A Soul To Servitude (Fgo x Ma...

By RedSpiderWeb

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For as long as you can remember you have served under someone whether it be a king or queen general or captai... More

Part 1: Disaster At Chaldea
Part 2: City In Ruins
Part 4: A Friend Long Ago
Part 5: The Sound Of Metal
Part 6: A Duel of Spirits
Part 7: The Future

Part 3: The Trouble Ahead

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By RedSpiderWeb

Author Note: Before we begin I should clarify that I'm basing most of (Y/n) off of William Marshal 1st earl of Pembroke.

And for this chapter I'm going to at least use a lot more dialogue than descriptives at least for this chapter.

Also I kinda need to figure out what the Noble Phantasm is gonna be do maybe you guys could give me some ideas?


Each step the man in armor took he grew closer and closer to Ritsuka before kneeling down and gently grasping her hand. He raised his head so her eyes could meet his.

(Y/n): "My name is (Y/n) Marshal I humbly ask you to let me serve you."

Surprise and astonishment was placed on everyone's faces it left Olga's mouth agape.

(Y/n): "Let me temporarily serve you however you wish. I'll do any task with the utmost dedication anything you wish."

Ritsuka could only be embarrassed by this gesture the man was down on his knees holding her hand tightly and practically giving his life in her hands anything she wishes he would grant

Anything she wishes he would grant

The young ladies mind wandered into places less than pure as she imagined what this tall strapping man in armor would do for her but she quickly slapped herself mentally and taking herself out of those dark fantasies.

Ritsuka: "C-could you uhm.... Pl-please get up."

Ritsuka stuttered to say and it seems that the knight finally realized his words and the intensity of them so he stood up from the ground

(Y/n): "I apologize please forgive me for being so forward."

He spoke in a much more calm manner it made Ritsuka wonder how long has it been since he interacted with another being now should she accept the offer?

The fact that she barely knows him should be all the reason she needs to refuse the contract but then again he really doesn't seem to be hiding anything malicious he also saved Mash and helped then take out the enemy servant having another spirit to help us in battle wouldn't even be so bad. Finally taking herself out of the thoughts it seems her decision was decided.

Ritsuka: "I accept this temporary deal"

And with that being said (Y/n) bows down to the ground once again but this time knowing the boundaries and not taking the hand of a lady he just met.

(Y/n): "I promise to serve you well."

Olga P.O.V

It seemed the conversation between the two was over the knight rose from the ground onto his feet and he let go of Ritsukas hand. Mash stepped next to me and spoke.

Mash: "So what do you think about him?"

Olga: "I think that this is a bad idea and we barely know anything about him."

Mash: "He saved us."

Olga: "While that may be true we still should keep are guard up around him we don't know what his motives are."

Mash: "I suppose so but it's better to give him the benefit of the doubt he hasn't given us any reason for suspicion."

Having a Saber on our side improves our chances of survival but something is strange about him I can sense it. Still if we're going to be facing more spirits it's better to keep him close.

I felt vibration coming from my wrist I lifted my sleeve revealing the communicator Romani was calling me. I wonder what's happening now.

Olga: "Hey Ritsuka come over here!"

I called Ritsuka over and she responded by walking to me and of course the saber close behind her. His rusted armor clunked and scratched against the floor

Ritsuka: "Yeah what's up?"

Olga: "Just listen to this."

A holographic image of Romani appeared out of thin air. Romani immediately noticed the fourth companion with them.

(Y/n): "What sort of magic is this?!"

The man from the Middle Ages was astonished by this technology he used his hands and waved through the holographic image it went through it like a ghost. It's a funny sight to see

Romani: "Oh.... And who is your friend.?"


Time_Skip 3rd P.O.V

It took a while but (Y/n) managed to inform the group of the situation.

Romani: "So in short you and all the other servants are from the holy grail war that took place in this town? And your the only survivor?"

(Y/n): "Yes but it's not as if I won the war or not, our Holy grail war was interrupted and switched with something else."

Olga: "Switched? What could you possibly mean?"

(Y/n): "I don't know the details myself my mind is all fuzzy when I try to recall it. Overnight the town was blanketed with fire the humans disappeared and the only ones who remained were us servants."

(Y/n): "A saber just like myself was the first to rekindle the holy grail war."

Mash: "A saber like yourself? What do they look like?"

(Y/n): "I... I don't know no matter how much I try to remember I can't even recall their name gender and the most important detail there weapon. All I know is how they vanquished the others."

