The Legend of Zelda- Ocarina...

By dragonrand100

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"This is the tale of an ancient land of lush forests and verdant meadows. A land blessed by the Goddesses whe... More

The Boy Without a Fairy
The Curse
Gohma's Lair
Hyrule Field
A Thief in the Night
Journey to Hyrule Castle
The Dancing Goron
Death Mountain
Dodongo's Cavern
Sworn Brothers
Lost in the Woods
Lord Jabu Jabu
The Portal
Written in Blood
Darkest Hour
Seven Years
Broken Mirror
Minuet of the Forest
The Flow of Time...
Children of the Forest
The Kokiri
Song of Storms
Into the Fire
Bolero of Fire
Mirror, Mirror
Serenade of Water
Lake Hylia
Darkness Within
Tainted Waters
Left Behind
Unlikely Allies
Ice and Fire
Into the Desert
Requiem of Spirit
The Pheonix
Shadows Rising
A Demon in Kakariko
The Last Sheikah
Lens of Truth
Into Darkness
Bongo Bongo
The Raven
Prelude of Light
Before the Storm
The Queen's Banner
Into the Breach
Time's End
The Demon King
A Demon's Wrath
Hero of Time

Zelda's Lullaby

1.2K 49 24
By dragonrand100

Chapter 9

Zelda's Lullaby


A sickening pain blossomed through Link's head, radiating like fire from the point where he had struck the stone. Dimly, he was aware of striking a stair and tumbling down several more before his body finally came to a halt. By then, the world was an incoherent mess of noise and pain before he surrendered to a numb oblivion.

At first, he couldn't comprehend anything. He felt like he was floating, a leaf tossed upon a breeze. The world seemed too bright, and the slightest attempt to open his eyes brought a searing agony. Blood pounded in his ears, followed by two voices coming from far away. He could hear someone else too.


Strong hands gripped his shoulders while another pair grabbed his ankles. Vaguely, he grasped that he was being carried, his head throbbing with each jolting movement.

What in Hyrule's name happened?

The cogs and gears of his mind seemed jammed, and no amount of effort would make them turn. Someone was talking again, and Link's muddled brain could only make out that they sounded like a girl.

"Saria?" The word was a tiny moan that went unnoticed.

No... the girl doesn't sound like Saria at all.

A boy's voice joined hers with a flurry of panicked questions, but the girl answered with a sharp question.

"What were you two doing?" she demanded. "How did he even get on the wall?"

"He climbed up a tree," Navi replied. "Don't worry, he's not... he'll be okay."

"Should we be carrying him like this?" the boy asked. "What if he's broken something?"

Irritation crept into the girl's voice. "Just help me get him on the grass before somebody finds us!"

"Or hears us," Navi muttered with growing concern.

"Maybe we should have gotten Impa first." That was the boy again. "He's no street urchin, from the look of him."

"Oh, just be quiet and help me!" the girl snapped, sounding wearied by the incessant chatter.

"Do you want me to find Impa?" Navi asked.

"Ewan knows where she is."

"What do you suppose those scars are from?" the younger boy piped up, clearly not listening. "And why is he wearing a skirt? Is he a girl?"

Link would have felt insulted if he had not been so dazed. The endless questions amplified the throbbing in his skull.

"Be quiet," the girl snapped.

"I was only wondering," came the innocent reply.

"Okay, stop here and put him down gently."

With a jarring THUD! Link was abruptly dropped, the impact sending a fresh wave of pain through his head.

"I said gently!" The girl sounded really cross now. "Honestly, you could have hurt him!"

"Is he going to be okay?" Ewan asked, sounding convinced he'd done Link some permanent injury.

"I have some stuff in my satchel that can help him. Now go find Impa."


"Go, Ewan!"Couldn't she speak more quietly?

Link groaned, his head throbbing in rhythm with the fading footsteps. Then something cool pressed against his chapped lips. He pried open his eyelids, wincing at the harsh sunlight. Blinking through tears of pain, he was just able to make out the girl hovering over him.

"What happened?" he tried to ask, but his voice came out as an incoherent moan.

"Drink this," the girl said, a small vial clutched in one hand. "It will make you feel better."

Link drank the offered liquid before it was abruptly taken away.

"I can't give you too much," the girl said gently. She brushed the hair away from his eyes, frowning as she did so. "You're bleeding."

"It's not bad," Navi said. "Just a scalp wound. They usually look worse than they really are."

Despite his throbbing headache, Link forced his eyelids fully open. He raised a hand to shield his vision, his eyes seemingly unaccustomed to the afternoon light as he searched for the girl. She was kneeling beside him, watching him closely.

