Anna's family

By Otar3000

1.6K 100 15

A new interesting chapter in Anna's life. Takes place after Frozen 2 and "The Passsage" More

Trust your heart
No matter what ever it takes
Family Lost Lineage
Guilt of heart
A mother's heart
I am with you
On the way
Arendelle, Welcome??
I want to know
Enter Olaf
Unmeltable Me
Busy Time
A hidden plot
A story teller
Play Night
Heated debate or Legislative Violence?
Secret Passage
A visit
Wolf Encounter
A stained memory
Trio of stages
Hell, Raid Aftermath
Make it out
Tough rock on wind
Promise to keep
Fiery Flames
Dangerous waters
Seeking the truth
Calm before storm
Something's Coming
Trouble's coming up
Chapter 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Cyclone 🌀
Memory Witch
Rain and Sea/Drops and Waves
Justified Worries
Nobles vs Pirates
future concerns & dangers
Everyone has a burden
Out of cold
Dugaag meets Königin
Tarzel Gespräch
Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision
hold on for your dreams & beyond!
is it a good time??
All in it's time - Happy 10 years
Free Fall
Olaf piratin tales
All is NOT well
Protect (not project) your tomorrow
voice of unheard or unrest?
memory of the brave
Beauty and Bravery
Mouse & Wolf
Heart is Pain
pain warp personality - CHROMASTORM CRISIS
Anna of Ark

Cold Shoulder

13 1 0
By Otar3000

Somewhere else

I knew you should’ve finished them off in those pile of woods, now we have lost some manpower along the way.

Well I can see why. Making the events more precarious is just sooo fun and interesting~

And uncontrollable. They’ll be a hindrance later. We shouldn’t too be arrogant here.

Yeah yeah sure look Lily has her approach, all of us do. But hey I’m a forgiving guy, I say we watch and play our part for now. If she goes out of line, well it’s her loss for what may happen.

Location – Denmark

Within the cabin on Danish ship, Anna held close to her sheet as she felt cold. Not surprising given the weather.

Not to mention her mind was a mess...

‘Well well what am I not surprised?’

The voice in her mind ever present and not welcome, took image of her younger self... I glared at Anna.

‘Not only did you lost Arendelle but the enchanted forest now all in one week plus 3 or 4 days. Our people are in danger.’

Her brother, Kristoff, Olaf and the others were who knows where... and considering Tarzan’s condition , wherver he is he hopefully gets some needed aid...

They are splintered... they are scattered...

They have to find them... and Sora didn’t even come back for them, there must be good reason behind that... perhaps circumstances have changed.

‘Well maybe he should’ve took us with him instead of abandoning us!’

Unlikely, Sora and his friends can’t do everything on their own... not to mention Northuldra won’t abandon their forest...

‘And where are they now though? Either dead or worse, while we nearly put our baby and the kids at risk!’

Then there were pirates...

She got shot... luckily it wasn’t too painful or vital... she was reckless.

Her childhood doll, the gift from her grandmother, her father and her sister... sir jorgenbjorgen was lost too. The last memory of her childhood... either gone under rubble or taken away by that woman Lilith...

She still couldn’t believe how all those people could simply just invade Arendelle... Was that the reason why didn’t come to talk to her for last few months?... was their fear of magic THAT strong... were all these years of coexistence attempts not yet enough...

‘Apparently well not for everybody your highness’

Her inner voice wasn’t helping at all either

‘You promised some new memories to him right?’

It did sound more saddened than agitating

‘But after all this? This wasn’t what we meant’

Her hands tightened at her own thoughts

She explained the situation to Officer Alexander who agreed to take them to the palace. Hopefully they can help find everybody so they form a real solid plan. To do something at least, she hated doing nothing especially right now.

She thought she had gone past this enough over the years but apparently this feeling of helplessness is still there. And she knew...

‘You have always known but knowing doesn’t help does it?’

She sighs, trying to set herself straight

“Enough. I’m not going to waste time on what ifs or alt outcomes.”

This is no time for self pity. Right now she had to reach Prince Eric, no more waiting for help of others... They’ll have to act themselves...

‘You said the same for many many times yet here-‘

“If I have to will say it again, understood?!”

Her voice slightly risen

“Anna?... Who are you talking to?”

Her thoughts were interrupted by her sister, who stood outside behind the door seemingly worried

Anna wasn’t in the mood to talk to Elsa, not now...

Anna – Nobody. Just me... I’m reflecting again I guess. Where are they?

Elsa – William, Karl and Amelia are playing outside. The guards are quite cheery with their song, even in this weather...

Anna simply noted not answering

Elsa – Anna... please look at me...

She’d like that but just not now.

Anna – Not now Elsa.

Not backing down, Elsa moved closer

Elsa – Listen I only did this to protect you. He would’ve killed you!

Anna moved away

“You could’ve frozen him to the ledge Elsa or tie him up. You’re faster Elsa, you didn’t had to kill him like that...”

