JJ Maybank imagines

נכתב על ידי ItsJJsBtch

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✨housekeeping✨ ~~ 🤪stupid things have good outcomes all the time ~~ 😡if im the one mediating we've hit rock... עוד

kook turned pogue
no pogue on pogue macking
thats my girl
self inflicted
don't go
shark week
drugged at midsummers
baby (pt. 2)
baby (pt. 3)
baby (pt. 4)
kiss and make up
car wash
broken promise
gone (pt. 2)
phone number
use me
chasing you
chasing you (pt. 2)
filming uh-oh
knight in cargo shorts
panic attack
kitty hawk
mrs. maybank
drunk driving
months go by
months go by (pt. 2)
mrs. badass
long distance
surfs up
in sickness and health
best friends to lovers
missing (pt. 2)
missing (pt. 3)
clean (pt. 2)
i'm with you
dating your sister
dating your sister (pt. 2)
break it up
take it out on me
love, your sis
admit it
me and mine
when we were young
surfer boy
i'm sorry
mine? yours.
i'll protect him
kook party
i object
no hands
a forever thing
scared to be happy
spa day
see you later
see you later (pt. 2)
lets run away
red carpet
love story
safe place
sweet dreams
ambulance rescue
falling in love
teach me how to love
daddy dearest
my best friend
i'll protect her
i'll protect her (pt. 2)
drunk talk

what could've been

7.7K 79 46
נכתב על ידי ItsJJsBtch

TW: blood, fighting, mentions of miscarriage, all around a very sensitive imagine only to be read at the readers discretion
*flashback—one week prior*

"When that last table leaves you're free for the day, thanks for staying overtime." Mike thanked me while I stood at the register and looked at him over my shoulder.

"Of course." I replied and finished counting the tip jar for my shift, whoever was waitressing that day got to keep the tip money. When Kie and I worked together we always split it 50/50 but since I'm on my own today I got to keep it. Even though I knew I'd end up spending it on both of us anyway, she'd do the same for me.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite daughter-in-law." Luke pushed the door to The Wreck open a bit harder than any normal person would and walked over to the counter, taking a seat at one of the stools. I could smell the liquor from here and I was five feet away. JJ always tried his best to keep me away from his dad but once Luke found out about us he did everything he could to weasel his way into our relationship, "You gonna take my order?"

"Nope. My last table is almost done then I'm out of here." I sarcastically smiled at him and slammed the register shut. Facing my back towards him I began reorganizing the cups behind me to keep myself busy and hopefully he'd get the hint I wasn't interested in holding a conversation.

"I think you wanna talk to me, young lady." His tone went deep and I swallowed the lump in my throat, "I know your little secreetttt." He sang from behind me, his voice giving me an uneasy feeling.

"Keep it, Luke. JJ told you to stay away from me but by the liquor on your breath I can smell you've forgotten." I spat and turned around to lean one hand onto the counter and the other on my hip.

"Was that before or after you told him you were pregnant?" My eyes went wide. How the hell did he know? I haven't even told JJ yet. I planned on having a sit down talk with him tonight and give him all of our options, "By your reaction I can tell it's not just some silly rumor flying around town."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied, straightening my posture and doing my best to appear unbothered by his words, "You're drunk, go home."

"Now, ya see, Y/n. I don't even want my son with you, he doesn't deserve to be loved. I think this little...situation you're in is only going to put the idea into JJ's mind he might actually be a good father when we all know he's going to turn out just like me..." Luke mumbled his words as he lowered his voice. My jaw clenched. I should jump over this counter and cave his face in but that would only stress me out and since the rumor was true, I couldn't risk it.

"The only situation me and your son are in is figuring out how the hell to get you out of this town and never come back," I walked towards him and leaned over the counter, "And the day we decide to have kids, JJ is going to be an amazing father. He's nothing like you." I had to keep playing clueless, there's no way I'd let him know the truth. Our entire relationship all he's done is try to sabotage it. He doesn't think that JJ deserves a girlfriend or friends, that he doesn't deserved to be loved, but he does.

JJ has shown me only the purest and true forms of love, even if sometimes he doesn't know how to manage his emotions he tries his best. That's all I could ever ask for. JJ has never snapped at me or gotten drunkenly aggressive, he's nothing like Luke and he never will be.

"If I were you I'd start telling me the truth. Might end better for you and the little one." Luke threatened. I felt like I was going to throw up and it wasn't because of the baby, I was genuinely scared of this man after seeing what he's done to JJ. The nights where he couldn't stop crying on my front porch covered in blood and bruises.

"If I were you I'd get the fuck out of this restaurant." I snapped back. He laid the palm of his hands onto the counter and pushed himself up, walking backwards and away from me.

"Have it your way, young lady." I hated that he always called me that, it was some kind of twisted nickname he's called me from the start. Thankfully he swung the door to The Wreck open and disappeared around the corner.

I anxiously waited for the last table to finish eating and ask for the check. I needed to text JJ and tell him what happened. I also wanted him to meet me here so I wouldn't have to walk home alone, the thought now terrified me.

