Rise Of The Owl House

Anthony7410 tarafından

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The first mystic warrior of the Boiling Isles in centuries. Follow AJ and Luz the humans in mystic and magic... Daha Fazla

The lying Witch, a Warden and a Mystic Trainee
Witches before wizards
Origami tsunami
We were teenage abominations
The intruder
Hooty's moving hassle
Lost in language
Once upon a swap
Something ventured, some kids framed
Escape of the palisman
Sense and insensitivity
Owl-pellet adventure shorts
Adventures in the elements
The first day
Really small problems
Understanding Willow
Enchanting grom fright
Wing it like witches and warriors
Agony of a Witch and Mystic Warrior
Young blood, Old souls, Endless hope
Separate tides
Escaping exspulsion
Echos of the past
Keeping up A-fear-acnes
Through the looking glass ruins
Hunting palisman and Mystic Warrior
Eda's reqium
Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door
Eclipse lake
Not everything is in black and white
Yesterday's lie
Follies at the Coven Day Parade
Christmas Special!
Elsewhere. Elsewhen. Elsewho?
Black as night, bright as white
Any sport in a storm
Reaching out
Them's the breaks, kid
Not so happy returns Vol. 1
A dream become reality Vol. 2
Insane in the Battle Nexus Vol. 4
Happy Pride Month
Merry Christmas (Thank you)

Tale of the Yokai Vol. 3

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Anthony7410 tarafından

Open to many, many years ago on Yokai Island. The landscapes on this island world resembled the image of medieval Japan. The landscape was filled with hills, rocks, and dense forests. Most of the animal themed buildings had not been structured or planned to be made yet, and the buildings that stood were homes, dojos, and stores.

But the one building that stood out the most was an old-fashioned styled battle nexus, or originally called "The Big Brawl."

It used to just be a competition that starts every 3 years, warriors against warriors who wished to earn the title, "Champion of all Yokai Island," a big trophy, and bragging rights.

Among the many tented shops stood a food stand with a sign that read, "Meat Sweats, Roadhouse BBQ," selling a wide variety of meats, vegetables, and already prepped meals.

From inside the tent, the sounds of loud crashes, pots and pans falling to the ground, and even a cat hissing and meowing loudly. A second later, children versions of Tiger Claw and Splinter, both at the ages of 8 years, come running out of a tent, hopping over the front counter with their arms full of food.

Child Splinter was laughing happily as Child Tiger Claw was yelping and panting as they get run out and chased by the owner of the shop, an overweight pig Yokai named Meat Sweats with a meat masher in hand made out of concrete as the base of the tool and a bone acting as the grip handle.

Meat Sweats: Get back here, you little thieving fur balls!

He chases after the young Yokai's as every other Yokai in the area either move aside for the children and Meat Sweats, run away, or get trampled by them.

Child Splinter: *Looks back with a big grin* Why don't you chase and make us porkchop!?

Child Tiger Claw: *Side glares at him* What do you think he is doing?!

Meat Sweats squeals loudly as he continues to chase after the young Yokai's. This goes on for a long minute of the children running and passing by other Yokai with the pig Yokai hot on their tails. Child Splinter thinks fast by kicking over a box full of apples, scattering them all all across the ground. Meat Sweats squeals loudly as he accidentally steps onto the apples and trips over them like a pile of marbles on the ground.

Child Splinter: Yeah-ha-ha! *Looks to Child Tiger Claw* Did you see that T Claw?!

Child Tiger Claw: *Chuckles from Meat Sweats fall* Okay, that was pretty funny.

Child Splinter: *Laughs happily* Booyakasha!

They both round the nearest corner, but they suddenly run into the back elderly Yokai's turtle shell, knocking them back on their behinds and dropping the food in their hands. Child Tiger Claw pushes himself up off the ground while rubbing the top of his head and groaning. Child Splinter did the same but started to recover all the food they dropped.

Child Splinter: *To the turtle Yokai* Hey, will you watch where you're standing yah old geezer! *Stands up and helps Child Tiger Claw up his brothers' feet with his free arm* Some of us are trying to snag good food!

Child Tiger Claw: Splints! *Lightly smacks his brothers arm with the back of his hand* Don't talk to an old man like that!

Turtle Yokai: *Chuckles* No, no. It is quite alright.

The brothers look to the turtle Yokai, watching him slowly turn around to them with the help of his purple grip taped staff, revealing himself to be Yoshi.

Yoshi: I've gotten many remarks for my age, *Shakes his head with a smile* but I do not let that push me down into my shell.

(BTW, Yoshi is about 5,2 now, and the same in the previous chapters he was in.)

Child Splinter: *Raises a brow* Uh, yeah. That's great, *Picks up a carrot with a yellow eye off the ground* but we should get going.

Child Tiger Claw: Yes. *Begins to pick up the stolen food* We gotta get-

Meat Sweats: There you are!

Both Child Splinter and Child Tiger Claw gasp in surprise and Yoshi hummed curiously, all turning to see Meat Sweats had caught up with the boys, and was about to strike them down with the meat masher in his hands.

Meat Sweats: I got you now, you little-!

Yoshi: *Stretched his arms outward* Ahh, there you boys are.

Meat Sweats/Child Splinter/Child Tiger Claw: *All turn to Yoshi with raised brows* Huh?

Yoshi: I have been worried sick. *Walks closer to the boys, placing his free hand on Child Tiger Claw's shoulder* I know you both get rather hungry, but stealing is never the right answer.

Child Tiger Claw looked up to Yoshi, feeling very confused why Yoshi was attempting to help him and his brother

Child Splinter: What are you on abou- *Gets interrupted by Yoshi bonking his staff on his head* Ow! *Clutches his head, dropping the food that was in his hands to the ground*

Yoshi: Enough my son.

Child Splinter and Child Tiger Claw go wide-eyed to hear Yoshi calling Child Splinter his son. Meat Sweats Lowers his meat masher as he looked dubious by Yoshi's attempts to help the children get out of trouble.

Meat Sweats: These are your sons? *Chuckles with a snort* You expect me to believe these trouble makers are your children?

Yoshi: I don't expect anything of you. *Looks down to the young brothers* But I do expect you boys to apologize, while I pay off for *Points his staff to Meat Sweats* this man's hard work going to waist.

Child Tiger Claw and Child Splinter both look conflicted on what to do or say. But once Child Tiger Claw saw the trusting smile on Yoshi's face, he eventually complied with Yoshi's request by turning to Meat Sweats and bowing his head to the chef.

Child Tiger Claw: I'm sorry for stealing and wasting your food.

Child Splinter looked confused to see his brother actually listening to a random old man. Child Tiger Claw peeked his left eye out to his brother, then Meat Sweats, then back to him a few times, hinting him to bow as well before closing his eye.

Child Splinter: *Groans, bowing his head to Meat Sweats* I'm sorry too.

Yoshi: *Digs through the pouch attached to hid belt, pulling out 30 snails; To Meat Sweats* Will this be enough?

Meat Sweats: *Snorts as he exhaled a small cloud of his breath* If you make sure these little vermin never come anywhere near my shop ever again, *Puts away his meat masher, swiping the snails out of Yoshi's hands* then I'll consider it more than enough.

Yoshi: *Bows his head* Duely noted, Mr. Meat Sweats.

Meat Sweats snorts again before turning away and heading back to his shop. The young brothers and Yoshi lifted their heads up once he left as the young brothers turned and looked up to Yoshi.

Child Tiger Claw: Why did you help us?