(Before I continue I should clarify that he only has small amnesia he knows who he is the only thing he can't remember is the face of the saber. I did this for a specific reason which will be revealed later in the story.)

(Y/n): "The saber they rampaged with delight unlike I've ever seen they have defeated Archer, Lancer, Rider, Beserker, and Assassin. After they fell in battle the conquered servants became corrupted by a dark mud as you saw with the Lancer."

Mash: "Five other servants to fight that sounds unbelievable."

(Y/n): "No need to worry I disposed of the darkened Rider and Assassin before they encountered you. As for the Beserker he shouldn't be a problem as long as we leave him alone."

Mash: "So that would leave only two servants left to face and once they are dealt with-"

(Y/n): "This travesty of a holy grail will be over"

Olga: "There's a likelihood of sorting out the Singularity F abnormality, too. Tell me would you know where it is?"

(Y/n): "The singularity your speaking of is located at the heart of this ruined land the servants are protecting it."

"The corrupted Greater Grail"

(Y/n): "Don't worry about the archer though I'll take care of him myself."

Olga: "You really don't mind helping us? You'll just be putting your life on the line for people you don't even know."

You looked at the woman with Snow White hair and amber yellow eyes before looking at everyone else the. The shielder named mash. The master named Ritsuka that's as far as you know them you really don't need to help. But that's enough for you to fight by their side. You'll need a master for your own motives.

(Y/n): "No need to worry about my life just know that I'll be fighting alongside you with the utmost effort."

After those words were said the reaction was sort of stale you weren't expecting them to be moved at the words but them having blank faces almost as if the words you said were not as righteous as you believed. It certainly made things awkward

Olga: "*cough* cringe"

Tough crowd

Romani: "Anyways I got to go back and check on the others and their condition but keep me updated."

And with that Romani logged off leaving only the four alone. While the others plan their next move you look off to the distance the air was calm and blew a little breeze .......


The four travelers, Mash, Ritsuka, Olga and (Y/n) are walking through the ruins of the abandoned city. The sky is gray, and the air is thick with the smell of smoke. The buildings around them are charred and crumbling. The group is walking carefully, as the ground beneath their feet is uneven.

Olga: "This place gives me the creeps. It feels like we're walking through a graveyard."

Mash: "I know, it's so quiet. It's like the city is holding its breath."

Ritsuka: "It's crazy to think that people used to live here."

(Y/n): "And now there all dead..."

(Y/n) said in a bleak and blunt tone while the hope of survivors in this hellhole was unlikely (Y/n) certainly didn't help the situation with his comment. Instead of lingering on the topic Ritsuka decided to ask some questions about the man.

Ritsuka: "So uhm (Y/n) how uh long have you been a servant?"

(Y/n): "For as long as I can remember. I can't recall a time when i didn't follow under someone."

Ritsuka: "Do you enjoy it?"

(Y/n) stuttered in movement it was a brief moment but he soon continued onward. It took a while for him to respond. He shook his head to compose himself before turning his head to her.

(Y/n): "It doesn't really matter if I do or not. At the end of the day it's my duty to serve as a weapon and for right now I'll be serving as yours."

Olga: "And what do you mean for right now? What is it that you plan to do after th-"

Olga stumbled in movement after her foot caught onto a crack in the ground causing her to lose balance and almost fall face first in the ground which would cause an unnecessary injury.

But before it could happen Olga suddenly stopped in mid air something tugged at the back of her collar turning her head see saw a metal gauntlet latched onto it and holding it steady the person who saved her was obviously (Y/n) still though he was a few meters away and yet he was able to close the distance in seconds.

(Y/n): "Like I told the young master I'm only going to cooperate as a weapon temporarily your purpose is investigating this anomaly my purpose is drawing this holy grail war to a close.

(Y/n) pulled Olga back up to her feet and patted her shoulder down as if he was dusting her off

(Y/n): "Our interests line up so I'll gladly serve my purpose and help you."

Olga "I... that is a rather logical decision. Thank you"

The knight moved his head up and down getting a good look at the girl causing a creak to be heard from his helmet he kept his gaze on Olga almost as if he was studying her in his mind all he could think of was how something was off about the girl before turning around and going back on the trail.

Ritsuka followed behind closely. The clank of metal footsteps hit the ground while they were walking for a long while she could only wonder where they were going she turned her gaze at her companions. The first Olga was walking a little slower this time to just to make sure to watch her step but Mash was her stride was slow and fading. Ritsuka slowed herself down trying to confront Mash about the problem.

