The Unseen Assassin

נכתב על ידי Batsy88

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'What people think isn't what scares me, it's what I'm willing to do to survive that terrifies me.' Leila Way... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 4

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נכתב על ידי Batsy88

"What do I get out of it?" Leila asked as she looked up from her book in the library to the three Justice League members standing there. "I'll increase your allowance" Bruce bargained "I can make fifty million in a night you'll have to do better" Leila smirked as she leaned back in the chair she was sitting in "You'll be doing good? Getting better karma" Clark tried and Leila just shook her head

"Can't you just do the right thing instead of being selfish and greedy?" Oliver snapped and Jason stood up from the upper level of the library. "No, I'm not selfish. Everything I have done in my life has been to protect those I love and the innocent. I would sit there being tortured for days on end by my own Mother because I refused to kill a five year old when I was merely nine myself, I would make up excuses for when Damian didn't complete his missions claiming I interfered in a way and I would be beaten half to death, I didn't see my daughter for six months and was beaten daily all because I helped Jason. You don't get to call me selfish, not when you haven't endured a single second of what I have" Leila spat as she stood up and got in Oliver's face

"Watch yourself" Oliver warned "Try me old man, I could take you down in seconds" Leila threatened as she stepped closer. Oliver tried to knock her feet out from under her only for her to knock him backwards onto his ass and have her dagger at his throat in a second. "I don't make empty threats" Leila shot out as Jason finally came down

"Leila, calm down" Jason reasoned to the girl who's eyes were glowing in rage. "What's the case for?" Jason asked Bruce "They're getting information on a human trafficking organization" Bruce informed Jason "Tell Dick I'll be downstairs ready to go at three and he better be there" Leila spat as she stormed out of the library.

"Shoulda started with the human trafficking, she's seen it first hand and hates it" Jason shook his head "What do you mean first hand?" Clark asked as Oliver stood up "Its not my story but I'll tell you this, she's only sixteen yet she's experienced more cruelty then all of us combined" Jason explained as he picked up the book Leila was reading and followed her out of the library

"Ready?" Nightwing asked Leila as she nodded and sealed her mask to her face "Wait, do you have an alias?" Nightwing asked "Naeva" Naeva said shortly as she looked at Red Robin who had been preparing the zeta tube to let her through. "We're ready" Red Robin told them as Naeva pulled her hood up and begrudgingly took the domino mask from Nightwing and set it on her face.

"Remember the rules, no killing, no critically injuring and no civilian identities" Nightwing reminded as they stepped up to the zeta tubes "Yup" Naeva replied popping the p as they were sucked away. Naeva arrived first the team immediately getting into defensive stances as Naeva simply leaned against the wall as Nightwing and Red Robin arrived.

"Wing, wanna call off your dogs" Naeva drawled as she held up her pistol "See the safety's on" Naeva spoke slowly like she was talking to a child. "Who is she?" L'gann demanded "Your guide to the Middle East, saltwater" Naeva remarked as she spun the gun back into its holster for show.

"Who even is she?" Artemis asked "Doesn't matter, I'm here for the victims of those trades not for any of you. Don't expect sunshine from me"  Naeva shrugged as she looked at Nightwing "I respect that" Artemis nodded and Naeva smirked "Tell Batman I like that one" Naeva told Nightwing

"Where's the jet? I need to see it before I fly it" Naeva asked Nightwing and Red Robin "This way" Red Robin motioned for her to follow him. The team watched her suspiciously "She seems odd and sorta rude" Wondergirl commented "She's just really Gotham" Artemis laughed at their sensitivity "Shes not even from Gotham but she really fits in with Gothamites" Nightwing agreed as the others just looked confused

"Okay Wing, you guys ready? If we wanna get there in time then we gotta get out of here" Naeva asked as she checked her gauntlet for the time. "I think we're all ready? You know how to fly that model, Red and I couldn't figure it out" Nightwing checked "It would be concerning if I didn't" Naeva laughed as she turned back around and froze listening for something "Someone left a tap on" Naeva told Nightwing before continuing on her way.

"How did she..." Bumble Bee started "Don't ask" Nightwing sighed as he followed her "Someone figure out what tap is on" Nightwing asked as he ran up beside Naeva. "Hurry up, Gothamites don't like to wait long. I'm willing to bet she'll leave without us" Artemis called as she ran to grab her extra quiver of arrows.

They were on their way making mindless chatter while over a mountain range when Naeva spoke up "Everybody hold on we've got someone behind us" Naeva warned as she dove towards the ground before yanking back again towards the sky attempting to disappear into the clouds.

"Fuck" Naeva muttered as she killed the engines when a missile was fired making them drop before she quickly turned them back on again. "Oh can you just go away" Naeva grumbled as she began going in every which way trying to lose the following jet. Suddenly the jet jolted forward and alarms began going off.

