Dawning Masquerade

By SolarFlareSerana

681 54 73

Chris Redfield x Male Reader More

Chapter One: Awakening
Chapter Two: Captain Redfield
Chapter Three: Getting Used to This
Chapter Four: Loss
Chapter Five: Road to Recovery
Chapter Six: Escape?
Chapter Seven: Woe to Thy Tragedies
Chapter Eight: The Farmer and the Ranch
Chapter Nine: Disappearance of a Tyrant
Chapter Ten: Frozen Footsteps
Chapter Eleven: Blood
Chapter Twelve: The Wolf


168 10 2
By SolarFlareSerana

Rough Theme: Dark Fantasy
Idea: I was thinking about the first Leon x reader I wrote and I didn't really like how I began it, so I'm writing another story that's similar and different at the same time.
Romance: Unknown (I'll leave that up to a voting system for all of you to decide)

Silver dusted curtains, drawn to the sides by thin string adorned every window in the large ballroom. Red lining the walls and gold tiles along the floor. He didn't care as his eyes remained frozen on the man before him. From across the room the orange, cat-like eyes bore into his chest. The silver mask over his face and slicked back blonde hair alarmed him as he began stepping backwards, back brushing against a muscular back of another man. This man turned to face him curiously and spoke calmly, deeply.

"Is everything alright?" He had asked him, scanning with his eyes the area around them and behind the slightly shorter male.

"No..." He began, peeking around anxiously. "I'm being pursued, I fear." He confessed and turned, body tensioning as he spotted the man getting closer.

"Chased? By who?" That's when the younger male pointed and the masked man ducked into the crowd.

"That man over there with the yellow eyes." The masked brunette turned to watch and grumbled.

"Follow me." With no safer choice, much like a lost duck the male followed the stranger into the study of his fathers mansion. "What's your name?"

Hesitant the man answered, "Y/n." He took his masquerade mask off of his s/c face and set it on a small table by a loveseat. "My father tan this party tonight, and he also sent that man to take me away. Far away."

"Take you away?"

"I know too much," he answered simply. He sat down in a single chair facing away from the door, hiding himself from h welcomed guests. "My father is a terrorist." He saw how interested the other man became in the conversation upon hearing that, and with little choice continued. "There are men here, who have come to find information to prove this. I would seek them out where I safe from harm in both sides of this coin."

"And why would you be harmed?"

"Because of my blood." Y/n answered. "It's not normal. And that's why I know so much. Too much."

lap let me help you escape. I know of the good people you seek. We can protect you."

"You'll use me like a monster. Like a slave." Y/n spat, standing up as stars danced before his vision. He stumbled forward slightly and watched as the brunet took of his golden mask and put a finger to his ear piece.

"I have the proof, but I'm in danger."

"I can't... I..." As he stumbled forward he collapsed into the male's broad chest, who's arms wrapped tightly around his waist.

"I've got you. Everything's going to be fine."


"My names Blaze. I'm with the BSAA. I'm gonna get you out of here." And with that the darkness over took him, making the male fade to black.

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