The Story of the Little Man "...

By LiannQ

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Title(s): 小汉子"娶"妻记 Author: Cha Cha Cha (茶查查) Status: 52 Chapters (Completed) Summary: The little man Lu Bai w... More



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By LiannQ

    When Lu Bai and Shen Changlan walked back from the village, they met many people, and the news that he changed from a man to a pair quickly spread in Qingshan Village.

    For two days in a row, Lu Xiaobai didn't go out. One was because he was not feeling well, and the other was because he felt awkward being watched all the time when he went out, so he simply didn't go out.

    He still remembers Ge Dashun's painful expression that day. He was angry at first, but after thinking about it, he became depressed. He and Dashun grew up together. If Dashun suddenly became a pair... Just think about it, Lu

    Bai He shivered and understood Ge Dashun's reaction.

    But compared to other people, thinking about it now, only Orion is the calmest.

    Lu Bai looked at his own reflection in the water basin, the water surface was calm, and the red mark between his brows was obvious.

    He looked at it, then stretched out his hand to disturb the water surface, feeling a little bored in his heart.

    The only ones that didn't respond were the two dogs at home. Big Gray and Rhubarb would still come up to him when they saw him, have fun as usual, or put their heads over to let him pet them.

    This gave Lu Bai a little comfort, at least Big Gray and Rhubarb wouldn't make a fuss just because he had a red mark between his eyebrows.

    After staying at home for two days, he did nothing but clean the yard and feed the dogs and chickens. Lu Bai washed his hands in the basin and went to the kitchen to cook.

    The weather is too hot, the appetite is not good, and there are leftovers from the morning. He heated a pancake so that it tastes soft.

    Seeing the food box on the desk, there is a bowl of chicken soup inside, which Shen Changlan sent over before the sun came out in the morning.

    In two days, he met Orion just once.

    When the two of them walked to the door of his house the evening before yesterday, Shen Changlan said that he would not come to eat for a few days and asked him to rest well.

    Because of the difficulties of these things, Lu Bai didn't have much energy, seeing that Orion couldn't talk, he could only nod.

    Yesterday morning when he went out, he heard the comments from the villagers. Although he found out that the aunts after him had stopped talking, it still made him uncomfortable, so he came back and closed the courtyard door, and never went out again.

    If Orion doesn't come to eat, he can deal with it by himself, but this is a relief for Lu Xiaobai. If he can't see Shen Changlan, he won't let him think about what happened under the waterfall that day, and Orion said that he wants to marry him matter.

    Shen Changlan didn't expect to send him chicken soup, and he didn't know who Orion, who couldn't cook, asked to make it.

    Lu Xiaobai looked at the bowl of chicken soup, put it in the pot and heated it together with the pancakes.

    It was still warm when it was delivered in the morning, Shen Changlan didn't say anything, just let him drink it and left.

    Orion was really kind to him, but Lu Bai was thinking, now that he is a twin, should he avoid suspicion, after all, Shen Changlan is a man.

    Troubled things happened one after another. Although he was resting and did nothing, he didn't feel any relief.

    After a hasty meal, the sun was very strong at noon and there was no wind. After drinking a bowl of hot chicken soup, Lu Bai was sweating all over, but after sweating, he felt lighter, and the heaviness and dizziness he felt when he had a fever improved. A lot, I guess drinking another bowl of medicine today will make it better.

    Sitting bored in the main room and fanning the wind with a cattail fan, the big gray and big yellow stuck out their tongue hotly, panting and lying beside his feet.

    It would be much better if it rained.

    From the main room, he could see that the ground of the yard was shining brightly. It hadn't rained this year so far, and it was too hot.

    Alone at home with no one to talk to, Lu Bai's figure sitting there looked a bit lonely, and he felt it too.

    Before, I asked Matchmaker Wang to talk about a daughter-in-law, but unfortunately, he became like this.

    The listless little man slowed down his palm-leaf fan. He has lived alone for more than a year or two, and the house is usually deserted. Now it is even better. He can’t even marry a wife. Son married another twin.

    Feeling depressed and the weather was too hot, he was still sweating in a thin shirt, so he got up and went to the room, closed the door, leaving only a gap in the window, and took off his underwear and lay on the bamboo at the table.