"Brace for impact, we lost an engine" Naeva warned as she felt the jet tilt slightly. The jet's nose quickly turned downwards as Naeva ran towards the back of the jet and opened the door. "We have to jump, aim for a tree not the water it'll be like hitting concrete" Naeva yelled at them over the roaring winds "Do we have any parachutes?" Lagoon boy shouted and Naeva just shook her head before turning around and saluting the team before falling backwards.

"Quickly!" Nightwing shouted as he too jumped seeing how close the ground was getting. They all quickly hurried out the last of them to jump being Superboy when the jet was only two hundred feet in the air. Somehow they all landed safely in the soft powder snow of an empty field the jet landing in the side of a southern mountain.

"Everyone okay?" Nightwing asked as he stood up "Shit, shit, shit!" Naeva cursed "What?" Artemis asked worriedly "I know exactly where we are, we're in the Himalayas but this portion has been built up by locals to put up power inhibitors and there's no service or technology for at least fifty miles" Naeva sighed as she stood up and felt searing pain in her side.

Naeva rolled up her shirt and saw the wound bleeding again as Red Robin looked over. "Please tell me it's not down to your guts again" Red Robin gagged "I've healed most of the way it's just down to the muscle" Naeva waved off as she took off her cloak and tied it tightly around her wound.

"It's too late to move now, there's somewhere we can go at the top of that mountain but for now we need to set up a camp." Naeva thought out loud. "All the wood will be soaking wet" Nightwing told her "Not the alive trees" Naeva told him as she eyed a spruce sitting a few hundred feet away. "Yes but how will we chop them down" Nightwing reasoned "Do you not carry a hatchet?" Naeva asked as she pulled a hatchet from her belt.

"Here go cut it down while I go find us a deer or something" Naeva told Nightwing as she tossed him the hatchet which he jumped back from watching it land in the snow. "Grow up it's a hatchet not a spear" Naeva scoffed as she looked around "You've still got your bow?" She asked Artemis who nodded glad she kept it strapped to her back.

"Come with me, arrows are less painful for them then bullets" Naeva told her as she entered the forest at the edge of the field, Naeva shushed Artemis before listening for water quickly pinpointing it to the southwest. She quietly hurried towards it Artemis on her tail before walking along the bank of the small river until she found fresh tracks.

They followed them until Naeva held her hand up to Artemis and a deer laid in the field peacefully. "Aim just above the front leg" Naeva whispered as Artemis pulled the arrow back before letting it fly. The deer jolted a cried in pain as Naeva ran at it and muttered to it "Thank you for your sacrifice, I grant you mercy" Naeva muttered as she pulled out her pistol and shot right through her brain.

Naeva grabbed the front legs and looked to Artemis, "Take the back legs, we'll retrace our steps to get back" Naeva told Artemis as they walked in silence Artemis having a hard time seeing while Naeva's enhanced sight made it easy for her.

"Okay but how will we cook a deer?" Lagoon Boy asked Naeva smugly "Wing, you have firewood ready?" Naeva asked and Nightwing nodded. Naeva yanked out a lighter and pack of cigarettes peeling some of the paper off of one and setting it on top of the box. Naeva quickly positioned the wood on a area the team had cleared of snow while they were gone and then lit the paper up and placed it into the centre watching the wood slowly catch.

"Done, bastard. You all need survival training" Naeva mocked as she pulled out a sharp dagger and began butchering the deer. "Nightwing start cooking some of this" Naeva ordered as she stripped the leg and broke the bone open. "Someone follow our footsteps and you'll find a river, wash this out and fill it with water" Naeva ordered as she scraped the inside of the deers stomach out and held it up.

"Why do you know all of this?" Kid Flash asked in shock "I was dropped in the woods for three months as training when I was eight and told to survive. These very mountains actually, you learn quickly when you have to to survive" Naeva shrugged as Kid Flash grabbed the stomach and she continued to butcher the deer.

"I'll be back in a few minutes" Naeva whispered to Nightwing as she strung up the cleaned fur to hopefully dry quickly. "Where are you going?" Nightwing asked as he worked on cooking the deer on one of Artemis's arrows. "I need to return the deer's skull to where it belongs, I broke the legs to get the marrow but the rest of it belongs to nature and the animals around here" Naeva explained as she scooped up most of the bones and headed a few meters into the forest.

Naeva set the bones down and kneeled down to mutter her thanks to the deer for its gift of life to them. Naeva bowed her head as she stood up before turning around and heading out but not before noticing oyster mushrooms on a few trees. Naeva scurried to collect them knowing it would give Beast Boy peace of mind to not have to eat the deer. Naeva had noticed the way he walked off when he saw her dragging the carcass with Artemis.