"Clocking out!" I announced when my final table left and Mike sent me a wave and a quick 'goodbye'. Once I made it outside I was hit with the cool night air and pulled my phone from my pocket.

"Shit." I groaned, it was dead. I could go back inside and ask Mike to use his but I didn't want him questioning why I was scared to walk home alone. So, I buttoned my metaphorical big girl pants and began my walk.

My chest began rising and falling anxiously when I walked past JJ's house, worried that his father was home and on some type of war path.

When I thought I was finally in the clear I heard the voice I was dreading to hear behind me, "Why don't you come on inside? We need to have a little chat!" Luke called down the road but I kept walking.

"Leave me alone, Luke!" I huffed. I heard the sound of quick footsteps approaching me and turned around, being met with Luke's eyes as he grabbed onto my arm.

"I said, we need to have a little chat." He spat and I tried pulling away but I knew it wouldn't work, he was stronger than me. Unfortunately the darkness masked us as he pulled me down the sidewalk and slipped his hand over my mouth. I kicked my legs and twisted my body so he would lose his grip but nothing worked. Watching the front door close behind us when he dragged me into the house was like sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

"Stop fighting me!" He screamed and drew his hand back, smacking me and letting my body go so I'd fall onto the floor. Tears spilled from my eyes from the pain.

"What do you want!? I just wanna go home, Luke!" I exclaimed, pushing myself off all fours so I was now on the ground, leaning my back against the wall.

"I'm taking care of this situation before it ruins my sons life more than you already have!" He kneeled down and got in my face as he continued to yell, "You two and your little 'love', my son doesn't know what 'love' is!"

"Yes he does." I said breathlessly, still feeling the affect of him hitting me in the head, "And guess what, Luke? He's gonna love this baby, too. I can't wait to see the smile on his face when I tell him." I smiled up at him, knowing my words would rile him up more. I honestly didn't know what JJ's reaction would be but I'd be willing to bet money that, aside from being terrified, he'd be happy. Even though we were seventeen and this wasn't at all planned, we'd figure it out together, like we always do.

"Can't be happy about something that don't exist." Luke's voice quieted down and I didn't even have time to react before he grabbed me by the back of my head and threw me to the floor. His fist connected with my jaw, sending my small body flush against the ground. I tried using my arms to push myself up but was stopped when Luke kicked me in the side.

"Come on, now, get up! I know my son taught you better than to back down from a fight!" He screamed from above me. I used every ounce of strength I had as I pushed my body up, now on my hands and knees as I took another deep breath. Right when I was going to stand up Luke kicked me in the stomach, sending my body once again to the ground.

"You're a no good—" Another kick, the pain was sent through my entire body, "useless slut!" My arms wrapped around myself as he continued kicking. I could feel his boot hitting my arms but couldn't do anything to fight against him, I was in too much pain, "My son should've thrown you to the side when he had the chance!"

*present day-one week later*

I laid in the hospital bed as my mom sat next to me, her hand holding onto mine as the other signed my discharge papers, "I hope you know you're getting a restraining order and we're pressing charges."

"Mom, we talked about this when I got admitted. I know." I've been in the hospital for a week and I've essentially cut contact with the outside world. My phone hasn't been plugged in since I left work that one day. When I arrived they rushed me into surgery and afterwards told me I had miscarried, there was no chance of saving the pregnancy.

"And you're gonna talk to JJ about me taking him in. I don't want him around Luke." She continued telling me things we've gone over a hundred times in the last seven days, "Can you get out of bed on your own or do you need help?"

She rolled my wheelchair over and I shooed her hands away before she could attempt to assist me, "I got it." I said. I was already changed back into street clothes so at least that was out of the way. After I successfully got into the wheelchair my mom sat and talked to the doctors and nurses for a bit before taking me out to the car.

"JJ is waiting for you at the house, I haven't told him anything." My mom said and my stomach dropped. I was happy to be able to see him but terrified he'd be upset with me for what happened and that I've been ignoring him. I didn't respond, only shook my head in understanding.

We took the walk up the front porch steps slow, one hand holding onto my moms and the other grasping to the railing for dear life, "Y/n." JJ's voice made my heart break as my front door opened quickly. He rushed to my side and I let go of the railing so he could help support my weight. I was still in a great deal of pain since I've been refusing pain meds.

"Can you take her upstairs? I'm going to grab her medicine and some food." My mom looked over to JJ and the blonde nodded his head yes.

"Yeah, I got it," He told her, "Here, this'll be easier." Once we got to the bottom of the stairs he slipped one arm under my knees and the other around my back as he carried me up the stairs. I groaned in slight pain but this was better than climbing them myself.

"What happened? You go to work one day then next thing I know you ignore me for a week. Your mom calls me to meet you at home and you get here looking like you got jumped by, like, eight grown men." JJ's voice was rushed and I could tell he was hurt by me not telling him what had happened or not calling him when it did, "Tell me what happened."

I winced as he laid me onto my bed and pushed myself to sit so I was leaning against my headboard. Without using words I patted the spot next to me in my bed and he listened, taking a seat next to me. I grabbed onto his hand and pulled it into my lap, "First I need to tell you how much I love you and how much I appreciate you and how amazing you are. You know that, right? That you deserve everything in the world." I felt myself getting emotional, "and that when I tell you what happened you have to promise me you won't go running out my front door."