Child Splinter: Yeah, *Points at Yoshi* and what's with you calling me your son?

Yoshi: You two are too young to start our lives as thieves. Simply asking for someone's help can get you what you need to live life to the fullest.

Child Splinter: *Defensive* We ask for people's help!

Child Tiger Claw: *Furrows his eyebrows* No we don't.

Child Splinter turns to him with a slight glare.

Yoshi: *Smiles* Then I assume neither of you would object to me making you both something to eat?

Child Tiger Claw: *Smiles brightly hearing this* That would be very nice.

Child Splinter goes to decline Yoshi's request, but he was interrupted by the sounds of his own stomach growling. Child Tiger Claw turns him a little surprised by his brothers stomach growling, but immediately holds up a balled up fist to his mouth, doing his best to stifle his laughter.

Child Splinter growls at his brother as he blushes brightly red out of embarrassment. In the corner of his eye, he sees Yoshi giving him a small but noticeable smugness in the old Yokai's smile.

Child Splinter: *Grunts* Fine.

Yoshi: Great to hear. *Raises a hand* But first.

He draws a spell circle, summoning a few green ringed portals under the waisted food, letting gravity take them away before the portals dissappear. The young brothers gasp in shock and amazement by the display of magic by Yoshi.

Yoshi: *Chuckles* Come along now. *Turns around and begins to lead the boys to his home*

Child Tiger Claw: *Swings his arm around his brothers shoulder and pats him* Come on, cheer up. At least we'll get a free meal without having to run this time.

Child Splinter: *Sighs as his blush goes away* Yeah, alright.

They both follow after Yoshi with Child Tiger Claw's arm still wrapped around Child Splinter's shoulders.

After a short walk, Yoshi and the young brothers arrive to an average sized dojo that Yoshi used to live in. Two red tapestries hung from either side of the front entrance, both with pictures of the Hamato clan symbol.

Both brothers: *In awe of the dojo* Whoa.

Yoshi smiled by the boys amazement as he continued to make his way to his home with the boys still behind him.

Cut to some time after they walked into Yoshi's home, the elderly turtle cooked ramen for himself and the boys. Yoshi had cucumbers in his ramen, melted spider cow cheese in Child Splinter's ramen, and deer meat in Tiger Claw's ramen.

They all enjoyed their meals together at a dining small table, all sitting down on their knees, also resting on flat pillows at the dining table. Yoshi ate his food politely with his chop sticks, while Child Splinter and Child Tiger Claw were doing the exact opposite. The boys did eat with chop sticks, but they were eating their ramen all sloppy and getting the flavored water all over their already dirty clothes.

Tiger Claw: *Narrating* And that day forward, Yoshi had taken us into his home and raised us as his own sons, and our father.

A few years later, both Splinter and Tiger Claw have both grown at the ages of 15, both now wearing clean hakama clothing. Splinter's hakama shirt was colored brown and his pants were colored yellow, and Tiger Claws hakama shirt was colored light blue and pants were a greyish brown.

They both stand next to each other with Yoshi in front of them. The preteen brothers are following the fluid kata movements Yoshi is demonstrating to them. Both Preteen Splinter and Preteen Tiger Claw followed his example, both in sync with each other, and their master.

Tiger Claw: *Narrating* He trained us in the arts of ninjitsu. To protect ourselves, each other, and those who cannot protect themselves.

Cut to inside of Yoshi's dojo room, four tapestries of the Hamato symbol hung from the roof. Two each side of a shrine, respecting the memory of the first Mystic Warriors and witches, including Oroku Saki.

Yoshi sat on his knees in front of the shrine with his eyes closed, facing his sons that sat on their knees as well.

Teen Splinter: So what's the lesson today Sensai? *Holds his fist to his waist* You gonna teach us some kind of heart disintegrating move? A new magic spell that traps our enemies in place? *Gasps excitedly* How to immobilize our enemies with just a finger?!

Teen Tiger Claw smacks the back of his head, making his exclaim and clutch the back of his head.

Teen Tiger Claw: Splints, those all sound ridiculous.

Teen Splinter: *Lifts his head up to his brother* I think they all sound awesome!

Yoshi: Yame.

Both theens: *They stop their arguing, face forward and bow their heads to him* Hai sensai.

Yoshi: There is no training for today. *Opens his eyes* Instead, I wish to tell you boys about a vision I had.

Teen Tiger Claw: *Lifts his head* About what Sensai?

Teen Splinter: *Lifts his head* Yeah, about what?

Yoshi: Do you boys remember the tale about the defeat of The Shredder?

Teen Splinter: Like how he was turned to stone by some magic weapons?

Teen Tiger Claw: *Turns to his brother* "Mystic" weapons. *Turns back to Yoshi as Preteen Splinter squinted his eyes at him* But, what about it sensai?

Yoshi: Last night, I had used my oracle magic as I was in a deep meditative trance. My vision showed me the return of Oroku Saki, The Shredder.

Both teens gasped and their eyes widen in shock of this news.

Teen Splinter: Shred face is coming back?

Yoshi: Yes my son. But, not for a long time.

Teen Tiger Claw: Did you see anything else?

Yoshi: Yes, I foresaw a young warrior from beyond this realm.

He shakily raises his hand and draws a spell circle, casting an illusion all along the room, surrounding them all in darkness. The teenage brothers were caught off by this but soon looked forward to Yoshi and see him creating an illusion of AJ's silhouette with a light green aura in the shape of the Hamato symbol in the silhouettes chest area.

Yoshi: The Mystic Warriors plan will soon become a reality, and their descendant will harness all the mystic powers from their weapons.

More illusions appear all around the silhouettes in the forms of the mystic weapons. The tonfas glowing red, kusari fundo glowing orange, bo staff glowing purple, and katanas glowing blue.

AJ's silhouette eyes soon open to reveal them glowing bright white before all the weapons change into balls of mystic aura in their respective colors and absorb into AJ's silhouette body, bringing more color to the darkened figure, and all four of the mystic colors swirling all around in the silhouettes body and all around the light green hamato symbol.

Teen Tiger Claw: *Eyes sparkling in amazement of Yoshi's illusion* Whoa..

Teen Splinter: *Tilts his head to the side, squinting his eyes at the silhouette* I always thought this destined mystic warrior would be taller.

He raised his back up straight as Yoshi summoned 8 more silhouettes appearing beside or behind AJ's glowing silhouette, all with colorful auras surrounding their silhouettes, all resembling the boys girlfriend's, his mentor, his demon Jaguar, and his friends. Luz's had a violet aura, Eda's silhouette was grey with a golden aura, King's was orange and blue, Millie's was magenta with orange sparkles, Amity's was lavender, Cassandra's was red, Willow's was green, and Gus' was light blue.

Tiger Claw: *Narrating* His vision told of you all arriving our island one day, to defeat The Shredder and stop a threat that will take control of our home.

Tiger Claw: An arachnid Yokai, scheming to trap the denizens of this island in her web.

Many years later, Tiger Claw and Splinter have both now grown at the ages of 23 and skillful ninja warriors. They both tried to participate in the big brawl 3 years ago, but Yoshi had wished for them to help clean up their home instead. Tiger Claw and especially Splinter were both annoyed of their sensais request, but they obeyed and helped Yoshi clean the dojo.

But today, Yoshi allowed them to join the big brawl tournament. The rules of the tournament are that only one contender wins the tournament, certain types of weapons are allowed, and only a mild amount of magic can be used.