"Can you sit up for me?" she asked, her voice surprisingly gentle.

Link didn't answer. He was too busy staring at the girl, noticing for the first time just how oddly dressed she was. She wore a pink robe, an ornate silver belt, and a delicate apron emblazoned with the Hyrulean royal crest. A necklace with a dazzling ruby pendant adorned her neck, and her hair was hidden beneath an elaborate headdress. It all seemed excessive, even for winter.

The most jarring detail, however, was her spotless appearance – including her pristine fingernails and unblemished skin. She looked like a porcelain doll dressed for display, like the ones he'd seen in the market. Had she even been outside before?

The girl's smile faltered.

The girl's smile faltered. Oops. Did I say that out loud?

"Of course I have," she replied, sounding torn between amusement and annoyance.

Link tried to sit up, but a wave of vertigo sent him sinking back into the grass.

"Hold still," the girl soothed. "You've got a nasty cut on your head, and I need to clean it."

She dabbed at the cut with a cloth, applying a stinging salve that made Link flinch.

"I said, hold still!" the girl said firmly.

Link grumbled a reply, too dazed to resist.

The girl sat back, examining her handiwork.

"I take care of injured animals when I find them," she said pleasantly. "Here-" she handed him a waterskin, but Link just shook his head, causing spots of light to swim and dance across his vision.

"Are you alright, Link?" Navi asked, flying beside him. "You're lucky you didn't break your neck."

"Fine," Link mumbled, trying to sit up again and pleased that the vertigo wasn't so bad.

Now that the world was no longer swaying, Link got his first good look at his surroundings. He was lying beside a stone path, flanked by brightly blooming bushes that defied the winter chill.

That's odd for the middle of winter, Link thought.

Lush green grass and fruit trees carpeted the landscape, reminding him of the forest, only it was too tidy and far too tame. The rose bushes showed signs of being neatly pruned, and not a single leaf seemed out of place.

Link surveyed the stone path, noting how it meandered around a fountain before continuing on and disappearing behind the nearby wall.

"I'm in Hyrule Castle..." Link mumbled, the realisation slowly dawning on him. He looked up at the towering stone spires, his hopes of a stealthy infiltration dashed by his recklessness on the wall. How would he escape this predicament?

Suddenly, the girl's voice broke through the confused thoughts of his foggy mind. "This fell out of your bag."

Link's eyes snapped to hers as she held up his satchel and the Kokiri Emerald.

"Hey, give that back!" he demanded, snatching the stone. He saw a flicker of surprise in her eyes.

"It's alright," she replied, slightly taken aback. "I was not about to steal it."

Link thrust the Emerald back into his bag, ignoring how she continued to study him with growing intensity.

"You're the boy from the forest... aren't you?" she asked. "Impa told me someone was bringing you here."

Stunned, Link stared at her. "How do you know?" he asked cautiously.

A blush crept onto her cheeks. "It's hard to explain," she said sheepishly. "I feel like I have seen you before... in a dream." She paused, then chuckled nervously. "You probably think that's silly, don't you?"

"Not really," Link replied, the pain in his head easing thanks to the potion. "I have weird dreams, too. They scare me sometimes."

Intrigued, the girl leaned closer. A memory stirred in Link's mind, a terrifying vision from his nightmares.

The fairy lay dead at his feet, her blackened body lying in a pool of muddy water.


Squeezing his eyes shut, Link desperately tried to block out the horrifying dream.

"Do you need something more for the pain?" the girl asked, her gentle touch a reassuring weight on his shoulder.

Link shook his head. He regarded her momentarily, thinking as quickly as his sore head would allow. That they had both glimpsed each other in a dream was too much of a coincidence to ignore. She was important. He should have guessed that the moment he saw her attire.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"How could you not know who I am?" she exclaimed, looking utterly scandalised.

Link bit back a retort.

"Oh..." the girl realised, blushing slightly. "Of course, you wouldn't know. I am Princess Zelda of House Nohansen."

Navi, perched on Link's shoulder, looked just as surprised as he was.

On the bright side, he wouldn't have to navigate the castle looking for her.

"Well, this is not exactly the grand entrance I had in mind," Navi remarked. "Forgive us for not realising, princess."

Suddenly, she spun around with a gasp. "We're in trouble."

Link heard it, too, heavy footsteps marching quickly upon the stone. With Zelda's help, he stuffed his hat back on and staggered upright.

Fifteen guardsmen rounded the corner, marching straight towards them in blue and red uniforms bearing the Hyrulean Royal Family Crest. They were actual soldiers and knights, not figures from a story, and Link would ordinarily have been awed. But they were also coming straight towards him and did not look happy.

