Luke Mabbott - Love Island 20...

By urmomdotcodotuk

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A story whereby Darla a Love Island bombshell takes an interest in a certain Luke M .... Entering the vil... More

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By urmomdotcodotuk

Day 14/ Friday / Night time :


'Yeah I am excited , was nervous coming in but so far so good' Darla continued her conversation with Luke M as they walked up the stairs to the dressing rooms.
' Your telling me , I was shitting it when I came in with Luke , and you had to walk in alone' Luke M spoke sympathetically to the girl
'Sorry one minuet these stairs are killing me off' Darla bantered with the boy as she sat down on the steps for a few seconds , I mean these stairs were steep and there were a lot of them . Luke M wasn't hard to make laugh , he had offered her his hand so she could get up safely on the stairs , Darla didn't let this go unnoticed as she smiled at the boy. She didn't let go of his hand and let him drag her up the stairs whilst they both laughed. Both were tired and worn out from the day and were ready to get some beauty sleep.
'Thanks Luke' she smiled as they arrived at the boys dressing room , which happened to be right next to the girls. 'Anytime' he smiled , cute she thought. She smiled at the room full of boys , who had greeted her with a mixture of 'y'alright' 'hello' and smiles. She made her way into the girls dressing room where she braided her hair into a plait and got changed into her pjs, chatting to the girls as she did so.


'Heads gone' Luke M sighed to Luke T , his closest friend in the villa
'Yeah I can tell mate , just gotta get your graft on tomorrow if you wanna go for it' he said
'Lad that comment she made earlier about being able to handle naughty blew my mind' Luke M said whilst putting on grey joggers.
'Blew all our minds , was very upfront' Mike joined into the conversation 'yeah' Luke T agreed
'Little birdy called Siannise may have said she was interested in you' said Luke T , causing Luke M's face to light up slightly
'Nah' he smiled in slight excitement, 'yeah, you've gotta made moves lad' Luke T said before lowering his voice to a whisper 'cus Cals on it as well , might not say it fully but we can tell' , Luke M nodded in agreement , everyone could tell Callum was on it with Darla , he even admitted it slightly earlier on the bean bags.
If he wanted this girl , he'd have to go after her.

'Had any chats tonight?' Paige questioned Darla , who was brushing her teeth alongside Shaughna.
' spoke to Luke M briefly earlier , no one else yet , he's a lovely lad like' Darla answered in her northern accent
Paige and shaughna nodded , 'Think I'm gonna have a few chats tomorrow and just see how it goes I guess'
'Callum fancies ya' Shaughna said after spitting out her toothpaste , Darla copied this action before turning to Shaughna with furrowed eyebrows
'Really ? I thought he was pretty stuck on you' , Darla didn't like boys who were gonna mess around girls , shaughna seemed nice
'Yeah I had to have a word with him earlier , he was getting a bit too excited' Shaughna said
'Honestly babe don't even worry , he's not really my type' she reassured shaughna as the three girls made their way back to the dressing room next door.
' he's too much of a lad , like I prefer more chill' she smiled at shaughna
'Thanks lovely that is reassuring , but I'm more worried about callum, like you said he's a lad' the other two girls nodded in agreement with shaughna
Conversation continued shortly as shaughna and Darla waited for Paige to finish getting dressed

Darla skipped happily to her bed after saying her goodbyes to the girls. She hopped in the bed on the far left of the room , passing all of the islanders as she made her way to her bed. She gathered some laughs from the islanders as climbed into bed sighing
'It's a happy life' she sighed, making Nas and Siannise giggle in the bed next to her , she was sat up against the head board by herself, not yet having the opportunity to couple up.
The couple next to her had already confirmed it was on a friendship basis, therefore requiring a grilling from Darla who had come to life a little
'So yous aren't like romatic?'
'Nah. Siannise is too fussy' Nas wound up the girl sitting next to him in bed, earning a whack on the arm from her
'Oh shut up'
Darla laughed at this interaction,
'Yous aren't either are you?' She asked Luke M and Jess who were listening in to the conversation, being in the bed next to Nas and Siannise.
'As of today it's complicated ' Luke M laughed , sitting next to a sour faced Jess
'Well I had a chat earlier with Mike and he said he wanted to get to know me , which obviously I agreed to' Jess told Darla , earning a nod
'Perfect timing then' she winked dramatically at Luke M who laughed and dramatically winked back. This earned him a dirty look from Jess who rolled over away from him.
Darla continued her conversation with Nas about what kind of girl he was looking for in the villa , finding out he wanted a girl smaller than him who was sweet and trust worthy , this description caused her to 'awhhhh' .
Shortly after , conversations came to a close and everyone went to sleep, including a Bieber look alike who was plotting the next day.

