TRANQUILITY | ส€แด‡sษชแด…แด‡ษดแด› แด‡แด ษชสŸ 4...

By braeium

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(๐‹๐„๐Ž๐ ๐Š๐„๐๐๐„๐ƒ๐˜ ๐— ๐…. ๐Ž๐‚) SEQUEL TO SERENDIPITY โWhat are you doing?โž๏ธŽ THE NIGHT TH... More

PLAYLIST โ”๏ธŽโ”๏ธŽ familiar faces.


2.2K 112 119
By braeium

𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 :
we just met and i hate you


RAE HAD LANDED safely, managing to even perform a cool roll to keep herself without landing harshly. Still, when she had the chance she laid upon the ground, unmoving. She needed to give her heartbeat a moment to calm down.

"Rae! Are you okay?" Leon urged, checking the girl who hadn't moved before he even looked over his own appearance.

"Yes." Her answer was muddled by the floor of the cave.

Leon looked at her for a second before he huffed and grabbed onto her arm, beginning to lift her up, "Then get up."

"I just want to lay for a minute—"

     "I agree with the lady." Luis said, sitting up from his previously laid down position, "We should take a break."

     "We don't have the time." Leon objected, bringing the girl reluctantly to her feet.

Rae huffed and looked down at the firm grip on her arm. His hands were hidden by the fingerless gloves, but she could still see the veins prominent as they led to his well-toned arms. She gulped and looked upwards, finding him looking down at her with a cocky expression. He had been watching her checking him out.

     Rae tried not to feel embarrassed, but she couldn't help it as she ripped her arm out of his grip and helping Luis stand up. The man looked around, "Oh, man...Hm, but actually this works." Luis stated, "Oye. Let's get on that lift."

The lift he was speaking of was at the end of a short wooden pathway. They started down the path, almost reaching the elevator when the floor suddenly broke in front of them. Rae had been first, and her foot went over the edge. She had almost fell but Leon's hand reached out and grasped Rae's hand, pulling her back.

     "No way." Luis complained at the unfortunate timing of the bridge breaking, "Give me a break."

     "Agreed." Rae piped as she backed away from the newly formed ledge.

"We can make it if we circle around. Come on." Leon said as he jumped down the newly former ledge, finding it a pathway into a lower cave.

     "Pain in my ass..." Luis muttered as him and Rae followed behind Leon. Rae gave him a pat on the back before though. They were moving along the walls of the cave, all traveling on a thin path that wrapped around the rock material.

     Then the trio spotted a bug creature flying in from the giant open area. Luis had previously explained that this was where the cult had originally mined up the amber, hence the giant rock in the middle of it. Leon was quick to shoot the bug down, its body falling to the abyss.

     "Stay sharp! These guys have camoflau—" In front of them was one bug creature camouflaging, hiding on the floor in front of them. Rae spotted it and shot it, causing Luis to trail off, " are doing fine so I'll leave you to it."

     The trio made their way up the pathway, and then they found an open area with giant rocks spurting up in the middle of the ground at random parts. After he spotted another bug creature, Luis called out, "I hate insects! Take care of them, will you?"

Rae and Leon relented, killing most the bugs by sneaking moving around the giant rocks and shooting the ones that were camouflaging. Suddenly one jumped up and dived at Leon's face. He wasn't able to stop it since both his hands went into catching it and holding it away from his face. "Rae!" He shouted.

The girl was there before he could blink, her knife stabbing into the eyes of the creature and leaving it there. Leon was able to throw the creature off as it swerved around on the ground. Rae let out a breath as she walked over to it, placing her foot onto its moving torso and grabbing her knife's hilt, then tearing it from the creature's head. Then the creature went limp.

Behind her both Leon and Luis were gaping at her, one more obvious than the other. When Rae turned around and saw them staring in awe, she glared, "I know I'm beautiful, but you have better things to do than stare at me all day."

     The boys jumped back into action, continuing to kill more bugs.

Once the area was clear Luis called out, "Hey, Rae!"

Rae turned to him and found him standing beside her, "Yes?"

"I was wondering, does a lady such as yourself have a boyfriend?"

Feeling Leon's eyes burning into her head she shook her head, "No."

"Well, once this is all over," Luis prompted, "I was wondering if you'd liked to go on a date? Maybe even go to the cabin—"

"That's enough with that." Leon interrupted, suddenly walking between them and grabbing Rae's arm, bringing her beside him. Rae turned around and gave Luis a small wave.