"I've got some mushrooms" Naeva said as she sat down by the fire and pulled the hide down noticing it was decently dry "Who's uniforms are made for any weather?" Naeva asked Nightwing as they looked around "I would say Artemis, Superboy, Beast Boy, Wondergirl and Lagoon Boy are the worst off" Nightwing told Naeva figuring he knew where the question was going.

"We've got my cloak and the hide, from what I can tell Beast Boy won't be comfortable with the hide so he can take my cloak and then we can figure out who gets the hide. You and Red have heaters built into your suits too right?" Naeva double checked "First thing Batman did with how much it rains in Gotham." Nightwing sighed

"Red Robin's cape could be used as a blanket as well... oh I forgot I have that!" Naeva said excitedly as she reached into a pocket in her pants and pulled out a little package making Nightwing confused "It's an emergency blanket dumbass, I've been dumped on enough mountains to know that it's useful." Naeva sighed as she checked the rest of her pockets pulling out anything useful.

"I've got polyspoirn, some protein bars the non-meat eaters will get those, a mini vodka for wounds, a mini first aid kit, a mini suture kit, the blanket, my lighter, cigarettes, my weapons, a small tarp and rope." Naeva listed as the team stared in shock "How do you carry all of that?" Artemis asked "Years of learning new worsts to prepare for, those of you with the most susceptible uniforms will get the blankets and other forms of protection from the weather that we have." Naeva debriefed as she stood up glad she wore her long sleeve Kevlar top that had heating built in today instead of her normal t shirt that was insulated but not heated.

"Won't you freeze yourself?" Superboy questioned "All of our suits have heated wires built in to keep us warm. My cloak has the same which means we have five different blanket like materials, Red Robin's cape, my cloak, the deer hide, the emergency blanket and the tarp." Naeva listed as she tucked the cigarettes away before Nightwing could take them.

Naeva untied her cloak from her waist and felt a surge of pain before gently touching it feeling it erupt with pain. "Pass me the vodka, my fucking side is infected" Naeva told Nightwing rolling up her shirt to look at the clotted but clearly infected wound that had luckily healed a bit more. "How did that happen in an hour?" Red Robin questioned as Naeva opened the vodka.

"I might heal faster but infections also take hold faster. Besides the Old Hag in Hell used a rusty blade when she did this" Naeva gritted out while bitting down on her cheek and slowly pouring the vodka over the wound. "Who is the Old Hag in Hell?" Artemis yelled "Doesn't matter" Naeva gritted out as the burning slowly subsided. She had used about half the bottle but knew it was better then ending up dead.

"Gotta hope that heals overnight" Nightwing said as Red Robin looked at it "Her spleen isn't visible this time so that's good" Red Robin commented "Oh yeah after Rh screwed up on simple sutures and nearly killed me" Naeva rolled her eyes behind her mask. "He wasn't expecting to see your spleen while you guys were laying on his bedroom floor laughing." Red Robin shot back

"Okay but... actually I have nothing that could fight that" Naeva agreed "WHEN WAS YOUR SPLEEN ON THE FLOOR?" Nightwing yelled in shock "It wasn't on the floor it was inside me still it was just visible from the floor." Naeva corrected "That's not any better" Nightwing cried "Any day where I'm not disemboweled is a good day" Naeva decided

"You should all sleep I'll keep watch and keep the fire going" Naeva told them as she sat down "You need to heal, I'll stay up" Nightwing told her "No, I'm the only one who can see into the woods or hear anyone approaching from far enough for us to get out" Naeva fought back "You said yourself powers don't work here" Nightwing shot back

"I'm closer to the source of my powers then normal, if anything they're strengthened. Normal inhibitors don't affect me, trust me I would know people have tried to use them against me" Naeva shot back "I'll heal quick enough, besides there's a long journey in the morning, I know someone who will most likely house you while I go retrieve a new jet." Naeva added

"Where are you going to get a jet out here?" Superboy asked and Nightwing looked at her unimpressed "I have some favours I can call in" Naeva lied as she sat down at the fire and cooked herself a piece of the deer. "Sleep for at least a few hours Naeva, I'll wake you up once it gets really dark" Nightwing reasoned making Naeva sigh "Two hours"

"Deal" Naeva sighed as she stared at the burning embers before muttering to herself "Jason, watch over her for me, no matter how long I'm gone keep Nyx safe. Keep your promise" Naeva muttered as she stared at the flames. The mountains brought back so many unwanted memories but one stuck out to Naeva as she drifted off to sleep.


"You will never be a good Mother! You say I abuse you, you call me cruel. Don't you know Daughter? The abused becomes the abuser. Your child is going to hate every minute of her life because you are in it!" Talia yelled at Naeva as she slammed her against the wall and ripped out chunks of her hair. "No, no I won't. I don't care that you wanted a grandson I won't let you take this from me!" Naeva cried as she protected her stomach, she wasn't showing much only a little bit but the baby was healthy.

