Bocchi the Love Story!

By Kawaii_Lumine

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Unexpectedly created this during my free time, and also the fact that I'm in love with the series! Just wante... More

1. Prayers
2. Sandwich
3. Mission Impossible!
4. Lethal Hugs
5. Answer
6. Experiences
7. Boy hogging
8. His side of life
9. Mr. Green Eyes! ( 1 )
9. Mr. Green Eyes! ( 2 )
10. Bitter
11. Rain, Rain, go away~
12. Please don't be a rental, please don't be a rental, please don't be rental-
13. Asachin! ( 1 )
13. Asachin! ( 2 )
13. Asachin! ( 3 )
Special Chapter: Special Feelings
14. Kessoku Band
15. Last Will
16. Mayafumi Akemi
17. The Realm
18. Fevers are for losers! ( 1 )
18. Fevers are for losers! ( 2 )
Omake: Short Stories
19. Resolve
20. Lie
21. Gifts
22. Difficulty level sky rockets! ( 1 )
23. Difficulty level sky rockets! ( 2 )
24. Costume Hunt! ( 1 )
25. Costume Hunt! ( 2 )
26. Mothers can't help but be worried!
27. Halloween! [ 1 ]
28. Halloween! [ 2 ]
29. Halloween ( 3 )
30. Icepops
31. Alleviate
32. Fornication ( this is a joke please-- )
33. " Gotou-san, I love you."
33. Thou shall respond in kind! ( Actual chapter )
34. The three red flags are Bassist, Bassist, and.....THAT'S RIGHT! BASSIST!
35. I guess that confession is being pushed back to chapter 50 after all...
36. " Is Gotou-san okay?"..." Oh yeah, she's totally fine. I think."
37. Sent and Sent Back
38. We're Bocchin' Now!

Omake the Sequel: More Short Stories!

2.6K 89 64
By Kawaii_Lumine

1. Michiyo and Naoki

[ The following short stories all happened before the Halloween event...]

" Mama, I have a question to ask you." Futari says as she tugs her mother's apron to grab her attention.

" Hm? What is it?" Michiyo Gotou, wife and mother of the household, was curious about whatever the youngest child of the family has to ask.

" How did you and daddy become so lovey-dovey?" 

Bocchi pauses at whatever she was doing and glances to Michiyo and Futari discreetly.

" Oh my, what a question." Michiyo places a finger on her chin in thought, " But why did that come up so suddenly?"

" So that big sis can take a hint from your book. I don't want her to fumble!" Futari answers with a determined look.

Ack! Bocchi flinches, she took that in a more negative way as her sister basically implying that she does expect her to fumble the bag somehow-

" Eh? I don't's a bit cheesy how it happened." Michiyo blushes, but her smile exuded fondness. 

" N-No mom that's alright....please go on..." Still, Bocchi decided to be strong and take this as a learning experience. She wants to know who made the first move, but most importantly HOW the first move went down.


But hey! Stock knowledge is always welcome, am I right?

" Well...if you insist so much, then I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell you."


( Osaka High, senior year.... )

" Gotou-kun, skipping class again, are we?" Michiyo puts a hand to her hip. But she wasn't at all mad at this very familiar scene, a scene that'd been played out plenty of times since her high school years began.

The only feeling she could get from this is a warm nostalgia with a hint of bittersweetness that this may be the last year she'd get to see him.

The boy, a couple of meters away from her, stopped strumming his beloved guitar and turns his attention to Michiyo, gazing at her through his bangs ( to which many teachers constantly told him to cut it off, but after enough stubborness they eventually gave up and left him be.)

The boy, Gotou Naoki, grins a bit.

" The old you would've never agreed to meet with me here during class hours." He called her out on that.

" The old you would've never called me here in the first place." She shoots back, taking slow steps towards him, that in his eyes; were so goddamn attractive. " So what changed?"

