By BloodRoses17

187 1 0

"It's the year 3057" "the wolves and vampires invaded our towns and cities enslaving everyone and seizing any... More

The Beginning
The Cellar
The Basement
The Next Day
Two Weeks Later
The Alpha
What the Home looks like and The Characters:
The Doctors Visit
Rios Pov

His Dwelling

22 1 0
By BloodRoses17

Jackson unlocked the door and we headed inside. The home was magnificent. His house had tall ceilings and a huge library shelf that went all the way to the ceiling.
That was something you normally saw in giant library's in big cities or states. The room also had three beautiful chandeliers that glistened when the light shone through them. There was also a staircase that spiraled to the left of the room and went to the second floor above us. The fireplace that was inside this room was lit and burning beautifully in the night. This was totally a dream home. Something I only saw in magazines and on television.

"Wow this place is beautiful." I couldn't help but admire the furniture and home. They both matched each other perfectly.

"Yes Rio enjoys this home very well. He had this built for him and your future Luna when he meets her. I will give you a tour of the home and it's grounds. After that I will be off to fetch your belongings that you will keep here."

"My belongings?" I had no idea what he was talking about as I didn't have a single thing with me but the clothes I had been wearing.

"Yes, we will be giving you necessities and essentials. Such as clothing items and other things for your hygiene. I will need your sizes and what feminine products you might needs as well. For your monthly or weekly habits as well."

"Oh okay. Yes my size is a four. I use really anything for my monthly cycle. I don't need terribly girly smelly things either just get me what you see fit." I am not sure if you can have what you really like so I'll let them choose what they will give me. 

"Alright that's all I need. Follow me so I may give you a tour." He walked away quickly so I followed so I wouldn't get lost. This home was enormous.

"On the first floor we have the kitchen, living area, dining area, two bathrooms and a office as well. The area you saw as soon as you came in was the guest area. If Alpha has any guest they will be their discussing business or waiting to see the Alpha." Jackson had informed me that I would need to serve drinks to his guest like water, whiskey, or a beer if they ask for it.

"Does the alpha receive many guest here at his home?"
I needed to know so that I would know to keep proper attire nearby me or so I could listen in on the conversations to get a better feeling how things ran here or anywhere in precise.

" Not frequently but there about three that come by once and a while." Jackson said firmly.

"Do I need to know the three individuals likes and dislikes or when they normally stop by?" I figured I would ask. Jackson may not answer me but I figured it wouldn't hurt to know more of the situation I am to be in.

"Yes they are two alphas and Alpha's brother Xavier.
The two names our Alpha Dion and Alpha Mathew.
Alpha Dion enjoys whiskey and he comes weekly to discuss the packs values and what goes on every week. He also makes trades with our pack. Alpha Mathew is a little easier to handle, he does not drink but prefers water most of the time. Occasionally he will have a tea or lemonade if you were to offer it. He is easier to converse with and prefers to acknowledge as just Mathew. Even the humans sometimes call him Mathew. If he allows it. Mathew helps with training and brings us humans if he comes across them, we tend to trade with each other with weapons and humans. If there are stragglers we then send them to other packs in our area to do with what they see fit."

He never mentioned any dislikes so I figured I would ask as well. 
" what do they not like?" I figured I would also need to know this as well.

" Ahh yes Alpha Dion does not like it when humans look at him or when they don't acknowledge him by bowing their head low. Only say yes to Dion he hates it when someone says the word N-O." He said as we headed up two the second floor.

"And what about Mathew?" I needed to know of what Mathew preferred. I will need this information for my life someday. It could come in handy in a stressful situation.

"Mathew prefers just Mathew he will also converse with you such as small talk to get to know you as a individual. He is more lenient in his pack towards the humans but don't let this fool you he is very firm when he needs to be."

"Alright." I nodded my head.

"Now the second floor consist of 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. There is also another office and a library on this floor as well. There are many books of our history and the humans history. We have very little of the vampires but we have plenty of books from your world as well. Series upon series of books you might like. We have plenty of ever genre if you get bored. You are also permitted to watch the television and when you are not working you may enjoy your free time how you please. Being the Alpha's only maid has its perks. You get more privileges."

He finished up with the tour and left me instructions , a calendar, appointments that the Alpha will need to know of to attend. He also gave me list of recipes that his Aloha enjoyed as well. The home was stocked with just about everything and then more. I figured it wouldn't hurt to go over the recipes and calendar that I was given by Jackson to familiarize myself with it. It also gives me a hunch to know a schedule incase I was to need to escape. This actually worked out well for me. I figure the Alpha will also inform of many other things as well. I decided to tour the home again to remember where the rooms were. I also decided to try and go into the bedrooms and I was able to look inside all but one. It had a coded lock and fingerprint scanner on it. I'm guessing this was his room. His assistant Jackson was right, he really did enjoy his privacy.

