Twilight Moon (1)

Par cursedcrystals

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"In his close embrace, there was nothing else that I wanted then to stay and live here, in Forks. Meet him af... Plus

Disclaimer - Authors Note (Please read!!)
Chapter 1 - LaPush
Chapter 2 - Sam's Pack
Chapter 3 - First Day of School (Again)
Chapter 4 - Exposed Secrets
Chapter 5 - Party Games
Chapter 6 - Relocated
Chapter 7 - Under the Sun
Chapter 8 - Preparing for Battle
Chapter 9 - Plan
Chapter 10 - Reborn
Chapter 11 - Moving on
Chapter 13 - Their Arrival
Chapter 14 - Goodbyes
Book 2

Chapter 12 - Last Goodbyes

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Par cursedcrystals


"He looks so peaceful," I commented, Seth stood little ways from the front door, guarding it at all costs. He had been weird ever since we crossed the border, I couldn't figure out why. I sat perched on the end of the familiar red couch watching Tristan inhale and exhale, he slept fully clothed and in his caramel colored hands, was his phone. I was no longer thirsty, maybe it was the level of self control, maybe it was because Tristan was my uncle.

I brushed his hair back, trying hard not to focus on how different my skin tone was from him. Tristan and I were so alike in our physical features, it was hard to have that sameness torn away from you.

"You better hurry up," Seth warned, he didn't need to, I could hear the wolves surrounding the house, but they wouldn't come in. They knew not to.

"Neveah," whispered Tristan.

"I'm here," I replied absentmindedly. But Tristan didn't open his eyes, he was totally unconscious. Talking in his sleep.

"Won't you come home?" Tristan murmured, I felt a little pang in my heart, even though that wasn't possible because my heart had no use to me anymore.

"I can't, I'm, I'm in a better place now." I whispered. "I miss you Tristan. But I'm watching over you, no matter what." Tristan was silent, his breathing even and deep.

"Neveah," Seth said, quietly panicking.

"I love you Tristan, more than anything in the world." I pressed my cool lips to his brow and kissed him. "You're the best uncle in the whole universe and beyond that."

I got up, clenching my teeth together to fight a sob. Seth placed his hand gently on my shoulder, but we had no time to dwell, we had to leave. Sam was waiting for us in the forest in human form.

"Sue's been frantic," he told Seth. Nothing about him seemed angry or vexed, "You better get home," Seth looked over at me, worriedly.

"It's okay, I'll be fine." I said softly

"I'll take her back to Forks," Sam reassured. Seth leaned forward suddenly and hugged me, I hugged him back, taking care to not squeeze the life out of him. He ran off in the other direction and I followed Sam to the border where the Cullens were waiting.

"I would have done it, if I were you." Sam spoke indirectly, but I knew he was talking to me.

"Thank you," my voice was low, hoarse.

"I'll take care of your uncle as best as I can," Sam nudged me forward across the border. "Goodnight, Neveah."

I dipped my head in acknowledgement, before turning to face Carlisle and Esme. Esme simply held her arm out for me to come over. None of them talked on our way back to their house, Even when we did arrive back, they went back to their normal activities. Carlisle in his library working on his hospital papers, Esme with him, reading a book, Emmett and Rosalie in the living room, Alice and Jasper outside in the forest and Edward had gone to stay with Bella. That left me alone.

I went up to my room, opening the sliding window as wide as possible before sitting on the edge. I listened to the gentle sounds of the crickets and a quiet padding of footsteps as something ran through the midnight blue forest. The moon was barely visible, just a small slither behind the clouds, but it cast enough light to see. I guess, enough light to see well for a vampire.

I rested my chin on my kneecap, thinking of the events that had occurred in the past twenty-four hours. It was enough events to last three seasons of some cheesy drama series. I checked the time on the clock on the wall, it was well past midnight, almost three in the morning. Instinctively, I got into the bed and lay down, but I didn't fall asleep.

"Vampires don't sleep," It was Emmett, he laughed seeing me in bed. "That's one of the best bits about being a vampire, you have all the time in the world."

"It's nice all the same, to be lying down." The cool sheets felt comforting.