Throughout the tournament, they have faced off powerful Yokai's, like a tuby black widow spider Yokai, a mind reading monkey, acrobatic crabs, and even a silverfish that could multiply.

Tiger Claw: *Narrating* We agreed to not hold back and that it would be all in good fun.

But both brothers have traversed through every challenge that got in their way to victory until they finally reached the final round against each other.

Tiger Claw: *Narrating* But, something changed.

As their battle was about to start, Tiger Claw noticed Splinter looking off to the audience. He was about to look in the direction Splinter was looking, but the gong had already rung, commencing their battle for championship.

Tiger Claw: *Narrating* I had hoped our battle would rage on for hours, like we had hoped. But it was nothing of the sort.

Their fight did last for a long period of time. Only Splinter seemed to be trying to end the battle quickly in the most impressive way possible with a smug grin that always annoyed his brother. Splinter's planned seemed to be working as Tiger Claw was getting very irritated by his brothers shameful way of fighting.

Tiger Claw: *Narrating* It became too much.

Tiger Claw roars loudly at his brother before swinging his claws wildly, only to miss multiple times by Splinter evading and ducking his slashes.

Splinter: *Chuckles as he skips back with a big grin* Ohohoh yeah. There's that tiger temper I like to see.

Tiger Claw grunts, going for a swinging high kick, but Splinter hops backward, landing on his hands, and hops back one more time, dodging Tiger Claw attempts to sweep him off his hands.

Splinter: *Lands on his feet* Hey bro, have you ever done this before?

Tiger Claws snarls, jumping forward, twirls in a circle mid-air as he raises up his left foot and attempts to strike his brother with an axe kick. But Splinter simply hopped back and dodged the kick just by an inch from his tail.

Splinter: *Hops back again with his back a foot away from the wall, putting a hand on his hip* Aww, come on. You call that an attack?

Tiger Claw grunts once again, baring his fangs, lunging towards his brother with his claws out. Only for Splinter to kart wheel away, leaving Tiger Claw to stab his claws into the concrete wall. Tiger Claw huffs through his nose as he retracts his claws out from the wall and turns to see Splinter standing a short distance away and letting out a chuckle, feeling superior.

Tiger Claw fully turns to his brother, taking a quick breath to ease the anger building up inside him and getting into a stance with his fists raised.

Splinter: *Rolls his eyes and waves his hand up to his chest playfully* Alright. Finally, *Gets into the same stance as his brother* some excitement.

Tiger Claw: Will you stop acting so *Rushes his brother with a raised fist* smug?!

He swings both his fists towards his brother, only Splinter to duck and avoid his attacks. Splinter hops up in the air, avoiding another swing from Tiger Claw, and delivers a mid-air spinning back kick to his brothers cheek.

Tiger Claw grunts and manages to shake off the kick to his face. He and Splinter both now take strikes at each other, both blocking and evading each other until Tiger Claw finally lands a sucker punch across his brothers face.

Splinter stumbles back from his brothers strike but shakes off the attack and takes a stance. Tiger Claw rushes towards his brother and furiously takes swings at him, only for Splinter block his punches.

Splinter: Funny thing about anger, T Claw. Let it consume you, and soon enough.

He pushes back Tiger Claws fists and jumps up into the air, performing Light as a Feather jitsu and dissappearing out of Tiger Claw's sight.

Tiger Claw frantically looks around for any sign of his brother. His left flicks back after Splinter suddenly rises up from behind him.

Splinter: *Whispers in his ear* You lose sight of everything.

Tiger Claw snarls, swinging his fist back to hit Splinter, but Splinter ducks down and moves to the side. Tiger Claw looks down to where Splinter moved, only to be met with a devastating uppercut by Splinter. The force from his brothers punch sends him flying straight up into the air over 9 feet up and falls back to the ground on his stomach, two meters away from Splinter.

The audience all around begin to cheer loudly for Splinter's victory, but for some reason, they scream out the name, "Rat Jitsu." instead of Splinter.

Tiger Claw groans, lifting himself up onto his knees, and looks back to see Splinter basking in the cheering of the audience with his back turned to him.

Tiger Claw: *Narrating* This did not feel fun for me. And it only angered me more once he explained why he was like this.

Some time after, they had returned back home after Splinter received his trophy. Tiger Claw persistently questioned why Splinter was acting so high and mighty during their brawl. Splinter had told his brother that he was just trying to impress a very attractive girl that he encountered a couple of weeks back, who was also in the audience at the time.

Tiger Claw was stunned hearing his brother admit that he was humiliating him during their battle over a woman he met.

They both arrived at Splinter's bedroom, and Splinter entered his room with his trophy and spoke to his brother quickly speaking.

Splinter: I know I was a bit of a jerk, but I also know it wasn't a big deal for you since you're my brother and you can handle it. *Grabs the doorknob* Love you, T Claw.

He shuts his bedroom door in Tiger Claw's face. This just makes Tiger Claw more upset as he lets out a low growl.

Tiger Claw was able to let this go after some time, for now he was upset by Splinter was noticeably absent during a portion of the day, when it was time for training with Yoshi, and even a sneaking suspicion of Splinter sneaking out at night.

Eda: *Narrating* And the woman he was seeing betrayed him, forced him to join the under new management Battle Nexus-

As he spoke, the flashbacks stopped to show him and everyone else in the same lounge area where Tiger Claw healed up AJ's ankle. Tiger Claw stood in the middle of the room as he telled the Mad Dogs his and Splinter's childhood. AJ, Luz, Amity, Eda, and King sat together on the couch in the room with AJ in the middle of the couch and his right leg was fidgeting by hopping up and down, Luz sat on his right with Amity sitting next to her, and Eda sat on AJ's left with King's head poking out from her hair.

Leatherhead and Draxum with both Huginn and Muninn perched on his shoulders stood at one corner of the room. Maxie stood in another corner of the room with Lotis still in her arms, the infant sleeping in his mothers arms, and Willow, Gus, and Cassandra sat on the floor together in front of the couch.

Eda: *Furrowed eyebrows* And took away their adopted serpent babies as he was left to fight against powerful warriors that weren't afraid to end him.

Tiger Claw: *Sigh* I was getting to that, but yes.

AJ: *Huffs out a short breath, runs his hand through his hair* This is.. a lot to process.

Tiger Claw: *Crosses his arms up to his chest; To AJ* From what you have told me about these "movies" and "comics," they say nothing about how he went missing. Including one of the infants he and Big Mama adopted.

Willow: Missing?

She and everyone else looked over to AJ for anything about Lou Jitsu missing.

AJ: *Cups his chin as his leg continued to fidget* Well, there was a comic issue about how Lou Jitsu left without a trace for a spiritual quest. *Shrugs, raising his hands up to his chest level* But I've never red or watched anything about Lou Jitsu and one of his daughters missing.

Luz: Yeah, he always finds his way out of a problem *Makes karate chopping motions* with his kicken ninjitsu skills, *Sets her hands down* and gets back home to his scaley babies, and sensai Yuuta.

Tiger Claw: *Squints his eyes, dreading to ask this next question* What about a brother? Was there any mention of this Lou Jitsu having a sibling?

AJ furrows his eyebrows a little as his leg begins to go at a slower pace. He looks down, trying to remember anything about Lou Jitsu having a sibling, but sadly, he was drawing a blank.

