โ€ข Only Time Will Tell โ€ข (GxG)

By jada_nb

81.1K 2.4K 457

Just read you won't regret it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
New Characters!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Brief Intermission
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
*Announcement: New Story!!*
~ The Final Chapter ~

Chapter 2

2.8K 96 10
By jada_nb

Lauren's POV:

So the first day of school was yesterday and honestly...I'm not sure how to feel. I was pretty lonely for most of the day even though somehow 'everyone' was talking about me as if they knew me. I didn't really make many friends despite my reluctant efforts to be friendly and at least try to talk to people.

I'm trying the whole 'fake it til' you make it' ordeal this year in an attempt to have a somewhat decent senior year. Given yesterday, I don't know how that'll go.

I just moved here to Florida from Berlin, Germany about one month ago. My mom is in the military so I've been moved around a lot for most of my life. Thank God for my dad though because he's so supportive and attentive to me given my absent mother. I don't resent her or anything for it. I just miss her a lot, but my dad tries his best to do what he can and I love him for that.

Leaving Germany after living there for 3 years was hard because it's the longest I've stayed in one place my entire life, even though I was originally born there. My mom is Egyptian and my dad is German. I lived in the U.S. for most of my childhood as I bounced from state to state. My mom has been in the military for most of my life so it made me and my dad grow close over the years. We have a relationship, but she's more like my distant aunt that I see three times a year than she is my mother. But instead of being the child that gives her a hard time about it, I've chosen to accept it and appreciate that she's stayed alive this long for me to even say that I have a mother.

Getting ready for school this morning, I went with light makeup, a messy claw clip hairstyle, and gold jewelry. For my outfit, I chose to wear black oversized cargo pants with a white cropped cami and an oversized nascar letterman jacket. I paired it with my panda dunks.

While getting dressed, I couldn't help but think of the girl I met yesterday. Stunning wasn't even the word, and that shape on her, good lord. I was completely taken aback by the entire aura she possessed. The smell that lingered as she walked by, the adorable smile that she had yet barely showed, the way she radiated the most caring and beloved energy.

Even though I could tell she preferred to come across as unapproachable, I feel as though I could see right through it. I just hoped I was right, and if she was mean, I wanted to be her exception.

~ At School ~

The first few days of school are always so weird to me, especially as a new kid. Everyone knows each other considering we're all seniors, yet those who're still single are scouting out who they want to pursue for the first semester. Apparently I'm a fan favorite this year.

Yesterday I had about five guys say something like 'aye what's yo name' or 'where you from' or 'you got a boyfriend?' Like first of all, ew. And second, they weren't even attractive enough for me to entertain them. Germany definitely has one up on the U.S. as far as boys go for sure.

I'd been walking to third block with music humming through my AirPods while thinking about what I wanted to get for lunch. I don't know, I think I'm in the mood for a milkshake, maybe a burger? Eh, we'll see.

"Hey girl hey," Hunter exclaimed while catching up to me, thus pulling me from my thoughts.

I guess you could say she's the one 'friend' I did make yesterday, but she seems like she's friends with everyone so I'm not sure if it counts. She's cool though.

"Hunter, hey." I looked over my shoulder to her on the side of me.

"Who's your homeroom?"

"Uh, Thompson I think," I answered. "Why?"

"Oh nothing, I was just wondering if you minded me joining you sense my homeroom is boring and no one cute is in there-" she rested her head on my shoulders while looking up at me with pleading eyes.

"Fine by me," I chuckled, shaking my head. "Come on."

"Yayyyy," she exclaimed with the raise of her hands up and down. Continuing to laugh, I shook my head.

Entering the room side by side, we found seats in the middle of the classroom.

"So how's the school treating you so far?" She asked as we sat down across from each other. "Anyone I need to punch? I know these guys, they're assholes for real." Her tone was serious, but I couldn't help but laugh.

"No Hunter, they haven't been too bad thank you," I replied with a smile. "About two guys have asked me out but I said no both," my shoulders shrugged. "We'll it was more like 'aye what yo name is, where you from,'" I continued with my best deep voice, imitating them. Hunter laughed at me causing me to laugh with her.

"So is there someone you have your eye on, or were they just ugly and obnoxious?" She asked curiously.

"Both," I laughed, releasing a breath. "But I don't want to say anything too soon so I'll say no one for now." I bit my lip.

"Oop okay then girl, tell me if sum happens I want the deets." Hunter nudged me playfully.

"I will," I chuckled leaning over.

~ Two Weeks Later ~

Sade's POV:

Two weeks into senior year and already things are looking better than my entire last three years combined. Kingston, Aria, and I have been hanging out just about every other day and it's never a dull moment with them. My mom hasn't been on my case about anything lately, and my sisters haven't even been getting on my nerves as much. I'm starting to like it honestly, but I know better. It's just a matter of time, watch.

It's embarrassing, really, how excited I get coming to school these days. More specifically 4th block, I should say. This Lauren girl just does something to me, I don't know. Usually I'm not all that easy to impress, but ever since laying eyes on her, I can't get her out of my head. Not only is she out-of-this-world beautiful, but she's cool as hell to me.

She walked in today wearing black flared yoga pants and a cropped hoodie with her hair in a high messy bun. She looked breathtaking. Her scent came across my nose as she walked to her seat and sat down. 'Hibiscus and Paradise.' If she was a fragrance, that would be her scent.

"Hi," Lauren greeted, looking over at me with a soft smile. My cheeks flushed.