He shrugged, stepping through the door. "I guess, but you'll be staring at the ceiling for a long time." He sat at the window, legs dangling out, a single push would have brought him to his death, but he was a vampire, not a human, it would take a much bigger force to kill a vampire. That brought up some questions.



"How does a vampire die?" I asked, I stared at the ceiling.

"The only way to kill a vampire is to rip them to pieces and burn the chunks." Emmett said casually. "That's what we did on the battlefield. Rip, pile, burn."

"That was a newborn army?"


"Huh," I glanced over at Emmett, his body was positioned facing outside, but his head was tilted at an angle so that I was within his view point. "Does the Volturi use the same techniques?"

"There's only one technique, Neveah. There isn't another way to properly kill a vampire."

"Do the Volturi kill vampires then?"

"Only the ones that broke rules or... displease them."

"Displease them?" I propped myself up onto my elbows. "Like, do something they don't like?"

"Yeah, like that."

I swallowed "Like refusing to join them?" Emmett was suddenly by my side, even though I saw him get up and come over to me despite his super speed.

"Carlisle told you about the letter, didn't he?" He didn't need me to speak to know the answer. He stood by me consulting me. "Listen, I know you're scared about them, you've only been a vampire for 24 hours, though you are controlling your thirst very well. The Volturi are a force to be reckoned with, they are tough, brutal and will stop at nothing to get what they want, but..." Emmett had trailed off. I propped myself up,

"But?" I prompted. He didn't reply.

"Emmett? Neveah?" we both turned to the door, Carlisle stood silently, in his hand, was another letter.


"They're coming here?" I exclaimed.

"We took too long to respond," Esme replied. I buried my face into my hands, struggling to contain my emotions but also struggling to drink, Bella was here and her scent was irresistibly sweet.

"How many days do we have?" I asked.

"Two at the most, we have to prepare." Alice said, her eyes were glazed over and she was staring intently at the window. This was her face when she was looking into the future. She suddenly snapped out of her trance-like state. "They're bringing the guard,"

"The guard?"

"The Volturi have an army," explained Jasper "We call them The Guard,"

"I'll have to take you out of town," I heard Edward whisper gently into Bella's ear. I envied them, how good it would be to have the freedom of leaving whenever they wanted especially during a time like this.

"You okay, Neveah?" Emmett asked. I didn't reply, I ran out into the forest, bounded onto a tree and perched at the top, it's branches slowly swaying from my weight, I found that I could adjust with ease.

I looked out into the small town of Forks, dimly lit with only a handful of streetlamps and further out, my home town of LaPush. House windows softly glowed as several people got up extra early for work. I felt a huge sense of grief, this new life was not exciting like the books, it was like a nightmare after the next. But like all nightmares, you would wake up to the soft beams of first morning light and find a new problem to deal with.

"I don't even know how to control my powers." I muttered to myself, the sky turned to a watermelon pink, the sun was inches away from peeping over the ocean.

"That can be arranged," I didn't need to turn to know that it was Alice along with Edward. "Edward and I can train you,"

"You know," I sucked in air before turning to look at them. "This mind and foresight thing is starting to get on my nerves." They didn't change their expressions, simply waiting for me to come down. I sighed and leaped down from the treetop, landing neatly upright.

"Behind the trees, there's a spot that we can practice without getting noticed." I followed them a couple hundred metres into the woods where there was a small clearing.

"Your powers have always been fueled by anger or stress, right?" Edward said. "Just like Alice, she couldn't control hers, there was no on and off switch. She had to learn to use an 'on and off' switch."

"You need to lose the fear," Alice explained, "no high or intense emotions, they'll mess up with your concentration."

"I can help with that," Jasper emerged and wrapped his arms around Alice's neck in a leaning hug.

"Picture that energy running through you, like the first time." I followed Edward's instructions. We stood still as statues, everyone including me waiting for something to happen. "You're not trying hard enough,"

"I'm doing my best," I fumed

"Not good enough,"

I breathed in sharply and closed my eyes trying harder, getting angrier each time it didn't work.