"Navi?" he squeaked, his voice barely audible.

He considered running but quickly dismissed the idea, knowing the guards would outrun him swiftly, even if he weren't disoriented from his fall.

"Ewan!" Zelda hissed, her voice devoid of fear.

"Something tells me he didn't go straight to Impa," Navi whispered.

"He probably ran until a guard stopped him," Zelda said quietly. "Just stay still, keep quiet, and let me do the talking."

The guards quickly surrounded the pair. Navi shrieked as bows were raised, arrows ready to draw and fly at a moment's notice. The meaning was clear: one wrong move, and they wouldn't hesitate.

An arrow was aimed at Link's chest from mere feet away. He tensed as if sheer willpower could deflect the deadly missile.

"Princess Zelda, my Lady, come away from him at once!" one man, bearing a captain's insignia, barked urgently as he stepped towards her.

Zelda stood her ground, her eyes blazing with defiance. "Captain Dragayne, this boy is a guest of House Nohansen and is therefore under my protection," she declared bravely. "All of you, lower your weapons!"

Some archers lowered their bows, a few even snickering, earning them a stern glare from their captain. Others, however, remained unconvinced. Captain Dragayne looked unimpressed.

"Ewan reported an armed intruder in the yard," he said gruffly.

"More likely you coaxed it out of him, sir," Zelda retorted.

"The boy will not be harmed," Dragayne said wearily. "Now, please step aside so I can take him into custody."

"We are not thieves!" Navi shrieked, darting up to the captain's face, drawing surprised murmurs from the gathered soldiers. "My friend climbed a tree over the wall as a dare, and he fell."

If Zelda noticed the lie, she gave no sign of it.

"I will find out the truth soon enough, miss," Captain Dragayne said evenly, unfazed by the fairy's bravado. He turned back to Zelda. "Step aside immediately, and let's be done with this nonsense."

"I will not," Zelda replied, her face flushed with fury. "As princess of Hyrule, I order you to withdraw. I will see that my guest does not cause any trouble."

"Princess, he could be an assassin, for all we know," Dragayne reasoned. "Children don't normally carry Goron-forged-"

"An assassin?" Zelda spat. "He is only a boy!"

"Now, young lady," Dragayne said briskly, his patience wearing thin. "We can always drag you and the boy to your father. I doubt he will find this-"

"What's this?"

A slow, cold voice drifted across the yard, silencing everyone. All eyes turned to the source: a man dressed in black armour, a cloak rippling behind him. It was the man from Link's dreams, the Desert Man.


Link's blood ran cold. He wanted to run, to scream, to disappear. He was going to be sick.

Captain Dragayne swore under his breath and turned to face the newcomer.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded, his earlier calm replaced by an edge of annoyance.

The Gerudo's cold eyes seemed to pierce through Dragayne, but they lingered only briefly. As Ganondorf's gaze fell on Zelda, her furious expression softened for a fleeting moment before hardening again. Then he spotted Link, eyeing him with an intensity that stole Link's breath and made him dizzy. Ganondorf smirked and then turned away, dismissing him as if he were nothing.

"Tell me, Lord Dragayne," Ganondorf scoffed, his laughter barely contained. "Are you and your men so utterly incompetent that it takes fifteen royal guardsmen to deal with a mere child? How truly tragic. I shudder to think how you'd fare against something a little more... dangerous."

Is that a threat? Link wondered. It sounded like one.

"State your business or be off, Lord Dragmire," Captain Dragayne growled, his contempt barely concealed. "This is no concern of yours."

"On the contrary, Captain," Ganondorf's voice hardened, all pretence of amusement gone. "Anything that threatens the security of this castle is most definitely my concern. The young prince, Ewan, informed me of an armed child scaling the palace walls. Perhaps you'll allow me to relieve you of this trivial matter? Surely, such a task is beneath a man of your station."

Zelda's voice was sharp as she cut through the tense exchange. "What did you do to Ewan?"

For the first time, Link wondered how many people the prince had alerted on his way to find Impa. The rumour of a child running amok on the castle grounds had spread like wildfire.

"Your accusation saddens me, princess," Ganondorf replied with feigned sincerity, placing a hand on his chest. "I assure you, the prince came to no harm at my hands." He turned to Dragayne, his voice dripping with condescension. "Now, Captain, allow me to handle this minor inconvenience."

Sweat beaded on his forehead, and his lungs seemed to constrict, making breathing difficult. This couldn't be happening. He glanced at Zelda, whose grip on his arm had tightened to the point of pain.

