π‚πšπ¦π© π‡πžπ₯π₯

By The-Unforgiv3n

1.2K 28 50

Sadie's mother ships her off to summer camp, Sadie thought it would be a miserableοΏΌ 3 months. But when she me... More

Fucking Summer Camp?
He Told People What!
Lars Ulrich Is A No Good Fucker!
Who The Fuck Is Stalking Me!
Holy Shit I Think I love Kirk Hammett!
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Hammett!
Sadie's My Wingman!
Lars Ulrich Is An Asshole!
Kirk Confesses!
Her Mom Did What!
Where Could She Have Gone?
Kirk's A Hero!
You Did What To Him!
I Need To Apologize..
No Life 'Till Leather!
I'll Kill Her!
He'll Be Fine!
I Got A Letter!
Luna Ulrich?
A/N πŸ’ž

First Day of This Fucking Hell

87 2 17
By The-Unforgiv3n

I wake up to.. you guessed it, my mother screaming in my ear. I get up and *lightly* push her out of my room to get dressed

"Take a shower before you get dressed!" She yells going down the stairs, I pick out my outfit and go to the bathroom to shower.

Once my shower is finished I get dressed and put now some mascara and very light winged eyeliner

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and grab an apple, I sit down on the couch and turn the tv on waiting for my mom to take me to the fucking meet up, which is stupid if you ask me.

My mother walks in and taps me on the shoulder, I turn my head towards her. "Yes?" I ask her, hopefully we're about to leave. Don't ask why I wanna leave so bad cause not even I know why..

"Are you ready? It's about time we get going."

I nod my head and turn the tv off, standing up and grabbing my backpack slinging it on my back, putting on my headphones and pushing play on my Walkman as Iron Maiden plays through my ears.

I grab my suitcase that's by the front door and walk outside towards the car, I open the boot of my mothers "expensive" ass car and put the suitcase in there, slamming it as it closes.

"Stop slamming stuff, this car is expensive and I will not have you disrespecting my stuff." My mother warns me pointing her bony ass finger at me.

I roll my eyes and open the door to the passenger side, getting in and shutting the door.

I look out the window listening to my music as I slowly fall asleep, 40 minutes later I feel the car park and I wake up.

"We're here, get your stuff and get on the bus."

I grab my suitcase out of the boot and close it, walking up to my moms side of the car I look at her

"What you're not gonna say bye to me?"

She looks away from me and back at the wheel

"Wow.. okay happy fucking summer to you too."

I walk off toward the bus and look back at her, that fucking bitch just left. Without even saying goodbye to me..

"Wow.. that was.. uh some goodbye..."

I turn around to find the face of the voice I just heard, when I see a tall guy, blonde hair and blue eyes looking right at me.

"Uh.. names James.. Um.. James Hetfield" he explains, hm.. he's kinda cute.. stop Sadie.. you made up your mind keeping to yourself this summer.

"The names Sadie Normandy.." fuck why did i tell him my name..

He smiles down at me "nice to meet a pretty girl like you.. uh.. did you wanna sit with me? On.. the bus?"

I look at him and roll my eyes "look dude... I don't know you and I would like to keep it that way.. so no I don't wanna sit with you on the bus."

..Is what I would have LIKED to tell him but of course shit doesn't go as plan for me. Instead I tell him "yeah sure! I don't have any friends here anyways.."

He smiles at me again and grabs a hold of my hand leading me to the area to drop my suitcase off.

"Drop that off and then follow me!" He exclaims, I have no clue what this dudes plan is but.. eh he seems nice

"So.. uh tell me about yourself.." I ask him once we get on the bus and sit in our seats

"Well I like music.. like Motörhead.. Misfits.. Iron Maiden.. that stuff.. don't hate me.." he explains.. how could I hate this guy

"No fucking way dude.."

"What?" He asks with a confused look on his face

"I fucking LOVE that shit! Tell me more man" I exclaim with a happy look on my face

"Wait Really! No way! Uh I'm also in a band.. with some friends from school, I'm 17 and .. uh .. that's about it"

Okay that shit is cool.. a fucking band dude..

"Fucking awesome, what's the name of your band?" I ask him interested as fuck

"Oh uh Metallica, we're not big or anything.. matter of fact we're just starting but I have a feeling that we're gonna be big one day.."