"Channel that anger,"

I tried as best as I could, but it wasn't enough, I couldn't grip anything near what I had felt when I almost attacked the Quileutes. After ten minutes I opened my eyes.

"No use,"

"Again," Edward talked softly, but he was persistent. Jasper kept me calm and Alice seeing into the future helped me believe that it was possible. I focused onto a nearby rock, imagining all the atoms inside slowly being pulled apart, I channeled all my energy into the rock, it suddenly exploded, dispersing into grey dust all around us.

"Don't let it go!" Edward warned, I kept my focus in pushing the grey dust back together, like a shield, the dust began to retreat. Closer and closer, until it became a grey lump of a rock.

"Again. Try the tree, don't pull it apart, warp it." I followed Edward's instructions. "Imagine all the particles like you did earlier, imagine your hands becoming one of them, feel the force against your arms, and push through it."

I felt the rigidness of the tree, not so rigid now that I was a vampire, I clasped my hands together, pulling them apart slowly, feeling a force pushing back. The tree began to tremble as I gritted my teeth. My arms flung apart and the tree split into two, right down the middle of the trunk. They fell heavily onto the ground.

"Not bad, control it this time, you're not breaking it anymore. Warp it, warp Jasper."

"Hey!" protested Jasper.

By mid afternoon, I could bend and twist any object at command, I could change the density of any solution, whether it be vaporizing or turning it into a solid. We went hunting afterwards, celebrating with a bear and a mountain lion.

"Nice work," Emmett congratulated. By now, most of the Cullen family had come out to watch me perform, everyone except Edward who had gone back to take Bella out of town. I didn't want to go back to the Cullen house, fearing what might await me, but eventually, we had to go. That night I stayed seated in front of my window, both my hands wrapped carefully with my rosary necklace, I prayed for the safety of Tristan and the safety of my friends. There I sat, in the dim moonlight, listening and praying for my damned life.


Will it ever be enough? Embry grumbled

Nobody asked your opinion. I shot back

Leave him be, you would be doing the same if it were you. Sam ordered, immediately the voices went silent. I galloped peacefully through the forest, feeling a little pang of guilt in my chest.

Something had changed when I saw Neveah as a vampire at Cullen's home. I was no longer affectionate for her, I didn't want to be her guardian or to be her boyfriend or brother whatever this imprinting thing was. I just wanted to be her friend, her heart had stopped beating. And then when we crossed into LaPush territory, all those feelings came back, I was more alert than ever, I wanted her to look at me, to smile, to say my name. And her heart, I must have been hallucinating, but her heart beat. And like that, I was back in love with her.

Hm... Strange, Sam commented

I thought you left!

I only told the others to leave, Sam pointed out. I grumbled softly, He was silent for a while, processing what had happened.

You know, Sam spoke up again, throwing me off my rhythm. As soon as she left LaPush and crossed over, everything was much quieter. Maybe it's something to do with the blood lines.

That's impossible, her mother was adopted, she left after getting... I didn't need to finish, Neveah's mum had left after getting pregnant with someone from LaPush.

...Pregnant with a Quileute, Sam finished, I halted, inches away from crashing into a tree.

And I thought Embry's story was crazy. I shook my head and continued to the Cullens' at a slow and steady trot.

Act normal, we can figure it out later. Sam left, I trotted the rest of the way to the house arriving dressed and in human form. I heard Esme say for me to come in, vampires had such good senses. I entered their splendid house.

"She's upstairs," Esme called from the kitchen. I liked this cosy feeling of being accepted into the Cullen house. Even Emmett and Rosalie nodded at me when I passed by. I ran up the stairs following Neveah's fruity scent to her room. She met me halfway, flinging herself into my arms.

"I've missed you," she said. My heart had fluttered with excitement when I saw her, but now that feeling had died off. I was back to seeing her as a friend. "What's wrong?" she asked, all the happiness draining from her face.

"Nothing," I lied. She led me to her room, never glancing backwards, she leaped out of the window and onto a nearby tree. I followed and perched on a branch one level higher than her.

"How's Tristan?" Neveah asked. I looked up at her, but her expression was motionless, she stared out into the ocean of trees, crouched and holding a delicate pink flower.