"I decide how to handle intruders, Dragmire," Dragayne said, his voice low and dangerous. Link sensed a history of animosity between the two men. "And last I checked, you have no authority here."

Fury flared in Ganondorf's eyes as they locked with Dragayne's. The tension was palpable, like ice cracking underfoot. The guards shifted nervously, some casting worried glances at each other. One brave soul even cleared his throat, preparing to intervene. But before anyone could act, another voice cut through the charged atmosphere.

"What in the name of the Goddesses is going on here?"

A wave of relief washed over Link as he recognised the voice. "Finally," Zelda breathed, her grip loosening on his arm. "It's Impa."

Impa stood tall and imposing, taller than both Dragayne and Ganondorf, though not by much. Her crimson eyes blazed with barely contained fury, making even Dragayne's anger seem pale in comparison. Link's heart skipped a beat- she was the other woman from his dream.

A young boy clad in red and black trailed behind Impa. Zelda shot him a withering look, confirming Link's suspicion that this was indeed her brother. Ewan‌ offered a sheepish grin and mouthed a silent apology.

His eyes met Ganondorf's, and the boy let out a terrified squeak, burying himself behind Impa's imposing figure.

Impa's gaze turned to the gathered soldiers, cold and unwavering. "Are you dogs or cowards that you would draw your weapons upon two children, one of them the king's daughter!"

The guards almost squirmed under her scathing scrutiny.

"Forgive me, Lady Impa," Dragayne stammered, his arrogance replaced by a hint of fear. "This boy carries a Goron-forged blade. We feared he might be an assassin. I intended to have him searched and arrested. We meant no harm."

Impa raised an eyebrow."Truly?" she asked with a hint of sarcasm. "I'm glad to hear it."

She then turned to Ganondorf. "Your presence is not required here, Lord Dragmire."

It was a clear dismissal. Ganondorf sneered and turned away, his cloak swirling around him like a dark cloud.

"I apologise for Ewan's disturbance, captain," Impa said calmly to Dragayne once Ganondorf was gone. "You may go. Take your men with you. I will escort the boy out of the castle once I have spoken with him."

"As you wish, My Lady." Dragayne signalled to his men. They turned wordlessly and followed him up the path and out of sight.

Navi let out a long, relieved sigh. So did Zelda, her hand slipping away from Link's arm.

"That was close," Navi murmured, echoing Link's thoughts.

Impa turned to Link and Zelda, and Link was relieved to see some of the fire burning in those eyes had faded. She didn't look so scary now.

"You are fortunate I arrived when I did, Link of the Kokiri," Impa said, her voice surprisingly calm.

Link, still shaken by the near miss, could only nod. His heart hammered against his ribs like a trapped bird, and his mind replayed the events of the past few moments in a dizzying loop.

Impa's gaze lingered on his flushed face for a moment before she turned to Ewan, the prince who had caused such a commotion. She dismissed him with a few curt words, sending him scurrying away.

"Should we find somewhere more private?" Zelda asked, her voice laced with concern as she glanced around the courtyard.

Impa shook her head. "This will do for now," she said. "I will know if anyone disturbs us, and I will explain why you are late for your lessons yet again..." Her expression softened as she turned to Link. "Are you alright, Link?"

Link flinched, startled by her unexpected question. "I... I'm fine," he stammered, still bewildered by the sudden shift in events. "But... how do you know my name?"

Impa's expression grew sombre. "A woman by the name of Ciara told me. I was to accompany her to meet you, but it would seem events did not go as planned."

Navi buzzed sympathetically. "We heard," she said softly. "I take it you knew her well?"

Impa nodded, a flicker of grief crossing her features. "I did."

"I'm sorry," Link said, his voice barely audible.

Impa placed a hand on his shoulder, her touch surprisingly warm. "As am I, young one," she said. "But now is not the time to grieve."

Her eyes locked onto his, and a new intensity entered her gaze. "I trust you still have the Kokiri Emerald on you?"

Link nodded slowly. He reached into his bag and retrieved the familiar stone, its cool surface soothing against his palm. A pang of reluctance shot through him as he contemplated parting with the comforting talisman.

"Don't worry," Zelda reassured him, placing a hand on his arm. "You can trust Impa."

Taking a deep breath, Link relinquished the Emerald, handing it over to the Sheikah warrior.

Impa took the stone, her fingers tracing the intricate carvings on its surface. "The Kokiri Emerald," she whispered, her voice filled with a strange reverence. "Can you tell me what happened to the Great Deku Tree? Or would you rather Navi explain?"

Link and Navi, their voices intertwined, recounted the tale of their harrowing ordeal. They spoke of the infestation within the ancient tree, the battle with the monstrous Gohma, and the tragic fate of their beloved guardian.