"If I have to cut that baby out of you, I will do it" Talia threatened as she forced Naeva to look up at her. Naeva snapped as she shoved Talia off of her and ran, she ran towards Jason's room, she didn't care that her masks were left behind as she sprinted down the halls. Naeva ran into Jason's room and slammed the door quickly dragging the dresser in front.

"Naeva?" Jason asked "Jay, I'm having a girl and she's going to kill her" Naeva choked out as she slid down the wall. "You have to take her away from here, I'll get you out and you can bring her to my Father. Have Bruce take care of her, you have to run away with her" Naeva begged "Leila, listen to me. Talia won't kill her, she can't. You're carrying an heir, if Talia kills an heir she'll give up her right to the League" Jason reminded Naeva.

"She won't care, no one will fight her. I can't take over Jason, I'm too young and everyone knows that" Naeva cried as she heard Talia banging on the door. "Both of you will regret this!" Talia snarled as she tried the door knob. Jason motioned for Naeva to climb out the window as he silently moved the dresser back into position. "Sorry Lady Talia, I did not realize the door was locked" Jason apologized as he bowed.

"I know she's here Jason" Talia spat as she stared down at him "I do not know who you're talking about Lady Talia" Jason calmly stated "I know Naeva came running to you, she always does" Talia spat as she forced Jason to look at her. "I gave you a second chance at life my child, now I need you to help me. Where is Naeva?" Talia demanded

"I'm afraid I don't know. Is it possible she jumped out a window" Jason feigned confusion. "If you are helping hide her you will face the same consequences" Talia growled before storming out. Jason quickly stood up and closed the door before moving back to the window and looking out.

"Promise me you'll always protect her, even if Talia kills me or has someone kill me. Promise you'll save her before me and keep her safe" Naeva begged Jason as she climbed back in. "I will do anything for her, but I will also do anything for you. Now go, find somewhere to hide incase Talia comes back" Jason urged as he gave Naeva a bottle of water before she jumped back out the window and towards the forest to tough it out for the night.

Flashback over

"Naeva, wake up!" Nightwing urged as he shook her awake "Hey, don't worry it's not your turn yet but you were shaking and I could hear you crying out" Nightwing said as he crouched down in front of her "I'm fine I just... I don't like being back here. There's too many bad memories" Naeva shrugged as she stared at the fire and noticed how Beast Boy was shivering despite the emergency blanket.

"Fuck it" Naeva muttered as she rolled him closer to the fire and carefully tucked the blanket around him. "I'll have to thank Batman for the suits" Nightwing laughed quietly as he sat down next to Naeva "I'm pretty sure he's who Talia stole the idea from. One of the few things I can thank the old hag for" Naeva joked quietly

"Was it really as bad as Rh says?" Nightwing asked "It was worse, words can't describe that hellhole. Talia tried to kill Nyx when she found out she was girl, that's what I was dreaming about. It was the first time I fought back because Talia was going to kill my daughter" Naeva choked out "I made Rh promise me that day that if it ever came down to me or her, that'd he pick her and take care of her for me" Naeva regained her composure.

"Did she know how cruel Talia was?" Nightwing asked "I did my best but she does have some scars. Talia would use her as a way to punish me, I was once banned from seeing her for six months. In those six months she started talking and walking, I missed the biggest milestones of my daughters life because I refused to kill a three year old and helped Rh escape" Naeva told Nightwing as she added a log to the fire careful not to smother it.

Artemis sat awake guilty she had been given the warmest 'blanket' because she had the least protective outfit. She didn't mean to eavesdrop but when someone's five feet away from you what are you supposed to do but listen? Artemis couldn't stop herself from wondering how old Naeva must be if she already has a child and why who she assumed was Talia Al-Ghoul was so cruel to her specifically. 

"Where are we going in the morning?" Nightwing asked Naeva "Land of a thousand battles, which translates to Land of a thousand battles. It's a self contained group that lives on their own out here. They had ties to the League of Assassins prior to the leadership change. Their leader, Auntie, she was the closest thing I had to a Mother until I wasn't allowed near her anymore." Naeva sighed before she looked at the ground.

"I hope your team can do it Wing. It's a rough climb, the air's thin up there. Only those who are used to it can train up there. I would give up my mask but I cannot risk my identity" Naeva told Nightwing as she stared at the mountain in the distance "How long will it take?" Nightwing asked "For me? 45 minutes, for your team? Two hours" Naeva sighed as she leaned back on the ground and stared at the stars.

"You're not going to sleep anymore are you?" Nightwing asked Naeva who shook her head "Then I'm gonna check on Baby Bird and go to sleep" Nightwing groaned as he stood up stiffly and checked on Red Robin who was still warm. Naeva watched him curl up not far from his younger brother as she watched the flames twirl.

