
By ImMrsBartlett

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Back Story


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By ImMrsBartlett

Another time skip cus I can.

2 months later

Se'Kani POV

"Y'all havin fun mama"?

I asked watchin Mari and Ren pet them dirty ass pigs.

It was a petting zoo in the area for a week or 2 and Sin been beggin me to come wit them.

"Uncle Shawn says we eat pigs. I don't wanna eat pigs, they're cute".

"Well technically yo uncle Shawn is right but we not gon eat these".

Sin said makin her nod.

I was takin pictures of Mari and the same pig she been rubbin since we got here.

I hope she don't plan on takin the muhfucka home.

"Da da, I wanna see the baby cows".

"Hol'on baby, just a min"-

I stopped and looked over realizin it was Ren talkin to me and not Mari.

I looked up and Sin had the same look as me.

"Whatchu call me"?

"Da da. You my mommy boyfriend so I can call you that, and Mari is my sissy right"?

I looked up at Sin again not knowin what to say.

Ren started poutin and walked into Sin's legs.

I looked back real quick grabbin Mari's hand just to be safe while me attention was elsewhere.

"What's wrong"?

"You don't want me to call you da da and sissy"?

"I didn't say that, come here".

She came back to me wrappin her arms around my neck.

"I love you just like I love Mari, ion wantchu to think nothin less, y'all both my babies ok"?

"But even then ion want you to ever get too attached to somebody but I still love you".

She nodded and a smile appeared on her face as she went back to pettin the pigs.

"I like how you handled that, thanks for not breakin her heart".

"Why would I, she is like a daughter to me".

"I know but you let her know how real life works in a gentle way".

She kissed my lips and started takin more pictures of the girls.

I'm stuck in a hard place right now.

Brooklyn talkin about settlin down after 2 and a half months but even though I love her she not what I really want in life.

In reality I wanna get married and start a family wit Sin eventually but like I said, I'm stuck in a hard place.

I might have to let Brooklyn go sooner or later if I want a permanent spot in Sin's life.

"Boy you don't hear us talking to you"?

Sin snapped me outta my thoughts wavin her hand in front of me.

"My fault ma, whatchu say"?

"We goin to see the cows now".

I picked the girls up settin them on each shoulder as we made our way to the cows.


"That was fun, can we come back"!

"We can come back next week, ok"?


I smiled watchin them dance around in the back seat.

"We not going home are we"?

Ren asked as she stopped dancin.

"I wish we didn't have to but ma ma need some sleep before work".

"Ma ma can sleep in the car while we have fun".

"Girl bye, I wish I would mess up my neck while y'all ridin ponies and eatin ice cream".

"You so silly".

Ren said shakin her head makin is laugh.

Not even 5 minutes later all three of them was knocked out, and she talm bout she don't wanna go home.

I shook my head laughin turnin the music up but not enough to wake them.

Sincere POV

Few days later

"Y'all mind stayin here and watchin Ren and Mari"?

"Where Ms.Lee"?

"She got a lil date or whatever".

She ended up getting back in contact with an ex...yes an ex and he invited her on a date.

"Old age ain't never stopped nothin".

Jay said makin us laugh.

"Can Lia come over too"?

"Yeah, and make sure you feed my niece".

"I always feed ha fat ass".

"Not you already fat shaming that baby".

"Girl whateva, where you goin anyway"?


"Shawn gon be checking in on y'all through the night".

For some reason I only found out this morning that today was his birthday so I did a lil shopping and was bout to head over there.

I even bought some lingerie to show off.

Good thing I got a wax the other day.

It was goin on 7 so he should be home by now if he ain't out wit Shawn.

I called Shawn just to check and he was at home so i went to grab his gifts and kissed my babies before heading out.


Once I made it I checked myself in the mirror before grabbing everything and going to knock on his door.

It took a minute for the door to open but when it did I was shocked and a little confused.

His therapist was standing here in nothing but a short robe.

"Oh hi, Sincere right"?

"I don't think we officially got to meet, I'm Brooklyn".

My heart fell out my ass and I heard his voice coming from inside.

