Glitch (MHA x OC)

By Definitely_not_Pengi

87 0 0

Emiko Aizawa, codename Glitch, one of the three Aizawa children. Her and her brother Kasai two overly skilled... More

The festival
Day 1
pt 3
Back to School

pt 2.

7 0 0
By Definitely_not_Pengi

Emiko went to her room and grabbed a small bag, it had her wallet, a change of clothes, and her hero costume which she shrunk to fit.

"I'm going to go help Jeanist for a bit. If anything happens, a hair fracture to a genuine villain fight you call or text me. I don't care I am going to be there do you understand me Izuku." Emiko ordered

"Yes Emiko, Call or text you for anything." Izuku responded

"Also if you don't pick up after I call twice I'm immediately going to your location." Emiko said

"Ok I understand, I'll be fine." Izuku said

"Ok. Good luck you are stronger than you think broccoli boy. I'll be back at night don't wait up." Emiko said as she started leaving the building.

Emiko walked back to the train station. The train ride would be about an hour so Emiko found a seat and relaxed. Half way through the ride Emiko got a call from Kasai.

"Hows it going with the flash." Emiko said

"He's uncomfortably normal. what about you?" Kasai asked

"He's making process, I trust the old man I left him with so I'm going over to Jeanist's place. He called me yesterday talking about the blonde it was pretty funny." Emiko said

"I miss you, Emi. I got to go we've been on patrol all day I need a shower." Kasai said 

"I miss you too cya soon. Be safe Kasai." Emiko said as she hung up the phone.

The rest of the train ride was calm and quiet. Emiko waited until she was at her stop. Once she was there she got out and walked over to Genius Office. She headed to the guest room where she slept in every time she visited and dropped her stuff off and got changed into her hero costume. Then she went to where she suspected Jeanist to be. Jeanist was doing Bakugo's hair and had just finished as Emiko walked in.

"I see you started the make over without me." Emiko said. "Looking good blonde." 

"Darling Miko to long, I see you already got settled. How does it look? Does he look human yet?" Jeanist asks

"I think it's very you. I don't know if it screams very King Lord Explosion Murder but that's for the best." Emiko said walking over to give a hug to Jeanist.

The rest of the day consisted of manner training, repeatedly correcting Bakugo's behavior and then dinner which again consisted of correcting Bakugo's dinner habits. Every 2 hours Emiko would call or text Izuku to make sure everything was ok and talk about his training. Later when the sun was going down Emiko was outside on the roof watching the sunset.

"How have you been Miko." Jeanist asked sitting next to her on the roof.

"Status Quo, nothing outside of the ordinary." Emiko said

"Then why are you now a student at U.A.? Since when have you ever wanted to be a student at U.A." Jeanist asked

"It's not me, It's Kasai. I just don't want him to get hurt. I don't want to attend U.A. I don't want to become some super well known in the spotlight All Might number 1 hero. I just want to help people. I want to use my quirk to do the jobs that aren't the safest because I know I can. So of course I don't want to go to U.A. I think it's a waste of my time I just want to be there for Kasai." Emiko blurts out 

Jeanist looked at Emiko and pulled her in for a hug. Emiko hugged him back with tears in her eyes. 

"Oh Miko, you take on to much for your age." Jeanist said hugging her 

"I really should be getting back. Thank you for this Tsunagu I really needed a break from chaos watching blonde just be blonde was hilarious." Emiko said wiping her tears. 

"Miko are you sure you don't want to spend the night." Jeanist asked 

"I'm sure, thank you again ill come back another time." Emiko said with a smile. 

She glitched into her room grabbed her stuff and then glitched outside. With her backpack slung over one shoulder she waved at Tsunagu who was still on the roof. She walked back to the train station got on the train and waited it out until she got to Yamanashi prefecture. She walked back alone in the dark, it was quiet and peaceful. When she got inside Izuku was passed out on the couch. He had bruises on his entire body. It was a bit cold so Emiko grabbed a blanket and put it over him. She walked upstairs to the guest room and flopped on the bed. She laid in bed wondering why her dad wanted them to attend U.A. Then she fell asleep. 

