๐๐ž๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž๐ | scream

By deathcup1d

19.1K 435 123

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1.9K 43 3
By deathcup1d

" — 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌! : 𝐝 𝐞 𝐫 𝐚 𝐧 𝐠 𝐞 𝐝
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟎𝟐 | 𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐫𝐚𝐠 "

- Ashley Miller -

Sitting in Tatum's signature red car I played with the hem of the burrowed skirt I wore from my best friends wardrobe. It had been two days since the incident and I couldn't get myself to go to school but after Tatum begged me for what seemed like hours I finally gave in. As the girl slowly parked her car my eyes widened at the amount of cameras there were outside of school.

But I wasn't surprised.

Two other kids were brutally murdered on the same night I was attacked. Casey Becker was found stabbed in the chest, stomach, neck completely gutted and hollowed out, she was found by her parents where she was hung from a tree outside her house. Her boyfriend, Steven Orth, was found bound to a chair, gagged with duct tape and gutted with a knife. It made the hairs on the back of my neck rise just at thought that it could've been me too. "Ash? Earth to Ash!" Tatum shook her hand in front of my face which snapped me out of my thoughts. "Let's go." She quickly spoke getting out the car and I followed close behind. Just as the two of us stepped out we were swarmed by several news reporters. "She's not going to answer any questions so fuck off." The blonde girl stated as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the crowd.

I could feel multiple pairs of eyes on me as I walked into the tall school building, Tatum by my side, chewing onto the peppermint chewing gum she gave me this morning the two of us made our way towards her locker. Everyone we walked by quieted down and just stared which made my skin crawl, I hated all the attention I was getting just for making out alive. "What class do you have first?" I asked the blonde girl trying to avoid eye contact with all the people staring me down. "I've got chemistry." She informed and I nodded my head. "How about you?" She questioned as she took out a few books from her locker. "English." I answered simply, swallowing the saliva which was building up in my mouth the loud school bell rang throughout the hallways signalling it was time for lesson.

"I'll see you around Ash." Tatum waved at me as she was joined by someone in her next class whilst she walked away. Turning on my heel I walked towards my English class that I was dreading. Entering the classroom I sat myself down on the last row at the back in the corner closest to the window. Taking my bag off and taking out the books I needed I propped my elbows onto the hard wooden desk and rested my head on the palms of my hands. "Okay, so today class we will be learning about Romeo and Juliet and why their love was was forbidden." The old women stated as she opened the book and told everyone to flick to the according page.

The entire class dragged, I couldn't stop thinking about the events that occurred over forty eight hours ago. All that replayed in my head was that killers voice, how menacing it seemed. I couldn't believe I had a full conversation with him before he tried to kill me. I was stupid for picking that phone up every time I did. Hearing the bell ring for lunch everyone quickly stood up, got their belongings and scurried out the room leaving me behind as my movements were slower than the rest of them. Fortunately English lasted over two periods so that I didn't have to walk through the halls and face all those eyes staring at me.

Keeping my gaze down I snaked my way out of the crowded corridor and towards the water fountain where we all hung out. For afar I could see Tatum and her boyfriend Stuart Macher bickering about something probably stupid. Sidney Prescott, my other close friend, was sat beside her boyfriend, Billy Loomis, who she had an on and off relationship for the past two years. "There she is! The lone survivor." Stu shouted as he gave me that pearly smile he always had on. Returning the smile I sat myself down between the two couples. Tatum smacked the back of his head to shut him up. "Give the girl a break she almost got killed." She scolded her boyfriend as she took a grape from her hand and put it into her mouth. "Key word 'almost'." Stu teased and Tatum's light brown eyes rolled in response.

Stu had been dating Tatum for around two months now and I still never got over how fast they clicked. Stuart Macher was one of the taller boys in this small town, he stood around six foot two but he always claimed he was six three and we all teased him about it. He had these ocean blue eyes which always seemed ecstatic about one thing or another. The tall boy had light brown hair which always remained short, he claimed he didn't look good with longer hair and Tatum always told him to grow it out but he'd always end up cutting it. He had slightly tan skin which complimented the outfit he was wearing today which was a light grey sweatshirt and some dark brown pants, a necklace was wrapped around his neck which Tatum gifted on their first month anniversary.

"Give it a rest Stu." Billy spoke from where he was basically laying down, all of our eyes shifted to the boy who was glaring at the other. This was Billy Loomis, he was the typical jock of this town, always getting into trouble. Billy was tall but not as tall as Stu, instead he stood at about five eleven or six foot if he wore slightly chunky shoes. He had dirty blonde hair that looked like a shade of brown at times that was always in a messy curtain bang style, he had paler skin than Stu's but it suited his cold demeanour. Billy's eyes were a dark brown which always looked like they were thinking about something, there was definitely many secrets behind his eyes but I never brought it up. He wore an off-white coloured shirt which was paired with black pants. Considering I was one of the louder ones in the group I stayed silent about my suspicions on Billy, he was strange, not in a nerdy way but something much darker. I chose to stay away from him as much as I could.

He was bad news.

"Snap out of your depression thoughts Ashley." Stu stated as he clicked his fingers in front of my face, smacking his hands out the way I ran my fingers through my open brunette hair. "Fuck off." I told him whilst grabbing a grape from Tatum and putting it into my mouth. Stu was about to open his mouth when Randy, another close friend of mine, came running towards us and sitting down. "Did they ask you guys if you like to hunt?" The dark haired boy asked as we all looked over at him. "Yeah they did." Billy answered simply. "Hunting? Why would they ask you if you liked to hunt?" Tatum asked, snacking on her grapes which Randy took one out of her hand and ate one. "Because their bodies were gutted." He answered her question.

