Four For Four (ROTTMNT x OC(S...

By A_Sloth_Writes123

70 8 0

Our Teenage mutant ninja turtle brothers are childhood friends with a Flou Thomas. Also known as the 'sister... More

(S:0) Chapter 2: Above ground
(S:0) Chapter 3: Underground
(S:0) Chapter 4: Friendly intruder
(S:0) Chapter 5: 'Blind guy'
(S:1) Chapter 6: Cannonball Day

(S:0) Chapter 1: 4:44pm

19 2 0
By A_Sloth_Writes123

"WHEN IS SHE GONNA GET HERE!" A young 8 year old box turtle cried out,
"She said she'd be here at 5 Mikey it's 4:44 she'll be here soon," Mikey's 10 year old, older brother snapping turtle, explained.
"But that's still forever from now Raph!" the younger brother whined. Making Raph roll his eyes,
"Well you better get ready, cause she's gonna be here soon." Mikey just whined rolling over on the red bean bag he sat on.
"NOT FUNNY LEONARDO!!!" a 9 year old, soft shell turtle, yelled, chasing after his twin brother, a red eared slider turtle.
"Catch me if you can slowpoke!!" The red eared slider yelled back waving the glasses around as he jumped onto the bean bag where their younger brother was sitting.
"RAPHAEL! LEO IS MAKING ME SO- SO- SO ANGRY!!!" The young softshell turtle yelled, stomping his foot. Raphael sighed,
"Leo give the glasses back." He ordered, the red eared slider groaned,
"Finnneeeeeee!" he whined practically slamming the glasses in his twin brother's hand. The 9 year old then proceeded to cross his arms and sit next to his younger brother pouting.
"Need any help Donnie?" Raph asked, his younger brother who was struggling to put on his glasses. Donnie shook his head using tape to hold up his glasses on each side of his face.

Just then through the main entrance there was a thud,
"IM HOME!" a little girl around the same age as Michelangelo yelled, she had this natural red hair that was so vibrant it complimented her bright lively green eyes.

"FLOU!" Michelangelo yelled, running to her first, hugging her tightly, carefully as to not touch the bandages wrapped around her head or any of the other bandaids scattered across her body.
Her pink turtleneck sweater felt scratchy on Mikey's face as he buried his face into his best friend's shoulder.
"Hey Flou!" Raph ran over with a big smile, hugging her tightly along with Mikey, "woah cool necklace!" he had a smile on his face as he glanced at the bead necklace. The necklace had white beads all around, but in the front, there was a sequence of beads in green, red, purple, blue, pink, and orange.
"Thanks I made it myself!" she smiled.
"I see you like the bracelets." Donatello smiled, pointing to the few rubber bracelets on her wrist.
"mhm! thanks for finding them for me Donnie!" Flou said quiet in her sweet voice as compared to the turtle's.
"It's been so long! We missed you! Is that a new backpack!? So cool!" Leo looked at her yellow backpack with multiple pins, a small flashlight, whistle, and pink mace attached to it.
"Thanks! April gave it to me! That girl from school I told you guys about? Oh and her mom gave me these shoes!" Flou stomped her feet down and the pink and purple sneakers lit up at the bottom illuminating her blue jeans with a few stains from running through the sewers. The turtles gasped in shock.
"Woaahhh!" Leo looked amazed,
"That's awesome Flou!" Raph smiled,
"That's so cool!! Hey look those are our colors too?" Mikey pointed to the beads on the laces.
"Awesome!" Donnie bent down, allured by the coolness of the flashing blues and pinks of sneakers aura.

"Yeah look look!" Flou knelt down showing them all the beads that represent each one of them. The cloud was Flou, the purple star was Donnie, orange heart was Mikey, red band-aid was Raph, and the blue wave was Leo.
As they watched her explain, a voice came from the other room,
"Is she here?" the voice asked. Everyone looked up, Flou smiled, getting up quickly running over. Turning the corner was Splinter the boy's father,
"Splinter!" she exclaimed,
"Why hello little cloud!" The rat said, happily hugging her. Flou chuckled, hugging Splinter tightly, "How is everything going, little cloud? Are you still having trouble sleeping?" he asked,
"No, I'm sleeping a lot more than when I first got there." she explained, looking up smiling.
"Good good..." Splinter trailed off as he looked down to her patting her head, careful for her bandage. As his smile slowly faded taking in the sight of the bandage.