     It didn't take long for them to be travelling out of the "hive" as Luis had called it. Rae didn't care about its name, instead deeming it her least favorite place.

They were in the elevator now, rising.

     Luis stood to one side, leaning against the wall with one leg tilted out more, his hand on that hip. Rae was standing in the middle, facing the open doors as she waited for them to open. She was acting as a barrier between the two, causing Leon to be passive. Leon who was across from Luis, holding his gun in a ready position as he also waited to leave the small space.

     "Whew. I'm beat. Makes you appreciate tech like this." Luis said.

"I don't get you. Why risk your life like this? You don't know us." Leon interrogated.

     "I told you." Luis recalled, "It makes me feel better."

     "Be straight with me for once." Leon quickly retorted.

"Los Illuminados... I was working for them." Luis revealed. Rae noticed how Leon tensed out of her peripheral, but she was keeping her eyes on Luis.

     "See? There you go." Leon may have not liked the given answer, but he was happy it was truthful.

     "Helping the three of you doesn't make up for it. I know that." Luis continued, looking towards the ground, "But still... I don't want anyone else to get hurt."

"In that case, you better get serious." Leon scolded.

     Luis laughed, "Harsh words for a squire."

     The elevator stopped and Luis ran out first, a grin on his face as he announced, "We're out of that hellhole!" He raised his arms, "The fresh air is calling our names."

Luis stopped and turned around, facing the two as they followed him slowly. He continued, "Because, if we made it all this way, you know it means we're almost—"

Luis suddenly let out a gasp and stopped speaking, making Leon pause then ask, "Almost what?"

Luis didn't answer, except gasping again and looking up. Recognizing the sounds of pain Rae asked, "Luis?"

The man coughed up blood, and then fell to the floor. Rae spotted a knife sticking out of his back as Leon shouted, "Luis!" Leon took the lead running towards Luis, he almost reached him when a bigger figure jumped in front of him. The new man was blocking Luis's body, and the sight of him made Leon pause. Rae stopped next to him, knowing the stranger was dangerous by just his appearance alone.

     "Long time no see, rookie." The man laughed. Rae spared a glance to Leon to find his face contorting with recognition and betrayal.

"Major Krauser? What the hell? Why?" Leon rapid fired, his voice showing his anger.

     Krauser bent down and took something from Luis's body. It was a small vial. "Recovering stolen goods." He reached down, gripping his knife, "And killing a few rats along the way." He took his knife back and twirled it into a reverse grip, beginning to approach the two as Leon put the girl behind him.

     "Easy work." Krauser piped.

"Ashley...It was you." Leon recognized. Rae attempted to put the story together, but it was missing a few parts.

     Leon reached down for his gun when Krauser leapt forward with his knife, having it pointed at the man's throat with lightning speed, "You catch on quick." Neither moved but the air was tense as Krauser scolded, "Didn't I teach you? Knives are faster."

Leon put his gun back in his holster and pulled out his own blade, blocking Krauser's arm and moving away. Rae took this chance to sneak away since Krauser was distracted.

     The two began to exchange quick blows. Back and forth they went at a speed Rae could barely catch. Eventually they stopped, their blades pressed against each other, "Not bad." Krauser said, pushing Leon away from him. They exchanged a few more blows before Krauser was able to get a slice on Leon's leg and deliver a kick to his chest, kicking him back onto a platform that was lower than the one Rae and Luis were still upon.

Krauser followed him, standing by him menacingly, "We are just getting started rookie."

     Leon regained his balance and the two began to fight. "Are you being controlled by that cult!?" Leon interrogated.

     "This has nothing to do with them. I'm a free man who made a choice." Krauser denied.

     Rae moved closer, hiding behind a box that was just on the edge of the higher platform while Leon urged, "Major, you're not thinking straight!"

"Oh, my mind's clearer than it's ever been." Krauser objected, "Now focus and show me what you've got."

"A soldier like you? Why would you work for these freaks?" Leon asked, desperate for an answer.

"Why? Have you forgotten what happened two years ago?" Krauser questioned.

     Leon caught on quickly, "Operation Javier?"

     "They killed us all. Without honor. Without mercy. Only devastating power!" Krauser asked, "What's wrong with wanting the same for myself?"

"Krauser!" Leon said, "I can understand. What happened was...unforgivable. But that doesn't give you the right to hurt innocent people!"

"You're still a kid holding on to fantasies of what's right and wrong." Krauser spat, "Haven't you learned anything these last two years?"