Naoki swallows a lump down his throat, a hue of red shading his cheeks before he breaks eye contact with her ( well, at least that's how Michiyo assumes it to be considering 90% of the time she's forced to stare at his bangs-- )

" Ah-- well...I thought it'd be fitting to have one last scolding from you before we graduate..." He fumbled in his tone.

Michiyo giggles behind the palm of her hand. " Is that all?" She asked. Honestly, she expected just a bit more from the boy she's come to love.

Granted, he doesn't know she loves him. And she would rather slice her belly open than ever tell him THAT of all things.

He snaps his head to her in panic.

" NO! A-Actually I--..uh..." Damn it, he couldn't get the words out properly! " That's-- t-that's not why I called you here...I still....have....something to say..." he mumbled.

Michiyo tilts her head curiously. Her interest has been piqued, perhaps there was something more from him.

" What is it?" She asked gently. Despite the boy looking like a typical rock band delinquent, there's actually a suprising quirk to him. 

And that is his tendency to fumble when it comes to speaking feelings.

Michiyo and Naoki belonged to two different worlds. She was a city girl, born in and lived in, for as long as she could remember. While he was a country boy who transferred to the city after causing trouble back in his hometown. He's better now, but his habit of skipping classes and wandering off to play guitar or meet up with his youth band still remained part of him.

The school initially thought these two to be the sort to never get along, but throughout the years, that thought began to evolve into ' pair of will they or won't they?' in due time. Michiyo was the only one who remained persistent in getting her classmate, Naoki, to attend classes. And Naoki is the only person in the school that knows what Michiyo is really like. Despite being the perfect gal in this day and age, even she had some frustrations from her end that she could never really talk to anyone about because that would've affected the way they saw her.

But for some reason, at some point, she felt comfortable enough talking about it to Naoki. It's ironic how the guy who never listens, ends up becoming a good listener. He never interrupted her, he wasn't pushy, nor was he a pushover. He told her exactly what he thinks in a way that wouldn't offend her.....he was considerate.

Oh, and his eyes. She couldn't forget about those. She's had the fortune of being the only person in school to have seen the color and shape of his eyes. She was absolutely smitten by it, and she truly thanks the heavens for giving him no reason to cut his bangs, else he'd attract all the girls and boys wherever he goes.

" Well? I'm waiting." Michiyo reminded Naoki that she was still here, before he'd once again get lost in his own little world.

" I know you're here." But to her suprise, that wasn't the case. And unbeknownst to her, he's always envisioned her in his own little world since they met.

" Just....give me a moment." Naoki pulls up his phone impatiently, typing a sort of aggressive text to a contact she couldn't see.

Now she was extremely curious by this point. What does the troublemaker, lead guitarist, Gotou Naoki have in mind?

Her answer arrived with a group of rushing footsteps, and then the entrance door of the rooftop suddenly bursting open. 

" Huh? You three are..." Michiyo recognized the three familiar people who just busted down the rooftop door. They were Naoki's bandmates; all three of them brought their instruments.

" Yo, Fujikawa-san, long time no see!" Their guitarist-vocalist, Daichi, greeted with a wave.

" Yo." The bassist, Harue, gave her a peace sign.

" Sorry we're late, Naoki-- oh, and good morning to you, Fujikawa-senpai!" The young drummer, Kaede, beamed.

" About time." Naoki grinned before doing a hand gesture, which translated to having them set up their instruments.

All three smirked and nodded before getting to work and quickly laying down extension wires, portable power stations, and amplifiers on the roof ground. Michiyo looked around, confused by the bizarre situation. She turns to Naoki, searching for an answer to this obvious school violation waiting to be spotted--

"I wanted to say something to you in a more....err....normal way. But..." Naoki shyly grins, scratching the back of his head. " It doesn't suit me."

" What were you going to tell me?" Michiyo asked.

Naoki notices a stray petal resting on Michiyo's strands ( probably from the school entrance). He reaches out to pick it off, and Michiyo blushes from the action.

