Manaria Friends X Male Godzil...

By XxGhdrhGmrxX

4.4K 136 52

Anne, Grea, two people that became friends at the pregstigious magic school, Mysteria Academy. During the sch... More

(Y/N)'s NEW Bio
Episode 1: Anne, Grea, and (Y/N)
Episode 3: Princess's Holiday
Episode 4: Floating at Sea
Episode 5: Hide-and-Seek

Episode 2: Agony of Grea

554 23 6
By XxGhdrhGmrxX

The scene opens to see a ton of potions and books stacked and labeled in shelves as the room was bright red, the scene changes to see someone's clothes scattered around the room. We then see Grea's tail on the bed, moving uncontrollably and swaying left and right while her hand was constantly grabbing and gripping the sheet of the bed as Grea continued to sweat and moan as two nurses sits next to her

Hanna: Hang in there, Grea! Clearly all of these readings are abnormal. But there's nothing that tells us why this is happening... Are there no other methods we can use to diagnose her?

Nurse: I've never seen any records that explain how to treat a Dragonborn.

The nurse turns her head back towards Grea as she continues to sweat and moan in pain as her tail almost hits the nurse in the head

Nurse: Hanna! Please hold her tail down!

Hanna: Yes, ma'am!

The door of the nurse's office swings open to see Anne and (Y/N) standing there, Anne sweating while breathing heavily and (Y/N), just stands besides her

Hanna: Princess? (Y/N)?

(Y/N): What's happening to Grea...?


We then see Anne touching Grea's hand as she uses some kind of magic while (Y/N) stands besides the nurse as the room illuminates a red aura around it

Hanna: We tried various forms of healing magic, but they had no effect on her at all. Medical plants and compound medicines had no effect either.

Anne: Can you hear me, Grea?

(Y/N): Grea...

Nurse 1: We checked every part of her body, but didn't find any external injuries. I wonder if this is something unique to Dragonborns...

We then see Lou carrying a stack of books towards the nurse

Lou: Heave-ho! Heave-ho!

(Y/N): Lou?

She continued to bring the books towards her, but trips on the floor and all the books came tumbling down towards her and scatters around the room

Hanna: Again? You're always so clumsy. Be more careful from now on.

Lou: Owie... I brought some books that might be helpful.

Hanna: This is a book about medicine for Goblins. And this one is on the ecology of insects.

Nurse 1: Lou? Where did you get this book from? This is one of the books that's supposed to be prohibited to students!

Lou: Well, I went to the Library and explained that there was an emergency with Grea's health.

Anne: "Prohibited"?

(Y/N): What was "Prohibited"?

Lou: So, the person at the desk lent me all these books.

Nurse 1: Who in the world was at the desk today?

Hanna: The real question is where this book came from.

Hearing the word "prohibited", Anne gets up and runs towards the hallway, also making (Y/N) get up and follow her as they were confused to what is happening

Hanna: Princess?

Anne: Keep an eye on Grea for me!

(Y/N): Anne?!

Lou: Anne? (Y/N)?

Hanna: What's the matter?

(Y/N): Where are you going?!

The three of them continued to stare at the hallway while Grea continued to sweat, but she controlled her breathing as the scene changed to Anne running while (Y/N) followed her as they ran through the Library and into a locked place covered in spider webs and other things. Anne puts her hand through a painting that unlocks the cage door as (Y/N) opens it and walks through

(Y/N): What the...? What is this place?

Anne and (Y/N) continue to run around a place that has a red item sticking out everywhere they turn as they reach a tall door with an eyelock thing sticking in the middle. She then uses a blue type of spell that forms on her hand that unlocks the door and the stone walls slowly moves as the both of them continued to run into a hallway to what it seems like an endless hallway

-Back to the Nurse's room-

Hanna: Where did Anne and (Y/N) run off to? I suspect she went to the forbidden archives of the Library.

Nurse 1: "Forbidden"?

-Scene Change-

We then see Anne and (Y/N) standing on books shelves the looks of a cube separately from each other as the both of them try to find books that can help. The scene changes to them once again running in the dark woods getting chased by some big monster as one of the objects fall from the woods, but you dodge the object and regained your balanced

(Y/N): Whoa!