The Next Morning 

Emiko woke up to the sound of banging. She went downstairs to see Izuku and Gran Torino training. Izuku had been getting better but still hasn't managed to hit Gran Torino 

"Morning." Emiko said 

"Good morning" Izuku said with a smile

"Morning kiddo" Gran Torino said 

They continued their training as Emiko tried to make herself breakfast with all the frozen desserts. 

"That's enough training for today. we're moving into Phase two, go put your hero costumes on younglings." Gran Torino said, Emiko sighed putting away the food she had just grabbed and traded it out with a small snack. Izuku rushed upstairs to change. 

"Hope you're ready." Gran Torino said 

"I hope so too." Emiko said worried 

"We're going out to fight some villians" Gran Torino pointed out into the open space 

"What just like that!" Izuku asked

"If you only fight against me or Aizawa over there you'll be in trouble against someone whos completely different." Gran Torino told Izuku as he started walking

"You need the experience against other people, Just stay calm and do what you know." Emiko said with a hand on Izuku's back 

"She's right, This is an internship after all. You really shouldn't be that surprised by this." Gran Torino said 

"I get what you're both saying and I agree but I don't think I'm ready I feel like I still need more time to prepare myself." Izuku said 

"Trust me I understand needing to have your quirk under control but you have an amazing understanding of your quirk already now you need experience. It's ok to not feel sure but know we're here to help you grow you can lean on us and ask us questions." Emiko reassured Izuku

"But it wont do us any good hanging around here." Gran Torino pulled over a taxi and we all got in "because of the low population the crime rate is really low that's why theres a lot more agencies in Urban areas, a lot more crime there. The higher the population density the more trouble you're going to find. Now in Shibuya we'll find plenty of small fights to break up I guarantee it." 

"Wait like Shibuya in Tokyo! I don't think my Hero Costume is hip enough." Izuku said looking at the floor

"That costume of yours tells everyone you're a hero. You should be happy to get to display it in such a bright spotlight." Gran Torino told Izuku

"We should stop by Hosu City on our way back. Iida and my brother are there it would be nice to see them." Emiko said 

"That would be fun!" Izuku said

The ride to the train station was quiet and the train ride was pretty calm too. It was long and already dark out. 

"This train isn't going to get there till late are you ok with that?" Izuku asked Gran Torino 

"That's why I picked it, it'll be more fun then. More fights" 

"Crazy old man you are." Emiko says from the seat behind them. 

"You kids these days, You're constantly buried  in your cell phones" Gran Torino said

"Izuku have you talked to Iida lately?" Emiko asked 

"Not since the train station." Izuku said

"Hey did you see that?" A passenger said "A building exploded" 

"Where?" someone said 

"What's all the ruckus" Gran Torino asked, Izuku and Emiko stand up to see what everyone is talking about

"Some kind of fire?" Izuku says 

"Passengers please hold onto your seats." the voice says

Emiko's stomach drops, they're in Hosu, a building exploded all she can think about is Kasai. Is he ok? where is he? What's going on? Then a hero gets thrown through the train and some weird looking creature with wings and a brain for a head was attacking him. 

"I WANT YOU TO STAY BACK YOU HEAR ME." Gran Torino said to Izuku 

Gran Torino and Emiko jump into action before Izuku can even argue with them. Gran Torino hits the creature as Emiko grabs the hero seeing what she can do. She gets some people to pick him up and put him in the seat then gets another to find some bandages. Izuku was looking out the hole in the train at Gran Torino who had just jumped out with the Nomu and the huge fire in the middle of Hosu. 

"No way what the heck is going on here." Izuku says. From behind him Emiko takes a running start before jumping out and landing on a roof. 

"IZUKU MOVE LET'S GO I NEED YOU." She shouts. Izuku without hesitation jumps on the roof next to Emiko and she glitches them down to the streets. As they're running Emiko sees water go up in the air and she changes direction from the fire to the water. 

"I swear to fucking god Kasai. IZUKU KEEP UP" Emiko shouts

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