"He's... Better." I recalled the last time I saw him. "He'll be going back to work in a couple of days. Says he saw an angel at night." I glanced at Neveah, but her posture hadn't changed. We looked out in silence for a couple of minutes, each of us lost in an ocean of our own thoughts.

"I want to see him again," she finally said. "I know I can't, but... I want him to know that I'm okay, and... that he should move on."

I bit my bottom lip, fighting back words.

Tell her, Sam spoke up, his voice was far away, easy to ignore, but his words weren't.

"What?" Neveah asked.

"What what?" I turned to her, forcing confusion onto my face. She smiled pityingly, looking down at her flower.

"You know," she said, "Before I turned, I thought you were an amazing liar, but now, I just don't know what I was thinking." she let out a laugh, flicking her hair over her shoulder. I couldn't stop staring at her this time, she was so pretty, and yet I couldn't believe that I had a hard time looking because she was so different.

"I guess..." I started, her attention was fully on me. I leaned against the tree trunk stretching my legs across the branch. "There's something I need to tell you."

"I figured," she caught me staring. "Edward can be really helpful sometimes." she pointed out, "Don't worry, he only told me you had some important stuff to say." She swung down onto my branch and crawled over, she leaned in, so close I could smell her cold breath, I exhaled lightly as she pressed her stony lips onto mine, kissing me. My heart fluttered but I stayed seated, tensing awkwardly, it only lasted a couple of seconds, but it felt like minutes. She pulled away, concern written all over her face.

"I thought..." her voice faltered. Immediately, a pang of regret washed over me. I reached for her but she shrugged me off. "Edward said that you imprinted," her voice was quiet, broken. "But I guess he was wrong,"

"No! You don't understand..." I reached for her but she whirled around quickly, her arm inches away from my grasp. I watched her in shock as a tear slid down from her eye.

"Neveah... you're crying..."

Neveah wiped her tears off quickly, "Yeah, so what if I am? I'm a flipping mutant."

"Vampires... don't cry." Her attention was off now, she stared at her wettened fingertips. "Sam was right," I murmured under my breath.

"I don't get it," She turned to me accusingly. "You knew about this?"

"No! I mean, yes? Sort of." I glanced over at the house, I could sense the Cullens listening. Hopefully Edward could hear me.

Let me try, I thought to myself. Please, I know you felt it too.

"Let's go," I pulled Neveah to her feet, despite being fifty feet up in the air, we were rock steady. "I, uh, I'm gonna need your help to get down from here."

"What, you're not as strong as a vampire?" Neveah teased though her tone was off.

"No, I'm stronger, just not skilled." I gritted my teeth. She shrugged, probably hiding one of her smiles, before slinging me over her shoulder leaving my dignity on that tree branch.

"Be quick about it." I flushed embarrassed. She leaped off the branch, a weightless feeling filling me up as gravity pulled us down. Neveah was still fighting a smile even after she had put me down.

"Cut it off, will you?" I began running through the forest at high speed. "Race ya!" I tore off, but I could hear her close behind. We ran in sync, our strides were equal in power and distance, everything around us was a blur, it was like being in an invisible machine that pushed us through time. The border was getting closer, I could sense Neveah slowing down, that only made me push harder.

"Seth!" I heard her call, I forced myself to run faster. I heard her yell again, louder and angrier. "Seth! Stop!" I stopped abruptly, turning to face her, she was less than a metre away but she wouldn't cross over. We stood, waiting, me in LaPush territory and her in Forks.

"It's okay," I extended an arm to her. "They won't hurt you."

"I'm not going to be the first to break the treaty," she said loudly.

"There's no treaty, Neveah, not for you. Don't you get it? You're a Quileute." I saw her struggle, her mouth twitching as she tried to find another explanation. "That's why you can cry, that's why you took so long to change. Your father is one."