" Plenty of things I can't say to you like a normal person would." He admits.

" But that's why..." He backs away and picks up his guitar, making sure it's plugged, and tuned correctly. " I thought of saying all I need to say to you....through an original song I made."

[ Full Disclaimer: The following song is NOT original in any sense-- ]

Michiyo was silent. An original song? That's something she didn't expect. But what suprised her is the way they're formed right now, with Naoki in the middle. Usually, it's the vocalist who stands in the middle but....does this mean that Naoki himself will be singing his song to her?

Michiyo reaches a hand to her chest, hidden behind her school uniform and formal ribbon. She feels her heart picking up the pace just by imagining how this will go.

" Oh god, I'm actually going to do this. I feel like I'm gonna vomit--" Naoki gagged on reflex, he thought he was prepared but to finally present his song to the actual Michiyo is making him anxious beyond disbelief.

" Hey! Remember what we practiced in the rec room, Naoki. Don't put all my effort to waste, including yours." Daichi patted his back.

"  Naoki, if you vomit in front of your crush. Know that I'll never let you live it down." Harue smirked.

" Very supportive from you as always, Harue..." Naoki sighed.

"  Naoki-senpai, just clear all your thoughts and focus on the now. I mean, Fujikawa-senpai is standing there waiting to hear your song." Kaede said, while fiddling with his drum sticks.             "  Focus on her! " He advises.

".....Right..." Naoki releases a sigh before facing Michiyo again.

The show begins.

[ Note: The instruments used in this chapter will not match with the original song, BUT there is indeed an arrangement consisting of the usual gig instruments such as guitars, drums, keyboard but I simply chose this for the vocals--]

[ Another note: Again, I recommend playing the song as you read- ]

Girl, just let your hair down

Let's paint the whole town

Life is our playground, yeah

He sneakily unclips her hair, letting it flow down,  before strumming again. She raises a brow along with an amused smile.

But I'm not a kid no more

So I must open doors and make you feel like the lady you are

" Smooth." Daichi remarks.

My momma raised me to be classy, not flashy--

Really? Michiyo raises a brow at that.

--I'm happy to please you

And then suddenly, he nears his face towards hers.

Though I can tell that's not what you're used to

The band smirks as Michiyo blushes.

Naoki backs away again.

And they say (they say) chivalry is dead (dead, dead)

Daichi provides back up vocals perfectly.

Naoki walks around Michiyo like a circle. Her eyes try to chase him as he moves. His amp wire trapping her in that circle as well.

Girl, let a real man pick up the slack--

Michiyo suddenly trips over his amplifier plug.

But Naoki catches her with one hand.

And treat you with respect, yeah

She catches a glimpse of his beautiful eyes for just a moment till he pulls away, and puts her back in balance. Naoki looks away from her.

And you don't have to love me, love me, love me

You don't have to love me, love me, love me

Michiyo watches his back curiously, and then the next lyric stuns her.

Just 'cause I'm a gentleman don't mean...

I ain't taking you to bed

" E-Eh?!" Michiyo squeaks in suprise as the red hue beautifully dresses her pale skin. Every part of her felt tingly from that.

Meanwhile, Naoki's band whistled in amusement from that bold lyric.

Naoki was fuming too, but he continued onwards to the next verse, swiftly turning around to meet her pretty face.

Ah, baby, let me buy your meals

He takes a step towards her, and she backs away.

I see you're head over heels

Michiyo shakes her head in denial, this was too much for her heart.

I feel like you deserve it

He takes another step, causing her to sit back down on the bench as she holds her breath.

There's no pressure

He puts one foot up on the spot beside her, trapping her in a very spicy position.

We can do whatever makes you comfortable~

Michiyo was anything but comfortable-- she couldn't help but sweat from the boy's provoking actions.