From the corner of my eye I noticed how uncomfortable Sidney seemed. "Thank you Randy." Billy remarked in a sarcastic tone of voice as he put his arm around his girlfriend. "They never asked me if I liked to hunt." The blonde girl informed whilst playing with the ends of her naturally straight blonde hair. "It's cause there is no way a girl could have killed them." Stu stated, a cheeky grin on his face. "That is so sexist. The killer could easily be female. Basic instinct?" The girl remarked. "That was an ice pick, not exactly the same thing." Randy butted in as he moved out the way since the sun was shining on his eyes. "Yeah Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out the fact is, it takes a man to do something like that." Stu spoke whilst looking at the rest of us. "Or a man's mentality." Tatum added rolling her light brown eyes.

"How do you gut someone?" Sidney asked, her voice filled with sadness, shifting my gaze at the brunette girl I put my hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. "You take a knife." Stu started and I mentally prepared myself to cuss him out. "And you slit them from groin to sternum." He ended, making Sidney clearly uncomfortable, turning my head over my shoulder I shot the tall boy a glare. "It's called tact you fuck-rag." I stated at the same time as Billy. My eyes slightly widened at the coincidental 'saying the same sentence at the same time' situation. "Hey Stu didn't you use to date Casey?" Sidney asked as she played with the ends of her sleeves. "Yeah for like two seconds." He replied truthfully. "Before she dumped him for Steve." Randy butted in once again. "I thought you dumbed her for me." Tatum spoke as she shot her boyfriend a glare. "I did! he's full of shit." The tall boy reassured her. "And are the police aware that you dated the victim?" Randy asked as he fixed his green shirt.

"Hey what are you saying? That I killed her?" Stu spoke, disbelief in his voice, turning my body back around to the two bickering I furrowed my eyebrows. "It would certainly improve your high school Q." Randy remarked whilst grabbing another grape and eating it. "Stu was with me that night." Tatum defended quickly as she wiggled her eyebrows. "Yeah I was." Her boyfriend stated. "Was that before or after he sliced and diced?" Randy asked rhetorically. "Fuck you nutcase, where the fuck were you that night?" I butted in this time, I knew this conversation was making Sidney uncomfortable as she kept on moving about. "Working, thank you." He replied and I scoffed. "Oh at the video store? I thought they fired your sorry ass." I remarked, watching him eat a grape he opened his mouth to speak. "Twice." He answered.

"Nah I didn't kill anybody." Stu spoke again, this time with no cockiness in his tone of voice, I noticed Billy paying more attention to this conversation. "Nobody said you did." Billy stated as he raised both of his eyebrows. "Thanks buddy." Stu stated, his cocky demeanour coming back as a smile rested on his face. "Besides it takes a man to do something like that." Randy mimicked Stu which caused a laugh to escape my lips. "Yo I'm gonna gut your ass in a second kid." Stu spoke, a smile remained on his face, a smile also crept up on mine. "Tell me something, did you really put her liver in the mailbox? Cause I heard that they found her liver in the mailbox next to her spleen and her pancreas." Randy spoke in a weird voice. "Randy you goon we're trying to eat here." Tatum threw two of her grapes at him.

Sidney gave a quick kiss on her boyfriends lips as she took her bag and left. "Hey live-r here alone." Stu spoke, his voice was louder than before, he looked over to Billy and I, sticking his long pink tongue out and laughed hysterically. Billy turned away and ate his last grape, trying his best to ignore Stu. Rolling my eyes I smacked Stu's stomach to make him shut up. "Ow what? Live.. live-r alone leave her alone it was a joke." Stu protested but Tatum got up from his lap and left. This left me alone with Stu, Randy and Billy. "Hey Ashley did you see the killers face?" Randy asked as he sat next to me. "Nope." I answered whilst playing with the singular ring on my finger. "Damn it." He mumbled under his breath, Randy's gaze travelled about his surroundings but when he saw the time on the large clock on the school building he got up. "Shit I'm late, see you around Ash!" The dark haired boy spoke as he ran off into the school.

A smile rested on my lips as I looked up at the clear sky. "Stu you know Sidney has a weak stomach." I stated, turning my body to face him I smacked his arm again. "I know, I just got carried away but it wasn't entirely my fault it was Meeks'." He defended himself. "Ashley?" Billy's voice spoke from behind me, glancing over my shoulder my eyes met with his. "How is it going with Nick?" He asked and my stomach dropped.

I had completely forgotten about him.

Nickolas Smith was my boyfriend and over the summer he had went to France to stay with his family and I had completely forgotten he was coming back this week. "I haven't really spoke to him." I answered honestly. "Oooh is Ashley loosing feelings for her dickhead boyfriend?" Stu teased, letting out a scoff I ran my fingers through my hair. "He's been busy." I argued. "Yeah with other chicks, Ashley we all know he fucks everyone around." Stu added. "It's none of your guys' business so kindly fuck off." I told the two of them as I swung my bag over my shoulder and stood up from where we were sat. "Goodbye asshats." I waved at the two of them and made my way back inside the school building.

As much I hated to admit it but Stu was right.

He was right about everything.

Nick has had a thing with almost all the girls in this town.

But I was in denial because I knew he wasn't seeing anyone when he was with me.

I hope.


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