"Baby who at the door"?

"It's your sister. You can come in".

I stepped in just to confront him.

I heard him rush into the living room but it was too late.

"Sin, whatchu doin here"?

I just dropped the bags as tears started falling.

"Come on baby, I'm sorry".

He came up tryna hug me but I pushed him back every time.

"You lied to me"!

"You told me you loved me Se'Kani"!

"Um what's going on here"?

I turned around even more pissed.

"Well first off, I'm not his sister, I'm his fuckin girlfriend".

"And why are you even sleeping with clients, is that not against policy"?

"I know it was unprofessional of me, and I really didn't know he had a girlfriend, I'm so sorry".

She went upstairs and came back fully dressed heading for the door.

"You should find you a new therapist, perhaps a man".

She walked out slamming the door behind her and he just looked at me.

"You told me you loved me, you promised I was the only one".

"I know, I'm sorry".

I rolled my eyes before going off.

"It's always 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry' but you continue to fuck up"!

"I was there for you when you wanted to give up and now you just playin wit my feelings"!

"I knew I was wrong Sin, I was gon break it off I just needed to find the right time".

Realization washed over me and I felt stupid as fuck.

"Is this why you never missed a session, why you were always so happy when you came out"?

"I was so proud of you. I know I was the one helping you but deep down inside I needed you".

"I needed you, I felt safe wit you but this whole time you just been playing me".

"You said you wanted to start a family wit me".

"Sin I promise I do, it just happened and I know I should've stopped it but I couldn't".

"No you just didn't want to, you don't love me and you never did".

"I let you manipulate me into thinking you were different, that you would never hurt me".

"You're no better than him".

I cried even harder thinking about all the things I went through with my father and thinking that Se'Kani would change the way I viewed life.

He pulled me into a tight hug kissing my head and for a split second I almost forgot about the current situation.

"No, I fuckin hate you"!

I pushed him away but he just kept coming back.

"I hate you Se'Kani"!

"No you don't".

"I love you ma".

"I wish you would've ended it when you had the chance"!

"I hate you and I should've let you die".

I knew that hit a certain spot from the look in his eyes but he hurt me more than I hurt him.

His breathing picked up as he tried to stop his tears but they fell anyway.

Before I could register anything his hands were around my neck and I couldn't breathe.

"You really hate me! You really want me to die Sin"?

He said with his grip getting tighter.

"I c- I can't breathe, s-stop".

I scratched at his hands gasping for air.

He let me go but threw me on the floor as I started coughing roughly.

I backed into the couch looking up at him as he yelled at me.

He was tuned out by the flash backs and all I could see and hear was my father.

I squzz my eyes shut and covered my ears like I used to do when I was younger.

It never really worked but it provided some type of comfort.

I didn't notice he had stopped yelling until I felt his hand on my arm causing my to flinch.

He sat in front of me wit tears still running down his face.

I just sat there wit my knees to my chest too scared to move.

He leaned forward and I closed my eyes again not knowing what to expect but I felt his lips on my forehead.

It didn't feel like it usually did.

I was so in love wit his forehead kisses but in this moment I was so disgusted.

He got up walking out and I took that opportunity to head to my car.

As soon as I got in I locked the doors and broke down once again.

Once I got myself decent enough to drive I started my car and towards Messiah's house.

A good while into the drive I picked up my phone and FaceTimed him which he answered almost immediately.

"Wassup thug, whatchu-, you cryin"?

"What's wrong, where you at"?

I heard him grab his keys which almost made me smile.

I just told him I was 5 minutes away and hung up.

When I got there he was already waiting outside and walked up as soon as I stepped out the car.

He just held his arms out for me to walk into.

I just melted into him as soon as his arms wrapped around me.

"It's ok mama, I gotchu now".

This could be temporary but right now I feel safe and that's what I needed, even just for a moment.

Word Count:1734

Y'all wanted her to find out, there it is.

How we feel about Messiah so far?

I think Sincere deserves a peaceful chapter, right?

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Read it ma'am or sir . ?โ€?