"How are we supposed to climb up this?" Lagoon Boy yelled when he saw the steep icy rock slope they had to climb. "By following my lead" Naeva sighed in annoyance as she grabbed the one rock and used it to pull herself to the next one before standing up. "How are we supposed to do that?" Superboy asked as he tried only to fall back to the ground.

"Wing, I'm assuming you can do it?" Naeva asked Nightwing who tried and got up on the first try. "Thank god for acrobats" Naeva muttered as she yanked the rope out and passed it down "I guess we're doing it this way" Naeva grumbled as she quickly scaled higher up until the rope just barely reached the ground.

She quickly found a secure rock to tie it off to before looking down the roughly twenty feet. "There now you have the rope to use" Naeva sighed as she stood waiting for people to get up one by one hauling them onto the ledge. "See why I said it would take two hours" Naeva told Nightwing as she untied and quickly climbed up another set of stones before retying the rope.

"Finally" Nightwing sighed "NO!" Naeva cried as she heard the merciless repeated gunshots. "Naeva!" Nightwing yelled as the girl ran towards the building immediately being shot at as she opened the door. Naeva whipped out her pistol and quickly fired six clean rounds before reloading.

"Is she crazy?" Kid Flash asked "Still up for debate" Nightwing replied as he called her again. Naeva fired off another three shots before storming into the building the door slamming behind her in the raging winds. Nightwing and Red Robin nodded at each other as they crept closer to the door before bursting it open finding bodies of military and those dressed in modest clothing laying all over the floor.

The real difference was that the majority of the military had a single bullet wound on their forehead. "Get her!" They heard a voice shout before cries of agony were heard. "Dammit" Red Robin muttered as they ran down the hall the team soon behind them.

They all soon found themselves out of breath in the thin air. Eventually the gunshots stopped and they followed the dead bodies to where Naeva had a soldier pinned to the ground as she dug her knife into his throat. "Why did you attack?" Naeva gritted out "They were peaceful!" Naeva snapped as she twisted the knife.

"Those of your sort are never truly peaceful are you?" The solider gritted out before Naeva slashed across his throat in a smooth motion. "Naeva... what did you do?" Nightwing asked in shock "I avenged them. I did exactly as I've been taught for over a decade Nightwing. You shouldn't of expected anything else" Naeva spoke calmly before continuing on her path.

Naeva heard the faint pattering of almost silent feet making her spin around and aim only to see the girl she had known for years standing with blood running down her forehead making her black hair stick to her face. "Cassandra, why are you here? You should be back at the compound" Naeva questioned as she lowered her gun and hurried over to the girl who stared at the heroes silently wrapping her arms around the young girl.

"Get out of here I won't ask twice" Naeva demanded as she turned back around to face the team the small Asian girl behind her back. "Naeva you made a promise to Batman" Nightwing reminded her "FUCK BATMAN. We are not the same, I am not like either of you. You grieved your parents deaths. Me however fuck that bitch for everything she did to people, she will never have the prayer for the dead muttered over her body, she will never have anyone grieve her." Naeva spat venomously as she stared Nightwing down.

"Naeva, there are other ways" Nightwing reasoned when Cassandra tapped Naeva on the shoulder before signing to her 'They were after the Lazarus pits' "No, no... they don't even have it. This means war, we're at war with the government. Hah that's nothing new" Naeva slowly descended into laughter "Fuck, we're at war, you hear that bitch? You caused a war you happy about that?" Naeva yelled at the ground the laughter still flowing through her words.

"They were after something they didn't even have, hundreds dead for nothing. Does this make you happy!" Naeva yelled at the ground okay "Is she okay..." Artemis questioned and the girl they now knew as Cassandra shook her head "Probably a psychotic break from years of pressure and stress" Red Robin shrugged like it was nothing

"Unfortunately pretty common among the Batfamily" Nightwing sighed "No, no, no. She's pretty much dead. They'll kill her, they'll kill me, they'll kill him. We're all fucking dead. The end of an era" Naeva laughed thinking of Nyx and Robin as Cassandra grabbed her arm anchoring her again. "Bring me to the bodies, I'll handle it" Naeva sighed as she grounded herself again.

"Auntie" Naeva choked out as she looked at the brave warrior woman who's hand rested beside her sword. "I pray for the dead, I pray they had a peaceful death, I pray they experienced love, I pray they rest peacefully, I pray they do not suffer for eternity. I pray for the living, I pray for their happiness, I pray for their long lives, I pray for their safety, I pray for the same as the dead. I pray for those who lost their lives today, I pray that they are missed, I pray that they were and are shown mercy" Naeva muttered shakily as she knelt down next to the woman and clutched her hand.