Day 15/ Saturday/ Morning:


'Morning guys' Darla heard Nas say from the bed next to her , mumbles of 'mornings' were heard from most of the islanders , including the Luke's who were sat up just a few beds away , chatting away.
'Yeah hi' Darla said sarcastically whilst pushing herself up to sit against the headboard. Nas laughed at her , she was the same as Paige in the mornings; grumpy.
When she saw that most of the girls were getting up to go and go and get ready for the day Darla joined them , getting herself up from bed and heading to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth with Leanne who was practically still asleep , before heading to the dressing room and choosing a bikini
'Right , white bikini or pink?' She asked Rebecca who was also picking out a bikini
' usually I'd say go for pink , but the white's cute'
'Okay so white?' , Rebecca nodded
'White it is' Darla double confirmed to herself
She got changed into the swim suit befroe sitting down at the circular vanity with the other girls
'You know what I know it's first day and all but I can't be arsed for curling my hair' Darla complained to Sophie who nodded in agreement
'Half up half down will do it' Sophie suggested which Darla agreed to and did her hair half up half down , with the help of a claw clip
Darla chatted with Leanne and Sophie who had both been victims of Big Mike's 'game' so they called it , as she did her makeup. Makeup consisted of a simple CC cream, concealer blush , bronzer , mascara and a bit of highlighter ( and ofc some tinted lip balm).

When Darla was ready she headed through the empty bedroom and went down stairs to the kitchen where Callum and Mike were.
'Ay here she is' Callum joked before Darla jokingly threw her hair over her shoulder and spun around. She made her way towards the chuckling boys before engaging in a bit of a chat
'You want a tea , coffee anything?' Callum asked her , 'tea with 2 sugars would be great thanks' she smiled before sitting next to Mike on the stools
'So I've heard from a little birdy your interested in Jess, she seems lovely' Darla chatted to Mike whilst he sipped on his water
'Yeah I may or may not have pinched her of Luke M' he chuckled 'I mean she is banging and I think she's worth getting to know a bit , just to see if it could go anywhere'
'Fair enough, I mean if you fancy her why not eh?' She said in agreement
'They had only been getting to know each other for 2 days so it's not like I've interrupted something massive y'know?' To which she nodded at , she was quite thankful Mike had done this as it gave her an opportunity to get to know Luke M.
'Here y'are las' Callum handed Darla her drink before winking and walking of to the sun beds where Connor and Nas were.
'The fuck' Mike laughed , Darla just shook her head chuckling ' he is a funny one I guess'
'Right I'm assuming you've told the girls , so consider me one of the girls , who've you got your eye on?' Mike questioned , Darla sighed over dramatically before turning to him
' you know what girl ' she started of but was interrupted by Mike laughing , 'seriously though I do have my eye on Luke M'
'Obviously' Mike spoke as if he already knew this information
'Y'can tell?' She asked and he nodded
'Oops , anyways so I'm not too sure , just wanna get to know everyone like' Mike agreed with this by nodding, he got it , he had got to know almost every one in here