AJ: *Shakes his head* No. *Looks up Tiger Claw* I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can remember about him having a brother or sibling, for that matter. The only time the Lou Jitsu franchise has ever mentioned you was in the 1 fish, 2 fish, Red fish - Dead fish comic series.

Everyone in the room looks over to Tiger Claw in sympathy for him. They all saw Tiger Claw lowering his head down in sorrow of this information. They all sat/stood there in silence for a few long seconds, not sure of what to say next.

Huginn: *Shrugs with a nervous grin* Hey, who's to say this Lou Jitsu is the same battle nexus champion Rat Jitsu.

Muninn: Yeah, for all we know, it could be another famous Yokai warrior who dated Big Mama and had adopted children.

Huginn: *Nods his head* Exactly. It's like you run into a celebrity that looks just like you, and coincidentally had the same lifestyle as you.

Everyone just deadpanned to them trying to reassure Tiger Claw. Huginn and Muninn both sweat drop and chuckle nervously by everyone's expression.

Tiger Claw lifts his head up, taking a quick breath, and huffs it out before opening his stoic eyes.

Tiger Claw: Let me just finish my tale.

More flashbacks of Tiger Claw's younger life continue, showcasing inside of Yoshi's dojo. His suspensions of Splinter had been answered as both he and Yoshi stood next to each other in the dojo room, with Splinter and the beautiful he met standing in front of them.

It had been 3 months since the big brawl, Splinter, and the beautiful woman had apparently been in a relationship for a couple of months, and Splinter finally decided to have his father and brother meet his girlfriend.

The beautiful woman was a light purple skinned witch with long wavy silver hair, she wore dark purple and violet dress, black platform shoes, violet and berry colored bracelets on each of her wrists, a pair of teal squared glasses with blue lenses, and large gold ear rings.

Her name was Big Mama.

Yoshi was delighted to meet the women that stole Splinter's heart, but Tiger Claw was getting a strange feeling from this petite witch, like something was not right about this person. But that train of thought had stopped after Splinter announced some things shocking to him and Yoshi.

Splinter: Pops, T Claw, I'm moving out and living with Big Mama.

This received mixed reactions from Yoshi and Tiger Claw. Yoshi was taken back by this, but immediately grew cheerful of this news. He, of course, was upset to hear one of his sons moving out from under his roof, but he was more happy to know his son is going to be living with the woman of his dreams.

Tiger Claw, however, was completely dumbstruck of this news. He honestly didn't know what to say about his brother moving out all of a sudden.

And before he knew it, a mere couple of days have pasted, and pretty much all of Splinter's possessions have been packed into wooden crates and strong bags. Splinter and Big Mama had found a decent home located at a rather far distance from the dojo, and they're moving today. All happening in such a quick blur for Tiger Claw.

Once the couple were about to leave, Splinter gave a quick goodbye to his father and brother. Splinter and Yoshi hugged for about a long 3 minutes, which they honestly wished had lasted a little longer, and as they continued to hug, Tiger Claw stood off to the side with his arms crossed and an annoyed look on his face.

Splinter: I love ya, pops.

Yoshi: I love you too, son. *Pats his back* Be sure to visit sometime, okay?

Splinter: *Pats him back, pulls away from the hug* Of course.

Splinter then walked over to Tiger Claw, who still just stood there with his arms crossed and an agitated expression. Splinter opens his arms wide for Tiger Claw with his casual grin

Splinter: Come on, bro. *Waves his hands for Tiger Claw to hug him back* Bring it in.

Tiger Claw grunts, reluctantly opens his arms, and hugs his brother. Splinter had tightened his embrace around his beloved brother.

Splinter: We can still each other, you know? Don't have to keep giving me the silent treatment.

Tiger Claw just stayed silent as he tightened his embrace around his brother as well. His eyes squinted and pursed his lips, almost as if he was contemplating on what to say to his brother.

After a short silence of hugging between two brothers, Tiger Claw and Splinter slowly pulled away from their hug.

Tiger Claw: *Manages to give a small smile* See you again soon, Splints.

Splinters nods while salute to his brother with his index and middle finger and walks off to Big Mama, both him and her walking off with a few of Splinter's belonging in their hands.

Yoshi and Splinter watched them as the couple took their leave, but they saw Big Mama looking back to them with her eyes squinting and a small smirk on her face. This threw Tiger Claw a little aloof by this because he could've sworn he saw a hint of mischievous in that closed smile.

2 years and 8 months later, a few days before the next big brawl starts. From within Yoshi's dojo room, him and Tiger Claw have brooms in hands, sweeping the floors together and getting out all the dust through an open curtain door that leads to the backyard

Tiger Claw was still living under Yoshi's roof and has become the breadwinner of the house for Yoshi, since old age was affecting most of Yoshi's ability to do outside work. In these past couple of years, Tiger Claw has actually not visited his brother very often, which present Tiger Claw didn't feel comfortable explaining at the moment.

As they swept, Tiger Claw's left ear suddenly began to twitch in the direction of the opened screen door. He can hear the faint sounds of two gargoyles wings flapping rapidly in the distance. He looks over to the doorway to see Yoshi sweeping some dust out from the room and outside. He could see two small dark figures flying closer and closer to their home.

Tiger Claw stepped closer to the doorway, readying the broom stick to be used as a weapon. But he was stopped by Yoshi lightly pushing him back with the top end of his broom. Tiger Claw stopped in place and looked to his sensai while lowering his broom and raising a brow.

Yoshi: *Looks up to him with a smile* They are not foe. *Shuts his eyes and goes back to sweeping* You may also want to take a few steps back.

Tiger Claw hums, nodding his head, and takes a few steps back as advised. Seconds later, the younger Huginn and Muninn both come flying in through the back door. Huginn just catches himself from hitting the ground at last second, and posing with his left arm pointing outward with a rolled up letter wrapped with a red ribbon in hand, which had noticeable spots that have been soaked and dried up, and flexing his right arm. But Muninn was opposite with landing beak first into the wooden floor board.

Huginn: *Looks down to his brother, hurriedly picks Muninn up on his feet* Come on, dude, we gotta look cool in front of the ninja masters.

Muninn: *Stands up with the help of his brother, whilst rubbing his beak* Sorry, sorry. Got a little too excited.

They both were then met with the top end of a broom in their faces, prompting them to let out shocked yelps and hold each other close. Yoshi slowly stepped next to Tiger Claw as his son spoke.

Tiger Claw: What purpose do you gargoyles have for barging into our home?

Huginn: *Gulps the bit of saliva in his mouth* W-we're here to give you an urgent message. *Shakily holds out the letter to Tiger Claw* From Rat Jitsu.

Tiger Claw groans annoyedly by his brothers stage name, tosses the broom aside, and takes the letter out of the short gargoyle claw. As he begins to unwrap the ribbon around the paper, Huginn and Muninn take this chance to marvel at being in the presence of the turtle and tiger Yokai's with sparkles in their blood red eyes.

Huginn: *Whispers to his brother* Do you think the boss is okay with open shoulder relationships?

Muninn: *Deeply sighs* I wish.

Tiger Claw unfurls the letter and begins to read out the poorly written letter with Yoshi raising his head up higher to read the letter along with his son.

"deaR pOps and T CLaW,

so APParenTLy T CLaW was rIghT aBOut My *Whatever was written, or what was attempted to written was erased and written over four separate times* lOOk BIg MaMa was ApParently the SpiDer fRom poPs 's vIsioN anD, hAs takeN ControL oF the biG bRawl"

Tiger Claw let out an audible gasp after reading out that part of the letter as his eyes widened a little.