Elsa – I did it on instinct. I didn’t-

Anna – You didn’t mean to? Well how about this? You yelled that anyone targeting me deserves death. Why are you not bring that up?!”

Elsa opened her mouth to say something but then she stopped before trying again

“I...I don’t know... it’s just something inside me snapped”

Anna – You’re right it did...

Flashes of possessed tarzan came back to her

Anna - ... And what’s worse. You said it about him. About our brother.

Elsa’s tone there shifts

Elsa – Anna you don’t know that! How would you know that he is who he claims he is!

Anna – Because I WAS there! I was there at the house our parents built to survive! I’ve seen the pictures! And we made sure when visiting Pabbie, Bulda and the trolls! You would’ve known that too if you were there with me yet somehow you’re not!

Elsa –...I.. Anna I was-

Anna – I know, you were with mother, Yelena and Maren... or so I thought... you’ve gone off elsewhere again?

Elsa – I was caught by Hans and chained up to a wall... If I could, I would have come sooner...

Anna looked at her this time, eyes wide in worry

“Oh... I didn’t know that...I’m sorry...”

Anna looked down on the floor but Elsa want finished, there was another reason to worry about in her mind.

Elsa – And Anna, what’s worse is that we are heading to one of his brothers. I just don’t trust them.

Anna – Elsa, Eric is not like that. I talked to Ariel and he was far different from Hans.

Elsa – We had thought same last time remember?

Anna – That was YEARS AGO, we deepened our ties with them since then. And I’m not the same lonely goofy girl from then... although some things never change...

Elsa – Anna, I have every right to be careful here. To protect you... THAT indeed hasn’t changed.

Anna – But protecting me doesn’t mean harming others. Did you really wanted to kill him? In recent years Elsa, you’re seemingly more and more paranoid... why? Is something you don’t tell me again?!

As she said, there was a loud thunder outside... scaring many cheering above

Elsa was quite hesitant and slow to answer that question as Elsa looked her shoulder that was shot... which made her heart hurt...

At the same time, Anna’s eyes fell on Elsa’s hand... it was shot but healed up...

Anna – Does that have anything to do... with your powers again?

Then there was silence... one of them expected the other to continue but as moments passed, it appeared that now they weren’t ready to do so.

Ann sighs again rubbing her forehead which was hurting and sweating

“Like I said, not now.”

Elsa breathes in and out as her head lifted

Elsa – Alright... but we will talk about this again.

They will and maybe under better circumstances with all three of them together. But definitely not now.

She slowly turned around towards the entrance before stopping for a moment

Elsa – And Anna... please try not to endanger yourselves again...

And as she left the cabin, Anna runs her hands on her belly yet again...

Always a reminder that she isn’t alone now...

“Don’t worry little one ... I promise that we will make it”

She looks out the window , thinking to herself ‘I hope you are okay Kristoff’

Location – Germany

His eyes were hurting, his throat dried up as he began to cough heavily

«Hey I think he’s coming to. Fethel go tell her highness!»

He heard a door open and close as Kristoff rubbed his eyes, adjusting to the environment.

«Ugh... what... where? Wait where am I?»

«You’re safe lord Kristoff. I promise we’re no here to hurt you.»

Kristoff – “huh? Who are you? Why am I here?»

Another voice came into his ear shot, a familiar one.

«Kristoff, you’ve been unconscious for a few hours so we had to move you here. Or you would’ve caught froze to death»

Kristoff then looked up slowly…

Only to see a certain brown haired girl with a black and blue dress, pink coat with thick belted boots.

Only one person he knew could wear those…

«Kairi? Why are you here? And where is here…ah ah

He sneezes two times...

... again? Sorry I’m just confused»

Faith – And you have a fever. You should either remain in bed or get dressed warmly.

Kairi giggles «I’m here on a mission of my own here in Corona»

Kristoff – Corona?! Wait why are we… of course I recall falling somewhere dark… but I didn’t think we could end up here…

Kairi – I know it’s confusing... but don’t worry, I’ll explain everything when you get your clothes back on.

Kairi and the handmaiden left Kristoff to do just that.

Kairi – Faith, anything on our other patient?

Faith – Well, he is very weakened and cold. I don’t know what he’s been through but he is very lucky to be breathing now…

Kairi – Then let’s hope he’ll toughs it out.

Kairi send a message to Tarzan in her mind ‘May your heart be your guiding key’

You know its funny, I planned for this story to be a short one with Family Reunion of siblings... but now, family feud amid wartime? Quite an unexpected turn of events.

Anyways majority of this chapter in a way represents mindset of many of Frozen 2 haters who wish sisterly reunification.

The other half Kristoff and Kairi meeting again, plus Faith who is also not OC but a dedicated servant and handmaiden to Rapunzel in Tangled the series.

Kairi is also one of the only people who remember the Deep Jungle interactions with Jane Tarzan… plus Terk Donald interaction which was soo hilarious.

Notes : Kairi is 16 yrs old in KH3 so she is no 36. Faith was harder to find but maybe she was 17 then now she is 42.


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