"My theory is that Ganondorf created a small rift beneath the Great Deku Tree, allowing the Gohma to invade," Navi added as they finished their tale. "I think the queen controlled the vines and used them to capture prey. I'm unsure if the Gohma queen kept the portal open, but it collapsed when she died. I think Ganondorf meant to release the Gohma on Hyrule once they decimated the forest."

Impa listened intently, her expression grave. "That is troubling," she mused. "Gohma rarely grow to a size such as you describe. My people have encountered them far from here, and they were nothing more than a pest. This behaviour is also not typical of them unless the Gohma queen was indeed corrupted by malevolent powers."

She paused, lost in thought, and then met Link's gaze, waiting for his response.

"Yeah, I didn't think it was normal either," Link said solemnly, "But we stopped them."

"You did well," Impa said appraisingly, "and I wish the outcome had been different. Fate is a cruel mistress to bring such misfortune upon a child. I had hoped it would be some time before we met, but already, from what you say and from what has transpired, the threads of time weave around you."

Link's brow furrowed. Confusion and unease clouded his youthful face. "W-what do you mean?" he stammered, his voice thick with apprehension.

Impa's gaze softened with a flicker of sympathy as she said, "Explaining this will take time, and I fear your education has been cut rather short."

"My... what?" Link blinked, his mind struggling to grasp her words.

"There was much I had hoped to explain to you when the time came for us to meet," She acknowledged Link's bewildered gaze with a subtle nod before continuing with increasing severity, "It would seem the Great Deku Tree's death set in motion a series of events that were not meant to occur for some time."

"You knew about us?" Navi buzzed angrily. "Why didn't you seek us out?"

Impa remained calm, unfazed by Navi's outburst. "It was my wish to keep both of you out of danger and protect the stone for a little longer. The Lons agreed to keep you safe and asked for my people's protection, but after the raid, I knew we were out of time. Ciara moved you to an inn where we could keep an eye on you. The Silver Mare's owner is a Sheikah friend, and so are his staff."

Link felt overwhelmed by a tidal wave of information. What did she mean by 'out of time?' His mind churned, searching for answers.

Zelda, sensing his confusion, intervened. "Do you remember how I said I'd seen you in a dream?"

"Yeah," Link said slowly, struggling to recall that part of their conversation since his head had been in all kinds of pain.

"Every night for the past few months, I have been dreaming the same dream." She recounted the events of a nightmare that was rather unlike Link's own, ending with her encountering him standing beneath a plume of light, holding the Kokiri Emerald aloft.

Once she finished, Impa placed the last pieces of Zelda's premonition together.

"Zelda sketched some of what she saw," Impa added as Zelda finished. "She did so quite well, I might add." Impa's voice had a hint of pride as she said this, and Zelda's face coloured, going as pink as her dress. "The boy in that dream was indeed you."

"What's so special about this dream?" Link asked, his voice barely a whisper. "Everyone has bad dreams-" he faltered, not believing his own words.

"The dream is a premonition," Impa explained.

"What?" Link's confusion grew as he asked, "What is a Premana-niton?"

"Premonition," Navi corrected before quickly explaining what the word meant.

"But..." Link scrunched his face in total bewilderment, "Wouldn't you have seen us here?"

"Not necessarily," Impa said. "But that is a discussion for another time... Tell me, Link. Do you know about the Sacred Realm?"

"The Great Deku Tree taught me!" Link piped up, pleased to discover something he knew well. "It's a realm guarded by three stones and-"

"That will do." Impa tried to cut him off but failed.

"There's a fourth object, a..." Link racked his brain, trying to remember what it was. He came up empty.

Impa looked impressed regardless, and Link felt a rush of satisfaction.

"I didn't think you'd know," she murmured. "You are correct. There is a fourth object, one the Royal Family keeps... though few remember its true purpose."

As Impa spoke, Zelda reached into her pocket and pulled out a polished, deep blue ocarina. Its mouthpiece was encircled by a gold ring, and the Triforce emblem was etched into the small ring.

"The Ocarina of Time," Zelda said, holding the instrument out in her hand. "Together with the three stones, the ocarina opens the door to the Sacred Realm- the resting place of the Triforce."

Link could make out his reflection on the ocarina's smooth surface.

Impa gazed at the ocarina, her face etched with concern. "In the last few days, Ganondorf visited the tribes who hold the other Spiritual Stones and demanded they hand them over. They refused, but he will not be deterred." She paused, and at her unspoken question, Link nodded his understanding. "We know he seeks entry to the Sacred Realm, and his impatience is growing, as evidenced by what befell you on the ranch."