Yoshi: *His head lowers down, distraught of this information* Oh no. My worst fears have been realized.

Tiger Claw: *Sighs through nose, looks through the rest of the letter* There's more.

"SHe saId sHes gOnNa maKe The neW Battle NeXUs A little More inTeresting. she iS keePing me as Her Battle NeXUs cHamPion aNd tooK oUr cHildren aWay from Me."

Tiger Claw: *Does a double take on the children part* Wait- children?!

Yoshi: *Lifts his head up* I'm sorry? *Stretches his head up and reads the sentence between the parentheses* "Before you freak out T Claw, their adopted babies we found on the streets about a month ago. Their weren't any signs of their parents around."

Tiger Claw huffs after Yoshi read that part but continues to read the last bit of the letter.

"I Really Need your guys help. please Im sorry. I dont Wanna Be raT JiTsu aNyMore.


Tiger Claw's thump clutches onto the letter just a little after he finishes reading the letter and lowers his hands down as he begins to think to himself in his head. But he only had a few seconds to think before he felt a sudden tap on his shoulder. He turns around to see Yoshi catching his attention with his staff in hand and his personal machete in Yoshi's other hand.

Yoshi: Is there really a need to think about what to do? *Tosses the machete to his son, who catches the blade by its handle with no trouble; Smiles brightly to his son* Let's go save your brother and kick some arachnid butt.

Tiger Claw grew a small smirk on his face, twirls the machete in his hand before placing away his weapon in the holster strapped to his back.

Huginn: So... *Yoshi and Tiger Claw looked over to him, and Muninn: Holds up a pen in hand* Is it a bad time to ask for an autograph?

Muninn smiled happily as he somehow pulled out a portraits of Tiger Claw and Yoshi, one in each of his claws. Yoshi just chuckles at them, while Tiger Claw frowns and face palms.

By the end of the day, the sky was a beautiful golden orange, and the sun was halfway set. After Yoshi and Tiger Claw created a plan and prepared themselves to go save Splinter, they had gotten the help of past Draxum, along with what little help Huginn and Muninn could provide. The three had barged their way into the Battle Nexus and have done everything they could to find Splinter, his children, and Big Mama.

During their search to find them, they fought their way through a small army of normal sized and very buff gargoyles in the newly built dungeon to keep all the warriors for Big Mama's Battle Nexus. Along the way, they found the giant scaly Yokai that is Leatherhead. He was chained along the walls of the darkest ends of the dungeon, away from all the other prisoners, even having strong tape wrapped around and a strong muzzle clamped down on his long and powerful jaw.

Yoshi, Tiger Claw, and Draxum freed and gained the trust of this misunderstood Yokai, including any other Yokai they found imprisoned. They all continue to venture through the interiors of the battle arena, but Tiger Claw to go off on his own to find Splinter, his brothers daughters, and Big Mama while Yoshi, Draxum, and Leatherhead had to fight off more incoming gargoyles and even some Oni Yokai that were ordered to assist the gargoyles.

Fortunately for Tiger Claw, once he found himself in the middle of the arena of the Battle Nexus, he looked up and saw Splinter inside Big Mama's personal suite to view the battles she will run. In the very room, Splinter has his adopted newt baby in his arms, along with Big Mama in her normal form with her adopted snake baby, Karai, in her smaller arms.

Tiger Claw didn't even blink an eye before heading straight to the suite. After a few minutes, he finally arrives at the beautifully built wooden door that occupies Big Mama's personal suite. He could hear the Muffled sounds of Big Mama and Splinter struggling, the baby newt and baby Karai both crying and bawling loudly, but the other sound that surprised him was the growling and roars of a Splixsin Jaguar.

Tiger Claw grunts, unsheathing his machete from his holster, spins it hand, and slashes the doorknob off the wooden door as the sounds of the Splixsin Jaguar in the room roared in agony. He kicks the knobless door wide open and readies his blade to save his brother.

Tiger Claw: *Narrating* But once I was in, they were already gone.

In Tiger Claw's sights, he saw Big Mama clutching onto baby Karai in her small claws, and her right big claw bairef and raised with orange blood on her sharp nails. The Splixsin Jaguar was bleeding heavily through a slash from Big Mama across its mouth, staining the carpet below its feet from the orange blood pouring from its mouth and face. Finally, he saw Splinter in the famous Lou Jitsu light blue flared leg jumpsuit that was given to by Yoshi, both him and the newt baby in his arms splattered with the Splixsin Jaguars orange blood.

Tiger Claw lightly gasped at the sight. And before anyone could anything else, the Splixsin Jaguar snarled at Big Mama before teleporting away in orange sparkles. The magical creature teleportation somehow made the orange blood on Splinter and the newt baby to react as well somehow. The gold medallion that was attached to the waist of Splinter's jumpsuit was noticeably glowing brightly along with the orange blood and a light blue electricity aura surrounding their bodies before finally.

Splinter and his newt baby dissappear in orange sparkles and leave a scorch mark on the ground where the rat yokai stood.

There was only silence. Silence and a faint ringing in Tiger Claw's ears as he stood stiff, eyes widen, and his slit irises grew skinnier as he continued to stare at the spot where his beloved brother once stood.

Tiger Claw: Splints...?

And just like when Splinter moved out, everything went by in a blur. Tiger Claw failed to save baby Karai from Big Mama. He, Yoshi, Draxum, Huginn, Muninn, and Leatherhead barely made it out of the Battle Nexus before they could be captured by Big Mama. The Yokai they helped release weren't as fortunate as their saviors and were caged back into their cold cells.

They all helplessly watched as Big Mama not only took control over the Battle Nexus grew, she gained a big influence on the people of this island. Buildings, tools, and even magic growing more advanced, unlike anything Yoshi has ever seen in his long lived life.

Tiger Claw: *Narrating* Big Mama grew more and more powerful.

Yoshi and Tiger Claw were ambush by the Oni Yokai, and were run out of their homes, only to watch in horror as their home was being burnt to the ground by the burning torches in the Oni's hands.

Tiger Claw: *Narrating* Our home was destroyed.

Luckily, Yoshi had anticipated an attack from Big Mama's Oni soldiers, and with Draxum generousity to allow them to take refuge in the goat Yokai's laboratory, they all were able to move as much of their belongings into building as they could.

Tiger Claw is seen making his new room, which didn't have much but a single mattress on the floor with covers and pillows, a small desk in the corner of the room.

Tiger Claw held a photograph of Child him, Child Splinter, and Yoshi all together standing in front of Yoshi's dojo. Yoshi held his sons close to them with his arms around their shoulders, all three smiling in the picture.

Tiger Claw: *Narrating* Splinter is... who knows where.

The scenery around the photo in Tiger Claws hand fades back to the present day in the spare room. Tiger Claw somberly looked at the photo in his hand as everyone stayed silent in a respectful manner.

Tiger Claw: *His grip on the photo grew tighter, the Claw in his thumb nearly puncturing through the photo film* I failed.

A few more seconds go by as a dreadful silence falls onto everyone with only the faint sounds of Leatherhead's soft hiss breathing, giving sound to the quiet room.

AJ had his upper arms resting on his legs and his hands gripping his knees. His fidgeting leg finally stops hopping up and down, his foot planting down on the carpeted floor. The stomp his foot made was enough to everyone to look at him.

AJ: You're right. *Stands up with his head down* You did fail. *Lifts his head up to reveal an uplifting smile on his face, flashing his snaggletooth* But you have a second chance to make it right again. *Spreads his arms out, gesturing to his freinds/family* And we're willing to help.