Blood, hair, stuffing, all splattered across the floor as needles hung with threads of pools of blood dripping endlessly.

The agonizing screams and pleas.

"Splinter?" he snapped out his thoughts looking back down at Flou who stood in front of him. Bandage on her head, scars across her body, bags under her eyes. Despite this she had hope and joy in her eyes.
"Sorry I must've spaced out," Splinter said with a chuckle,
"You okay dad?" Raph asked,
"I'm alright boys, you five go have fun I'll be in my room if you need me." Splinter pointed at the boys, "Be nice, BE CAREFUL, and quiet. Understand?" the boys and Flou all nodded. Splinter smiled, "Good. Now have fun," he said, nudging them along.

The five all ran off, obviously excited to see their friend.

"She's getting better but I can't help but worry.." he thought, wandering back to the tv room lowering the volume.

"Tonight's update on the stitched girl story, The young girl has been identified to be the biological daughter of the cereal killer Patrick Berg, or as most of him know him as the 'Monopoly killer' due to his seemingly endless list of crimes. A bit about Patrick Ford the NYC police force would like the public to know-" Splinter turned off the TV.

He knew all of this and honestly he didn't want to be reminded. He sighed,
"Why can't they just shut their mouths..." he muttered to himself. Interrupting his thoughts his phone began to ring, Splinter picked up his phone, "Hello?" he asked.
"Hey Splinter!" a joyful but strong voice came from the other side of the phone.
"Salena? Did Flou not tell you she was here?"
"No no, she did," Salena reassured. Salena and Splinter talked for a while until,
"You sure you want her to stay here? I thought you were trying to get her used to her new room?" Splinter asked, confused.
"We are, but when we let her decorate it...she made pipes out of paper. Trying to make it look more like the sewers. So, I just thought it would be good for her to be somewhere familiar just for a night, maybe get some trinkets from the boys to add." Salena explained,
"I see." Splinter sighed, as he took a bite of his cake.
"Oh and Splinter?" Salena asked,
"Yeah?" He asked a mouth full of cake,
"If anything happens, text me." Splinter swallowed his cake,
"Yeah...for sure." he said quietly,
"Thank you." there was a click and that was that.

Splinter set the phone down and sighed, Salena loved Flou so much he knew that. She really just wanted the best for her. Flou seemed very comfortable around her and her husband as well, which was great.
He sighed slumping in his chair, his attention going back to watch his show, the kids laughed and talked excitedly in the background. So he turned up the volume.


"8...9...10! Ready or not! Here I come!" Raph called through the lair, he immediately started looking all around. He looked over and saw Donnie hiding under a lamp shade,
"I found you Donnie." He sighed, "Are you even trying?" he asked.
A few minutes later he found Leo hiding under a rug, and Mikey hiding behind the couch. All of them laughed while mocking one another and Raph began to look for Flou. He searched and searched but she was nowhere to be found.
"Flou?" he softly called out, but no response..obviously. He then opened a few cabinets in the kitchen. There she was!
"Flou!? How'd you even fit in there?" Flou laughed,
"Small bones!" she said confidently.

After they met up altogether they began to brainstorm on what to do next.
"We played Tag, Dino's, Puzzles, AND Hide N' Seek! What else?" Flou asked,
"How about we watch a movie!" Leo suggested,
"That sounds like fun!!" Flou agreed,
"Yeah! Lou Jitsu?" Mikey recommended,
"Heck Yeah!"
"Wait...which one?" Everyone began brainstorming until they all agreed on one.