Ritsuka: "Mash did I overwork you or something?"

Mash: "No I'm fine operating perfectly it's just that..."

Ritsuka: "Well what is it?"

Mash: "I can't use my Noble Phantasm yet."

Ritsuka: "Noble Phantasm?"

Olga: "They're weapons that servants use"

Ritsuka: "But that doesn't make any sense you have your shield?"

Mash: "While that may be the case this shield hasn't revealed it's true form yet."

Olga: "This was bound to happen you fused with a servant you have no knowledge of"

Mash: "I'm sorry."

Olga: "The blame isn't all on you a better master would've been able to analyze and figure out the servant he is contracted to."

Ritsuka could easily tell the nasty comment was directed at her no matter how true they were. Instead of speaking back and saying something to defend herself Ritsuka could only hang her head down before apologizing as if it was her fault.

Ritsuka: "I'm sorry..."

(Y/n): "Sorry to interrupt the conversation but if I might add that a Noble Phantasm is about instinct something will surely happen that calls upon it's and then will it awaken naturally."

(Y/n) tried to offer words of wisdom yet he knows it falls on deaf ears. They won't truly understand until they face the situation themselves. The man in rusted armor felt something off his gaze was turned upward and although the man couldn't see it with his eyes he could feel a sinister presence from afar.

(Y/n): "Don't be alarmed but I'll be away for a few minutes."

And with those words the man in armor went from standing with then to dematerializing into particles flowing through the sky within seconds. The group is now back down to three. "We should find some shelter and rest" Olga said with normal tone. And lucky for them a building somewhat untouched by the atrocities this land has faced.


An abandoned building void of life of any kind whether it be humans or animals. Compared to the other buildings this was somewhat habitable. The building is old and decrepit, with boarded-up windows and graffiti covering the walls. the building. Inside, it's dark and dusty, with broken furniture and debris littering the floor. As the group Olga, Ritsuka, Mash make their way through the first room, they hear the creaking of old floorboards beneath their feet.

Ritsuka: "Watch your step, guys."

Mash: "What do you think this place used to be?"

Ritsuka: "I don't know, but it's definitely seen better days."

As they continue through the building, they come across a staircase leading up to the next level. The stairs look unstable and rickety they look like they're about to fall apart.

The group cautiously ascends the stairs. Each step is a challenge, and they can feel the wood bending and flexing beneath their feet. At the top of the stairs, they enter a large, open room. The walls are covered in peeling wallpaper, and the ceiling is crumbling.

Olga: "Im gonna have to leave for a few minutes I have to discuss something with Romani on the communicator. I'll be back so don't go to far."

Olga walked away the sound of her heals clicked against the ground over and over until the sound faded off into the distance.

The room is frigid, with visible breaths coming out of the mouths of the two people inside Mash is sitting huddled in a corner, her shield placed to her side The other person, Ritsuka is pacing back and forth, trying to generate warmth. Ritsuka paused and looks over to her companion

Ritsuka: "Hey are you cold?"

Mash: "I'm fine. It seems in this form I'm not affected by the temperature."

It was quiet once again This couldn't continue if Ritsuka wants to further this partnership she's going to need to do something and she believes that something is to apologize.

Ritsuka: "I'm sorry I feel as if I'm putting you through difficult situations and with my low magic I can't help but believe if you had a better Master if your Master was a first class mage instead of some commoner your burden would probably be lighter"

A light shined in Mashes eyes that were once dull in color. A small smile crept upon her face Mash brushed her hair to the side as she looked up at her Master with both of her lavender eyes.

Mash: "I don't regret a thing.As of right now I'm happy that you are alive and well with me."

{Couldn't think of a way to transition this to Olga's view of things so sorry if this ruins the momentum of things}

Olga stood at the roof of this building surrounding her were objects with strange symbols on them strange runes glistened and glowed on the ground around her surely this was the work of her magic. She muttered incoherently under her breath words scrambled together making a language unfamiliar whatever language she was speaking each word that came out her mouth caused the runes on the ground to glow.

This went on for a while until her chanting stopped and the runes glow dissipated Olga lowered her head down disappointed in the outcome something was missing she sighed before standing up.

Olga: "So... you going to say anything or continue staring like a creep?"