Tiger Claw, Leatherhead, Draxum, Huginn, and Muninn all five raise a brow together and stare at him curiously, along with the Mad Dogs looking up to him with the same amount of curiousness.

AJ: *Steps to the middle of the room with his arms down, looks up to Tiger Claw* If the comparison between Splinter and Lou Jitsu is much more than a coincidence, then whatever happened to your brother, the Splixsin Jaguar must've caused him to teleport all the way to the human realm.

Tiger Claw: *Lowers his hand down a little* With all the evidence you have provided, then it must be true.

AJ nods to him. He then looks back to Luz, Eda, and Amity. He holds up his right hand, pressing the tips of his index finger and thumb, making a ring in front of his right eye, and nudges his head over to Tiger Claw twice.

Eda and Luz both take the hint. Eda sighs, giving a small smile and nodding, while Luz lightly gasped and nods her head rapidly with a smile. King and Amity both understood as well, the witch girl grows a small smile on her face, and King's lower eye lids rise up as a happy expression from AJ's generousity.

AJ: *Nods, lowering his hand back down as he looks back to Tiger Claw* Tiger Claw, me and Luz are working to build a special door that can transport us between realms so we can get back home. If things haven't changed in the past few months, then both the "Author" of Lou Jitsu, and his daughter may still be kickin' it in the Human Realm.

Hearing him utter those words, understanding what he was implying, Tiger Claw's eyes widen as the grip on the photo in his hand softens

AJ: After we build a proper working portal door, we can help you reunite with your brother and meet the one neice that won't try to kill you. *As he spoke, he takes a few steps closer to Tiger Claw, who pockets the photo away* But first, we gotta pull an oversized web upchucker back behind the line she crossed. *Holds his left hand out to him for a handshake* What do you say?

Tiger Claw just stares at the young warrior for a few seconds before his lips curl up, giving the teenaged boy a sincere smile. He grabs a hold of the boys hand, and due to Tiger Claw's big hands, he grabbed a hold of AJ's entire hand and wrist.

Tiger Claw: I'd say, *Shakes his hand, and pretty much the boys whole arm and shoulder* thank you. *Let's go of his hand* But first, we must rest. We've all had a very eventful evening.

He then takes his leave out of the room, making his way to the spare bedrooms he and his friends have set up as everyone then got up off the ground/couch and up on their feet. Draxum soon follows after Tiger Claw, motioning his hand for the others to follow.

Draxum: Come, we will show you to your temporary rooms.

Leatherhead follows after now as well, but stops in front of AJ for a moment and gives the boy a couple of gentle headpats. AJ's sparkling widened in pure happiness from Leatherhead's pats and watches as the giant lizard leaves the room.

His astonished stare then dissappears once he feels something small jump onto his right shoulder. He turns to see it was King who had jumped on his shoulder, as well as seeing his friends, girlfriends, and teacher stepping over beside him. Maxie was behind all the Mad Dogs, her face still riddled with guilt of giving Big Mama information about her saviors.

King: *Raises a brow* So, how exactly are we going to save Millie, defeat Big Mama, and free all those Yokai and jaguars?

AJ: It needs a few more key items, *Smirks* but we sort of already have a plan.

Everyone equally raised a brow and tilted their heads to the side, confused after he said this.

AJ: Hm. *Looks to Luz* Hey Luz, do you have Millie's birthday plan on you?

Luz: Uh, yeah. *Digs into her pant pocket and pulls out the folded list* But what does it have to do with- *Eyes widened after she remembered what the paper said* Ohhh!

AJ: *Nods to her* Exactly.

He took a glance to the side and saw the distraught look on Maxies face, who was looking down at her baby infant in her arms.

AJ: Maxie? *Grabs the woman's attention* Are you doing okay?

Maxie: I-... *Sighs slightly lowers her down* I am so sorry. *Holds her son closer* For everything..

Surprisingly, everyone looked a little confused as to why she was apologizing.

Luz: Uh, for what?

Maxie: *Her head jolts up in surprise and has a look of shock* Huh?!

Eda: *Raises a brow* Yeah, what are you going on about cute and fluffy?

Maxie: I-I ratted about all of you to Big Mama. *Sweat drops; To AJ* Causing you to lose your powers? Your kitten being kidnapped?

AJ: But, you didn't actually make any of that happen.

Maxie just stammered on what words to say next, flabbergasted that her saviors and friends pretty much didn't even acknowledge the mistake she believed she made.

Amity: *Gives a small smile* He's right, you know. *Walks over to Maxie, getting the demon pandas attention* It's not your fault that you got tricked by Big Mama.

Maxie: But, if I-

Amity: *Holds up a finger* Let me finish.

Maxie stayed quiet as everyone stayed quiet as well.

Amity: Tell me. *Points her thumb to her and Luz's boyfriend, keeping the smile on her face* Was it you who shot that collar onto AJ?

Maxie: W-well, no.

Amity: Exactly. *Lowers her hand down* And was it you who kidnapped Millie?

Maxie: Of course not.

Amity: Then you have nothing to be ashamed of. You made a mistake, but you can always learn from them and never let it happen again.

Maxie takes in the very same life lesson she had given to Amity after AJ's slash scar was first treated. Her frown then changes to a soft smile on her face and quietly giggles under her breath.

Maxie: Using my own lesson against me. How ironic.

AJ: *Smriks, nudging Eda's arm with his elbow* Now, doesn't this look familiar?

Eda looked confused for a moment but then realized that they both had a similar moment like Amity and Maxies at King's castle. She scoffed and playfully rolled her eyes.

AJ chuckled to himself before stepping over to Maxie, getting the demon to look at him, and stood by Amity's side.

AJ: *Softly smiles* I don't blame you for anything that's happened. *Reaches up and pats her shoulder* Now let's go stomp an arachnid, shall we?

Maxie hums, nodding in agreement. AJ nods back, looks over to everyone else, and points his thumb to the doorway. Everyone takes the message, all nodding, and all leave the room together to follow after their new Yokai companions. As they walked, AJ looked down to back of his left hand, his lips took shape of a small frown as he stared at the faint scar he gave himself on his hand on the first day at Hexside, more specifically when he first encountered Millie.

Memories begin to cloud his mind of some time after he gained Millie's trust. He and his beast keeping classmates are back inside of Flee's classroom. The students like AJ were able to find young beast demons such as chick griffins, young ratworms, and baby flying snakes. Some other students were able to find griffin and flying snake eggs, and the last few students weren't able to find any eggs or demon beasts to tame.

AJ, who has his injured hand in proper bandaging, and the other students who have young beasts have large buckets full of warm soapy water that took their desks place, and all have brushes, towels. and their uneasy beasts by their side. While the students with eggs were keeping them in soft blankets and held their eggs close to their chest. Finally, the students with beasts or eggs were reading through their beast keeping textbooks and taking notes.

One of the witch students was copying and pasting a paragraph from their textbook under a title of the chapter called "Beast bonding", the paragraph they were writing in their notebook read, "Over half of all witch and demon kind have had signs of developing a special bond with their beast. The major signs of this special bond would be raising your beast from eggs and/or when they were newborns, showing true commitment and dedication to making them best friend and confidant. Their have even been reports of witches and demons being able to fully understand what their beast is trying to say to them. Eberwolf, in his own words, even confirmed that he can fully understand almost all of the beast he has befriended."