"What happens if he enters the Sacred Realm?" Link asked anxiously, not meaning to interrupt.

"He will find the Triforce," Impa replied. "Do you know what happens when one touches it?"

"They can wish for anything they want," Link said.

Impa chuckled softly. "More or less. Ganondorf somehow discovered a dark spirit trapped within a mask. One of the Sheikah clans sealed it away long ago. If this demon enters the Sacred Realm, it will use Ganondorf to acquire the Triforce's power and devastate both our realms. Are you unfamiliar with the legends of Demise or the Interlopers?"

Link shook his head, bewildered by these unfamiliar names. Impa patiently explained, "These legends tell of a demon who attempted to destroy Hyrule, extending its power far beyond our borders. Should we fail, this will happen again."

"So, this demon you mentioned?" Navi chimed in. " Does it intend to finish what it started?"

"Precisely," Impa confirmed. "The Triforce is the only thing that can permanently stop it."

"How was it stopped the first time?" Navi inquired.

"My ancestors sealed it within a mask and buried it," Impa answered.

"The Skull Mask?" Navi whispered.

Impa's eyes narrowed at the mention of the mask. "You know about it?"

"I saw him curse the Great Deku Tree," Navi stammered, clearly uncomfortable under Impa's scrutiny. "He wore a mask that made him invisible, and it looked like a skull."

Impa's face darkened. "I suspected as much. However, I could not confirm it until one of the Gerudo informed me. If Ganondorf possesses this mask and seeks the other two stones, we must act swiftly before he takes them by force."

"We must tell the King!" Navi exclaimed. "If Ganondorf plans to-"

Zelda interrupted her, looking pained. "I already tried. As did Impa."

"I have explained why that is impossible," Impa said, her tone reproachful yet gentle. "I cannot allow anyone to know about your dreams. Almost everyone believes that only the Sheikah possess such a gift. If people thought you were part Sheikah, it would bring harm to your family."

"Have you tried to stop Ganondorf?" Navi asked, seemingly oblivious to the tense exchange.

Impa grimaced, a shadow momentarily clouding her features. "It is not that simple. Not without inciting the Gerudo people, and I doubt the demon will allow us to harm its host so easily."

"Then how do we stop him?" Link asked, his voice filled with determination.

"There is one other object guarding the gateway to the Sacred Realm," Impa answered, making Link's head buzz with the onslaught of information. He did his best to listen as Impa said, "It is a sword nestled within a pedestal in the Temple of Time, known as the Master Sword or the Blade of Evil's Bane. You can only access it by placing all three Spiritual Stones upon the altar before the Door of Time. The stones contain fragments of the souls of the First Sages..."

Spiritual Stones, Ocarina of Time, Master Sword, Door of Time, First Sages... Link's head spun, information overload threatening to send his brain into a full-blown panic. He looked at Navi, hoping she was making more sense of this than he was.

"Are you paying attention?" Impa's sharp tone startled Link. "This is important."

"Uhh... Yeah," Link replied quickly, though Impa remained unconvinced. Four objects, a Master something, a door, and... Sages?" 

Sensing his confusion, Navi came to his rescue. "I'll fill him in if need be."

"Thank you, Navi," Impa said, still focused on Link. "As I was saying, the Door of Time will open when you play the Song of Time on the ocarina Zelda showed you, but..." she paused, her voice dropping to a hushed tone, "...there is only one person who can wield the Master Sword."

"Who?" Link asked, his heart pounding in his chest.

Everyone looked at him, their faces etched with a measure of sorrow.

Guessing where this was going, Link's heart sank with the weight of an unwelcome revelation, leaving an icy dread in its wake.

Impa's voice held a note of regret as she spoke. "You are the Hero Reborn, Link," she confirmed.

Deep down, Link had known that the Kokiri Emerald held a significance beyond his comprehension. He recalled the Goddess calling him the Hero Reborn, but the true significance of that title and many details of his peculiar vision had escaped him until now.

He yearned for the simple life he knew before: the rustling leaves and familiar faces beneath the forest canopy. A strangled cry escaped his throat. "I'm not a hero," he protested. "I'm just...."

Impa's hand rested gently on his shoulder, silently acknowledging his pain. "I know this is difficult for you to understand just now, Link," she said, her voice filled with sympathy. "It is indeed a cruel twist of fate that such a burden should fall upon one so young. My wish was to delay your involvement until you were ready or to find another way to stop Ganondorf."

He met her gaze, a mix of sorrow and defiance burning in his eyes. The weight of responsibility settled upon him, a heavy mantle for a young boy to bear. Yet, even in the face of fear and uncertainty, a tiny spark of determination flickered within him.