Cassandra kneeled nearby clutching a man's hand as Naeva repeated the prayer. "Auntie, I will tear them down for what they've done to you" Naeva choked out as she looked at the cuts all over the dead woman's body. "Naeva. Batman's on his way, we figured out how to turn off the scramblers and inhibitors" Nightwing told her as Naeva sighed

"He won't win against me. He can try but I will meet up with Rh" Naeva growled as she drew her katana and Cassandra did the same. "Naeva put it down, Batman gets that it was too soon. He knows you've been trying" Nightwing spoke calmly. "Please, too soon? This is who I am and no matter what you guys threaten I won't end up changing." Naeva told Nightwing as she looked over at the young boy around Robin's age who laid dead and took a sharp inhale before moving on and repeating the same prayer.

Batman arrived and looked at Nightwing confused "She's been doing this for the past two hours. It's some sort of prayer for the dead, she's been going from body to body doing it" Nightwing explained quietly as they waited for her to finish the current prayer. Naeva stood up and looked to Cassandra "I will find someone for you to stay with, even if I have to take care of you myself" Naeva assured the girl as she handed her a piece of gauze for her forehead.

"Batman" Naeva said coldly as she turned around "You can finish your prayers if you wish" Batman assured "I have other matters I must attend to first" Naeva said knowingly as Cassandra stood behind her ready to protect her young leader. "If you wish to take me in so be it but know I have reinforcements not far out" Naeva drawled as she stared Batman dead in the eyes.

The Justice League stared in shock at the blood covered girl who although shorter then Batman by about six inches showed no fear. "You need help" Batman told Naeva "No one can help me. Not anymore" Naeva shook her head as she held her hand up to Cassandra to hold up for now.

"You need to step back from both these lives Naeva" Batman told her as he stepped forward only for Naeva to step back and Cassandra to lunge until Naeva stopped her "This was an open attack searching for something of mine. It's an act of war, I cannot leave during a war and I'm fine" Naeva told Batman "You were laughing and screaming at your dead Mother" Batman deadpanned

"Coping mechanism, not everyone dresses up like a bat and beats criminals up at night to cope" Naeva shrugged coldly as she kept her cloak drawn close hiding her hand resting on her holster incase Batman tried anything. "Naeva, you can't keep living like this" Batman reasoned "I've survived for 16 years I'll survive many more" Naeva denied as she looked at Batman.

"You fight properly up here. You aren't used to the mountain air, if you try and fight me then you'll end up winded before I even break a sweat." Naeva reminded as she looked at Nightwing "I suggest you get your team out of here. They seem scared of the blood" Naeva suggested as she turned her attention back to Batman.

"I think it's more that they're scared of you" Nightwing groaned "Good, they know just who they'll be crossing" Naeva smirked as she kept her eyes on Batman. "I don't know what to do with you" Batman groaned while he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "No one does. It's why she sent my brother away, she didn't want to raise another teenager" Naeva shook her head fondly

"Naeva go home" Batman told her "I still have to arrange somewhere for Cassandra to stay" Naeva shook her head as she pulled up her gauntlet and started searching. "If I send you to one of my safe houses in Gotham, does that work for now?" Naeva asked the girl who nodded in response.

"When did you get safe houses in Gotham?" Batman sighed "Oh I've always had them. Gotham's a great place to hide when you're on the run because there's so much crime that asking if anyone knows a brutal murderer is a broad question." Naeva replied nonchalantly as she turned to Cassandra and reached into her cloak. "Take this, get yourself food and whatever you need when we get there okay?" Naeva confirmed as she gave the girl a stack of cash getting another nod

"Naeva! Are you okay!" Naeva heard Jason shouting in her ear as her com link came back on. "I'm fine Rh, just stop yelling." Naeva suggested as Batman sighed "Hi Mommy!" Naeva heard a little voice yell to be heard. "Hi Little Warrior, I'll be back soon okay? Just be good" Naeva assured before Batman cleared his throat making both sides quiet down.

"People will be here to prepare the bodies soon, you should still have 45 minutes before you have to be out of here" Naeva told Batman before pushing past him Cassandra right behind her. "What is wrong with you? Why is she even walking free?" Lagoon Boy demanded when Naeva entered the jet "I'd watch yourself. I have deep rooted loyalties everywhere" Naeva threatened as he stepped closer "I'm not scared of someone just because they can shoot a gun" Lagoon Boy spat

Nightwing tried to grab her but Naeva had Lagoon Boy on the ground with a knife to his throat in a moment. "You're psychotic!" Lagoon Boy yelled "Thank you!" Naeva said with a fake smile as she pressed the blade down not enough to cut but enough to make Lagoon Boy nervous before Nightwing pulled her off.

