why the f*ck am I in a surviv...

Von BAMonster2

9 0 0

Mature for language, BL, and violence. (Own original character) Nore Zuchi wakes up to find he is in a surviv... Mehr

player's area
a week alone in the wild
week in the wild pt 2
week in the wild pt 3
Alone in the wild part 4

Grandmother's murder

3 0 0
Von BAMonster2

(Grandmother's murder)

When Nore Zuchi opened his eyes he knew  immediately that something was off. First of all, he had fallen asleep for a quick nap on his couch in his lab. Next was, he felt like he was wrapped up like a present. He could barely move his legs and his body was starting to get full of sweat.

Looking down at his body he saw a pink duvet placed over himself and he was on a fancy bed. He also noticed that almost everything in this room was pink.

Pink wallpaper, small pink dresser,  pink door and even pink lampshades. It was almost like he was in a little girl's bedroom.

Nore sat up in the bed, making the cover on top of him reveal a pink night gown on himself ... that he definitely wasn't wearing before.

"What the fuck?" Nore questioned outloud. Where did his lab go? Who moved him? Who freaking changed his clothes?

As all this came about a transparent screen appeared infront of his face and an electronic voice spoke into his head.

[You have entered the game]
[Congratulations on becoming a player]

"What the fuck is this shit?" Nore grumbled as he waved his hand through the panel. He did it several times but felt nothing.

[Player has entered a murder mystery game. Type novice level. Mission starts when you leave this bedroom]

Nore rubbed his face then tossed off the covers and sat on the side of the bed.

"Fuck, come on!" He yelled. Why was he dressed up in women's old style night clothes? Yeah, he could birth kids but, he was still a male. His gender was called intersex. But this didn't mean he like women things.

Shaking out the long skirt of the night gown, Nore stood and walked around the room.

He took a look around the room once more and talked to himself as he did.

"Fuck. Where am I?"

[In a world called The game. And currently you are in the starting novice game called grandmother's murder]

Nore was quiet as he listened to the electronic voice reply to his question. The same words appeared in text form in the panal infront of him as it spoke.

"What do I fucking have to do to get out of this fucking game world?" He asked to it.

[To clear the game world, you would need to clear the mission games, and accumulate points. Accumulate enough points to leave.]

"Points?" Nore thought for a moment then nodded his head. It didn't sound hard. "How do I clear these shitty mission games?" He asked next.

[Each mission game will give out a task in which you are to complete. Novice games give out one task. Standard games give two tasks. Expert games give three tasks and Hell mode games have four tasks.]

[The tasks will be either told to you at the beginning of the mission game and [or] you will need to find clues to activate the tasks. It depends on the type of game]

The electronic voice was calm as it explained these rules. Well, as calm as a computer generated voice could anyway.

"Type of game? What the hell does that mean?" Nore asked.

[Mission games come in types. Mysteries, which the player will solve with clues. Testing player's thinking. Survival, which player has to live in wild environments. Testing a player's adaptability. Escape, which player will have to break free from a confined area. Testing player's memory. PvP, which puts players fighting other players or even non players. This tests their fighting skills.]

"Why does it fucking have to test our thinking, adaptation, memory or fighting skills?"

[Depending on the skill rating more points can be acquired]

"Okay... then," Nore nodding in understanding. "Do I play by myself, or do I play with other people? Is there a chance of death in this fucking game world?"

[Single and multiplayer are both available depending on the game. And yes, players have died]

Sighing Nore rubbed the back of his neck when he heard this information. He wasn't actually shocked or scared about it. To tell the truth, being in danger was sort of the norm for him. He had been hunted down by a psyco man who killed due to racial preferences, but, thanks to his work and friends he was never left alone. Making that psycho not have any chances at killing him. Also his job wasn't exactly safe either, he messed with dangerous chemicals and powers all the time.

"Is there anything else I need to fucking know about?" He asked after a while.

[More will be explained after this novice game. Are you ready for the task information?]

"I guess..." Nore replied.

[Task objectives are to find the killer of 'your grandmother'.]

[While you were in your room someone killed your grandmother. Find the suspects and identify the real killer. Two chances guess killer.]

[Notice your character has a bad reputation with the others in the house. You are a spoiled, selfish, and unvirtuous grand daughter.]

"I am not a fuck girl! Hell, I don't even have grandparents..." Nore complained.

[This is just the story of the game]

"So I might be a fucking female Character again in the fucking future?" He asked skeptical.


Nore threw up his hands in disblief.

"Fucking cosmos!" He cursed.

[Leave this room to start the game]

The electronic voice ignored Nore's whining and silenced itself after informing him how to start.

Growling, Nore kicked open the only door in the room with more power then possible with his short stature and stomped out into what looked like a hallway.

The maid outside who was fixing a vase full of flowers was startled and dropped the flowers from her hands.

Stammering she greeted him.

"M... miss... good morning..." she bowed her head a little ,but from her face Nore could see she held no respect for him. He could definitely tell when she looked up with irritation in her eyes.

Deciding on not caring what these fake people thought about him, he stared back with even more irritation then hers.

Did she just call him miss?

"What are you fucking looking at?" He snapped at her then walked down the hall.