"Hey....cute hoodie."

Sure it was a cute hoodie but I mean everything I've seen her wear has been cute. What I really meant was 'are you single' but I can't say it just yet.

"Thank you love," she responded, but in a tone I couldn't quite read.

Was she picking up what I was putting down? Or just being polite and genuinely thanking me.

"Hey, what are you doing this weekend?" I blurted to her after a moment of silence.

She quickly turned to me, maybe a bit shocked by my abruptness. Oh well, I needed to make some type of move sooner rather than later.

"Nothing...why, what's up?"

"Well, me and some friends are going out to this hangout spot downtown on Friday night. And I was just wondering if you'd like to join us?" I asked, getting a little nervous, but I tried not to let it show.

Lauren gave me a shy smile. "Yeah I'd love to," she chuckled. "Oh can I bring my friend, Hunter? It's just that I don't really know anyone around here except her..."

"Yeah of course, the more the merrier," I assured her.

"Okay cool," she said with what I think was a blush, but it couldn't have been.


When I got home, I wanted to do nothing but plop down on the bed and sleep until midnight, but I had work. I came in and sat my keys and bookbag down in my bedroom. Then I immediately got dressed and touched up my makeup a little. I picked my keys back up, slung my purse over my shoulder, and headed out the door with a sigh.

Work was pretty steady, but then again Thursdays usually are. The tips were coming in heavy and I was grateful. The restaurant I worked at is pretty upscale so I don't see people from my school often.

Walking over to my next table, I introduced myself with my head down, looking at my notepad for a moment.

"Hello, my name is Sade, and I will be your waitress for tonight. Any drinks or appetizers I can get started for you guys?" I asked them only to look up and see none other than the beauty I couldn't get out of my head. A look of surprise washed over my face.

She saw it and chuckled to herself while smiling wide. "Hi Sade, you look pretty," she said softly. Smiling sheepishly, I glanced down at my notepad, trying to hide my blush.

"You two know each other?" Her dad asked her, causing our lingering eye contact to break.

Lauren turned her attention toward him, clearing her throat. "Uh yeah, Sade and I have 4th block together at school. She actually asked me to hang out with some friends this weekend, I've been meaning to ask you about that."

"Yeah sure, fine with me," he shrugged. "Hey, can I get a sweet tea?" Her father asked looking from the menu back up to me.

"Of course! And for you Lauren?"

I turned my head in her direction to find she was already looking at me. The way she did it made me squirm internally, I tried my best to hide it and play it off though.

"A sweet tea mixed with lemonade, please," she said softly while subtly looking me up and down. This girl, man.

"Oh man, I love that drink," I slightly muttered to myself.

"Really? I don't know many others who do."

"Well yeah, it's kind of popular down South, but I don't either."

After a moment of silence I realized I was probably staring at her, yet she didn't seem bothered by it. In fact, it seemed she was just fine looking back at me.

"Alright, well I'll have those out to you guys shortly. Any appetizers?" I looked between the two of them.

"Lauren?" Her dad asked her.

"Uh, just some bread rolls are fine."

"Okay, I'll be back shortly," I said to them before turning on my heels to walk to the back and put the order in.

I came back out and approached my next table. I could already see that it was Kingston and Aria from across the room and I was glad. They always kept me laughing.

"Hey bitches," I said to them at a volume only they could hear. They turned their attention to me with smiles. "Any drinks I can get y'all, appetizers?"

"Not you looking yassified in yo work uniform girl, what's tea? New boo? Who is it?" Kingston said with his usual sass. Aria and I laughed at his bluntness.

"Oh my god Kingston, nobody. I can't look cute just 'cause these days?"

"Yeah dude she's fully within her own right to eat us all up just because she feels like it," Aria said looking from him to smile up at me.

"Thank you Aria." I smiled back at her and scrunched my nose.

"Mhm, sure babe. But seriously who boo?"

"Aria!" I chuckled with my mouth open in fake shock.

"What!" she mimicked me.

"Oh come on know you know it's Ms. Lauren Johnson who just so happens to be sitting over there," Kingston said knowingly, and pointing over to where Lauren and her dad sat, paying no attention to us.

"What, no." I let out a nervous chuckle as we all looked over at them for a second. I took a glance at Lauren, and inhaled sharply before turning my attention back to my friends. She's so stunning, oh my gosh.

"Sade- come one now girl we know you. Ain't no sense in trying to hide it from us," Aria said, looking up at me like she could see right through my bullshit.

"Mhm," Kingston followed, nodding his head slowly.

"Alright fine." A sigh flew from me. "But hey man can you blame me, look at her!" I said to them, gesturing slightly behind me to where she was.

"Oh honey we know. In fact I ship y'all real bad," Kingston said. He then glanced down at the table looking for a drink then I realized we'd been talking the whole time and I'd yet to get their drinks. "Oh can we get our drinks now? Sorry I forgot you were at work for a second." He said with a small laugh.

"Yeah, my bad, me too," I said, laughing along. "Usuals?" I looked between them, ready to write it down on my notepad.

"You know it," Aria chirped with a smile. I returned one and turned on my heels.

"I'll be back," I called back, walking away.

"Bye boo!"

I waved without looking back.

I couldn't wipe the grin off of my face the rest of the shift. Lauren and I kept glancing at each other, and the way she'd look at me made my body hot. I didn't want to think too much of it though. What if it's all in my head?


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Read to find out ... you won't be disappointed:) Don't forget to leave comments I wanna know y'all opinion on my first book !
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