"Dad!" Splinter jumped,
"AH- purple! You scared me!" Splinter said panicked looking at Donnie,
"Oh sorry. Can we watch a movie?" he asked,
"I..sure the movies are right over there, be sure to turn it down...and tell Pink to come here." Donatello smiled nodding his head as he ran over and grabbed a movie. He thanked Splinter as he ran out the room.

A few minutes later Flou came in,
"Splinter?" He turned to her,
"Oh Flou come in." He was still watching tv,
"Is everything okay?" Splinter looked over. She was fidgeting with her hands, specifically her fingers and looked scared, "Did..did something happen?"
"No no no! Everything is great!" Splinter quickly interrupted her. "Salena just wanted me to tell you that school was canceled tomorrow...BUT! You get to sleepover! Like old times!" he told her. Flou's face immediately lit up,
"Really!?" Splinter nodded, smiling, his ears faced down knowing what was coming.
"EEEEEEEEE!!!" Flou squealed loudly, stomping her feet hopping in a circle excitedly as she squealed. She ran out to tell the boys. Splinter rubbed his ears, he heard Flou telling the boys and all of them cheering.

He smiled,
"It's nice seeing all of them so happy again...but geez can she not kill my ears." he thought with a groan as he rubbed his ears


"Mikey! Where's the popcorn?" Leo asked,
"Nardo! I know you stole my pillow where is it!?" Donnie yelled from his room, while in the kitchen Flou and Raph made popcorn and poured everyone drinks. The boys and Flou all gathered around as the popcorn was set up and they started watching the movie.
They all laughed and joked around, all of the kids in the living room enjoying each others company.

"Leo give it back!" Donnie yelled trying to snatch an Lou Jitsu action figure,
"No, it's my turn with the action figure!" Leo yelled back,
"No, it's my turn!" Donnie yelled back.
As the two twins continued to argue, Flou looked back worried,
"Guys?.." She tried to speak but her throat seem to close,
"Shut up! Your so dumb! it's my turn!"
"No it's mine!" The boys started to get louder.
"Leo! Donnie! Knock it off!" Raph ordered, but they kept arguing. Getting louder and louder.
"Flou?" Mikey whispered, "...Your hands are shaking..." he whispered worriedly.
"M-mhm I just...I-I'm gonna go get a soda." Flou said quickly before getting up and walking to the kitchen.

She stumbled grabbing onto the counters beside her. She looked around for the sodas,
"YOUR SO STUPID!" Donnie groaned,
"IM NOT STUPID!!" Leo quickly defended,
"YEAH HUH!" Donnie yelled,
"NUH UH!!" Leo yelled back,

She sat on the ground, squeezing her eyes shut, covering her ears. She looked down and all she saw were broken, bug infested, floorboards.
Her feet felt like they were concrete as couldn't move. The floor was swallowing her hole. The lights blared, the arguing got louder as it morphed into taunts they had to be taunting her. The creeks of the pipes, dripping of the water. Everything was too loud. IT WAS ALL TOO LOUD.


"Guys! Stop arguing!! Dang it!" Raphael yelled annoyed, grabbing the two boys by their masks and yanking them apart.
Leo grumbled and Raph turned to him slowly,
"What was that?" he asked slowly,
"Nothing.." Leo mumbled,
"scoff! it was something!" Donnie announced,
"Donnie. Shut up." Leo told him,
"Both of you be quiet!" Raphael ordered. Raph turned back, noticing both Flou and Mikey were gone now.
"Hey where's...Flou and Mikey?" Raph asked.

But then they heard a small slam.

"Flou?" Raph quickly walked to the kitchen to make sure she was alright, the other 2 followed like little ducklings behind him. Raphael looked around the kitchen. Nothing. "Flou, Flou it's me Raph, It's Raphael." He called out quietly. Then a small knock came from a high up cabinet. Raph slowly opened the cabinet, to see Flou curled up hugging her stuffed teal protoceratops with white spots that was in desperate need of re-stuffing. Mikey...sitting next to her holding one of her hands.
"She wouldn't stop scratching..." Mikey whispered, letting her squeeze his hand.