"You don't know that,"

"Think about it! There's a reason for everything! There's a reason why I imprinted even though the gene knows that you wouldn't be able to reproduce more Quileutes." I could sense Sam listening and blocking off the rest of the pack. "The wolves were alerted because of me, not you. Try Neveah, they can't hurt you." She stepped forward cautiously, less than an inch away from crossing. My heart started thudding louder, feelings building up inside as she slowly edged over the line.

I grasped her arm as soon as she was within reach. Shocked, she stumbled over and into me. We clung onto each other tightly, my burning touch with her cold one, waiting for something to happen, for the wolves to sense an intruder.


"Neveah..." I spoke breathlessly.

"Seth?" her voice was still strangely melodic, her eyes were large, and still red nut I felt drawn to her all the same, the forest melted behind me, if it weren't for her standing right in front of me, I could swear I was about to sink into the ground. Every inch of myself was depending on her.

My hands grasped her cool face close and I pressed my lips against hers, she didn't resist. We kissed, pulling apart for air every few seconds before coming back together.

MY LORD SETH! KEEP YOUR THOUGHTS TO YOURSELF! It was Leah, I had to pull away, I was laughing so hard.

"What is it?" Neveah asked, with her head tilted at a slight angle and a smile gleaming on her face, I couldn't resist anymore. I leaned in and pecked her on her forhead.

"That should have been our first kiss," I fought the clamours in my head from the rest of the pack. "And... Leah is pissed."


You've managed to deal with Sam and the others, I don't think this is pushing it too far, I snapped back followed with protests from the others.

This is different, You're my brother, that's just weird! And a vampee too? I could feel Leah getting agitated, the others including her and Sam were already on their way.

"Come on, we should go deeper inside, before... well the Cullens come." I held on to Neveah's arm and guided her through the forest. There was no need anyway, she still had her super senses, The only difference is that my feelings had returned. We ran through the forest stopping where I knew Sam would meet us.

"How long did you know?" asked Neveah, she inspected a rock, squishing it into dust in her fist.

"After you left, everything was... quieter. I guess. Sam told me his theory, I thought it was weird too because I had imprinted when you were a human and I kinda thought it would have changed when you did too..." I trailed off, not wanting to hurt Neveah.

"Did you?" she persisted

"Yes, but." I sighed, "When you crossed over that first time, I felt it again, truly did. Sam has this weird theory about you being a Quileute and that the gene reactivates when you enter Quileute land. It's stupid, I know," but when I looked up, her face was intrigued.

"Can a wolf phase without being within tribal territory?" she asked. I wasn't sure whether it was one of those questions that wasn't meant to be answered.

"Yeah its possible, I've never tried but Jacob and Sam have." I waited to hear the others approach, it had gone quiet, strangely quiet.

Sam? Leah? I asked

I hate it when you say our names together, Leah grumbled.

Where are the others? I asked. She went quiet, we were left in silence again. Had the pack shut me out? Had Sam?

Something knocked me on the shoulder, I turned to see Neveah, leaning on me peacefully. I lifted my arm up, gently supporting her head down onto my stomach in a more comfortable position. Laying down, I looked up at the sky, feeling perfectly contented.

I had longed for a time where I would be sitting with my imprinted partner, feeling that sense of ownership and pride that I had often experienced through Sam's thoughts. How I would watch her breathe and observe her every move to make sure that she was alright.

Now it was here, and I couldn't be more happier, but yet, the feeling of disorientation and confusion didn't leave me. What could Sam possibly be doing that was so important? Why didn't he want me to know? And why was everyone needed? I didn't ponder on the question for long.

Neveah sighed turning to look at my face, she caressed my cheek closing her eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"You okay?" I whispered, I traced my fingertips across her cheek.

"It... hurts..."


Neveah swore violently.

"Seth!" She screamed "It burns!!"

Seth, Get Neveah back into Forks, Now! Sam ordered. Then, meet us at Jacob's, we have a problem


It's an order, Sam disappeared before I could protest, but the alpha's orders were orders. Regretfully, I picked Neveah up and ran to the border.

"Give her here," Carlisle picked Neveah out of my arms, she was still writhing in pain, despite having crossed into Forks. It was only Carlisle.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked anxiously, my arms felt empty with nothing to carry.