The room he came out of was at the end of the hall so there was only one way to go.

As he went he thought about the task he had to do. Find suspects and the rightly identify the killer.

Sighing once more, his mind raced through all the things the electronic voice had said and the panel had displayed.

Even though he was in his room, he bet he was a suspect. Since everyone didn't like him in this house. Now he just had to find out who else lived here and had contact with this grandma figure.

[Ding. Player has identified 1/3 suspects]

Nore raised his eyebrow at this notification. Ah, ... so I need to find three suspects.

He walked into what seemed to be a living room. Then thought about it for a second.

If I were a old grandma that was killed, where would I be? Maybe a Bedroom, study, or kitchen.

Tapping his chin he walked around the house trying to locate those rooms.

The kitchen was the first to be found. It was pristine with no one inside. He walking around open drawers and the refrigerator but everything looked to be in place.

As he closed up the last thing to be inspected, the same maid who he passed in the hall appeared again. Tilting his head he decided to call to her.

"Hey you, are you the only maid here?"

The maid looked confused at first then she looked annoyed.

"Miss, you know I am, why are you asking such an obvious question?"

[Ding. Player identified 2/3 suspects]

Smirking he waved the woman away. His information received.

"Yeah, yeah. Now go work than."

He had to only think about them being a suspect with a plausible reason as to why they could be one and the notification came.

He was a suspect due to his unpopularity with everyone in the house. The maid is one due to her being the only maid.

Now for the last person.

Walking around he checked the doors to locate where everything was.

The fancy double door in the living room was the front door. When he opened it it lead to a garden with closed gates. Nore just stared at it for a moment then closed it again. Heading down the same hall he had first gone thru he opened up the only other door in that hallway. It was a large bathroom with a bath tub, shower, toilet, and double sink with a large mirror.

Flipping the one of the two light switchs near the door, the light bulbs over the mirror came on.

Now that he thought about it. Did this stupid game change his looks too. He felt that his body size was the same as before. He was about five feet tall. Lean and his skin was a pale porcelain color.

Walking up to the mirror he stared at his reflection. Good. He still looked the same. Just in differnt clothes.

He has messy pale blue shoulder length hair and permanent dark circles around his eyes. His medium-sized size eyes were a light grey irises with no pupils.

Looking around the drawers he pulled out a brush and and straighted out his wild hair.

Well at least he still looked like himself. He tought to himself. That was a plus.

Leaving the bathroom he turned toward the second hallway and found three doors there.

The first door was yet another full bathroom. And the one right next to it on the same wall revealed a bedroom. Both were empty of people.

"This must be grandma's bedroom." He said outloud. "Then she must be in the study."

Closing that door he walked to the last door which he assumed was a study. Before he even opened it he spelt a a funky smell and wrinkled his brows.

"Oh yeah... this the the place." Then he placed his hand to turn the door handle but before he was able to enter the room a young girl walked up to his side. This made him pause as he looked at her.

She was a small child maybe around ten years old she was holding a thick book and had her dark hair in a high pony tail.

"Who are you?" Nore questioned her.

Like the maid she looked confused then gave a small smile. She didn't look like she had any bad will toward him.

"You're so funny, how can you forget me? I'm your grandma's apprentice." The little girl tilted her head to the side.

Mmm... an apprentice? Nore looked at her quizzically.  This must be the last suspect... a child.

Now what would her reason be? He thought as he slowly opened the door. When it was fully open he could see a older woman laying on the carpeted floor her body unmoving and her complection a little bit redish purple.

He had opened the door wide enough for the child to see which made the girl gasp in shock.

"Grandma!" She rushed to the body to check her vitals. Maybe it just him but he felt the child was a little to dramatic.

He slowly walked into the room staring intently at the girl. Greed? Jealousy? Accident? Or was it just plan stupidity?

As he guessed motives a notification appeared.

[Ding. Suspect 3/3 found. Two guesses remaining to verify killer]

Nore rubbed his nose at the smell and smirked under his hand. Well that was easy.

Looking around the room he spotted a tea set on the desk with some cups. One has fallen to the floor and was broken. The contents soaked into the carpet.

Walking over he placed his fingers on the damp carpet and brought to his nose.

It smelt fruity. Like a strawberry and blueberry favored tea. From where he knelt he looked over at the corspe of the grandmother, particularly her neck and face where it was swollen.

She wasn't strangled. Allergic reaction? He thought. Then Nore looked at his fingers.  They looked clean and the nails were nice and round. Than he looked at the girls hands. A taint of color was on the tips.

"Well that's that..." he said out loud.

The little girl looked at him when he spoke up. He gave her a small smile, which made her eyes narrow.

"Did you kill her?" But before she could finish her question he interrupted.

"The killer is this girl. The apprentice." Nore told the game.

[Congratulations on finding the killer]

[Player has completed novice game grandmother murder]

[Points are be calculated]

The little girl smiled at him as the promps were being said.

[50 points for identifying 3/3 suspects. 10 points for exploring the house. 50 points for identifying the killer. 10 points for having an extra guess left. 50 points for clearing the game under one hour.]

[Total points collected 170 points. A new time high score for novice game grandmother's murder]

[Player is now exiting mission game... head to player's area]


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