"That's a sick name man, look I haven't known you for long but just judging by the way your eyes light up when your talking about music.. I know for sure with some hard ass work you and your kick ass band is gonna make it so big everyone around the WORLD will know who the fuck Metallica is.." I tell him, he smiles at me and nod his head

"That means a lot to me Sid.. uh can I call you that?"

"Yeah sure why the hell not.. so Mr. Metallica.. do you have any tapes so far?" I ask him

"Uh not yet.. but when we do I will for sure find you and let you listen"

"Let me give you my number and you can call me when you finally do, I'll get my ass up there and listen to that shit." I tell him, turning my head toward a man walking into the bus

"Alright people! I'm Gary, I'll be taking roll to make sure everyone who is supposed to be here is here.. everyone who hasn't got in a seat find one now, I'll call the roll in a few minutes."

I look over at James and start to laugh, he looks over at me confused on why I was doing so.

"What's so funny?"

"That Gary dude looks fucking weird man.."

He looks back to Gary and then back to me and busts out laughing

"He fucking does dude, holy fucking shit"

We're Immediately get cut off by Gary.. way to ruin the fucking moment jackass

"James Hetfield?"


"This Gary man is boring as hell dude.."

James looks over at me and nods, we carry on a conversation and before long we're cut off again.

"Sadie Normandy?"

"Yeah I'm here."

Before long Gary calls everyone and the bus starts driving off, James keeps me company the whole time. Which he is very funny.. he also told me about his parents and I told him about mine

"So that was your mom who drove off?" He asks

"Sadly yes.. she signed me up for this fucking camp to be 'productive', what fucking ever I know it's only cause she wanted me out of the fucking house" I ranted to him

"Damn... I'm so sorry, it sucks that she didn't even say goodbye to you.. if it helps I'm here for you!" He tells me while he smiles

I smile back at him and nod my head "really?" I ask

"Yeah! You're cool man, better then half the kids at my school"

"Oh what school you go to?"

Turns out.. we go to the same fucking school, I mean what are the fucking odds

"Wait.. you go to the same school?"

"Yeah! How the fuck have I never seen you?" I ask him

"Bro what the fuck! We should totally hang out after summer camp, wait let me write my address down.. swing by after summer camp and we'll definitely hang!"

He grabs a piece of paper and a pin writing down his address, when I look down at it I smile

"There you go, that's so fucking cool you go to the same school as me dude!" He exclaims

I grab a piece of paper and the pin he used and write my address down handing it to him

"What's this?" He asks

"My address, come visit me anytime" I tell him smiling

He looks down at it and then looks back at me with wide eyes

"Holy shit no way..."

I looks at him confused.. did I do something wrong... holy shit I did.. FUCK I blew the one chance of making a friend here..

"What.. did I do something wrong?"

"What! No! You live across the street from one of my band members.." he explains

Oh thank fucking god! Wait... across the street..

"No fucking way.. DUDE! Okay we definitely have to hang out..."

"I don't believe in fate or anything but Sadie Motherfucking Normandy... I think fate brought us together" he says with a small smirk on the corner of his lips

I look at him and we both start busting out laughing, yeah fucking right fate? Fate isn't a real thing an illusion to the human eye.. long story short...fucking bullshit.

"James Hetfield.. you are one weird funny motherfucker.. I like you dude, I can tell we're gonna be good friends"

After many conversations with James the bus stops and lets us out

"Welcome to Camp Hell.." James says opening his arms

I look up at him and roll my eyes "yeah it looks like fucking hell.. it's hot as shit out here"

"That's summer camp for you baby!"

I look alway from him and look around the camp

"Look.. uh I'm gonna go find my friends, you're welcome to join me if you want?"

I think about it for a second then turn back towards him "yeah sure I ain't got anything better to do"

"Awesome, they're gonna love you.. uh let's take your stuff to your cabin and we'll go look for those fucknuts."

I laugh at his nickname, fucknuts.. that was very.. how do I explain.. graphic? Yeah I guess we'll use graphic

Once we get my shit and put it in the cabin, James grabs onto my hand and leads me towards the cafe area in hope of finding his friends

"So Lars is Danish and he's short which is so funny making him mad, he looks like a toddler!, Lars plays the drums for my band. Kirk is not much taller then him but he's very sweet, there is not one bad bone in his body, he plays the guitar in my band. Now Cliff, he's a very chill back kind of guy.. he will protect the people he cares about and vary rarely will he hate someone.. you have to fuck up royally if he hates you dude. He plays bass for us and he's one sick fucking motherfucker playing that shit." He explains

I nod and listen to every word he says, the way he talks about his friends is very sweet.. it seems to me that he cares about them very much.