"She's been in LaPush for a while, the gene acted up and the venom almost killed her," Carlisle turned regretfully to me. "Forgive me, Seth," before I could react, he bent down, tucking his face into Neveah's neck. I saw the sharp snap of his jaw as he bit through her skin.

"What are you doing!" I yelled at him, I tried to pull Neveah out of his arms.

"She needs it to help her change, again. Otherwise she'll die." Carlisle gripped her firmly, "Seth, please let go. The Volturi are arriving tonight, we need her to be in vampire form by then."

"For whose benefit!? Yours or hers?!" I lunged at Neveah again, Carlisle was faster.

"I'm sorry, Seth, you'll just have to wait a little longer." Carlisle turned away from me, refusing to acknowledge my hurt. He dashed off through the trees, no more than just a pale blurr. I stepped forward, crossing into Forks, planning to run after Carlisle.

Stay back! Sam warned, I told you to come to Jacob's, we're all waiting.

With much strength, I managed another baby step into Forks, it took all my mental power to force through Sam's shield of orders.

C'mon, Seth, they're helping Nevie, they told us! Paul assured.

Look we need everyone in the pack to help now, it's going to help save Nevie too. Chimed in Jared. His words made me waver, Sam took it as an advantage, forcing down his orders harder. I gave up and turned, running towards the pack and tearing my shorts in the process.

Didn't mom just buy you those shorts? Leah asked irritably

Oh piss off, Leah. The others replied, their voices layering on top of one another.

Just ignore her, come, we're all waiting. Jacob said comfortingly. I ignored all of them and obeyed Sam's orders, they were all already divided into groups when I came.

There's been an intruder in our grounds, a vampire, Sam began, the others snarled and barked. But, He continued, It wasn't the Cullens. Nor Neveah. I went to investigate and it's definitely not one of those newborns either. Carlisle has consulted with me.

There was an uneasy silence when Sam began talking about the Cullens, we were all on good terms, but some still saw the Cullens as "filthy bloodsuckers". I didn't see why, they were all nice and polite, they never threatened us and they all stuck strictly to their "vegetarian" diet.

A group of vampires are arriving, I want every borderline guarded by wolves, we'll take shifts. And I want to always have someone off shift, we will most likely be expanding our pack. Sam looked directly at me, Seth, since you have the best relationship with the Cullens, I want you to take the East side forest, they'll meet there everyday with updates, you'll share back. He glanced at Leah, You'll go alone, no questions, alpha's orders. He nodded his head, everyone darted off.


Any news yet? Sam asked

Nope. I bit into my wrap watching the Cullens' house from afar.

Are you eating a sandwich?

What? Esme's a good cook. I unwrapped the sandwich further.

I sent you as a spy!

They have nothing to hide, besides. I crumpled up the wax paper, they trust me, so I trust them too. Sam grumbled.

You can't keep me away from Neveah, Sam. I said quietly, It's like me keeping Emily away from you, even if it's for the best, you can't help it.

Just do a quick run round, make sure nothing is weird with Forks, report when you come back. Sam disappeared, he had instructed the others not to bother me, I was on my own. I ran around the border of Forks, slowly closing in back to the house, nothing seemed unusual.

I'm clear here, I reported to Sam,

Good, best you stay 'till morning, report if anything is off. Sam went off, I went back to my spot next to the tree. My sweater and water bottle lay at the roots, Esme must have already cleared the trash. She had also refilled my bottle. I settled by the tree, looking up at the house, the side with the glass wall was my favourite, not because I could see everything inside, but because I could check in on Neveah in case anything was wrong. She had been lying next to the window for ages now although it had only been six hours.

Carlisle had explained what could go wrong if she were to go back to LaPush. A Quileute's weakness was vampire venom. Neveah had both genes circling in her blood. It was why her heart still beat, it was why she almost died in Quileute territory.

"Does that mean she can turn into a wolf?" I asked

"Possibly, we're in an unknown area here, Seth. I know almost nothing about mutants." Carlisle had responded. "But I see no reason to say no."

Her changing puzzled almost everyone, including the tribal leaders. Carlisle theorised that the werewolf trait had indeed developed in her, but not fully. It only dominated when she entered LaPush, he couldn't explain why.