Cassandra had her katana pointed at Nightwing as he held Naeva in a moment "It's alright Cassandra" Naeva told the girl who lowered her katana with a dirty look towards Nightwing. "This is going to be a long flight back to the cave" Red Robin mumbled making Batgirl laugh as she piloted the jet. "Just drop us ten miles south, we'll manage from there" Naeva told Batgirl as she placed a pin on the holographic map.

"Batman wants to talk to you more back at Gotham so no" Nightwing told Naeva as he removed the pin "We'll make our own way back I don't want to spend two hours with these idiots who can't even survive in the wilderness" Naeva scoffed as she placed the pin back in its place.

"Naeva, it's not happening" Nightwing stuck to his word grabbing Naeva's wrist when she tried to put the pin on the map again. "I'd be careful Nightwing, I don't like you as much as the others" Naeva warned as she yanked out a cigarette and went towards a secluded corner and lit it staring at Nightwing the entire time in defiance before she turned around and pulled her mask off. 

"Give me the cigarettes" Nightwing gritted out receiving a middle finger in return from Naeva's back. "Naeva" Nightwing warned "Stop acting like you're in charge of me. God" Naeva sighed as she took another puff of the cigarette. "I might not be but Batman is and you know from Rh he doesn't like smoking" Nightwing told her "Batman isn't really all that in charge of me or Rh. He's sorta shit at this" Naeva mocked as she tapped the cigarette against her leg.

"Naeva just put the cigarette out. It's horrible for your lungs" Nightwing tried "You used to smoke all the time so don't even try that shit. Hypocrite" Naeva mumbled as she finished it and resealed her mask holding the smoke in before approaching Nightwing and blowing the smoke out.

Even with her mask it still got in his face when it came out of the mask. "I'm telling Batman about this" Nightwing told her "He's already trying to get me to stop killing if he tries to make me stop smoking then shit will hit the fan" Naeva scoffed as she glared at Nightwing "I honestly don't know how to read you, when you aren't this you're nice and polite and then when you are this you just hate everyone" Nightwing sighed as he looked at her

"You can thank the bitch for that and Rh for giving me a personality" Naeva remarked as she sat down against the side of the jet. "Hey Rh, yeah I got away from him finally but now I have to spend two hours in a plane with Wing's annoying team." Naeva talked to seemingly no one making the team concerned "She's got a com link in her ear" Red Robin explained at the way the team looked at her like she was crazy.

"I find it funny that Bruce thought you'd fit in with the team" Jason laughed in Naeva's ear the other Bat's rolling their eyes at the two's conversation. "Honestly, no one likes a bunch of goody two shoes. Besides their all so fucking perky and annoying" Naeva complained to Jason

"You gotta admit Artemis is alright" Jason told her "Yeah she's decent but worst choice in a boyfriend" Naeva told Jason as she stared at the blank metal wall across from her. "You remember Cassandra from the League?" Naeva asked Jason "Sheiva's daughter? Yeah I remember her" Jason replied "Her dads dead and I won't leave her with Sheiva. I'm gonna tell Sheiva she's dead for now but can you go make sure on of my safe houses is ready?" Naeva asked and was happy when she got a "Of course, she deserves it" in response.

"I'll see you guys in about an hour." Naeva sighed "Maybe we'll go out partying tonight. It is a Friday after all" Jason suggested just for Nightwing to yell a "NO!" Making both burst out laughing "Just a school one Wing, don't worry we aren't going to a rave" Naeva waved off "They almost always turn into raves" Nightwing shot back "We won't do drugs" Jason assured "I don't trust you two not to get blackout drunk" Nightwing did not seem assured

"Oh god she was so mad when we did that. We were supposed to be on a mission and we were found staring at the ceiling talking about why we needed roofs in the first place" Naeva laughed as she leaned back "We got our asses beat for that" Jason laughed as the two just laughed together "Good times, good times" Naeva said

"How were those the good times?" Red Robin asked "For Rh they weren't but for me having somebody beside me made it better. I wasn't the only one in that dark room anymore" Naeva reminisced bittersweetly "I wish I could've seen that whore bleeding out on the floor" Jason sighed sadly

"It was great, the way blood seeped from her wounds as she stared at me silently begging to save her until I walked away and forgot to get help" Naeva smiled as she leaned back happily "This is the happiest I've ever seen her" Red Robin muttered "Shit Nyx is awake, I gotta go. I'll see you when you get back" Jason cursed as they heard crying from what seemed like a baby monitor in the background.