We walk into the cafe and we stop, as he looks around for his friends. He smiles and points to the left

"There they are! I'm so excited for you to meet them Sid, you're going to love them.. or at least I hope you do!"

I nod and smile back at him, well here goes nothing..

"Let's go then, I'm excited to meet them man!" I tell him as he walks us over to them

POV: Kirk

I sit with Lars and Cliff at a table in the Cafe waiting for James to show up, Lars keeps yapping his mouth.. Cliff just sits there tapping his fingers on the table, I flip the page of my horror comic I'm reading as I finished that page.

"Woahhhh... guys do you see that?" Lars says to Cliff and I, I look up trying to find what the fuck he's talking about

"What the fuck are you talking about Lars?" Cliff asks him

"Well I found James.. and he's not alone" he says while smirking

Cliff looks around before stopping, then he looks over at me and points in a direction

I look over to where he was pointing and saw James.. with a girl.. she was fucking beautiful.. short brown hair, brown eyes.. everything about her was fucking beautiful

"Holy shit! Kirk over here is hard, well would you look at that HA!" Lars exclaims

I look down and wouldn't you fucking know I am fucking hard

"Fucking bitch.." I mutter "no Lars I don't have a boner.. okay maybe I do.. LEAVE ME ALONE"

"Better not get up Kirk, don't wanna scare her off yeah? And she's holding hands with Jaymz.. she might be his girlfriend or something.." Cliff explains

Fucking bitch, I really hope she's not... for some reason I feel really jealous, I don't know why it's not like she's mine or anything...

"HA! More like his summer fling dude, he always gets a fling during the summer.. the guy is a sex addict." Lars says

"Dude.. that's our friend your talking about, and on top of that.. fuck you dude.. stop looking at my dick man" I tell him rolling my eyes

"Kirk anyone could fucking see, if they're not dating you might as well shoot your shot dude." Cliff says looking at me

"If they're not dating, I want a turn with her before him!" Lars exclaims


"She's not a fucking toy you just pass around man.." I say shoving his shoulder

James and the girl finally walk over to our table, they both sit down

"Yo what the fuck is up guys!, this is Sadie I met her on the way to camp she's pretty chill. She uh actually lives across the street from you Kirk.." James says smiling

The fuck is he smiling about.. wait what.. she lives across the street from me, oh FUCK yeah man

"Nice to meet you Sadie, I'm Cliff"

"Lars, nice to meet you man"

"I'm Kirk!" I say.. that was so fucking weird dude.. 'i'M kIrK' dude I'm so fucking weird!

"It's so nice to meet y'all, James was telling me a lot about y'all! Um I assume you're all metal heads?" She asks

Sadie.. such a pretty name for a pretty face.. DUDE THAT'S CREEPY! Ew I need to take a chill pill

"Yeah, let me guess.. James told you his favorite bands and you actually knew wtf they were?" Lars asks her

She laughs before answering, "yeah, I'm a pretty big Motörhead fan if you ask me.."

No fucking way.. a girl this pretty is a fucking Motörhead fan..

"Woah, you're a Motörhead fan?" Cliff asks her

"Dude I fucking LOVE Motörhead!" Lars exclaims

"Yeah! I also like Iron Maiden.. uh Misfits Is fucking awesome" she continues

"Oh FUCK yeah dude, I fucking love Misfits! I even have a Misfits tattoo" Cliff explains taking off his denim jacket showing off his Misfits muscle tee and pointing to his tattoo

"Holy shit dude! That rocks man!" She exclaims

"Dude, James how the fuck did you meet this girl man?" Lars asks

"Uh.. her mom was being a jackass and I thought maybe she could use a friend or something.." James explains

"A jackass?" Lars asks him, wanting to know more cause he's fucking nosy as fuck

"My mom signed me up for this fucking camp, dropped me off this morning at the bus meet up, and then right when I got out of the car fucking pulled off. Didn't even say bye to me dude. Fucking dick move right there dudes" Sadie continues the story

"Your mom didn't even say bye? My mom was practically crying saying bye to me..."