Flee: *Walks through the class with her hand behind her back; To the students with young beasts* Now remember students, you must be very thorough with washing your beasts, especially with newly taken in beasts. And make sure to pick off any fleas or ticks that may be on them.

AJ and the other students nod or hold a thumbs up. Flee smiles and nods back to them before turning over to the other students.

As their begins to help the other beastless students, the young witches and demons then begin to try and wash their griffins, ratworms, and flying snakes, but the small beasts begin to struggle in their tamers hold, obviously not wanting to get themselves wet. One student even had to give chase to their flying snake taking off in the classroom.

AJ just hums at the sight of the other students' struggles to get their beasts under control. He glanced down to see Millie looking down and nervously kneading the ground. He sat there in thought for a moment, trying to think of how he could get Millie to willingly take a bath.

He snaps his fingers once he thinks of something. He stood up on his feet, takes his still intact bo staff off from his back, and creates a purple stand for it and glows bright purple. Millie just looked confused and surprised to see her human caretakers mystic staff as the young warrior took one of the towels he had on him and submerged it at the bottom of the soapy water filled bucket.

His bo staff begins to play a very calming song as he pulls his soaked hands and tip of his sleeves out from the water bucket.

Millie's ear twitched twice, listening to the soothing music. The song playing from the staff also grabs everyone in the room's attention, even getting the beasts to settle down a little from their keepers trying to bathe them. Flee turned over to see what was going on as well. She was going to say something, but she stopped herself once she saw AJ lending out his soaked hand down to Millie.

Millie slowly inched closer to his wet hand, catching the scent of the refreshing smell from the soap. She lifted her right paw up and taps his wet palm a couple of times before resting it of her keepers hand. She doesn't pull away or flinch too much once AJ begins to rub the top of her paw with his damp thumb.

After he let's go of Millie's paw, the young Splixsin Jaguar pulls her wet paw close to her face, sniffing the soaps clean scent. She then looks to AJ with a small smile on his face and his hands out for her.

AJ: Is it okay if I give you a bath?

Millie: Mmeow.

She pushes herself up on her hind legs and lifts her front paws up in the air for AJ.

AJ's smile grew wider as he reached down to Millie, picking her up from under her armpits and gently setting her down in the bath water.

Millie's whole body flinched from the feeling of warm bubbly water touching her and making the fur on her legs, belly, and chest go damp. Her claws extend out from her paws and dig into the wet towel under feet, giving her a secure feeling in her bath. After feeling AJ's gentle stroke runs from her head down to her tail, the tense in her body has gone away in an instant and starts purring softly by his touch.

AJ: *Softly chuckles* Let's get you cleaned up, Sillie Millie.

Millie: *Blissful* Meow..

AJ begins to wash her by cupping his hand, scooping up some of the soapy water and dumping it on her.

(End of the music. Play again and read, or read in silence?)

Every student with a young beast has watched his display of getting Millie into her bath. They looked to their own beasts, then to their water buckets and copy what AJ had done for Millie. Putting a spare towel in the bottom of the bucket, introducing the water to their little companions, and finally getting them into their baths. The other students who have eggs or no beasts at all just continue to do their own things as they listen to the soft music being played by AJ's mystic staff.

Flee watched on impressed by AJ being the first to manage getting Millie in the bath without any issue, even as far as getting her other students to follow his lead and accomplish their tasks.

Flee: *Nods with a small smile* Very nice.

With AJ and Millie, the young Splixsin Jaguar held her head up high with her mouth and eyes closed as she enjoyed the feeling of AJ gently pouring some warm water down her face. Until the gentle stream down, her face suddenly begins to gradually grow more and more intense.

AJ's flashback of memories slowly transitions back to the present, as Millie starts crying and screaming as the pressure from the water was so strong it forces her to be pushed out from the fading bucket of soap water, away from AJ who then changes to Karai drawing a spell circle, which was shooting out a strong pump of water at the young Splixsin Jaguar, and making her get shot back into the metal bars of her cage.

Every Splixsin Jaguar in the room could only sit and watch helplessly as the young Splixsin Jaguar gets abused by their captor. The adult Jaguar even held their cubs close and keeping their eyes shut as to not watch this.

Karai finally let's down the spell circle and finally sparing Millie from more water being blasted at her. Millie heavily panted as she layed limp in her cage, completely drenched in the cold water.

Karai: *Sighs, points her index finger up* Ssorry.

She draws a spell circle, making a small blanket levitate by her magic, hovers it inside of Millie's cage, and wraps it around her. Millie lifted her head up, giving the snake Yokai death glares and lowly hisses at her before pulling the cover over her face with her tail.

Karai only scoffed in response. She turns over to the desk in the room, ignoring all the repeated rough roars, growling, and hissing from the other Splixsin Jaguars. She takes all the tokens that have been coated in the Jaguars orange blood off the table and into the pouch around her waist.

She glances over to the injector gun on the table that was still halfway full of orange blood. She squinted her eyes at the blood for a moment before she picks the gun up in her hand. She unscrews the vial out from the injector gun, sets the gun back down, puts a corg in the vial to preserve the blood, and finally stashes the small bottle further below her pouch.

As she was pulling hand back out from her pouch, she grabbed a single portal token out and tosses up in the air creating an orange portal. She took a few steps to the portal with her foot sticking through, but stops herself once she takes a look back to all the Splixsin Jaguars enraged expressions on the adults, and the frightened looks in the cubs teary-eyes.

Karai squinted her eyes at all the big cats and the faint sounds of hissing came from under her mask. No one can see it, but there was a small toothy grin under her mask. She turns back to face the portal and walks through it, leaving the Splixsin Jaguars to themselves as the portal closes after she left.

Once she was gone, the room grew silent as all Jaguars stopped making threatening sounds. They all then laid down on their bellies and sides, the cubs snuggling up close to their parents, all readying themselves for bed as they guessed was night grew darker.

The cub that was in the same cage as No Bumps crawl her way in between her mother's front legs and snuggles into No Bumps fuzzy chest.

Cub 2: *Looks up to her mother* [Mama.]

No Bumps: *Looks down to her* [Yes, sweetie?]

Cub 2: [Is Miwwie's new papa coming to get us?]

No Bumps was about to speak, but was interrupted by the rustling coming from Millie's cage. Her and Cub 2 look over to see Millie shaking her head to get the blanket off her head, the young Jaguar's fur still slightly damp fur from the hosing she endured.

Millie: *Looks dead serious* [Of course he is. And so is the rest of my friends and family.]

Cub 2: *Gasps lightly with her eyes having a glimer of hope* [Really?]

Millie: *Nods* [Really, really.]

Cub 2: *Mouth widespread in amazement* [Woah! Really, really, reall-!?]

No Bumps: *Pressed her right paw on her cubs face* [We're not starting the really talk.] *No her paw off her cubs face, wraps her leg around her cub and pulls her closer* [Right now, it's bedtime.]

Cub 2: *Wriggling around in her mother's hold, whining* [Aah! Bu I can't sweep naw!]

As Cub 2 continues to struggle in her mother's tight embrace, Millie just watched on the interaction between mother and daughter with the smallest smile curling up her lips.

Millie then moves the blanket back over her head with her tail. She curls up into a ball under the blanket as she herself got ready for bed. Her eyes were halfway closed, she looked down to the noticeable scar on her front right leg from under her fur. She mentally hoped AJ and the others are safe, and especially help set her and the other Splixsin Jaguars free.

