two things are as different as Elysium and the Underworld. You need to update your logic systems. And who would call this bunch of troublemakers friends, anyway? You gotta be kidding me."

"Excuse me, what are you two whispering about? Are you even listening to us? Now that we're finished with the test, I'd like to get in my daily workout or some yoga." Vil said.

"I could use a bit of exercise myself." The Scarabia male said.

"Give me meat. Any kind." Leona said, frowning.

"I must have tea!" The red haired male demanded.

"Bring me a business paper!" Azul said.

Idia let out a yell, "Aaaugh! Shut! Up!" He yelled loudly, "You're all going home tomorrow. Would it kill you to exercise a little patience?!"

Suddenly, the alarms blared loudly, startling everyone.

"Testing of Subjects ROS-859A and SUS-3320B will commence at 1300. Currently thawing Phantom subjects' cages. The facility will go into full lockdown for the duration of the test to ensure the safety of all personnel. All personnel, please return to your stations immediately." The PA system said, as outside some areas were locked off.

"...Oh, I guess there's A-class Phantom test today. That's gonna take a while." The flame haired male said, and looked at the rest, "Well, guys, you're not leaving this room for the next two or three hours. You're gonna have to entertain yourselves."

"What?!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Look, we went over this yesterday—Styx isn't a medical center for regular people. Didn't you hear the announcement? They're temporarily releasing dangerous Phantoms from test 'em and gather data. We've got the Cerberus System for defense, but there's still a chance things could go south. So everyone shuts themselves in rooms that double as shelters until the tests is over. Just in case."

"I get the basic idea, but what is Tartarus?" The Pomefiore male said.

"Oh, my bad. I was using work jargon."

"Tartarus is the name of a Phantom containment center that was built under Styx HQ. At least 10,000 subjects are held there." Ortho explained.

"Ten thousand?!"

"I know you said you all brought in Phantoms from all over the world...But I didn't expect such a vast number." Vil said.

"Tartarus was built in the Age of Gods, back when the first Shroud became Watchman. Members of Charon have been gathering specimens from all around the world ever since. It adds up." The flame haired male said.

"This place has been around since the Age of Gods? 10,000 seems kinda low then." Leona said, a brow raised.

"Well, plenty of 'em fade out over time. But some of the Phantoms are so powerful, they've been in containment for over 1,000 years and haven't faded a bit."

"Living as a hate-filled monster for over a millennium...The thought sends a shiver down my spine." Vil said, feeling a slight chill.

"Styx classifies the Phantom here into 12 groups based on threat level. The higher their level, the further down they're contained. The A-class subjects we're testing today are exceedingly dangerous. But don't worry! Outside of tests, they're kept frozen in sturdy cages. So no need to be scared! Plus, we have a robust defense system. Dad built the base model for it, and my nii-san perfected it six years ago. It's called the Cerberus System! We're safe and can feel right at home, even in an emergency!" The boy smiled.

"Did you say radish sprout perfected the defense system?" The lion male said, not believing them.

"That's the opposite of reassuring." The blond said.

"Aww, why?" Ortho's eyes widen, "The Cerberus System's amazing! It's perfect, just like its namesake—the legendary guard dog of the Underworld! It covers the entire island, not just Tartarus...And even when unmanned, it's got three brains that determine the most optimal course of action against enemies—"

Idia cut him off, "Okay, that's enough, Ortho. These guys don't care one nano-iota about that stuff." He then cleared his throat to get their attention, "Long story short, just take the L and find a way to pass the time in here for a while." He looked at them, before heading to the door, "Right, I'm gonna go now..."

"I take issue with you trying to slink away when we've yet to resolve matters." Azul said, eyes narrowed, "You're not done here until you can offer us something to keep ourselves occupied."

Vil nodded in agreement, "Agreed. I won't demand a treadmill, but you could at least provide a yoga mat."

"Personally, I'd like some kind of reference book or grimoire so I can brush up on my studies." Riddle said.

"You know, the room I was last nigh had movies. Can we put some of those on the monitor here?" Jamil said.

"An afternoon nap's the perfect way to kill a few hours..." The lion male yawned, getting comfortable.

"You'll throw off your sleep schedule if you nap that long, Leona. You'll be up all night." The blond said.

He looked at him with a smirk, "Don't worry your pretty little head about me. I always sleep well, thank you very much."

He sighed, looking away, "Must you constantly snipe at people?"

Ortho tugged on Idia's sleeve, making him look at him, "Nii-san...There's over an 87% chance these people will start fighting if you lock them in a room together for three hours." He whispered.

"It might no be enough to just give them what they want. I think they'd fight no matter what we did to stop them. Bad endings in every story branch. What's something peaceful you can do for a while with a whole group of people...?" He whispered back.

"Ooh, how about a board game? One that's for five or more players, with simple rules...Wouldn't The Game of Magical Life work well?"

"Okay, back up! If this crew plays a dice-based game...Chances are they'll start trash-talking when anyone gets a good roll, which will then lead to an all-out brawl."

"Oh, good point. Okay, something non-competitive and simple to play..." The boy's eyes widen, "I know! How about video games? I can download games online and run them. We probably could avoid any arguments, as log as we don't choose a head-to-head game."

"I dunno...These guys really don't seem interested in video games..."

"Then we can come up with something else if they say no. Failure is the mother of success!"

"I still don't know..."

Ortho looked at the rest, as his brother reeled back, "Your attention, please!"

He sputtered, "Ortho!"

Everyone looked at them.

"Since you're all stuck here for the next three hours...I propose we play some video games!" The boy smiled, a hand raised.

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