Hidden Burdens (working title)

By ShannonLeathem

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Ben and his wife, Kayla, are foster parents who take in kids who have had a difficult start to life to share... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Thanksgiving: Round Two
Meltdown in the Park
Decorating the Christmas Tree
It's Never Easy to Say Good-Bye
A New But Familiar Burden
Who is Jesus?
A New Foster Kid
Kimmy's First Court Hearing
Regrets and a Party
Unexpected Explosion
Road to Recovery and Love
Resurrecting Fear
Leaf Blowers and Regrets
An Overwhelmed Yearning
You Are Not Alone

Chapter Six

322 8 1
By ShannonLeathem

The alarm clock buzzed loudly at six o'clock the next morning. But not as loud as Claudia's alarm clock, that could be heard from a mile away. Her room was down the hall with her door shut. How was she able to sleep through that?

Ben reached over to shut theirs off before rolling onto his back. "We need to do something about that while Kimmy's here," he said, his eyes shut once more.

"I haven't thought about that 'till just now, myself," he heard from beside him. Kayla sat up first, pushing away the comforter while Ben rubbed his hands along his face as if it would wipe away the sleepiness.

The most annoying of all alarm clocks was finally shut off.

"Thank the Lord," Ben said, sitting up and pushed back the comforter on his side.

"Ben," Kayla scolded while heading for their bathroom to splash water on her face.

"What?" He spat back, confused why she was scolding him. "I'm just saying. I'm glad it's off."

"Could you not say it by using the Lord's name in vain?" She asked.

"I wasn't," Ben said, shrugging. "I was just thanking Him the alarm clock was finally turned off. Isn't that what you're supposed to do?"

"Yes, but usually when people say it like that, it's not actually to thank Him."

Ben ran his hand along his light brown hair. "Well, that wasn't my intention and I sincerely apologize to both of you." And he meant that, too. He swore it sometimes felt like walking on eggshells with this whole Christian thing.

It was because of Kayla who got him curious with church and all the stuff that came with it. Ben knew about God growing up and heard His name, but his parents never went to church. Easter and Christmas were just family holidays where he got a basket or stocking of treats and gifts from a rabbit and a jolly old fat guy. It was his dad, whom he learned the phase whenever something good happened, and Ben just picked it up by default.

-- & --

Ben took a shower and got dressed while Kayla made the rounds, making sure the kids were getting up for school.

To save time, the kids just had cereal and yogurt for breakfast and Kayla took the kids to school while Ben made sure the spare side of Claudia's room was clean and made up for Kimmy's arrival, including putting spare sheets on the bed until they could take a trip to Target.

Ben also vacuumed the entire room, tossing what Claudia had left on the floor on her bed, and wiped down what would be Kimmy's dresser, as well. He filled a utility caddy with a new toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, a new sealed bag of floss picks, and a bottle of children's shampoo and body wash and set the caddy on top of the dresser.

Kayla had returned while he was cleaning and cleaned the kitchen up. She had set up the kitchen table with her laptop and paperwork when he came down the stairs. Since Ben heard Kayla talking to someone, he figured the meeting had started and quietly grabbed a cup from the cupboard to get a drink of water from the machine in front of the fridge, which alerted Samson from his resting spot on the kitchen floor. Ben pressed the ice machine switch long enough to get an ice cube for the dog, tossing it to him.

Discreetly, Kayla let him know his phone rang earlier.

He quietly thanked her and grabbed his phone from the kitchen counter where he left it earlier that morning, unlocking it to see who called. Ben figured it was Leonard and was correct. He stepped outside on the back patio to call the man back.

It rang a few times before Leonard answered.

"Good morning, Leonard," he greeted. "This is Benjamin Ross. Sorry about missing your call again there. I was upstairs getting things ready for Kimmy."

"No worries, Benjamin," Leonard replied sincerely. "We are all busy these days. I was just calling to confirm that you and your wife can take in Kimmy and to let you know we should be there around eleven-thirty today."

"Okay, sounds good. Do you know if she has any allergies?" Ben asked, realizing he should have asked during the phone interview.

"Not to my knowledge. Do you still have that dog of yours?" Leonard also added if that was them or not, to make sure.

"Yup, that's us, and he's still here. Is Kimmy okay around dogs?"

"Her family had one, actually. So, there might be some grief in the beginning."

Ben paced around the back patio. "Yeah, no problem. Did the dog recently pass?"

"No, the landlord of the apartment recently found out they had one, so Stella said she had to get rid of it," Leonard corrected.

"That has to be rough, having your kids taken from you, then having to surrender your dog, as well?" Ben couldn't imagine surrendering Samson like that. Not to mention how a kid might deal with that. Hopefully, Samson could help Kimmy through the grieving process. Of course, he couldn't replace their dog.