Yeah, I could float your boat

He wiggles his balzer off--

If you're cold, take my coat

He drapes it right over her shoulders, Michiyo was immediately hit with his scent, she couldn't help but drown herself deeper into his blazer as she releases a sweet smile.

Naoki strums.

I'll sing a music note from a song that I just wrote

Copyright please don't kill him--

Girl, just take my hand~

She glances towards his open palm.

She reaches for it, until he suddenly yanks it towards his lips and gently placing a kiss on her palm.

And let me be your man~

Though that's not what you're used to~

Naoki had the audacity to wink at her through his bangs.

Michiyo feels her heart beating right out of her chest.

And they say (they say) chivalry is dead (dead, dead)

Girl, let a real man pick up the slack

And treat you with respect, yeah

And you don't have to love me, love me, love me

You don't have to love me, love me, love me

Just 'cause I'm a gentleman don't mean I ain't taking you to bed

Naoki places down his guitar and gently grabs Michiyo's hand, guiding her to the band.

That's just how you treat a lady, treat a lady

Daichi blows a flying kiss, making Michiyo laugh.

Treat a lady, treat a lady, treat a lady, treat a lady

Da, Da, Da-daah~

Harue throws sakura petals in the air, watching it drop on Naoki and Michiyo.  Naoki eases the tension on his shoulders upon seeing Michiyo's gasping expression, full of wonder, and beauty.

That's just how you treat a lady, treat a lady

Kaede signals for Michiyo to bow her head down a bit. She obliges and soon she feels a cold thin chain being felt around her neck.

Michiyo's eyes widened upon realizing what it was.

Treat a lady, treat a lady, treat a lady, treat a lady

A necklace with N and M engraved on its locket.

Kaede taps her shoulder and points her towards Naoki.

She turns around to see the boy holding a bouquet of roses along with a card.

And they say (they say) chivalry is dead (dead, dead)

Girl, let a real man pick up the slack

And treat you with respect, yeah

He slowly offers it to her.

" And you don't have to love me, love me, love."

She gingerly accepts.

" You don't have to love me, love me, love me..."

She reads the card, her breath hitches.

' I love you, Fujikawa Michiyo. '

Just 'cause I'm a gentleman don't mean....

She looks to him with her baby blue eyes full of glee.

Naoki smiles.

 I ain't taking you to bed~

The band does one more run of the last lyrics, finishing it on the note.

And you don't have to love me, love me, love me

She wraps her arms around his neck.

You don't have to love me, love me, love me

He gently cradles her waist.

Just 'cause I'm a gentleman don't mean I ain't taking you to bed~

They slowly lean in towards each other's faces. The warmth of their breath being felt by the other, as their hearts began to beat as one.

And they say (they say) chivalry is dead (dead, dead)

They kiss.


" And soon after that, the principal scolded us and placed us in detention because of all the noise they made...." Michiyo giggles.

" I want to hear papa's singing voice too!" Futari pouts, crossing her little arms. " Mommy is describing his voice like it's the best thing ever heard!"

Michiyo laughs, patting her daughter's head, saying that the both of them could try to convince Naoki to give it one more go.


" D-Dad....did all of that...?" She uttered, completely shocked.

" Mhm." Michiyo nods.


Bocchi faces her head down, concealing her expression from Futari and Michiyo.

Dad made an original song....arranged that entire set up....sang that original song to mom...and then...confessed...... Bocchi summarizes.



[ Bocchi deems herself to be illiterate to her father's love tactics. ]

2. Hairstyles

" Ow...Ijichi, you're pulling it too tight!"

" Whoops, sorry! Hold on, it's getting tangled--!"

" Hey! Ow!"

" Just a sec...."

" Ijichi--"

" Relax, Sakurai-kun! I'm almost done!"

" There we go!" She puts down the hair brush.