He also informed that the Alpha would be home in about  two hours from a meeting and training as well. I did not know his name so I would need to figure that out quickly. I decided to just go into the library and scan the shelf's for anything to keep me busy until he returned.
I found a book called The Alchemist And The Girl. It was a fantasy novel about how a Alchemist travels with a normal girl in search of a magical realm that only the Alchemist has heard of in legends and stories. I sat down at a table in the library and opened the book up to read. I got through the first five chapters when someone yelled for me to come down to the first floor. That meant he was back from his daily schedule. I hurriedly made my way downstairs and greeted him. As I was making my way down the last two steps I realized I never put the book back on the shelf. I figured I would do that before we head to bed today. I didn't want the Alpha knowing I liked to read books of fantasy.

"Ah I'm glad you are here. Jackson did inform you and give you a tour I presume?"  The Alpha said while taking of his suit jacket.

"Yes, Jackson did inform me....Alpha." I nodded my head at him to also verify this.

" Good, sit down we need to have a chat." He gestured toward the couch in the guest room so I sat down on the end farthest away from him.

"My name is Rio. Rio Salvatore. I am your Alpha. Im this house there are only 5 rules that you need to follow. The first is that you will greet my as Rio and not as Alpha in my own home unless there is guest present. I like to think of that as a break from my duties. The second rule is that my bedroom is completely off limits to guest and to you unless you are needed to clean it.
The third rule will pertain to your value, if there is a guest present they are not allowed to touch you in anyway. If they do not behave I need you to inform me immediately. You will have a cellphone to inform me by. I wouldn't suggest any funny business on this phone as I am tracking it and get notifications of what is done on it. The fourth rule is that you will obey my every command that I give to you. You shall only follow my command unless it is a command through my beta or as you know him Jackson. He is my right hand man. Now the Fifth rule is very simple... you will not engage in romantic relationships outside this home for any reason. If I do as catch a male wolf or make scent on you there will be consequences. Understood?"

As he said all of this he did not once look away from my eyes as if daring me to say no to one of his rules.

" Yes Rio." I would need to oblige him to stay on his good side. He mentioned consequences and I fear they are not something I will like.

"My schedule is pretty simple to get used too. I ask that you keep my home clean and things out away neatly. You will be task with laundry and daily chores such as making breakfast, lunch, or dinner. If I text or call you saying I will not be coming at a specific time you do not need to make a meal for me. If there are things you enjoy food wise please inform Jackson of them. You may do as you please in my home such as going through the library reading or watching television. You may also enjoy your time in the pool or hot tub if I allow it.you also do not have a bedtime. You may lounge about how you see fit. Just please don't walk around naked in my home. There is a camera that runs day and night on the first floor. There are also camera surrounding the entire home and drive way up to my home."

"Yes Sir." I accidentally called him sir instead of his name. Oops.

"Please do not call me sir, that makes me feel old and trust me I am only a few years older than you." He laughed at that.

" sorry it's a force of habit. I will try and not do it again." I apologized quickly to avoid any punishments.

"Thank you, tonight I have food being delivered. You will not have to make us a meal tonight." He said as he made his way into the kitchen. He opened the cabinets closest to the refrigerator and brought out two whiskey glasses and Fireball Whiskey.

"Would you care for a drink?" He asked as he poured his glass of Whiskey.

"No I am not a drinker." I said this quickly to avoid him pouring me a drink.

"What do you prefer?" He asked in my direction.

"I enjoy coffee, tea, lemonades, and juices." I figured it wouldn't hurt to say what I enjoyed.

" would you prefer juice or lemonade tonight?"
He put the other glass back in the cabinet and opened the cabinet next to that cabinet and pulled out a little glass for me.

"Lemonade would be great." I figured lemonade would go well with any meal. Since I haven't had a proper meal in a while.

"Lemonade it is then." He poured my drink and handed me my glass. I took it a drank a little of it so I wouldn't spoil my meal by getting full on lemonade. The lemonade was fresh and very sweet. It had a lot of fresh pulp as well.

"Is this freshly squeezed or store bought?"
I figured it would hurt to ask Rio. I'm pretty sure it was fresh.

