| 'Ewan Hawntsyokx | | N...

By Lexstar11

237 14 0

Thinking of the after life is something that a young adult should never be thinking of. Something someone sho... More

| Chapter 1, Ocean. |
| Chapter 3, Dream. |

| Chapter 2, Tricky. |

70 4 0
By Lexstar11

Art by CrazyTom on twitter


"You're doing it wrong." Your mother stated, coming over and helping you.
"You have to take it, under, through and around, then back through." She said showing you, once more. You stuck out your tongue trying to concentrate, doing what your mother just did.

"Is there an easier way to do this? It is quite tricky mother." You said trying it once more but failing. You were making woven baskets, and fishing nets, something your mother loved to do for some reason.

I think it's more of the fact she loves creating things. From clothing to gear, she knows how to make it. Which you admired most of the time, your mother was a powerful and strong woman, something you wanna be. But your older sister was definitely the gem in the family. She was cherished by a lot of people, and a lot of men wanted to be her mate, along with your brother.

He had women wanting him from left and right, he was going to be the chief after all. You were just there though, people wanted you so they could just have a title. Be something worthy or something like that.

Your attention was grabbed when your father came over asking for your mother. You both were sitting on the shore line doing your chores together, it was your mothers favorite place.

"I will be back my dear, if not just set the stuff next to the home." Your mother said, giving you a kiss on the forehead before walking away with your father. You sighed looking up from your work, watching as the eclipse happened. Your attention was caught once more, when you heard the sounds of laughter.


"Tag!" Tuk screamed as you ran away in the shallow parts of the water. Lo'ak laughed as he and Tuk ran away from Neteyam. Kiri was sitting on the beach watching them. Neteyam ran towards the two, of course not as fast as he could, Lo'ak let Tuk outrun both of you, her squealing with joy, as Neteyam tackled his younger brother into the water.

Tuk turned around laughing as Neteyam and Lo'ak wrestled. "Go Neteyam! Go!" Tuk cheered.

"Wow thanks little sister." Lo'ak said, trying to challenge his older brother but clearly unmatched.

"Say it, who's the mighty warrior." Neteyam said, clearly not phased by his little brother, Lo'ak growned flipping Neteyam off him, only for him to hang onto Lo'ak flipping him further into the water.

Neteyam got up letting out a laugh, before grabbing Tuk, and running further down the shore line with her. She laughed and laughed, as Neteyam ran from Lo'ak. He got up whipping the sand off his face before chasing after them once more.

"Neteyam look!" Tuk whispered, the boy looked over where she was pointing in confusion. Only to realize it was you. He smiled, before looking back at Lo'ak.

"Watch this baby sister." He said turning towards his younger brother, earning a confused face from him, but it didn't stop him. He ran towards the two. Tuk screamed in fear, only for Neteyam to reach out, taking his brother's shoulder and flipping over him and in the process, lightly kicking, knocking him into the water once more.

"Eat shit Lo'ak!" Tuk said Neteyam wiped his head around to look at his sister.

"Now where did you learn that from?" Tuk rolled her eyes at the stupid comment, and even before she could reply, Lo'ak had some words to say.

"You son of a bitch, what the hell was that for. Tuk he should have had a penalty, that wasn't fair at all. Dumbass bitch." Lo'ak said fixing his cummerbund that was now messed up.

"You should not talk like that around your baby sister." Neteyam said, covering Tuks ears, only for her to wiggle out of his arms, and run away from the two brothers.

"What was that...game you were playing?"

Neteyam and Lo'ak turned around at the sound of the voice. It was you, Lo'ak smiled at neteyam, raising his eyebrows up and down, only for Neteyam to roll his eyes.

"It is a sky people game, it is called Tag, it has many variations on how to play it." He said, smiling at you. Thinking for a moment, you still didn't understand the word, it did not connect to anything.

"It is a strange word, along with a lot others your brother had spoken." You said referring to the curse words. Neteyam laughed sheepishly, and only waved you off.

"Lets just say for now, we don't say things like that. Lo'ak go get Tuk and bring her home." Neteyam said, Lo'ak giving him a confused look.