"Y/n, you're making me worry even more.." His voice cracked and he gulped, squeezing my hand tighter.

"Promise me." I got serious and my grip on his hand tightened as well.

"I promise, Y/n, I swear."

I started at the beginning, right when Luke entered The Wreck. I told him about the pregnancy and how I planned on telling him later that day when he came over to watch movies. I told him how his dad dragged me into the house and beat me. How I crawled out of his fathers house on my hands and knees with blood rushing down my face and legs. I told him how I lost the baby. How I felt horrible for not reaching out. By the end of the story he was a mess, gripping to my shirt as he cried.

"I'm gonna kill him." JJ wiped his tears and sat up, he began getting off my bed but I grabbed his arms tightly to pull him back down next to me.

"JJ, no, you promised!" I scolded and he froze. He knows I don't take promises lightly so when those words left my lips he sat on my bed, his back facing me, "Say something." I pleaded as I let my hand run up and down his back to attempt to comfort him.

"We were gonna have a baby..." I felt him begin shaking again and pushed myself up. I wrapped my arms around his body as he fell into my chest. I dismissed any pain I felt because right now the shaking boy in front of me was more important than all of it, "And he—he fucking—I'm gonna kill him!" He cried out and I held onto him, wrapping my arms tight around his body.

My mom pushed my door slightly open with a small cup with my meds in it and a plate of food. When she saw what was happening her face fell, tears gathered in her eyes. I looked to her, then to my nightstand to tell her to just set it down and go. Thankfully she listened.

"JJ," I pushed some hair away from his eyes and looked down at him, "JJ, look at me." Once he got the strength his blue eyes looked into mine, "A lot is going to happen in the next week so you need to hear everything from me first."

"Okay." He did his best to stop crying and pushed himself to sit up.

"My mom is pressing charges and I'm getting a restraining order against your dad—"

"He's not my dad anymore. The second he laid hands on you he wasn't my dad, he doesn't deserve that title." JJ cut me off. My heart broke for him, even though what I experienced will forever be in the back of my mind, I knew hearing all of this within fifteen minutes wasn't easy.

"My mom wants to take you in, you'll live here with us and you'll never have to see him, or put up with the abuse, anything, ever again." I kept my voice soft as I saw his tears slowly stop and he wiped away the remaining ones on his cheeks.

"Really?" He asked. I could see the relief on his face knowing he'd never have to step foot in that house ever again.

"Really, JJ, you're free." I felt myself crack a smile but he didn't do the same. His eyes flashed from mine to my stomach and I saw the tears swell again.

"I'll let her do that," He tried his hardest to give me some sort of smile, I saw it tugging at the corner of his lips but it never showed, "Y/n, I am so sorry. I wasn't there to stop him and we lost something that could've been—"

"No, JJ, you have nothing to be sorry for." I held my hands on either side of his face and combed my fingers through the hair on the back of his head, "None of this was your fault."

"I wanna hold you." He gently reached his hands to my hips and I pushed myself up and onto his lap, wrapping my arms around him as my head laid on his shoulder for comfort, "I love you."

"I love you too, J." I whispered. When we both finally settled down and I agreed to take my medicine we laid in my bed. I found myself fixated on my ceiling as the memory replayed over and over again in my head.

"I think it would've been a girl," JJ finally broke the silence when he noticed my mind was slipping and I looked at him with a weak smile, "you would've came up with the prettiest little name and she would've came home with one of those weird bows on her head."

"You would've taught her how to surf and ride dirt bikes," I added, letting myself imagine what our future would've been, "and sat on our front porch with a shotgun if she tried bringing a boy home."

"No shotgun, a straight up gatt." JJ did the motion of a gun in the air with his hand which made me chuckle, we fell into a short pause before he spoke again, "Hey, Y/n?

"Hey, JJ?" I repeated and turned my head to look at him as we laid under my covers.

"Do you think, uh, do you think," A single tear fell into his cheek, "Do you think we're gonna be okay? Or are we always going to miss something that was never brought into the world?"

"We're always going to miss them," I wiped the tear off his face, "But we're gonna be okay, 'cause no matter what we've got each other."

We would be okay, but right now we were grieving parents with no baby, with what could've been such a beautiful thing.


Sooooo I like writing about babies sometimes and some of you have told me you like when y/n gets hurt so I merged the two together and the outcome was this. Not my best work but I can't stop writing. I have so many unfinished drafts cause I start writing, get a new idea, start writing, get a new idea. It's a never ending cycle.

I think for my next one I'm going to do a request: reader is Sarah's sister and she drags her to meet the pogues? Maybe JJ can have instant infatuation for her? I'll do it in y/n's pov then when she arrives I'll switch to JJ's.

Actually, do you guys prefer if I leave it always in y/n's pov or do you like when I switch to JJ's? I like switching cause I can add what he's thinking about y/n and I think it's really cute

I also have Rudy imagines coming soon! I'm working on them :)

Also, sorry my imagines are super long but if you enjoy long imagines then I take it back

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