"What do I need to do?" he asked.

Zelda answered. "You must retrieve the other two Spiritual Stones. Bring them to Impa, and we shall use them to stop Ganondorf's plans."

He turned to Impa, seeking guidance. "Can you help me?" he pleaded.

Impa shook her head, her expression grim. "I cannot accompany you, Link. Ganondorf has spread lies within the Royal Court, poisoning their minds against me. My position is precarious, and his spies watch my every move. If he suspects my involvement, he will imprison me."

Link's mind struggled to grasp the intricacies of court politics on top of everything else. The Royal Court, Ganondorf's lies, and Impa's precarious position felt like a foreign language to him, and his head was so full of new information he couldn't process it. If anything, he was getting a nagging urge to fidget or walk off, the humming in his ears steadily building.

"But... I don't even know where the other stones are," he stammered, overwhelmed by the immensity of the task. The blow to his head from the fall seemed insignificant compared to the weight of this undertaking.

"Fear not," Impa said, offering him a reassuring smile. "The Goron tribe, led by Darunia, holds one stone, while the Zora clan has been entrusted with the other. If all goes according to plan, you can expect a hospitable reception as my messenger. I will ensure you have the provisions you need for your journey."

Link remembered the Zora he had caught while fishing. However, the memory failed to comfort him now, overshadowed by the daunting tasks ahead.

"Darunia's clan is closest," Impa continued, "so seek him first on Death Mountain. The quickest path leads through my old village, Kakariko."

Link recognized the name, a spark of familiarity amidst the chaos. But the mention of Death Mountain extinguished that small flame of hope. A volcano? He had always thought Malon was exaggerating when she described it as such, a playful nickname rather than a grim reality. It sounded like a place of molten lava and scorching heat rather than cool streams and singing birds.

"Before you embark on your journey," Impa said, "I will teach you a song. It will serve as your mark, identifying you as my messenger. Can you play it?"

Link reached into his pouch, his fingers brushing against the familiar smooth surface of Saria's ocarina. "I have an ocarina," he mumbled, his voice filled with self-doubt. "But I'm not very good at playing it yet."

At Navi's encouragement, Link retrieved his ocarina, a feeling of trepidation mixing with the familiar warmth of the instrument in his hands. Impa whistled a short, solemn melody devoid of the vibrancy that characterised Saria's music. It resonated with a deeper emotion, a song of longing for a carefree past that was slipping away.

His first attempt at replicating the tune was disastrous. The ocarina emitted sounds more akin to a distressed cat than a soothing lullaby. Blushing furiously, Link felt a familiar pang of self-consciousness, memories of the Kokiri who used to tease him behind Saria's back surfacing.

"It takes time, Link," Impa said reassuringly. "Neither I nor the princess will judge you if you make a mistake."

Impa adjusted his hand position on the ocarina with gentle patience, pointing out the specific placements for his fingers. She then played the melody once again, a clear map for Link to follow.

Link focused on each note,  took a deep breath, and slowly replicated the sequence. A feeling of frustration welled up as he missed a note, but he quickly brushed it aside. Another attempt, this time with deliberate focus and measured pace, and finally, the melody flowed smoothly from the ocarina.

"What's it called?" Link asked, lowering the instrument.

"Zelda's Lullaby," Impa replied, but before she could say more, her eyes suddenly narrowed, and she stared across the surrounding garden.

With a spike of alarm, Link's heart skipped a beat. "What's wrong?"

Impa paused, her attention fixed on a particular corner of the garden. A flicker of amusement crossed her face.

"Prince Ewan," she called out, "What have I told you about eavesdropping?"

A small face belonging to none other than Ewan peeked around the corner of a hedge. His wide eyes betrayed his astonishment at being caught, mirrored by the princess's anger.

"Off with you now!" Though Impa's voice was firm, Link could hear a trace of amusement. "And remember, if I catch you doing that again, I will occupy you with tasks you will not enjoy."

The boy disappeared faster than he had appeared, leaving behind a tense silence.

"How much did he hear?" Zelda asked, her voice tight with worry.

Impa shook her head. "Just the sounds of someone learning to play the ocarina. He heard nothing of substance."

Link, still blushing from his earlier performance, suddenly realised something. "Is Ewan your brother? You never mentioned if your mother could help us."

His words hung heavy in the air, and the realization of his mistake dawned on him as Zelda turned away, suddenly downcast. He had seen that look before after asking Malon about her mother.

"I'm sorry," Link fumbled, "I didn't know."