Sakurai's long jet black hair was styled into twin tails, using red ribbons. She had randomly asked if she could mess around with his hair for a while, seeing as that its length was perfect for all the ideas that came to mind. Sakurai didn't agree at first, until she promised to let him play around with her hair as well and style it into anything he pleases. Equal trade, they agreed upon.

Nijika smiles.

" Ehhh~ Not bad if I do say so myself!" Nijika says, proudly as she looks at her finished work.

" I don't look half bad." Sakurai smirks as he flicks his brand new twin tails tied by yours truly,      " As expected of me. I can pull anything off with absolute grace!" He spoke with confidence.

" Hm? I thought you'd give a more embarrassed reaction, Sakurai-kun." Nijika tilts her head, suprised.

Before he could answer with another show of confidence. Out of nowhere, he suddenly felt backed into a corner.

" Hm...come to think of it..." She observes his face a lot closer. " I might have underestimated how pretty you actually look, Sakurai-kun! Your eye lashes are long, your skin clear of blemishes and akin to a doll, not to mention your gorgeous crimson red eyes!"

A faint red dusts Sakurai's cheeks , due to their closing proximity. But it didn't last long after Nijika began giggling as she backed away.

" Hehehe~" She cackles, " If I wanted to; I could give you an entire makeover and convince people you're a girl!"

While she continues laughing to herself like some villain. Sakurai takes the time to take deep breaths and calm his racing heart before facing her with his usual expression.

" Hey, we had a deal remember? I let you do my hair and you'll let me do yours." 

" Oh, right!"


Nijika unclips her side ponytail, and lets her long blonde hair flow down like a river. Sakurai's throat suddenly goes dry upon seeing the way she looks with her hair down.

" Haha...this feels a bit embarrassing for some reason..." Nijika remarks, as a faint blush appears on her cheeks. She takes her seat on the stool and awaits for Sakurai to take action.

"...Nah, there's no need to be." Sakurai finally spoke, clearing his throat, before approaching her with the brush in hand.

" You look...a lot like your older sister with your hair down." he comments as he gently grips a handful of its strands.

" Mhm, the genes run strong, y'know?" Nijika winks.

" Not necessarily a good thing, since it reminds me plenty of your sister's misguided hatred for me." Sakurai smirks as he begins brushing her long blonde hair.

Nijika snorts, " Excuse me, did I just hear you  say that my sister's dislike for you is misguided? "

" Yes. Misguided. I mean, I'm just a charming young innocent boy who's done nothing wrong. So for her to hate me after establishing a friendship with you is absolute bogus in my opinion." He defends.

" Oh we both know you're the complete opposite. I'm not convinced that my sister's distaste for you is in any way misguided." Nijika laughs.

" Oh no. Seems like she's brainwashed you too." He gives a genuine smiles when she laughs at his remark.

" But...I suppose....she seems to dislike you a little too much." Nijika mutters.

" I mean, I get that you're a little rough around the edges....but you're not that bad of a guy." She adds.

Sakurai just hums to that, indicating he's listening and waiting for her to go on and to continue stroking his ego. But he was also focused on gently braiding her hair, setting it up to become a bun.

" She's been getting overprotective of me, now that I think about it. Especially when it concerns you." She sighs, " I don't get what she's so worried about. It's not like you're going to hurt me."

Sakurai pauses, before a dangerous smirk makes its way to his lips.

" Oh? That's an interesting assumption you have there, Ijichi." He holds back a snicker. " But where did such confidence arise from?"

" Hm?" Nijika sounds her confusion.

" I'm sure you know that I can be quite dangerous if I want to. That I match the typical rich asshole that may seem nice at first but is playing you like a toy? I can hurt families, if I wanted to. All it takes is one call and--"

" You wouldn't."

" Then-- huh, wait, what?" He pauses, confused by that sudden statement. Her tone exuded absolute confidence, and after he quickly composed himself, he decided to test that.

" What makes you say that?" He puts on a more intimidating tone, the same one he uses for people he threatens. However, Nijika, who used to hold fear at first-- didn't seem to have that anymore. She didn't flinch.