    Although he is the only one in the family, Lu Xiaobai is still thin-skinned, only in his own room.

    It was still cool to lie down on the bamboo mat, but after sleeping for a while, it was warmed up, and I had to turn over and lie on the other side, and so on, switching sides.

    The white and tender twins lay on the bed and closed their eyes to meditate, trying not to think about those troublesome things. The fair and well-proportioned body is extremely beautiful, and a faint red mark between the eyebrows is very beautiful, like a painted pattern. Too bad no one got to see it.

    Another boring day at home, except for eating and sleeping, finally got cooler at night, with the wind, Lu Bai opened the window and fell asleep in a daze.

    When he was awakened by several thunderclaps in the middle of the night, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, then ran to the window to look at the sky.

    There are not many stars in the sky, all are dark clouds, and there are still lightning flashes.

    There were a few more thunderclaps, the wind began to blow, and the air was filled with an earthy smell, and it was going to rain.

    Finally something happy happened, Lu Xiaobai stood in front of the window and felt a gust of wind without heat, it was really cool.

    He slept a lot in the past few days and was happier, so he woke up not too sleepy now, so he stood in front of the window and waited for the rain.

    Soon, thunder was rolling, lightning flashed, and there were large patches of raindrops crackling on the ground. The sound was not small, and the rain quickly became heavier.

    With the light of the lightning, Lu Bai could clearly see the water marks on the ground. The rain was really heavy.

    He watched the heavy rain for a while, and the wind blew the rain into the window, and his hands, arms, and even his face were wet.

    After wiping his face, Lu Bai closed the window, and finally the heat stopped.

    When it rained, he breathed a sigh of relief.


    Early the next morning, Lu Bai stood under the eaves and watched the rain.

    When Dahui got up in the morning, he rushed in while the rain was not strong and drenched in the rain for a while, that was a joy, and when he came back, he stood next to Lu Bai shaking the water, and ended up messing with Lu Bai, he was so angry that he patted the water. A few big gray heads.

    It started to fall in the middle of the night, and it hasn't stopped until now. That's good, the vegetables in the crop fields and in the yard must be growing well.

    The rain started to get heavier again. Standing under the eaves, the rain that floated in would wet your clothes. Lu Bai was about to go back to the main room, but suddenly there was a knock on the courtyard door.

    After hearing Shen Changlan's voice calling him outside, Lu Bai was stunned for a moment. He picked up the bamboo hat, put it on, and walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

    As soon as the door opened, he looked up at Shen Changlan who was holding an oiled paper umbrella.

    When the two eyes met, they were both a little dazed. In the end, it was Shen Changlan who came to his senses first, and he handed the food box in his hand to Lu Bai.

    "Drink the chicken soup while it's hot."

    Seeing Lu Bai take it, Shen Changlan turned around and left after saying this.

    "Chang Lan." Lu Bai called him subconsciously.

    But when Shen Changlan really looked back at him, he didn't know what to say.

    "Thank you." He found an excuse and thanked Orion.

    "Don't give away any more in the future..."

    Lu Xiaobai didn't understand why Orion was so kind to him. He came here to deliver chicken soup for two days in a row. , and now I'm giving him chicken soup, I don't know what to do.

    However, after seeing Shen Changlan lowered his eyes and the curve of his thin lips didn't look so gentle, Lu Bai felt a little uneasy. He explained subconsciously, with a dull voice: "I'm a twin now, not a man, so I need to avoid suspicion."

    The voice of the last sentence was very low, Shen Changlan heard it clearly, and then he raised his eyes to look at Shuang'er wearing a bamboo hat.

    When Lu Bai opened the door and looked up at him just now, he didn't know what was going on, the red marks on his brows made him even whiter, unexpectedly beautiful, that's why he was stunned for a while.

    Since Lu Bai said that he wanted to avoid suspicion, and his voice sounded pitiful and aggrieved, Shen Changlan thought for a while, and could only nod: "Okay, but remember to drink the soup while it's hot." Orion's voice was calm, and he even smiled lightly, reassuring Lu

    Bai .