Zelda offered a sad smile. "It was a long time ago, and I was very young. Ewan is my half-brother, born to Queen Lilias Aitken." Seeing Link's blank expression, she continued, "Even if she could help us, she is not well."

Impa added, "Her illness is grave. I fear that if the worst comes to pass, grief will consume the King, and he will be in no condition to act."

"And drink even more than before," Zelda added with a bitterness that surprised Link.

Impa, ever the pragmatist, cut through their emotional turmoil. "We cannot afford to dwell on these worries, Princess. Link, you must retrieve the stones before Ganondorf discovers their absence. Once he finds them missing, we will not have long to act."

"I will get them," Link said with determination.

"And try not to be distracted by every sweet stall we pass," Navi added with a playful wink.

Zelda laughed.

"That would be wise," Impa said without inflection. "Now. I shall escort you back to your inn. I suggest you stay there this time, and I will collect you in the morning," Impa's voice was firm, her eyes stern and piercing. Link swallowed, trying to look innocent.

Before Link could even contemplate just how Impa knew of his escapade, she stepped behind him, clearing her throat and dropping her voice to an urgent whisper. "Forgive me, Link, but if I am to get you out of here, follow my instructions carefully..."

"What... Wait!" Link panicked, wondering just what she had in mind.

With no further warning, Impa grabbed him hard by the arm. Unlike when the Gerudo had seized him, it wasn't enough to injure him, but it still hurt.

Panic welled up inside Link. "What... ouch! You're hurting me!" he protested, struggling against her hold. "I don't like this idea!"

Impa's firm hand cut him off, clamping over his mouth. "Quiet and listen," she hissed. "If I don't make it look like you're in serious trouble, the guards will get suspicious. Just play along."

Once she was sure he would not make a noise, she took her hand away from his face. Link glanced at Zelda, who was biting back a laugh.

"To your lessons, Zelda!" Impa snapped. "Tell Mistress Elara you were with me, and don't give me that look!"

She nudged Link forward, taking more care to avoid hurting him this time. "And you, Navi," Impa added, "try to make yourself scarce."

Navi mumbled something inaudible and vanished into Link's pocket before the guards could spot her. As they reached the main thoroughfare, Impa abruptly stopped. Link's relief was short-lived as she abruptly pinned his arms behind his back and forced his head down, ruining his chance of getting a good look at the castle.

"Ow!" he yelped in pain.

"Quiet!" Impa whispered sharply. "Play along."

She forcefully marched him towards the gate, his arm screaming in protest. "Ouch... ow..." Link whimpered, unable to resist the pain.

Is this really necessary?

Suddenly, Impa paused, her attention drawn to a guard clad in armour similar to Dragayne's, except for the blue sash across his chest. He stood before the main gate, curiously watching as Impa marched Link along.

"Lieutenant Mills?" she called out, her voice cracking as sharp as a whip.

"Yes?" the guard responded, looking between Link and Impa with growing confusion.

"Do you recognize this boy?" Impa asked, her voice dripping with feigned anger.

The lieutenant frowned, scrutinising Link. "No, my lady," he finally replied.

"Then perhaps you could explain," Impa retorted, her voice rising, "how a child snuck into the castle grounds unnoticed on your watch?"

The lieutenant's face flushed crimson. "I... uhh... how did he even get in?" he stammered, visibly flustered.

"He climbed onto an unguarded section of the wall," Impa declared, her anger escalating with each word. "It would seem my duties now include rounding up children, royal or otherwise."

Several other guards gathered around, a mix of embarrassment and annoyance etched on their faces.

"We're sorry, milady," Lieutenant Mills apologised sincerely. "We'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

"You better," Impa snapped. "Consider yourselves lucky it was a child playing a game. The Gerudo may not be so forgiving of such a lapse in your duty, Mills. Neither will Captain Dragayne or the king."

The lieutenant's face paled. "Does His Lordship know about this?" he stammered.

"He does not," Impa answered calmly. "Dragayne does, but I have told him I will deal with this matter personally. Should it happen again, It may be difficult to protect you from his wrath or King Nohansen's."

Relief washed over Lieutenant Mills' face. "Thank you," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "We won't let this happen again. Honestly, I wasn't expecting anyone to climb the wall."

"For the record," Impa retorted, her voice cold, "it's not what you expect that should concern you."

With a final, pointed look at the guards, Impa steered Link away from the gates. As they walked, Link couldn't help but ask, "Were you actually mad at them?"

"Quiet," she ordered curtly, loosening her grip so he could walk beside her, allowing Link to look up.

Despite Impa's stern demeanour, a hint of satisfaction flickered across her face. Without another word, she guided Link back towards the Silver Mare.

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