"What do you think Batman will do with her?" Wondergirl asked Beast Boy and Lagoon Boy "Probably send her to jail, I mean no Bat has killed before" Lagoon Boy said making Naeva hold back a laugh "I'm sorry but almost all the Bats have killed someone. God" Naeva laughed when they stared at her "Like who?" Lagoon Boy shot back

"Well Nightwing killed the Joker after the second Robin's death unfortunately Batman saved him, the current Robin used to kill, the second Robin had killed once or twice, Batman killed a man by accident when he first started out, which leaves just Red Robin and Batgirl as the only two who haven't killed someone so, who's it gonna be? Please tell me it'll be Joker again, Harley deserves better" Naeva asked Batgirl and Red Robin

"Naeva" Nightwing growled "Try and step to me Nightwing, I'm not a simple goon from Gotham" Naeva challenged as she stood up before Batgirl interrupted "Do not step to each other I do not need this jet shaking. Save it for the cave" Batgirl shouted at them as Happy Harbour became faintly visible in the distance.

"Wanna go Bird Boy?" Naeva challenged smugly but still playfully "Don't forget who's older" Nightwing shot back "I've been training longer then you despite the two years you have on me" Naeva replied as she cracked her neck "I've got fourteen years on your ten" Nightwing could hear the smirk in Naeva's voice.

"But if you're only two years younger then Nightwing that would make you sixteen and if you've been training for fourteen years you would've been two." Kid Flash thought out loud confused at how young Naeva would've been if what she said is true "Yup, I've been training for a long time" Naeva shrugged as she stared at Nightwing "We can see who's better as soon as we get to the cave" Nightwing told the girl who seemed confidant that she could take Nightwing.

"We're here now Naeva please don't kill him" Red Robin asked "Only if you record for Rh he'll love seeing Wing get the shit beat out of him" Naeva joked as she walked out of the jet. "Race ya" Nightwing told Naeva who chuckled before taking off after him quickly catching up.

"Okay, you ready?" Nightwing asked "I feel like I should be asking you that" Naeva smirked before Nightwing begun on the attack. "Shouldn't she take her cloak off?" Wondergirl asked Red Robin "It's actually a strategy that's pretty old, it helps conceal which weapon the wearer might use next"Red Robin explained as they watched.

Nightwing threw a punch at Naeva's head only for her to catch it and flip him over her head. Nightwing quickly flipped onto his feet and pulled out his escrima sticks while Naeva's hands withdrew to back under her cloak. Nightwing swung at Naeva the buzzing noise of the electrical shock running through the escrima sticks loud in her ears.

Naeva hooked his escrima stick with a sai and sent it flying to the side before swinging at him with the sai. Nightwing jumped back out of the way before swinging at Naeva with his other escrima stick careful not to let her hook it. Naeva slipped her hand back under her cloak keeping away in the same way that Batman had when Nightwing as a young Robin fought him all those years ago. Naeva quickly ducked and grabbed Nightwing's wrist twisting it till he let go of the escrima stick.

Naeva then yanked out her dagger swinging at Nightwing watching him jump back until she crouched down and swept his feet out from under him. He quickly shot up but Naeva jumped up and wrapped her legs around his throat choking him while placing the dagger at his throat. The team gasped in shock seeing that Nightwing seemed to be losing.

Nightwing tapped her legs as he choked making her release him and jump down to the ground landing in a crouched stance as she tucked her knife away.

"Fine, you win" Nightwing conceded as Naeva mock bowed "Pleasure doing business with you" Naeva smirked as she stood up and pulled her hood back up over her head hiding her long braided black hair. "We should get back, Batman will be at the Batcave soon and you three are all getting lectured" Batgirl advised "What did I do?" Red Robin asked

"You two will get lectured for not keeping a better eye on Naeva, duh" Batgirl joked as she headed towards the zeta tubes. "We still have to head to my safe house first. Rh said he'd get it ready" Naeva said as she looked to Cassandra who nodded and followed her. "Red can you send us through? Rh should have a car there" Naeva asked Red Robin as the two stood in front of the zeta tube Batgirl already having gone through.

Red Robin sent them through after Naeva selected a zeta tube on a map he pulled up. "Okay, we're here. Now, if you need anything here is my phone number. My friend should've left a phone in the kitchen for you along with some food and clothes. Use the money to get anything else you need okay" Naeva asked as they stepped inside and she handed Cassandra the house key. "Okay, stay safe and I'll check up on you in a few days" Naeva assured as she looked outside to where Jason had pulled up in the car with Nyx happily eating a happy meal in the backseat.

As soon as Cassandra went off to explore Naeva removed her masks and cloak while placing the majority of her weapons in her cloak to avoid any suspicion as she climbed into the car. Leila walked outside and climbed in next to Jason while Nyx excitedly showed her the happy meal.

Leila looked at her happy daughter in the backseat and knew that although others may call her a monster or evil for everything she'd done over the years she was proud of it. Leila wasn't proud because she had done it but because it meant she survived and it meant Nyx got a chance at life, at a happy life. Although she would be scolded upon returning to the manor Leila was happy for now as Nyx sang along with Jason to Let it go.

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