Rapheal slowly reached for her, Flou curled away from him.

" want to breath, sit, drink, talk, or...a hug?" Raph asked softly. Flou was frozen. Mikey watched her then leaned a little closer,
"How about a blanket?" Flou's eyes slowly went to Mikey...she nodded slightly.
Donnie ran off immediately, he came back a few minutes later with a dark purple weighted blanket. Raph helped wrap it around her and she snuggled into it, Mikey opened his arms to her and she leaned on him. The extra weight and his soft sqeeze was comforting.

After Flou had calmed down more, Mikey and Raph helped her slowly get out. Flou, still holding tightly onto Mikey's hand tightly as they walked back to the couch. Flou sat down Mikey still beside her hand in hand. She looked up to see Leo, Donnie, and Raph all looked worried. But she smiled a bit easing their minds.

Leo and Donnie both apologized over and over for causing her breakdown. Of course Flou forgave him. Then let them know their 'punishment' would be to get her re-fills and get everyone popcorn so they could finish the movie.
"Deal!" Leo and Donnie said in sync, smiling shaking her hands,
"Butler Leonardo at your service!" Leo said in a fancy voice, bowing,
"And Valet Donatello." he also said in a fancy and deep voice that cracked. Everyone laughed and the night contiouted.

Once Leo and Donnie had finally got everyone drinks, food, and some extra blankets, it was time to finish the Lou Jitsu movie.


Flou still sat on the couch watching the rest of the 3rd movie. Even with everyone asleep, Mikey on her shoulder, Raph was on the floor, Leo was leaning on the arm rest, and Donnie was on the other.

There was a wedding scene in this specific movie, that Lou Jitsu had crashed. Flou watched and her eyes widened staring at the bride. She didn't even realize she was leaning closer.
"Flou?" Mikey muttered, Flou flinched looking to him,
"Oh hey Mikey...did I wake you?"
"No it's okay," Mikey sat up and yawning, "What's wrong?" He asked. Flou looked down then up at the TV,
"Do you think I can get married one day?" She asked.
"What?" Mikey looked at her confused, glancing to the TV seeing the bride in white, Flou sniffed on the verge of tears again,
"C-cause what if I cant?" she asks,
"What do you mean?" Mikey looks at her, his chin on her shoulder.
"W-well ca-cause...cause I'm not pretty like her..a-and I'm scared of everything. All the kids at school say I'm a scaredy-cat! But I try not to all the parents say I might just end up like my...." by now Flou began to sob. Mikey hugged her,
"I really want to get Mr and Mrs Thomas. They seem so happy..did you know th-they actually had a water gun fight for their anniversary? Being married sounds awesome!" she smiled through her tears, before letting out another soft sob, " one will ever want me...cause I...I'm gonna end up like my da-"
"Nope!" Mikey whispered confidently, interrupting her mid-sentence. Flou looked at him,
"N-no?" she whispered back confused.
"One second!" Mikey quickly took off his bandanna and got off the couch, kneeling down to one knee and held it out to her,
"Flou, will you marry me?!" he asked,
"Wh-what?" Flou asked, taken back.

"Well I think you're super pretty, and cool, and you're my best friend! I probably won't be able to meet anyone else but you. So we should get married! If you want, and I promise we'll have water gun fights too!" Mikey smiled big waiting for her answer. Flou's eyes widened,
"Really?" she asked,
"Yeah! I promise!" Mikey held hand for her, his bandanna hand,
"Think of this as your...ring! For now..until I can make you an actual ring!" Mikey smiled, and Flou lit up, she gently took the bandanna,
"I'd love to marry you!" she smiled.

Mikey smiled and hugged her,
"Oh and we can have a layered cake at our wedding!" Mikey said, Flou gasped then smiled widely,
"with Flowers?"
"Yeah, and it can be Liu Jitsu themed!"
"Yeah!" They giggled and shushed each other not to be too loud, to not wake up the other 3 turtles.

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