Dare [Taehyung ff]

By BoxyTaehyung

113K 5.6K 683

Where it all started with a simple dare.... More

Chapter 1: The unlimited hate.
Chapter 2: Outing.
Chapter 3: Detention.
Chapter 4: A living hell.
Chapter 5: Gathering.
Chapter 6: "The" dare.
Chapter 7: Texting.
Chapter 8: Fighting.
Chapter 9: Back to home.
Chapter 10: Travel.
Chapter 11: The beginning of the mess.
Chapter 12: The settling.
Chapter 13: The morning.
Chapter 14: Feeling scared.
Chapter 15: Fear.
Chapter 16: Getting closer.
Chapter 17: The start...
Chapter 18: Lost.
Chapter 19: Trying to survive.
Chapter 20: Disappeared.
Chapter 21: A new meet.
Chapter 22: Explanations.
Chapter 23: Nostalgic.
Chapter 24: Message.
Chapter 25: Revelations.
Chapter 27: Dying internally.
Chapter 28: The dream.
Chapter 29: Again.
Chapter 30: The solution.
Chapter 31: The end.
A request

Chapter 26: Pain.

2.5K 126 6
By BoxyTaehyung

The silver haired guy looked at Taehyung with shock spread all over his face then back at Iseul who shot a light smile at him before disappearing in the thin air.

"No." He whispered before collapsing completely onto the floor and Taehyung quickly approached him with a worried facial expression before crouching down beside him. "Are you okay?".

The older wiped the sweat from his face with his sleeves and nodded desperately. "I'm fine, yeah...I'm fine." He then looked at the blue haired guy before he could feel his heart shattering into pieces. "The boy, the blue haired one. His date of birth will be his date of death."

This innocent soul, who had nothing in his heart but pure love and kindness. His little dark brown eyes who showed the affection he held down for him even though they knew each other for only a few days. The touch this boy had, filled with warmth and tender.

"What happened to you, did something happen?" Taehyung asked again when he received no replies from the older, who just kept looking straight into his eyes. "I-Im fine..." He slowly got up with the help of the younger who also picked up his phone from the wooden floor.

Taehyung saw how Jimin's state seemed unreadable and how every part of his body kept shivering as if he had no control over them. He felt so bad for him but decided to keep quiet before slowly brining him out of the house.

Jimin felt less stressed when the cold breeze hit his burning skin, a he breathed in and out to inhale the fresh air of the nature. Y/n looked at them from afar and sighed out of relief, she didn't know what was happening inside and was about to come after them.

Afterwards, the blue haired guy made Jimin walk to the back of the jeep and spoke "Climb." The older didn't question either and walked up before sitting next to the worried Y/n who looked at him then at Taehyung.

She gave a questioning gaze but he just gestured her to keep calm and to take care of the older who didn't seem in the right state of mind. She didn't force to know further and gave a reassuring nod to which the blue haired guy smiled and went to the front of the jeep.

He sat on the driver seat and turned on the engine before starting to drive. He didn't know the way out of this jungle but he at least knew the labatory's trajectory.

Once he'll be there, he will join the scientist's team, and leave the jungle together, while following their path because they knew the way out of there.

As the time passed by, 3 hours later, the night started to fall and Taehyung kept his attention on the road in front of him, eyes not leaving the scientist's truck. Even though he was focused on the road, his mind kept repeating Jungkook's name none stop.

He was missing him a lot but he had to be strong for every single body, for his parents, for his love, for his own self. It was a must.

Meanwhile, Y/n kept looking around her even though she couldn't see anything because of the darkness. The weather was perfect, they didn't feel cold in any way, instead the breeze seemed so relaxing and refreshing.

She then looked at Jimin who slept across her while hugging his blanket. He had puffy eyes and dried tears along his pinkish cheeks. She knew he cried and she also knew that asking the reason about his tears to Jimin would also bring complications.

So she decided to leave him all by himself and gave him a blanket so he could sleep. Afterwards she leaned on a seat while facing Taehyung who was still driving. She had a perfect view on his side profile and smiled genuinely.

This is what she had, what she deserved. She didn't know how the hell this man was meant for her, he was too perfect for her. A man who loves her as a husband, protects her as a brother, treats her as a father and respects her as a real man.

He was more than perfect.

And this was how she spent her whole trip, admiring the gift that God has given to her without she even asking for it.

                                      TIME SKIP
                           THE NEXT MORNING

Finally, it was 6 AM and the both vehicules stopped in front of Taehyung's house. A heavy and stressfilled sigh left Taehyung's mouth when the thought of telling to his parents about Jungkook.

His hands shivered on the steering wheel and his breath came out unsteady. His heartbeat increased and he felt like dying. He was so scared.

What will he say? That he was careless and left his brother there without even thinking about bringing him back? And their mother? What if she starts to hate him for something that he already hates himself so much for?