"But Kiri-" Neteyam looked at him, his lips pressed together, moving his head, telling him to go. The younger sibling only let out a sigh and mumbled something under his breath walking away leaving the two of you be.


You watched as the boys fought, making you smile, the warrior that was winning caught your eye once more. You watched as his muscles flexed holding his brother down, and a smile form on his face.

You walked over to the group, watching as the older brother ran away once more with his younger sister. You gasped as you watched Neteyam jump over his brother, his sister in his arm, and then knock his brother into the water.

You silently laughed, making your way further to the boy, you watched his body move ever so slightly as he talked to his brother. Leading up to the moment you asked about the game.

"Thats a beautiful flower, what is it?" Neteyam asked, after his brother walked off, you smiled, pulling the flower out of your hair, it was a [F/C] flower. You reached for Neteyam's hand, setting the flower in it gently.

"It is one of our native wildflowers called an Ainedrag. It is known for good luck." You said, looking up at the boy. You watched as he picked up the flower to examine it. He felt the petals gently with his fingers before looking at you with a smile once more.

He reached his hand pulling back your curly locks behind your ear before placing the back into your ear. Your ears twitched at his movement.

"Do you want to see something cool?" You asked, Neteyam definitely wanted to go with you, but hesitated. He was such a goody-two-shoes, he looked over at eclipse to estimate the time, and then back towards his siblings who appeared to be walking home.

" I do not think-" He was cut off when you grabbed his hand and tugged him along before you let go and started to run down the beach line.

Neteyams interest has peaked now. He watched as you ran away, when you realized he wasn't following you turned around and gestured for him to follow. The forest boy looked at you, your body glowed in the eclipse. He thought the Metkayina were beautiful, from their hair, and light skin. Their bright blue eyes. The way their bodies moved in the water.

You let out a sigh getting impatient with the boy, you placed a hand on your hip.

"I don't have all night, you coming or not..Mighty warrior." You said smiling to yourself at the name. You only heard it from him when he was messing with his brother. But it did fit him, your father had told us how great of a warrior Neteyam was.

Neteyam finally started to walk your way looking back at his siblings once more. He made it to you with his charming smile, you held out your hand once more towards him. He took it and you guys ran off.


The sun was gone and night had fallen. It's crazy how fast the eclipse falls. It worried Neteyam a bit, but he couldn't bail now.

"Where are we going?" Neteyam asked, you took him through the forest that the village had. Wasn't anything compared to the one he lived in. You turned around to finally look at him. Gasping you reached up to touch his face. Neteyams ears perking from the touch, giving you a confused face.

"What is it?" He asked, he watched as your face lit up not only in joy but also curiosity.

"You are glowing, you shine so much in the dark." You said, and you were right, his yellow eyes were very noticeable and forest people glowed a lot more in the night, it might have something to do with them not being in the sun 24/7 like the water people.

You pulled his arm again making your way through bushes and forestry. Making your way out of the forest, you smiled at the sight. Looking back at Neteyam, his face in awe. What you showed him was a giant field of wildflowers that glowed.

Letting go of his hand you ran down into the field of flowers. He smiled at you once more, before running after you. Turning to look at him you smiled, grabbing his arm, pulling him in towards you. Placing your hands on his shoulders he held his hands around your waist. You spun the boy gently, letting out a laugh, before you started to fall backwards.

"I am not letting you fall that easily." Neteyam said, picking you back up. You smirked at him, raising a non-existent eyebrow at him.

"Who said I was falling for you?" You replied back, earning a laugh from him.

"Who said I was talking about myself?" He said back, You covered your mouth like you just spilled all your secrets. You let go of him, wiggling from his grip. Bending down you laid down in the sea of flowers stretching out before them. You flipped over to your back, looking up at the sky.

Neteyam laid down next to you, looking up as well.

"My father came from a star." He said, making you look over at him.

"He is from the sky, people correct? It still drives me crazy how he is even here to this day. Eywa must have really liked him." You stated, watching as Neteyam pointed to one of the stars.

"Eywa brought him into my mothers life, he was very important to the clan. He came from that star, it is called Earth, he says. Much like here but with more destruction." He replied back, you always liked the idea of something else being out there. It was something not talked about in your family, the subject of the sky people. Wanted nothing to do with it.