"Sadly not everyone can have a mother like that man, embrace that shit.." she says

I mean she isn't wrong.. my mom cares a lot about me and not a lot of people have mothers like that, and I have a feeling based on what she just told us about her mom from this morning.. her mom didn't really give a shit about her.

From this day on.. I'm gonna make sure she's safe, she's my responsibility now and if anyone and I mean anyone fucks with her. I will fucking murder their ass.

"Holy shit dude! That sucks man I'm sorry, ay let's take your mind off that shit" Lars says breaking me out of my thoughts

"Yeah for sure, but I gotta hit the girls room real quick. I'll be back dudes" Sadie explains while getting up and walking towards the door heading out

"So what did y'all think? She's cool right?" James asks

"Fuck yeah she's cool, definitely hanging out with us all summer man. She's gonna be eating meals with us right?" Cliff asks

"Yeah for sure, she doesn't have any other friends so she kinda has to, cool with everyone else? Kirk? Lars?" James asks us

"Yeah for sure, I'm chill with it.. Kirk on the other hand might not.."

"LARS! Yeah dude I'm chill with it"

James looks at me and then starts a conversation with Lars and Cliff

I pick my comic back up and continue reading it

"The tomb of Dracula huh.."

I look up from my comic to see that Sadie is back and is sitting right in front of me.. talking to me

"Uh yeah.. I love horror comics"

"I do too, I can't possibly tell you my favorite.. there are too many man" she says

"You like horror comics?" I ask her completely shocked

"Yeah! Let me guess everyone calls you a nerd cause you like horror comics?"

"Yeah they do.." I tell her

"Listen to me Kirk. Fuck em, you keep liking what you like, and tell em to go to hell."

I smile at her, I like her.. she's pretty cool

"Yeah.. I'll tell em to go to hell.. thanks Sadie" I tell her smiling again

"Your smile is cute Kirk, never stop smiling man, it's infectious" She exclaims laughing a little and ending it with a smile

"Thank you Sadie.. that means a lot to me"

"Hey Sid, they're gonna start serving lunch you wanna go with me and get some?" James asks her, snapping us out of whatever moment we had

"Yeah sure, Kirk you wanna come with us?" She asks looking back at me

"Nah I will in a minute though,"

"Alright, I'll be back!"

James and Sadie get up and walk towards the line for food

"Dude what the fuck was that." Lars asks

"Yeah man.." Cliff adds in

"What?" I ask

"You seriously need to get laid Kirk." Lars adds

"I would have gotten laid if you didn't steal the girls away from me dude! That's your fault" I whisper yell at him

"Dude you got Sadie man! Here let's make a bet, you get Sadie to fall in love with you and you get 100 bucks." Lars says

"And if she doesn't?" I ask him

"Then I move in and take her for myself, oh and you owe me 100 bucks dude" he continues

"Alright fuckers what's up" James says

"James you know if Sadie's single?" Lars asks him

"Uh.. yeah she's single.. why you gotta crush on her?" James asks

"No but Kirk does"

"Huh.. I thought Cliff was the one with the crush on Sadie.." James says

"What no! Why would you think that?" Cliff asks him

"Cause the way you were looking at her dude" James tells him

"At least I don't get hard from her looking at me like korky over here" Cliff says pointing at me

"Dude.. control your dick before she sees" James tells me with a disgusted look on his face

"Anyways, I made a bet with Kirk, if he gets Sadie to fall in love with him, he gets 100 bucks" Lars explains to James

"Dude! Sadie isn't a fucking betting ring, Kirk don't do that shit.. if she finds out it's a bet she will hate you." He explains to me

I'm not sure.. I mean I get it but I really like her and maybe I could use this bet to get closer to her.

"Kirk needs to get laid James.. if they start dating after that's up to them, if not so fucking what!"  Lars says

"Hey guys!" Sadie says walking back up to the table

"Hey Sadie" I greet her smiling, she smiles back at me then sits in front of me

"Sadie, do you have a boyfriend?" Lars asks her

I look over at him and give him a 'what the fuck is wrong with you'  look, seriously you just meet this chick and the first thing you ask her is if she has a boyfriend.