She bent her head back, so she could look him in the eyes. Sakurai freezes and proceeds to return her stare with one of his own.

" Well...if I were to answer that...then I guess it'd be...."

"...." Sakurai waited, subconsciously panicking in the depths of his heart for some reason.

Nijika smiles.

" Because you like me, don't you, Sakurai-kun?"

Sakurai snaps her head back to its previous position without another word.

" Ow! That hurt! Could've at least given me a warning...." She muttered in slight pain.

" ... " Sakurai didn't want her to see it. This...weak, giddy, gooey, lovey-dovey side of him. And it only comes out when it pertains to her. 

He used to mock the idea of....that love people seem to gush so much about.

He could never understand it.

But it doesn't stop him from hoping, praying, wanting more of it from Nijika one way or another. Whether it be from her cheerful smiles, or joyful laughter, he wants to be the cause of it all. And that makes him feel pathetic sometimes, a feeling he's not used to.

He was always the one who creates or gives chaos to a situation.

But for him to feel this weird chaos caused by her, alone. It irks him, but he doesn't deter from it either. It's just so weird but good at the same time? He doesn't want to go into it further, right now, he has a job to do.

And that's to give this girl a hairstyle fitting of her beauty.


" And....done!" Sakurai announced.

" Woah....I look....super cute?!" Nijika's vermillion orbs turn into vermillion stars upon staring at herself in the mirror. 

" My hair is super did you even...?" She touches the tied strands with wonder.

" I know a few tips and tricks when it comes to hairstyling. The most efficient ones." Sakurai smirks. " Even with long hair, I can make it so that it wasn't ever that long at all."

She looks at him with sparkling curiosity.

" Where did you learn how to do this?" She asked. It's uncommon for a boy to know his way around this type of field, especially those of the same specimen as Sakurai Kenji.

" My mom." He nonchalantly answers, as he reaches out and fixes a stray strand of hair from Nijika's forehead. " She used to be stubborn and would often refuse to cut her long hair."

" So she had me braid her hair everyday. She taught me all sorts of styles ranging from traditional, modern, classy, or casual. It really hurt my brain to remember all those things to be completely honest with you, but somehow, after doing it for so long. I just...couldn't seem to forget it." He explained.

"....That's sweet." Nijika smiles softly. " Could she also be the reason why you prefer to keep your hair this long?"

" Eh. Just too lazy to cut it. And besides, I look fabulous in this style, don't I?" Sakurai flicks his twin tails with confidence. " I couldn't have pulled off a look like this with shorter hair. In my opinion, mine's is just the perfect length!"

Nijika shakes her head, amused.

Until....her expression changed a bit. And for a while, she stayed silent.

" You know...."


" I wish I could've done the same for my mom too."

Sakurai's confidence dies out as he turns silent. He eyes Nijika's melancholic expression, she was deep in thought, and not in the good part of it. It was....longing.

Could it be...

" ...Did she...?"

" Mhm." Nijika nods. Confirming Sakurai's assumption.

" My condolences." Sakurai said, gently in tone.

" Thank you," Nijika sighs, before looking at herself in the mirror once more with the same somber feeling. " My mom always tied my hair since I was young, in the same style, but with a variety of ribbons."

" When I was a kid, I really loved it when she did that. It felt like the type of closeness where you'd believe it could never be taken away from you." 

But she was taken away. All so suddenly.

So suddenly, that neither Seika nor Nijika, knew how to cope with it at the time. The former ran away to a reality she thought could distract her from the pain. While the latter gave up on almost everything.

But fortunately enough, the older sister finally realized what she should've been doing all along. And immediately came to make a promise with her little sister, that they'd be the closest pair of sisters in the world. And a secret promise, that the older will light the path for the younger to reach her new dream.

Even if it's been a good amount of years, even if they're at a happy place right now. There are still reminders left in this world of their mother.