"Why has your family come here? I do not think mighty warriors like your family would just leave." You asked, turning your body laying in the fetal position, hands resting under your head.
He turned towards you as well, propping his head up on his hand, his other hand resting on his side.

"It is complicated, but if we were never to come here, I would have not met you." He said, earning an eye roll from you, you watched as his tail caught your attention, just everything was so captivating to you. It would twitch and move sporadically.

"Omaticaya are so different, how do you like it here? Is it different?" You asked, sitting up, grabbing at his tail, making it move even more. Neteyam watched as you looked over him curiously wanting to know everything. He laid back on his back once more, making you look down at him.

"It is very different, I hate to admit it but I do miss home, wish I could go back. I think I miss the clan the most, I was set to be the Olo'eyktan. I was due to be it right before we left. Would have been the youngest Olo'eyktan there was. Father wanted me to have it so young to learn and experience he says." Neteyam said, earning a soft smile from you.

"If that is so, who was the special someone?" You said laying back down in your position. All though I think Neteyams talking put you to sleep, because when he looked over he saw you were passed out.

"And so you see I do not really have anyone- Oh." he paused taking in your face, you looked so peaceful and pretty. He stood up looming over your body, carefully picking you up bridal style. Taking the old flower out of your hair, he picked up a light green flower, his favorite color, (Idk I feel like he would like green, change it to whatever tho.)

He placed it in your hair, before making his way out of the field and back towards home. He was a bit hesitant about taking you back to your home, and he didn't want to leave you by the shore where you were working, in case the tide swept you away.

Getting closer to the home, your older siblings were looking for you. They saw Neteyam so they made their way over to him and you. Ao'nung did not seem happy at all. He snatched you out of the forest boy's arms pushing him in the process.

You woke up from the commotion, looking at your siblings with anger. They're always getting in the way. Tsireya brought you away from the two boys, but you shoved her hands off you.

"What were you doing with her freak?" Ao'nung asked Sizing up Neteyam, of course it didn't phase him. You tried to plead with your brother.

"I was bringing her home, she fell asleep." Neteyam said, earning an angry hiss from Ao'nung, he turned towards you pushing you towards home.

"Stay away from her." He stated giving Neteyam an angry stair before turning towards you grabbing your arm and rushing you home.


Neteyam scoffed, thinking about what happened, he didn't like Ao'nung thought he was annoying. But he finally made it back home where Jake and Neytiri were waiting for him. The older boys ears went back when he made eye contact with his parents not thinking they'd be up, what a dumb thought.

"And I thought your brother was reckless, sit down boy." Jake said, Neteyam lowered his head, doing what Jake told him. He didn't dare make eye contact with him. Neteyam was such a daddy's boy and hated to disappoint him in any way. He didn't like to be yelled at and Jake knew that.

Neytiri gave Jake a 'Be easy' Look, before getting up and kissing her son on the head, leaving them. Jake ran a hand over his face before looking at his son.

"Where were you?" Jake asked Neteyam to glance up at the man. Neteyam never dared to lie and Jake knew that he wouldn't have to get too angry at his oldest son.

"I was with Tonowari's daughter, I am sorry sir I did not realize how late it was." He said, peeking at his father, Jake nodded, before standing up and walking towards where his mate had gone.

"Just try not to cause any trouble. Maybe keep your distance from her, not sure how they'll take that kind of interaction. Get to bed." Jake said, walking away from his son. Neteyam was confused on what Jake was implying, until Lo'ak came over and startled him.

"Ahah, dad thinks you're getting down and dirty with the Metkayina princess." Lo'ak said standing up from his brother, Neteyam following. He only rolled his eyes at his brother's comment, before following him to their "room".

"Please, like you're the one to talk to, besides I see her only as a friend." The oldest boy stated, making Lo'ak laugh.

"Please that's how they all start, the mighty warrior befriends the princess and then falls in love, having to save her in the end. Just like the stories dad would tell us." Lo'ak said, smiling at his brother. Neteyam shoved his hand in Lo'ak's face before walking past him.

"Whatever you say little brother, I do not think Eywa has anyone in mind for me." And after he said that, he hoped he was wrong.

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