Millie: *Sighs, shutting her eyes* [I miss you, daddy.. Both of you..]

(Play on repeat until end of the chapter.)

Cut to all Mad Dogs, expect AJ, Tiger Claw, Leatherhead, Draxum, and the gargoyle brothers in the planning room together. They all gotten up after a few hours of sleep, all going through their plan to save Millie, all Splixsin Jaguars, and all the Yokai.

In the corner of the room, AJ was getting himself changed behind a wooden foldable curtain. Hanging from the top of the curtain was a newly made black shirt with a white colored Hamato clan symbol on the chest area.

A montages starts as they are gathered around table in of the room was one end of the table was covered with scraps and parts Draxum had layed out along with the disked needle, along with a rushed remote built by Draxum. The remote was fully white with two buttons, one red and one green, a small circle glass atop of the buttons glowing red, and a scanner on the top end of the remote, like how a human handheld store scanner works.

The other end of the table had blueprints of the Battle Nexus, including all the Yokai's memory pictures in the room of the dungeons where all the Yokai and possibly the Splixsin Jaguars are located.

Tiger Claw: So does everyone know the plan?

Everyone but Huginn and Muninn nod in acknowledgement of Tiger Claw's question.

Huginn/Muninn: *Huginn nods; Muninn shook his head* Absolutely./Not really.

Tiger Claw groans and facepalms to the gargoyles incompetence.

Luz: *Giggles, looks to the brothers* Then listen up. *Pumps a fist* Because it's gonna be awesome.

Cut to the outisde of the Battle Nexus as Luz begins to explain the plan once again to the gargoyles brothers. At the front gates of the battle arena there were two buff horned Yokai standing gaurd.

Luz: *Narrating* First, everyone will be disguised as Oni and gargoyles, who all have "captured" AJ and were bringing him to Big Mama personally.

As she explained, all witches, Demon, and human have illusions of them as Oni Yokai with spears in their hands while all Yokai were disguised as gargoyles, but Huginn and Muninn were not anywhere to be seen. All who was disguised as Oni were circled around AJ, who's appearance was being obscured by them, and the Yokai disguised as gargoyles stood in front of them all.

Out of knowhere, everything stopped in place with static like TV playing as Huginn and Muninn pop up from below with their wings flapping like a comical fourth wall break scene in a TV show.

Huginn: Hey, where are we at?

Muninn: Yeah, you guys know we're gargoyles too right?

Maxie: *Pops up as well in front of them with Lotis awake in her arms* You two will be staying in the lab keeping an eye on my son.

Lotis: *Giggles* Atada! *Grabs his foot and begins to suck on his toes*

Huginn and Muninn both look dubious by the infant boy having his foot in his mouth.

Muninn: That is... *A bright smile then appear on his and his brothers face* The best job we've ever had!

Muninn: *Nods, holds his chest* A baby's laughter makes me feel warm inside.

Draxum's head pops in from the side.

Draxum: Can we just get this plan underway, without your needless distractions?

Muninn: *Rubs his arm* Sorry boss.

They all go out of frame as our disguised heros unfreeze and commence their plan.

Tiger Claw: We have captured the Hamato, and are ordered by Big Mama to bring him to her personally.

Both gaurds eyes widen surprise hearing this, but both ammediatly open the gate doors for them all to walk through. They all pass through the gates with the Mad Dogs disguised as Oni walked stiff like, as to try and not act suspicious.

Once the gaurds closed the gates and there were no other gaurds in sight, Gus drops the illusions on all of them while AJ's appearance is obscured by Eda standing in front of him.

Luz: *Narrating* Once we're in, me, AJ, Eda, and Cassandra will go off to find Big Mama, will the others go look for where Millie and the other Jaguars are being held captive with the help of King's nose.

They all split up in the groups as Luz has explained. The group going after Millie took down any gargoyles and Oni Yokai they encountered on the way to find the Jaguars.

Leatherhead grabbed a gargoyle by the head and bashed them into a wall couple times before slamming them down to the ground. Leatherhead opened his jaw to roar loudly, but Draxum stopped him with his purple vines shooting out from the ground and clamping his mouth shut.

Draxum: Do you want to get us caught already?

Leatherhead: *Groans, tearing the vines off his mouth* Sorry.

Amity: *Looks over to King, who was on Tiger Claw's shoulder* Do you smell Millie anywhere, King?

King: *Takes a few whiffs in the air, barely able to find her scent* It's faint, *Points forward* but I think she's somewhere down that way.

Tiger Claw: *Looks to the direction King pointed* Then let's go.

Tiger Claw led the way as everyone followed after him.

Cut to Luz, Eda, Cassandra, and AJ, who is still being obscured by being behind Eda's hair, are all running through the surprisingly empty hallways.

Luz: *Narrating* Once they find them and we find Big Mama, I will message Amity to create a loud ruckus to attract Karai's attention so she can investigate.

Cut back to inside the planning room, Luz points to the remote in Draxum's hand, who was screwing in a few screws in the remote. Over at the wooden curtains, AJ's beaten Hamato shirt now hung from the top of the curtain, along with a couple strands of black grip tape.

Draxum: *Finishes screwing in the screw and sets the screwdriver down* Since we only have the receiver, we will only need the transmitters data to be able to create a key to release everyone's collars. *Pockets the remote in his kimono* And once Karai finds us, we will need to keep her busy and get close enough for my remote to pick up the necessary data it needs to download from Karai's key.

Huginn: Wait, *To Luz* you said after you give Amity a message. When's that gonna happen?

Luz goes to speak, but was interrupted by the sounds of the wooden curtain folding up. They all look over to be pleasantly surprised to see AJ in his newly improved outfit while the young warrior sets the wooden curtain aside.

AJ: *Smirks, flaunting his snaggletooth* That parts after making a very risky deal.

Cut to inside of Big Mama's personal suite, Big Mama in her normal form was sitting on the couch in the room as she drank from a cup of tea in her claw. Karai stood by her side as they and the cyclop butlers watch the fight between two warriors, one red and one green, that is going on in the battle arena below.

The green warrior was able to kick back the red warrior to the ground as he raises his battle axe in the slams down onto the red warrior.

Big Mama: *Giggles giddily after setting her teacup on a plate that is held by one of her butlers* Oh, is there nothing better then watching blood curling battles where warriors are ripped limb to limbity limb?~

Karai hisses a sigh and rolls her eyes.

The door behind them suddenly burst open with a loud thud, getting everyone to look back and see Eda, Luz, and Cassandra barging in through the room.

AJ: *From out of the room* Big Mama!

Big Mama stood up when her name was called with a cheeky grin finding it's way onto her face as Karai narrowed her eyes in their direction.

AJ jumps into the room in a frontflip and reveal himself in his new outfit.

He wears a newly nit and normal short sleeved black shirt with the Hamato symbol on the cheat area, just like the Hamato shirt Eda made for him. Black adhesive bandages are wrapped all along both his arms, up to his biceps, all the way down to his palms, and leaving his fingers free. He still wears his black and red stripped leggings, grey shorts, and his white and red Nike shoes with light blue highlights.

Instead of having his jacket wrapped around his waists, he wore a men's black waist cape belt. The cape reached down to the back of his knees, and the belt wrapped around his waist worked like a martial arts belt, tide in a knot, and the tails of the belt reached 3 inches out from the knot with light green fading in from the middle of the tails all the way down to the tips.

AJ: I wish to participate in the Battle Nexus.

To be continued...

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