Rae was able to get a better look at the man as she sneakily peeked her head around the box. Krauser was a large man, muscles upon muscles that were almost popping out of his shirt. Scars ran along his face and his short blonde hair was barely visible through the bottom of his hat.

     But his intimidating frame didn't stop either from challenging him, although Leon was faltering.

"What's wrong? Not looking too steady." Krauser mocked as he caught both of Leon's hands, obviously having the upper hand. Rae noticed the distance between them and sighed, making a choice she wasn't sure if she'd regret.

Rae found herself leaping onto the platform from behind Krauser, landing on his upper back because he was busy attacking Leon. The man felt the weight on his back and the sting of a knife being stabbed into his shoulder before he acted quickly, throwing the girl off and into a nearby stack of heavy crates.

     Her back stung but Rae hastily climbed to her feet, her right leg wincing. She got back into the proper position she was taught and kept her eyes on the man as he turned to her. Leon tried to strike Krauser, but he was quickly blocked and kicked back again.

     Krauser tilted his head at the sight of the woman, recognizing her immediately, "Agent Silivan." He greeted, narrowing his eyes, "I've heard lots, but that was a weak grip. Disappointing."

"Don't you seem charming?" Rae gave him a determined glare as she tried to notice any changes in his stance that would give away that he was going to attack. "Sorry for ruining your moment, but I've got things to do, and you're kind of in my way."

"I'll welcome the challenge." Krauser said and the two began to slash at each other.

     Rae was more defensive. Krauser was quick and had great mobility despite his large frame. The girl would swing low, and he would try to get an angle higher. She was mostly blocking hits, although once she saw her opening, she took it.

She went to knee him in the privates, but it was blocked before it could reach full impact. Krauser then tried to grab her, but she took a quick step back. Krauser gave a kick to her midsection and sent her flying back.

      Leon jumped up to try to stab Krauser, but he was also kicked to the side. Krauser played with his knife a little as he advanced onto Leon, preparing to stab him when rapid shots were heard.

The two turned around and spotted Luis sitting up and shooting at the man. Once they turned back to Krauser they found him perched on top of a higher box, out of reach.

     "Enough play, rookie." Krauser stated, "You haven't changed a damn bit. What a disappointment."

     He leapt up to a higher platform and twisted his knife around fancily before sliding it into its cover. Then Krauser turned away, leaving them.

     A loud pained grunt caught their attention and Rae burst to her feet, rushing over to Luis. She sat to his right while Leon stayed to his left. "Not looking good, eh?" Luis questioned, "And such a loss to the ladies of the world."

Rae forced out the small laugh he wanted while Leon scolded, "Don't talk."

      Luis put his hand into Rae's, but she felt something in it, "Take this." He said, "The key to my laboratory. Go there...and remove those damn...parasites..."

     Rae looked at the key in her hands as Luis lifted the cigarette to his mouth, placing it between them as he muffled his coughs, "Help...Ashley..."

Luis attempted to light his lighter, but his hands were too weak. His thumb scraped against the contraption, but it fell past it. After a few tries the lighter fell out of his hand and landed by his left leg. Without anyone saying anything Leon picked it up, lighting the cigarette for him.

     Rae took in a breath, trying to calm herself from the sharp pain in her chest. Sure, she hadn't known the man well, but he had been kind. To both of them, even if he came from Umbrella. Luis wasn't Umbrella. Luis was...Luis.

     Rae reached forward and held his right hand gently. Luis turned to her as smoke began to puff up from the cigarette, appreciation gleaming in his clouding eyes.

He then faced forward, his expression becoming sorrowful, regretful. "You know, I led a pretty shitty life." He turned to Leon as Rae's thumb lightly stoked the back of his hand, attempting to give him comfort, "But now, eh...what do you two think?"

     "People can change, right?" Luis questioned; his voice desperate, desperate for the knowledge that he had been able to grasp redemption for his past actions. His eyebrows furrowed, as his eyes glided back to the empty area in front of him.

     Then he let out a small, quiet breath as the cigarette fell limp from his lips. His head dropped, and his eyes became hazy.

Both of them blinked at the man for a second, realizing the truth. They found themselves connecting their gaze, the same pain reflecting in both their eyes.

Leon reached forward and placed the lighter back into its rightful owner's palm, his hands lingering before he took them back.

Rae looked down at her hands, feeling Luis's in them. They were feeling cold. The girl furrowed her eyebrows in pain, knowing that Luis was dead.



Krauser L.

Posted: April 7, 2023
Words: 2639
Edited: ✘︎

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