Even if it hurts less, it still hurts.

" I wanted to grow up a little more, to maybe get the chance to tie mom's hair too." Nijika muttered. " Maybe learn all the styles that you know. I think that would've made her ecstatic." She chuckles.

" But....there are also plenty of other things I wanted to do for her. Plenty more, that I couldn't now." She sighs. It was no use whining about it now, right? It wouldn't bring her mother back, nor would it make her happy in the afterlife to see her daughter sad like this.

Nijika pats her cheeks, trying to relax herself from the darker thoughts. She turns around, ready to face Sakurai with an apologetic smile for venting to him like this.

" Sakurai-kun, sorry, I--"

But her voice stops, and her face shifts to one of suprise.

Sakurai was seated, brush in hand, a box of various hair clips and ribbons on the other hand. And a salon magazine targeting modern Japan's popular women hairstyles.

" Eh?"

" Stop wearing such an ugly look on your face." Sakurai narrows his eyes, pointing the brush at her antagonizingly. " You're ruining the awesome hairstyle I did for you."

Nijika was confused, until he said his next words.

" That hairstyle, it only suits you if you smile. Because that's when you're at your most beautiful. So smile for me, instead of wearing such a somber expression."

Her eyes widened in response, shocked by his words.

" You want to learn everything I know about hairstyles and all that? Well get over here, and start reading this book while doing my hair. And you'd better be gentle unlike the first time!" He smirks. " Or else your mother will be laughing at you from heaven, I bet!"


She didn't know what to say.

But everything he's trying to do right now, everything he's trying to convey. The hidden implications through his words but hidden behind his actions. All of it, she understands. And Sakurai knows she does.

" Jeez, standing there like some sort of frozen popsicle won't get anything done, Ijichi." Sakurai palms his face before standing up and shoving the brush into her hand. " Get on with it, we don't have all day!"

" Besides, if your sister finds me here, I would never hear the end of it--"

" Thank you, Kenji-kun."

" Eh? Wait did you just--"

" I'll make sure to give you the best hairstyle this magazine has to offer! Just you wait, big guy!" Nijika hypes herself up before picking up the magazine and reading it like it's a holy scripture.

Sakurai stood there, baffled, by what had just happened. The girl effortlessly addressed him with his given name for the first time, and to him it felt strange, weird-- but nice. Though, it didn't stop his heart from beating like crazy. God, what is this girl doing to him? he wonders.

But unbeknownst to him, 

Nijika's heart was beating just as hard-- if not, just as crazy as his.


Sakurai gets his act together, releasing a deep sigh before slapping himself in the face and making his way to Nijika's side.

" Right. You'd better do well to reach my standards!


[ They now use their first names to address each other!]

~~~ End ~~~

Before I say anything else...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO OUR LOVELY BOCCHI! Would've been better if I uploaded this yesterday....

Tho it wouldn't been more perfect if it was a special birthday chapter for her.

But I couldn't find the time to write it, and I really wanted to get right back into the main story after finishing the two short stories.

Speaking of which, were these two short stories entertaining for the meantime? 

And just a reminder, yes, they are canon to the storyline. But not the priority.

If you had to choose the better short story from this chapter, which would it be; The first or the second?

Comment your pick down, and pls give me a few thoughts as to why you think that choice was the best. Or not! I'm just curious, really. Since I liked writing both these short stories, and it felt a bit refreshing too.

Ah, and just a fair warning, the next arc won't be as serious as you'd expect. I know the way I set it up made it seem like so....but trust me. It won't be.


Thank you for reading, and see you on the next chapter!

KawaiiLumine, out~

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Hiroko Hayasaka is a first year student attending Shuka High School who only has one goal: to graduate high school, get a job and live a happy life...
483K 12.8K 51
Y/n wasn't excepting this to happen... Becoming one of the manager of the Karasuno's volleyball team and dealing with a past crush. her life really...