The Other Lost Member.(Ride t...

By OddestTheaterKid

6.6K 132 242

What if there was another unknown choir member, someone the choir knew very well? Someone who Karnak did ind... More

001| return of the fall fair
002|The Choirs catastrophe
003| Found.
004|The world needs me!
007| Q U I E T.
Epilogue+Thank you <3

005|My song.

684 13 32
By OddestTheaterKid

Noels Pov:

I watched as Y/n was forcefully dragged towards the Karnak.

She looked more upset than I'd ever seen her on a stage.

She pulled the lever and a bunch of pictures of her showed up.

More in different countries

It showed footage of her playing roles in her community theatre

"Y/n Abel, born (date), (Zodiac) Sign of (Zodiac Meaning). The one lost body of the cyclone incident. Favourite ride: the children's kiddy zone." I laughed slightly as Y/n's face flushed

"Along the way of Y/n's life, her parents left her uncared for." It showed videos, well more Y/n's memories and pictures of her going everywhere alone.

All the parent career days were spent alone.

I felt terrible, I mean my mom was annoying. 

But at least she's in my life.

"Her parents leaving her left her with mental health issues and a love for theatre."

a burst of pictures from all the theatre productions held both in our school and other communities were shown with Y/n being in them all

"She found a family in theatre." then a light shown on Y/n

"I was alone all my life since the age of six. I raised myself, and now I'm suicidal. uh.-" She smiled.

She meant it to be comedic, I got it but I also know she is truthful so deep down it must have hurt her.

"-I could have spent my time reading or being an artist, But instead. I reenacted every film I saw. I found myself being everyone in rent. My parents wanted me to have 'friends' so they refused to let me see any productions. Or be in productions. They really didn't want their ego to be ruined because their kid likes something, irregular. and I secretly joined many community theatres when they left again. And then they found out. It was bad. A lot of arguing. I raised myself so why should they have a say!? When they found out I had friends and no one took judgement as they thought. They let me do vocal lessons, and actively be in theatre. I found what I thought was my true family there." She said smiling looking at the pictures on the screen

Then a picture of her and a guy in costume came up, in the picture he was kissing her head.

Her face turned from happy to disgusted in a moment.

"And who may this be?" The Karnak said

"Unimportant! He was Warner when I played Elle. Completely fit the role too! He's a- a backstabbing ass!" She said disgustedly at the audience

"Why so. What did you do." The Karnak said with a smirk in his voice

She gasped

"I lost my virginity to that man at the age of fifteen on 'the couch' Not my way to lose that but. It's gone. like my liking to straight men." She said

My jaw dropped

Shes un-virgined.

Mischa looked confused

"Is this a time to sing about a heartbreaking cheater on a torn down stained red couch?" The Karnak suggested

"As if!" She said like share in clueless.

She moved to centre stage

"I grew up with the knowledge of 13 cultures. I visited every continent. I was raised in many religions. People think that I'm lucky. I'm grateful. But I'm not lucky. Being lucky is having friends, is having a family. Is having active role models in your life. I never had that until I joined theatre, and they backstabbed me too. When I lost my virginity to him, It was a big thing, he had a girlfriend. And I didn't know When she found out she went apeshit. And everyone took her side! Like I never meant anything to them. It was like my parents, so I stopped trusting people. Then two years ago when I joined this choir. When I met my best friends. And sure it led to my death. But I would rather be dead with the people I love than. Being alive with my ignorant parents. I haven't been recognized until I met these people. They became my actual family" She said Ranting on and on and letting her anger out

She moved to the centre of the stage

"Every day, I grew up. Alone. My parents no were to be seen. I lived a life full of pain and heartbreak. I never. Never let anyone see." I said as the music started behind her

"Everyone thought I was so happy and I wasn't." She continued

(I don't know the melody, be a lyric person, not a melody person here)

'I always thought life was some dream.'

'Or some movie, where you're happy and perfect.'

'I thought I had to be amazing and talented'

'but I was enough. I was human'

'People saw me as the most well-known, or the smartest person to exist' she sang building confidence as the music built 

'I was always in the background, never to exist.'

'They always acted like I was never around.'

'Until my parents came back to town.'

'Everyone left me on my own'

'they just let me be'

'Until I joined the choir'

'and became besties with a TB(Tenor/Base)' She said smiling at me

'Ever since then, I felt known'

'Like the most popular person to exist.'

'I thought I was enough'

'I felt like I was real'

'And it made me realize how lucky I am,' She sang as the music changed

"I guess I didn't have bad parents, they just didn't care for me the way I needed to be cared for." She ended up shrugging her shoulders

"That's it?" Ocean said bored getting off the floor

"Y/n Abel, would you like to see your parent's reaction to your death?" The Karnak suggested

"Ye-" Y/n started as I cut her off

"Y/n no don't do it-" I said as she spoke overtop me again

"Yes" She finished piercing daggers into my eyes

I knew she wanted to but it was probably not a good idea

It showed a semi-blurry video of her mom receiving a call

'She what?' Her mom started

'(D/n)!' Her mom, (M/n) shouted

'Thank you, please send nice flowers to the funeral. Sign our names.' (M/n) Said before hanging up

'What?' Her dad asked confused

'Y/n, something happened on a rollercoaster and her entire choir died.' Her mom shrugged her shoulders.

Not even shedding a tear

Or even sounding upset

'Hm, well you can't miss work. We can sell the house.' Her dad said not acknowledging the fact their only child just died

I looked over at Y/n and she was crying frowning

'Your right. I'm not planning it. They didn't even find the body. It will be a closed casket. Too much to do in too little time. I'm just going to tell Aunt (A/n) To say we were to upset to show up. Send some flowers. It's not our fault. I told her joining that choir would be her worst dicesion.' Her mom said before going back on her phone answering a work call before the messy picture faded out

I watched as Y/n cried on Mischa's chest as he hugged he

"Why are you sad?" Jane asked confused

"Just stay the fuck away from me!" Y/n replied going behind the curtain

"At least they're sending flowers!" Jane said before bugging Constance again.

"Not all parents are good." The Karnak said

"Moving along" The Karnak then signaled to me

I was crying too I'm not in shape to sing right now but it seems I have no choice.

(1184 words)

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