Darla continued chatting with Mike for a while before being pulled for a chat by Luke T and Siannise.
'Right here's the crack' Luke T said as they all settled at the fire pit , the serious voice caused Darla to burst out laughing , which made the two laugh alongside her
'God what've I done' Darla asked , she knew they were joking , the unofficial couple were just digging for gossip
'If your here to dig for gossip I've got none'
'We are here' siannise started
'To talk to you about none other than Luke M' Luke T finished , Darla glanced around to see if the boy was around , he wasn't.
'Yes what about him?' She tried to play it cool
'We believe you would be a perfect pair' siannise smiled
'Glad to see that your making up my mind for me , on the first day as well' she laughed to the two she was becoming quite fond of
' no of course not' siannise laughed , but raised her eyebrows at Darla suggestively which made her laugh yet again
' I dunno guys , he seems lovely and he's obviously very good looking but I need to explore my options, you know what I mean?'
They both nodded
'Yeah I get it' Luke T settled further into the seat 'I mean he is extremely attractive and funnyyyy and amamzinggg and beautifulll' Luke T was cut of by Siannise and Darla laughing at him
'Maybe you should couple up with him' Darla suggested to which Luke T nodded enthusiastically
'Would if I could' Siannise hit his arm lightly laughing. Although Luke T was getting to know Rebecca as well as Siannise , Darla was fond of the couple sitting next to her , they just seemed so relaxed together - she shipped it.
'Well interesting convo , I'm off to get another cuppa' Darla said still chuckling as she headed towards the kitchen.

She got to the kitchen where Luke M was ;
'Just had a very interesting conversation with Luke T about you' she chuckled , his head shot up in surprise
'Me!?' He said running the Tap for colder water. He looked up at her from behind the bar to where she was standing opposite him
'Yes you who else' she laughed, he nodded pouring water into his bottle. Darla made her way to behind the bar with her empty cup. He took the cup from her hand and washed it out for her
'I wanted that' she laughed next to him
'Wanted another cuppa?' He asked , earning an eager nod from Darla, her tiny amount of excitement over a small thing made him grin
'I'll do it then' he bargained , filling up the kettle and turning it on
They both were standing in the kitchen, Darla leaning her back on the bar , Luke M standing in front of her , waiting for the kettle
'So what did they say' Luke M questioned , he knew Luke T and Siannise wouldn't of been up to much good
'Quick summary is Luke T wants to couple up with you' Darla said as if it was major gossip
'No way'
'Yes way, and now by your reaction I'm starting to think other Luke may have a better chance than me' she flirted
'Oh really? I'd say it's pretty even' he kept his game face on , getting the kettle and pouring the hot water into her cup
'Pretty even might not be good enough' Darla stayed in the same stance , looking to her right at Luke
'We'll see might be able to make it 60/40' he looked up at her through his lashes , finally going to put the kettle back to its original place
'That's good enough for me , doing well since I've only been here a night' she smiled as Luke made her tea
'Sugar?' '2 please'
' one night and you've already made an impression on everyone' Luke handed her her tea before leaning on the bar beside her
'Good or bad?' She asked after burning her tongue on her tea , Luke laughed
'Pretty good so far , girls are a bit shook but then again so are the lads'
'Why would the lads be shook?' Darla was confused by what Luke M had just said , she knew the girls would be a bit shook up because it's a new girl who could potentially be interested in their lad , but the boys ?
'Cus your stunning like' he said , blushing just slightly at the cheeks , Darla had noticed how he mostly always said like at the end of his sentences , just like her. 'So obviously the lads heads are gonna turn a bit'
'What if I say I'm only worried about turning one boys head?' She smirked slightly as he looked down and then back up , their eyes locking
' oh yeah and who would that be'
'Dunno guess you'll have to keep speaking to us to find out' she grinned sipping on her tea
'Little minx' he muttered under his breath chuckling
'Well I know that a few of the lads have their eye on you'
'Who?' Darla was genuinely curious , she wasn't too interested in anyone else Luke M was the definition of her type , but she didn't know that anyone other than Luke M and possible Callum were interested
'Well Callum definitely is , Mike seems interested as well' he said , causing her eyebrows to furrow
'Mike!?' He was being friendly earlier asked who I had my eye on and stuff , ohhh' the realization dawned on her as Luke M nodded
'Yeah seems he has a thing for people I fancy, doesn't it?' He chuckled
'Guess so. Shame I'm not really looking to get to know him though' she sipped her tea , the fact Luke M just so casually admitted her fancied her was insane
'Much rather get to know some one who looks like the beibs' This made Luke M slightly relived , she might actually fancy him to
'What about Callum?'
'He's a good looking lad but he's got shaughna and I'm not really sure he's my type of lad' this response also made Luke M beam
'Glad to hear it' he smiled , they chatted for a while before they parted ways because Darla was pulled for a chat...

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