Anne looks back and uses some kind of red magic towards the monster, making the screen turn black


We cut to see Anne's hand on top of some skull in some heavy fog as some kind of words gets inside her hand as she continued to run

-Scene Change-

We see Lou's hand touching Grea's forehead as she continues sweats some more and breath heavily

Lou: Grea has a very high fever!

Nurse 1: Let me check. As the nurse, I should handle this. Hanna, start preparing some medicine to lower her fever.

Hanna: Understood.

-Scene Change-

We see Anne and (Y/N) using some kind of magic to walk through the water below her

(Y/N): Anne...

Anne: I'm okay, don't worry.

They both stop in the middle of the area, between the water as Anne closes her book and looks down as both start to plummet down towards the water until they both make contact. We see Anne using some kind of bubble underwater as (Y/N) just swims perfectly due to his ability to breathe underwater as you swim towards the bottom of the water as Anne turns around to see a large pillar as she walks towards it. She puts her hand towards the pillar and a blue light emerges from it as Anne's eyes widen and smiles

-The Library-

Suddenly, the screws at the top starts to violently move as well as the Library starts to rumble and shake as one of the person looks up

Librarian: What's happening?

A bright yellow light appears from the statue and explodes to see Anne and (Y/N) standing there while student's surround them as you and Anne look around

Anne: The Library?!

(Y/N): Looks like we found a shortcut without even knowing.

She gives you a list of items that she tells you to get

Anne: (Y/N)! I need you to get everything on this list!

(Y/N): OK!


Lou: Where are we going to get a dragon scale?!

While trying to make something, Grea's wings suddenly sprout open, shocking all three of them

Lou: Whoa! Grea, you're okay! Are you awake now, Grea? Grea? Hey, Grea? Grea! Are you all right?

The nurses door suddenly swings open to see (Y/N) and Anne standing there

(Y/N): We bac—

Then, a bright light immunities across the room as you and Anne walks towards Grea

Anne: Gr... Grea?

Some white lines move across Grea's tail onto her wings as she starts to glow brighter while the two of you stood there and watched as some kind of object moves down her body

(Y/N): Grea?

After you walk closer towards Grea, she opens her eyes and wipes it as she turns her head to see you and Anne standing there

Grea: Huh? Anne? (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Grea...

Grea: Um... Good morning.

(Y/N): Good morning...

Grea: Hey, (Y/N)?

You move towards the bed and hugs Grea with a few tears forming in your eyes

Grea: W-What's wrong, (Y/N)?

Lou: I'm so relieved!

(Y/N): Me and Anne were worried about you!

Grea: (Y/N)? Can I put some clothes on? Not you too, Anne!

The scene changes to Grea and (Y/N) sitting on a bench, the sun setting in front of them while she tells him what was happening to her earlier as Anne comes by

(Y/N): Molting?

Grea: Well... It happens sometimes as I grow up.

Anne: Your hair also grew out!

(Y/N): Huh? Is it me, or did you, um... chest get bigger, too?

Hearing this, she blushes and looks away from you

Grea: That's also a possibility...

(Y/N): Maybe me and Anne just need to leave you be.

Grea: Well, I'm sorry. You both went through a lot for me.

Anne: It's fine, don't worry. In the end, me and (Y/N) weren't able to do anything to help you. If I had known, the both of us would have stayed by your side while you were struggling.

Grea: Huh? Was it really... that bad?

Anne: Yea! It was quite the sight to see!

As Grea turned her head towards Anne, the camera moves behind her to see Anne carrying the substance that was on Grea when she was molting earlier in the nurse's office

Grea: Anne? What are you holding there?

Anne: N-nothing, really!

(Y/N): Anne...

Grea: Is that my...?

She start to blush and looks away for a moment until Anne pulls it out

Anne: Uh... well, this is just... I thought maybe I would keep it as proof of how much we've grown! Or something like that...

Grea: Anne, you dummy.

(A/N: That's it for Episode 2! Episode 3 will be released soon!)

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