She spoke to what seemed like no one in particular the only response was the quiet wind flowing through her hair if anyone viewed the situation they would assume Olga had a few screws loose and that would be the case until a voice spoke back to her.

(Y/n): "My apologies I had no intention of weirding you out I was only curious."

The man said before revealing himself magic particles formed around the air before materializing the man in armor.

Olga: "So what was so important that you had to leave?"

(Y/n): "I was scouting the area I felt uneasy..."

Olga: "Uneasy huh? Funny that's the same feeling I get from you?"

(Y/n): "I understand your suspicion if there's anything I could do to disprove it I'd be happy to oblige."

There's many things Olga could ask where he came from who he is and what his goals are. Nodding her head it seems she's come to a conclusion.

Olga: "How did you manage to ruin armor like that?"

The armor (Y/n) wore was definitely ruined scrapes and scratch marks that could only be made from weapons the dents and cracks over it suggest he also faced blunt force and the dull aged reddish rust only solidified this ruined armor.

(Y/n): "Oh it is pretty ruined isn't it."

(Y/n) said with a light chuckle escaping his lips. He looked over his armor looking at the damage done.

(Y/n): "I've fought numerous foes in my life so overtime it got rusty it slowly became tarnished."

Olga: "Why didn't you get a new pair a brand new one would certainly protect you better than this piece of junk?"

(Y/n): "I guess I just never had the moment."

Olga: "Explain."

(Y/n) sat down on the concrete floor before patting down a spot next to him signaling Olga to come over. "Okay I'll give you just a run down" he said. Olga walked over to him and crouched down.

"Long ago in a land long gone I was a knight of no renown I had nothing to my name I had no place to call home so I decided to be somewhat of an adventurer roaming the land far and wide then a war started and I enlisted in war unlike common foot soldiers"

Olga: "What's the differences between you and a foot soldier."

(Y/n): "Well generally a foot soldier would be conscripted into war they wouldn't have a choice but I enlisted willingly the only other group who consistently does that are crusaders and the more willing you are to go in war the more handsomely paid."

Olga: "So your a crusader?"

(Y/n): "Heh no it was merely a comparison I don't think I would've enjoyed their 'work'."

"Moving on I did it for years again over and over. Multiple campaigns many theaters of war. One after the other. My armor suffered the most of it but even after the wars ended I never felt like I had a moment to breath never really got a chance to repair my gear so I've just grown used to wearing this stuff I don't even notice it anymore."

Olga: "A knight of now renown huh? Did you ever move on from that title become popular?"

(Y/n): "That's a story for another time"

He said before standing up and moving to where the glowing glyph was. Olga stood up soon after and walked with him curious on what he's doing. He traced his hands on the ground where the glyphs once were.

(Y/n): "How peculiar to be able to have such a high affinity for magic like this yet no potential to be a master."

He spoke like an automated machine once the words tickled his tongue he couldn't stop them from escaping his mouth. He looked over to his companion expecting to see an angered face or something but what he saw was a girl who payed the unintentional insult any mind.

(Y/n): "I must apologize I didn't mean for that to come out."

Olga: "I don't care I'm an adult not some emotional teenager that would overreact from an insult."

(Y/n): "I... hmm the words have already been said I can only hope you will accept my apologies."

The two looked at each other her amber eyes gazed into the darkness of the slits of his helmet not a word was said only silence one could only imagine what was going through their minds at this moment. At the pace this was going this was gonna be one awkward partnership.

POV change: ???

I stood on a rooftop as if it was my vantage point and there I could see them four targets in total two on the second floor and two on the roof my best bet is to eliminate the master and him if I take out the master the servant should fall aswell now the other well his reaction time is swift I won't be able to catch him off guard but maybe...

???: "That'll work he's the chivalrous type"

I put my arms into position one in front of my and the other to my chest. I steadied my breathing and summoned my bow and arrow. I reeled the arrow in making the bowstring tighten as I pull it back. I aimed directly at the woman with white hair I know if I shoot it correctly he wont be fast enough to stop it and would have to take the arrow himself. I was about to pull when...

He looked at me his fierceful eyes hidden behind his helm gazed directly at me. I let go of my bow and turn away trying to hide

???: (Could he have seen me? No that's impossible! But I can't be to sure. I should leave if I stay here any longer he's going to locate me)

I have my work cut out for me.


Authors note: Yeah I kind of procrastinated this whole chapter and it should've been released a lot sooner than it did I'm sorry.

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