a self-taught shinobi (Cancel...

By WolfSama8

688K 10.7K 2.7K

naruto is tired of his teachers teaching him nothing jiraya only taught him how to use the kyuubi Chakra, and... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66 + sneak peek
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69 + new story sneak peek
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72 + new story
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 77
chapter 78

chapter 61

3.9K 66 16
By WolfSama8

Last time

Naruto:I'm sure the kids would love that

*They walked in silence for a bit Naruto in blissful ignorance while something was eating Shizune up inside, so she took a breath and went out with it*

Shizune:....naru.... Naruto...?


Shizune:i....i want a baby


*Naruto froze as he looked in ahead, Shizune grew nervous that she asked too soon she started to bit her bottom lip. Her fear disappeared when she was Naruto's smile get bigger and bigger until tears started to fall from his face he was smiling so much. Shizune yelped as Naruto lifted her  to the air and twirled her making Shizune giggle while Naruto gave a booming laugh that made the people around them look at the two, but they didn't care as Naruto stopped and kissed her deeply which Shizune gladly kissed back. After a bit they've calmed down and started to continue there walk only now they were holding hands both sporting smiles on there faces*

Shizune:so i can take that as a yes?

Naruto:are you kidding? Of course i want to have children but i do have a concern


*Naruto started to blush as he rubbed the back of his neck*

Naruto:i...don't want our child born out of wedlock...

*Shizune blushed now knowing where he was going she gasped when Naruto got on one knee and grabbed her hands and looked at Shizune with his deep blue eyes making her a little weak in the knees*

Naruto:shizu...Shizune this past year you've been with me every step of the way in improving myself, you've helped me more then anyone else in my whole life i....

*Naruto gulped as his nervousness started to grow*

Naruto:honestly can't think of my days without seeing you there anymore, i love waking up next do you i love how you unconsciously cuddle closer to me when we  fall asleep, i love seeing those determined eyes whenever you help me with seals or when you yourself are training, i love the little things you do like giving me coffee before you fall asleep and I'm busy with all my new paperwork's and Seal research, i love how you don't just agree with everything i say we disagree we have discussion. I...i know we've only lived with each other for 3 month but we live the life of Shinobi we don't know if tomorrow we'll die so i want my days to be with you and...and I'm rambling aren't i?

*Shizune giggled at that making Naruto chuckle feeling his face get more red*

Naruto:sorry i know i shouldn't be rambling right now when what i have to ask you is so simple but it might bd the most important question in our lives so Shizune...

*Naruto activated the seal he keeps I'm his heart and s ring came out*

* tears started to fall from Shizune's face as her heart was bearinf so hard she could hear it in her ears*

Naruto:will you marry me?

*Shizune's mouth moved up and down but no words apart from quivering came out as she crashed with Naruto hugging tightly Naruto smiled not needing any more confirmation as he put the ring on her ring finger both felt a little embarrassed as the people around them started to applauding both got up smiling brightly at them all waving back as they walked back to there own home they could tell people on another time, the time right now was for them*

*Shizune couldn't stop looking at the ring and giggle yes it was so unlike her but she didn't care she more then earned the right to act like a little girl and no a Shinobi*

Shizune:this ring is so beautiful where did you even get it?

Naruto: well....


Place fire capital

*We see Naruto walking to his aunty's room seeing her and his mother talking amongst themselves. The conversation ended as they saw Naruto both smiled at him as he walked closer*

Naruto:so why did you two want to talk with me?

Kushina:Naruto as....as you know my time is not long in this world

*Naruto frown slightly at that seeing how her mother aged looking more like kira's mother then her sister, Naruto sighed sadly and nodded for her to continue*

Kushina: I've....talked with Kira and we agreed to give you something deeply important to our clan

*Kira nodded and walked to Naruto giving him a small black box, Naruto opened it and saw the ring*

Naruto:a ring?

Kushina:mito Uzumaki's ring

*Naruto flinched and looked at the ring with surprised*

Kira:yes you now hold the ring of the first Uzumaki, generation after generation the ring was giving to the eldest child for us it was Kushina but when she....passed

*Kushina put her hand on kira's shoulder to calm her down she smiled at her sister with appreciation before continuing*

Kira:i kept the ring as to keep the tradition alive but now that i know of you my wonderful nephew this ring is yours by birthright give it to the woman you love, the one who you'll cherish, and swear to protect


*Shizune was in a state of shock looking down at the basically priceless jewel*

Shizune:Naruto I'm...I'm not worthy enough for something this...important

Naruto: love is not about being worthy Shizu it's about being with the one you love most and for me that's you

*Naruto kissed her cheek as they walked inside the gates, Naruto was surprised seeing a small group of Uzumaki waiting for him*

Naruto:yes? How can I help you my people?

*The group looked at Naruto and a woman stepped up and bowed to him*

Suda:lord Naruto we ask for permission to talk with you

Naruto:granted but please just call me Naruto let's head inside I'll have a shadow clone bring us refreshments

*They all agreed and walked inside*

Scene change

*We see Naruto in one side of the table and suda at the other while the rest sat around the table drinking there tea*

Suda:lo... Naruto while we appreciate everything you have done for us and we'll always see you as our savior we.... can't stay in Konoha

Naruto:i see any reason why?

Suda:yes for a lot of us konoha holds....bad memories for us since we all were the original test subjects of Orochimaru before he was banished from Konoha there were at least 1000 of us and now only 50 remains but we...just cant stay here it holds too many torturous memories of what that....monster did do us

Naruto:i can understand that believe me i can, rest assured you're voices were heard today and I've had a plan in the works for a while now that will work perfectly with what you all want all i ask from each of you is that you be patient for it to come to fruition

Suda:we can wait thank you for your time your a most generous person i can see how you'll make an even better Hokage

*Naruto blushed embarrassed at that as he scratched his cheek smiling with that statement slowly one by one each congratulated them both on there engagement before they left, once alone Shizune sat next to Naruto resting her head on his shoulder*

Shizune;do you really have a plan?

Naruto:indeed i do, a plan to fix the mistake Uzumaki leaders have made before me but that can wait for tomorrow, today? I'm not a clan head nor am I a Shinobi I'm a fiance who wants to celebrate his engagement with the woman he loved

*Shizune gave Naruto a sultry look as she got up and started walking to there room with a seductive walk*

Shizune:then my oh most loving lover come with me so we can celebrate.... properly

*Shizune disappeared to there room as Naruto blushed slightly bitting his lip as he got up and walked already taking off his clothes*

Next time by request of a most lovely reader the lemon scene he's been waiting for

To be continued or Patreon


Gracias especiales ah:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker





William Washington


Thanks again for the donations

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