He wanted to shed tears but suddenly he felt someone's warm arms around his torso. He relaxed under the touch when he came to know to whom these soft hands belonged to.

"You're not alone, we'll face everything together." The side of lips rosed up lightly and he pat her hand which was on his chest. "I know and I couldn't be more grateful to god." Y/n, on the other hand, leaned even more on his shoulder and kissed his right cheek.

And suddenly the scientists came out of their truck, walking to the jeep. Taehyung and Y/n pulled away from each other and turned to wake Jimin up who already seem to sit up and zone out in another world of his thoughts.

The youngsters got off and pat Jimin's leg to bring him back to senses, in which they succeeded. He snapped out and looked at them who smiled to him and he sighed heavily.

He gathered his courage and got off from the jeep, still hanging the warm blanket around himself and faced the duo. "So, here's your house." He spoke lowly, not any strength to talk louder.

"I hope your parents will be calm after hearing this news, and I'm sorry I couldn't find Jungkook until now." He voice was barely audible and the youngers smiled to him, even though deception surrounded their thoughts.

"You did great until now. We're more than grateful to you. If you wouldn't be here then maybe until today me and Taehyung would be dead in the dangerous nature." Y/n replied while smiling genuinely to him, which he couldn't return.

He didn't look up a lot, just a couple of times to see their pure and innocent face one last time before going to his own house. Taehyung suddenly approached him and hugged him, snapping Jimin's thoughts from out of nowhere.

"Thank you hyung, thank you so much for everything. You're so special to me." The older's heart clenched when he heard his sweet words, he felt guilty as well because he couldn't move his body parts to hug him back.

Taehyung soon pulled away and shot a last smile to the silver haired guy who did the same. "I-I'll contact you once I get to know something..." The youngsters nodded and grabbed their suitcases. He gave to them his number and they slowly walked to the entry of their home.

Meanwhile, Jimin turned to the scientists and bidded his goodbye before sitting into his jeep and driving off to his home. His hands shivered as a lot of thoughts roamed into his mind.

"Thank you hyung, thank you so much for everything. You're so special to me." Finally a tear left his eyes when Taehyung's words echoed into his mind. "What are you even thanking me for?! For killing your brother?!" He yelled at himself internally.

He felt so disgusted of himself, it didn't matter if Iseul did that. But after all, she was his ex-wife. It could be understandable if a murderer, a criminal, a mafia, a psycho, or even a human would do this.

But a spirit, a haunted spirit, more precisely his ex-wife.

He punched the steering wheel out of anger and cursed at himself when all he thought about was Taehyung's, Y/n's all the other victim's family's faces replaying in his mind. How could he tell them that his own dead wife killed them and their body could never be found to be buried?

He suddenly pulled the break hardly in the middle of an empty road and put his head on the steering wheel to cry his heart out to feel better.


Taehyung and Y/n stood in front of the door without any movements. Y/n was maybe strong enough but Taehyung was loosing all the hopes, he was feeling like something was not working out.

Y/n stood there, by his side, and slowly caressed his back, making him flinch at this touch. He looked at her with fearfilled eyes, making her worried as hell.

"Taehyung, keep reminding yourself. You're not alone, I'm here with you. You'll never face a problem alone." She smiled to him to which he couldn't return but his heart at least felt a little better.

"Promise me that you'll not leave me, right?" He looked so desperate just like a child and she nodded with sincere eyes. "Never." Finally his lips curled up and Y/n gripped his hand before ringing the door bell, making Taehyung's heartbeat faster.

They waited for a few mins until Aera opened the door with her green tea in the other hand and smiled widely as soon as she saw them. "Taehyung, my child!!" She put her cup aside and jumped into his arms.

Taehyung's heart felt relieved but also clenched when he predicted Aera's reaction into his mind after hearing about Jungkook. He slowly hugged her back and felt his eyes glistening.

He missed her scent, the as same as Jungkook's. Soon she pulled away and hugged Y/n. "My daughter, how are you?" Y/n returned the hug with the same pain and held her tears as much as she could.

"I'm good unty, what about you?"  She pulled away and smiled to her. "I'm good!" She replied before looking behind the youngers only to frown. "Dear, where is Jungkook?" That's it, Taehyung felt his world breaking down as his heart started to pain even more.

Y/n held Taehyung's hand tighter and breathed out heavily, a drop of tear also following afterwards. "U-Unty, we n-need to talk..." The older didn't seem to understand the situation and the youngesters were scared to tell her the truth.

"What happened, where is Jungkook?" Y/n stuttered a lot as she struggled to breath and finally said "W-We lost him in the j-jungle..."


Hey guys, I'm happy that I succeeded in writing a chapter sooner than I expected.

I know some of you might be disappointed with the twist, but I would like to say one thing : just trsust the process.

It's all worth it, believe me. I'll not let y'all down.

Enjoy this chapter ❤️🥹.

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