"Do you need a blanket?" It was Rosalie, her expression was just like her voice, annoyed and disgusted. At least I was nice about their smell, and they had the choice to breathe too.

"Nope!" I answered cheerfully, I nodded my head towards the house, "is she awake yet?"

"Barely," Rosalie walked over a couple of steps. "Esme's tending to her... If you're quiet, you can hear them."

We waited in silence expectedly, I could hear the tv on inside, saturday football replay. My hearing in human form was much more sensitive than normal people, but it wasn't as good as in wolf form. I heard Esme murmuring upstairs, and the constant thrum of a heartbeat. I closed my eyes, focusing only on the upstair noises.

"How're you feeling?" I could hear Esme speak softly, I smelt something else too... blood.

"Like I got hit by a truck." I heard Neveah whimper, my heart fluttered for her wondering what was wrong. "But that wouldn't even hurt now that I'm a vampire," I heard them chuckle slightly before dying into silence as Neveah drank the blood.

"Do you want me to get Carlisle?" Esme asked, her voice sounded slightly defeated.


"About time," scoffed Rosalie, I opened my eyes to stare at her.

"What do you mean?" She looked over at me, leaning into a tree.

"Well," She looked up at the sky, "You realised it too, Neveah is always tired after entering LaPush. Sure she hasn't slept in a while, but she's always hard to wake up afterwards, because she doesn't have any strength, no fuel in her body, no blood."

It dawned on me, LaPush was killing Neveah, not unburdening her. With no working organs in her body, she would die. She wasn't sleeping, she was dying.

"Was I killing her?" I asked in disbelief. Rosalie paused, not answering, before moving on.

"Carlisle thinks that the werewolf chromosome may have developed in her but not fully, her emotions were in control throughout, so it hasn't had the chance to change her completely. The vampire gene here in Forks is more dominant, but the werewolf one, although not developed allows her to be more or less... human. Until the lack of blood kicks in of course," Rosalie looked over at the house, I followed her gaze to Neveah's room, she was staring out of the window, her gaze discoursed, barely seeing anything in front of her. Next to her was Alice who rested her hand on Neveah's shoulder looking directly at us.

"She knows," Rosalie whispered, she turned to me. "Alice wants you to go upstairs," I looked at her, she gestured towards the house. "Now!"

I was at the front door in three strides and in Neveah's room in eight. Alice met me at the door, she nodded her head to me.

"You'll make her feel better,"

I stepped inside the room, instantly met with Neveah's sweet citrus smell, she was on her couch, looking away from me and out into the forest. Nothing about her showed any sign of acknowledgement that I had arrived, not even the sound of the door as it swung shut.


She didn't move. I walked over.

"Aw, c'mon Neveah, I don't want to spend our time like this." I touched her stone shoulder, shivers passing through both of us as our different temperatures mixed. "Please look at me,"

A soft shudder rolled over her body and she leaned into me. I automatically wrapped my arms around her. It was like hugging ice, but in a way, it was comfortable too.

"I'm going to miss you," she murmured, her voice oddly melodic.

"Don't," I pulled away from her so that I could see her face. "Don't say it like it's the last time I'll ever see you." She didn't reply, simply nuzzling back in place. I caught her by the shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes. "I'm serious, Neveah, this isn't the end."

"I'm not taking any chances," she replied. Her hands wrapped tightly around my waist and she pulled me down so that we were both lying side by side on the couch, our noses were almost touching and both our eyes were on the same level. I took her slight imperfection of having darker gold eyes than the other Cullens a sign that she was still partially human. Vampires were so beautiful and elegant, it was hard to spot an imperfection in human form, even wolf form was a little hard too.

I didn't even realise my hand was moving until it made contact with her cold cheek, she lay her hand on top, never once breaking eye contact with me. I slid my hand down her shoulder and to her waist, pulling myself closer so we both had our arms wrapped around each other, it was strange, hot tough skin and cold stone skin wrapped against each other, then again, it worked. Neither of us were uncomfortable.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you more,"


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