Leonard agreed with him with his own sympathy. The guy may have been old-fashioned, but his heart always seemed to be in the right place for the kids.

The men wrapped up before Leonard had to go.

The only thing Ben had left he could do was to do a factory reset on the tablet for what will be temporary Kimmy's and install the apps she might use, including Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube, and signed in to each one, adding Kimmy to the who's watching.

All the tablets needed a password to download any apps to stop the kids from downloading something that might be bad or they shouldn't see, including the older kids. But they were welcome to ask Ben or Kayla if they wanted something new.

It wasn't until a quarter till noon did the doorbell ring.

Samson was the first to bolt for the door, standing there with his tail wagging, waiting to see who it was.

Ben set the tablet on the ottoman for now and headed into the other room just as Kayla opened the door. She tugged on Samson's collar to gently pull him back so the round, old man could step inside. A little girl with dark blonde hair, growing down to her shoulders shortly followed. She wasn't thin like Claudia or Miguel was, but wasn't chubby like Mary, either.

Kimmy was already taking in her surroundings as the adults greeted one another, holding her backpack on one shoulder and holding a small, black trash bag of clothes in the opposite hand, something a lot of kids kept their clothes in while moving from place to place. Her green eyes moved around the room even when Ben greeted her. It took a couple of tries before she looked at him.

"Hey, it's nice to meet ya, Kimmy." Ben introduced himself and Kayla while Samson switched from sniffing Leonard over to the kid. "That's Samson. He's very friendly and loves kids."

He was impressed when Kimmy held her hand out for the dog to sniff first before petting him on the head. Not many kids knew to do that and usually just went for it. It wasn't a problem for Samson, since he was indeed the friendliest dog one would meet.

-- & --

While Kayla asked more questions Ben hadn't considered, he offered to show Kimmy the kitchen and to fix her lunch. He also showed her the pantry and refrigerator in case she ever got hungry between meals and wanted a snack. They usually tried to keep the kids' favorites on hand, including fruits and raw veggies. The Cutie mandarin oranges were an enormous hit as a snack and were usually gone long before the next grocery shopping trip.

There was also stuff to make sandwiches and those small individual mac and cheese cups combined with Cheeto dust, both plain and flamin' hot cheese they had left over from another kid who loved them more than regualer mac and cheese. Kimmy pointed towards the flamin' hot mac and cheese cup when Ben asked if she ever had them and if she wanted to try it.

Ben showed Kimmy how to make it, including how to use their microwave, and showed her where the stool was in case she couldn't reach anything. "We don't mind if you climb on the counter, but only on your knees. Okay?"

Kimmy blankly watched him.

"Okay?" He repeated, wanting to make sure she understood him.

Kimmy nodded her head that time.

When the microwave beeped, Ben pressed the button to open the door and used the spoon to stir in the cheese seasoning before passing the cup to her, warning it was freshly hot out of the microwave and to be careful. He told her to eat at the table when Kimmy just stood there eating it.

While Kimmy headed over to the table, Ben threw away the trash, then asked what she wanted to drink, listing one at a time so Kimmy could nod or shake her head. He went through the list a second time when she heard all the options and finally nodded for milk.

Ben got a green cup from one of the upper cupboards and poured some milk in it and brought the cup over to set in front of her. 

He kneeled beside her chair. "Listen, I can't imagine all you must be feeling these last few weeks. Probably hasn't been easy." He looked up into her emotionless face. "We don't expect you to trust us right off the back. You can take all the time you need and if you have any questions about anything, you can ask us. If we don't know the answer, we will try to find out. As we learn stuff, we will share it with you unless directed otherwise by Leonard. Okay?" It was always best for them to be honest up front with the kids, including if there was anything they wouldn't be able to share with them. Ben and Kayla prefered to keep the kids in the loop to help them feel less anxious, though.

Kimmy stared at him for a moment, but eventually nodded when he asked if she understood.

When the paperwork was finished, Kayla and Leonard came in long enough to say good-bye and see if Ben had any last-minute questions or concerns. As with most case managers, Leonard did not know much about Kimmy other than what was reported. He was able to give Kayla the number to the group home so they could ask them questions they noticed of her.

Kayla then walked the older man out, thanking him, who countered it with his own gratitude.

-- & --

After Kimmy finished her lunch, Ben and Kayla gave her a tour of the house. 