    Shen Changlan left with an umbrella, and Lu Bai was watching him at the door, even if he was dressed in civilian clothes, it couldn't hide the aura of the tall Orion.

    Lu Xiaobai thought for a while before he thought of the word "momentum", but he still didn't think it was appropriate, but he couldn't think of a better one.

    He glanced at the food box in his hand, ah, yesterday's food box and bowls were not returned yet, another one came today.

    Suddenly, I was annoyed that I was only in a daze just now and forgot this.

    However, Shen Changlan had already gone a long way, and the rain was heavy, so no one could be seen soon.

    Forget it, let's wash it together and send it over next time.


    rain has been raining for two days, water is everywhere, poured in along the dry and cracked ground, moistening the earth, everything seems to be alive again, no longer thirsty.

    After the rain stopped, the dark clouds dispersed and the sky was not so hot.

    Whether it was trees or flowers, they all stretched out their green branches and leaves. Lu Bai was quite happy to see the vegetables and leaves in the yard rejuvenated and plump.

    Counting that he has been at home for four days, there will be mushrooms on the mountain after the rain. After thinking about it, he went up the mountain with a bamboo basket on his back.

    When the sun comes out, the mud on the road dries quickly, but there are still many places on the mountain that are wet and muddy, so you will inevitably step on it.

    Big Hui ran out after him, with wet mud on its paws, but it was still playing happily on the mountain.

    Lu Bai walked forward, sometimes he really wanted to understand why Dahui could play so happily by himself, as if he didn't have any worries, and ate, drank and slept with him every day, went out to have fun when he wanted to play, and went out when he was tired. go home.

    Thinking about it this way, Dahui seems to be doing pretty well, and so is Dahuang, who is calmer, but sometimes he will go out to have fun with Dahui, and the two of them really don't see any worries.  

     Not only did Lu Bai go up the mountain, he met other people in the village, and after a few words of politeness, he quickly said that he would leave first and not go with them, because those people in the village all looked at the red mark between his eyebrows intentionally or unintentionally.

     Lu Bai was very uncomfortable, so on the road behind, he saw other people in the distance, so he avoided it early.    

    After picking some mushrooms and digging up some herbs, there was already a lot of mud on Lu Bai's shoes, so he scraped them off with a branch.   

     The dirt road was still difficult to walk, the mushrooms in the bamboo baskets were enough to last for two days, and the herbs could be sold for tens of pennies when dried, so he walked back with the ashes.    

     Going up the mountain, looking at the scenery in the mountain and smelling the breath after the rain, made Lu Bai feel a lot more relieved. He avoided the crowd and didn't have to be looked at like that anymore, so his steps were much easier.  

      It's just that there are wet mud everywhere in the mountains, and the path to pick mushrooms is not a small path, but to some places with few footprints, and some are quite rough.  

      On the next slightly steep soil slope, he accidentally stepped on the wet mud and slipped all of a sudden. Fortunately, he picked up a thick branch as a crutch just now, and leaned on the branch to stay on the ground so as not to fall. I was covered in mud, but I couldn't control it when I slid down, and I sprained my ankle.  

     The left ankle hurt, and the big gray barked twice, but Lu Bai ignored it, and lifted his trousers to look, the ankle was already a little swollen.  

     Sighing, forget it, the sprain will be sprained, and I still have to go back.    

     It's another troublesome thing, but Lu Bai tried his best to think of the best for himself.    

     Although he thought about it for a while, he couldn't figure out the benefits of spraining his ankle, but it was better than being dejected all the time.

    He limped back, feeling a sharp pain every time he moved, and it seemed that he had twisted heavily.

    Lu Bai frowned and sighed faintly, but when he walked forward, he looked at the surrounding mountain scenery, and the scenery was very beautiful.

    He tried to find comfort for himself.

    There were still two small hills to go down, Lu Bai leaned against a tree to rest, and Big Hui also stopped, but it quickly barked forward and ran over.

    When Lu Bai saw it wagging its tail, he knew that someone he knew was coming, and perhaps the reason why Da Hui was so enthusiastic, except for Lu Bai himself, was Shen Changlan who often fed him big bones during this time.


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