"Uh..no I don't, why what's up?" She asks

"Just making sure." Lars tells her, as he looks over at me and smirks

I roll my eyes and look back at Sadie as the guys return to a conversation amongst themselves. I take the chance to spark up a conversation with Sadie

"So uh.. tell me about yourself?"

POV: Sadie

"So uh tell me about yourself?"

I look up from my food at Kirk, I mean don't get me wrong.. he's fucking hot but.. I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen and it's gonna end horribly getting mixed up with Kirk ball over here.

"Uh.. well my dad bailed when I was 10.. haven't seen him since, My mom worries more about her job than about me.. uh I'm 17 and I play guitar so that's nice, I'm not good or anything but I enjoy playing it so who fucking cares right?"

He looks at me with absolute shock on his face, did I say something wrong..?

"Firstly I'm sorry about your living situation.. that must be very difficult... Secondly.. YOU PLAY GUITAR!" he says as he yells the last part loudly

Everyone in the cafe shuts up, looking over in our direction. Not a single peep is heard, yeah super embarrassing right.

Everyone goes back to their conversations a few minutes later, Lars looks over at me and points

"You play Guitar?" He asks me

"Uh yeah.."

"How long have you been playing?" Cliff asks me slightly interested

"Since I was 6.." I explain

"You have to show us man.." Lars says

"Oh no no no.. I uh.. I can't.." I tell them slightly freaking out. Me fucking playing shity in front of them, AND THEY'RE GOOD.. yeah no I think I'm good on not embarrassing myself.

"Question Sadie.. Electric or Acoustic?" Kirk asks me, is that even a fucking question dude

"Electric.. Acoustic just doesn't do flavors for me.." I tell him, as I shake my head. Lars pats Kirk on the shoulder and smirks over at me.

"Looks like Kirk here found his soulmate..HA!" He says laughing

"Lars shut the fuck up for once." Cliff tells him, smacking him upside the head

"Ouch you focker!" Lars says while rubbing the back of his head

"Uh what..?" I ask very confused

"I play electric guitar in our band.. oh shit yeah we're in a band" Kirk says

"Oh I know, Metallica.. sick name by the way!"

"You know the name? What.. how?" Lars asks

"James told me! Listen I haven't heard you play but I have a gut feeling you guys are gonna kick ass so hard.. everyone around the WORLD will be screaming about this shit!" I tell them

"Wow.. Sadie.. that was.. very nice dude no one has ever said that to us before!" Lars says smiling acting like he was fake crying

"Of course dude, Metallica is gonna kick ass and I know it. Anyways James said when y'all finally make some songs I could listen to em so, I gotta be the first to hear them" I tell them looking at each and everyone of them

"Yeah of course, since you live across from me.. I can bring the tape over and you can listen to it.." Kirk says smiling at me

"Kirk... how did you have absolutely no clue she lived across the fucking street from you." Lars asks him

"Okay I don't pay attention to anything outside my fucking house Lars.."

"Get this dude.. we all go to the same school.." James adds in

"I still don't know how I don't know you guys!" I express

"Wait I think I know you.. did you have Mr. McCormick?" Cliff asks me

"Holy shit yeah I did, lame ass teacher by the way" I tell him


"You two know each other?" Kirk asks with a weird expression on his face

"Y'all remember when I was telling you about that girl in my English class?" Cliff explains

"Yeah.." they all say at the same time

What the fucking hell is going on..

"That chick is Sadie fucking Normandy.." he says smiling

"HOLY SHIT BALLS!" All of them say

"What the fuck is happening..?" I ask them confused

"Sadie, we sat next to each other in Mr. McCormick's class" Cliff tells me

"Holy shit Cliff fucking Burton, I do fucking know you." I say with a sort of gasp, I get up from my seat and run over to him, hugging him

"Holy shit how could I not notice you dude!"

I get back to my seat and sit back down, we all talk about what we're gonna do once camp fucking hell is over.

"Attention, everyone my names is Mandy and i'll be the girls camp councilor.. we're gonna split everyone up in a few minutes, I hope you made some friends while you were here cause you will need them."

"God fucking damnit.. well it's official.. camp is shit" I say slamming my head down on the table

"Yeah camp fucking sucks, but hey at least you'll be meeting up with us!" Lars expresses

"Yeah that's a plus" I say with a slight bit of hope.

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