"You have good taste for the more subtle things. This is freshly squeezed as you thought. I do not prefer the artificial stuff. It's too tangy and sour tasting." He made a yucky face while saying this as if he was tasting the store bought lemonade.

"Yes I agree with you. The more natural and fresh things I enjoy best as well."
I sat down and drank my lemonade quietly as possible while waiting on your dinner to arrive. We drank our drinks and stayed silent for quite some time as Rio was busy on his cellphone typing the whole time. I figured I would leave him to it and go watch some television in the meantime before the food was too arrive. I scanned through the channels and found my favorite show. You guessed it I enjoyed the series Friends. Abby and I would watch this every time an episode would come on. This got me thinking of my best friends and family. I was just about to let a tear drop until the door was knocked upon. I figured that was the delivery guy so I was about to make my way to the door but Rio beat me to it. It was in fact not the delivery guy but Jackson holding the food.

"Hey man I met the delivery man at the gate and decided I would come to drop it off for you. I also have the files you asked me for today." Jackson had changed into lounge wear and made his way into the kitchen with the bags of food.
I made my way into the kitchen and met with Rio and Jackson.
" Do you mind making us our plates Ellena. We have some things to discuss before we eat. Make one for Jackson as well." Rio and Jackson made there way into the living area and sat down and started conversing with each other about some meetings that were coming up and deals that were needed the other Alphas including Rio attention. I had just finished making our plates and was making my way into the living room to ask if they wanted them there or at the table when I heard my name come up in there conversation. I stopped in my tracks and listened carefully as they talked about me for a few minutes.

"How is she Rio? Do you think she is going to last a while here as your maid? She seems to be handling things quite well despite us kidnapping her." Jackson lead the conversation first while Rio answered his questions.

"She is going to be for a while if not forever Jack. She is also handling this sudden change well. I think she is going to be here for a long time." Rio stated.

"What makes you so sure? I also brought her files that you need to have when she gets her checkup at the doctors tomorrow. You will need to be there at 8:45am to have her examined." Jackson informed him of an appointment for me tomorrow morning for a doctors visit.

"Because she is going to be very important to me Jack. Very important. I will tell you when I am ready." Rio decided this was all he wanted to say.

" of course Rio take your time. She will have bloodwork and physical exams tomorrow so it might take a while for her to be finished. The doctor that is going to be looking after her is my sister after all." Jackson had also informed Rio and it's a good thing that Jackson has a sister. At least it's a female doctor. I would be uncomfortable if it was to be a male doctor.

"Let's go eat I'm sure she is done making our meals." Rio got up swiftly and made his way into the kitchen where I was almost done preparing their meals including mine.

"This smells good man. I'm proud." Jackson cracked an eyebrow in Rio'a direction before laughing a little bit as he sat down to scarf down his meal for tonight.

"Yeah I am capable of providing my meals but I'm definitely not a home cook. Let's not bring up my one incident with my grandma Jack." Rio quickly ate his food as we talked and enjoyed each others company. An hour later Jackson said his goodbyes to Rio and I. I was going to have an appointment tomorrow morning early so I thought it would be best to go ahead and go to sleep. I didn't want to think of tomorrow. Long story short I really hated doctors... especially whenever they need things from you that involve  needles.

We made our way upstairs to our bedrooms. I decided to choose the one closest to the Alpha in case of an emergency he would be there or vice versa.

" Goodnight Ellena.remember to set an alarm on the bedroom clock next to your bed for your doctors visit in the morning. It's about a 40 minute drive from here to the office. We will leave around 8:00am. 

"Got it! Goodnight Rio." I closed my door as he left making his way to his bedroom that was right next to mine. I decided I would need to shower tonight since I smelt like mud and tears from the past few days. I haven't had a proper bath in a while.

As I made my way I got her bathroom. I realized I had not seen this rooms bathroom and I am very glad this is the room I chose to reside in. The bathroom was gorgeous and definitely fit for a queen. The counters and floor were marble and the shower was giant. The tub was very beautiful and artistic in my opinion. The windows were security windows so I could see out and no one could look in at me. It was amazing to know this was gonna be mine for a good while at least.

After I finished taking a bath I had no clean clothes so I decide to sleep in the naked. The sheets were made of silk and felt so good against my skin. They were very soft to the touch. Jackson said he would drop my things off that I would need in the morning about an hour before we left for my appointment. He would be coming along with us so he could see his sister. He had not seen her for a while and thought it would do him some good. I was lost in my thoughts and before I knew it I had fallen into a deep sleep. Waiting for tomorrow to come.

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