Samson was very curious about the newcomer, following behind them and constantly poking his cold, wet nose into Kimmy's hand to ask for more pets. Kimmy did not seem to mind and ran her hand along his shaggy fur each time while Ben showed her each room, starting with downstairs. Though Kayla still told Kimmy the command she can give Samson if Kimmy did not want to continue petting him. All she needed to say was to tell Samson to go laid down. 

When she wasn't petting Samson, Kimmy kept her hands in the pockets of her basketball shorts as she followed their lead.

Ben explained about the computer and how homework was a priority. Not only with getting to use it, but if another kid needed to do their homework on the computer while someone was playing on it, the computer automatically goes to them. There hadn't really been an issue with the computer since every kid got their own tablet.

Next, they moved on to the family room where Ben explained the TV was similiar to the computer where homework was a priority.

"However, we have started letting you kids watch TV and your tablets for thirty minutes to an hour after school to let you relax from the day," Ben added.

Kayla also pointed out they tried to have movie nights on Friday for everyone and took turns letting everyone choose a movie. "You're welcome to join us if you want. But you don't have to if you don't want to."

Kimmy shook her head.

Ben held his hands on his sides. "Not a movie person?" He playfully teased.

She just stared up at him.

The tour was moved along after a brief period of awkward silence. Before they continued to the next part of the house, Ben briefly inputted the video game consoles were also free to use, including all the games there on a nearby shelf. He usually kept the non kid-friendly games in his and Kayla's room.

"Do you like video games?"

Kimmy nodded.

"What kind of games do you like to play?"

But Kimmy still would not answer. They gave her some time, but after a minute, it was Kayla who suggested moving on with the tour.

They returned to the kitchen to step outside, where Samson bolted past their legs. The backyard was about the average size of any suburban household with a netted trampoline on one side. The kids loved that thing. So much so, Ben had to replace the netting around the trampoline recently.

He offered if Kimmy wanted to get in and jump right now.

Kimmy remained there, with her hands still in her pockets.

Kayla couldn't resist pointing out it had been a while since they picked up the dog waste while they were out there, which Ben promised he would take care of since he needed to mow the small section of grass.

They headed back inside, out of the heat and into the cool, A/Ced house. Despite it being September, the temperature outside was still in the low hundreds and sweating one's butt off.

They headed upstairs and showed Kimmy where everyone sleeps, including them. The kids could come to their room at night if they needed anything or if they were scared. They weren't allowed to sleep in their bed, another rule foster parents had to follow. Ben or Kayla would at least sit with the kids until they fell back to sleep.

The kids also weren't allowed in each other's rooms without the occupant's permission. That was a house rule of Ben and Kayla's, to teach them about boundaries, and if someone did not want others in their room, the kid could refuse and say no. The other kid had to respect that. For Claudia's and now Kimmy's room, it was on their own sides, including each other.

Ben and Kayla showed Kimmy her room last, after showing where the bathroom was.

Ben had made the bed with a green striped pattern set for now. "You can decorate your side any way you want." He pointed out the bulletin board for photos and stuff like that. "We don't want the thumbtacks straight on the wall, though. We have special stuff if you want to put up posters."

Kimmy moved her gaze around the room as they filled her in on everything.

When Ben finished, Kayla grabbed her attention. "Our only empty bed was with our oldest, who's sixteen. Are you comfortable sharing a room with a teenager?"

She glanced over at Claudia's side and nodded at Kayla.

"Claudia is nice," Kayla reassured. "All the kids are. There are disagreements from time to time, but nothing bad, I promise."

"But if one of the other kids is mean to you, let us know. Okay?" Ben added, holding his hands in the pockets of his jeans shorts.

Kayla was quick to add, "But, we prefer for you to be able to work things out yourselves. But if you can't, don't be afraid to ask us to step in."

Kimmy just stared up at her. 

It was amazing how quiet she was and not show any timidness or seem afraid. It was possible Kimmy was still in shock from the abrupt changes in her life and being taken from her mom and brother. Ben found it concerning how emotionless the kid seemed to be, though.

Not wanting to overload the kid on everything all at once, Ben showed Kimmy the tablet that will be hers while she was with them and the rules that came along with using it, including not being able to use the tablet past bedtime, and to ask him or Kayla if she wanted a particular app or game.

"Is there any other apps you like?" Ben held the tablet over to her to look through the apps he pre-installed.

Kimmy hesitated slightly, but took the tablet from him and looked through it. She scrolled through the apps, then looked up. She didn't say anything, but eventually nodded when he asked again.

"What's that?"

Kimmy automatically knew how to go into the app store and used her finger to click on the search bar and typed something in. Before she could press "install," Ben stopped her, wanting to check it first.

He took the tablet back and read the app description. The app Kimmy had searched for was the streaming app, Twitch. One of their boys, a few years older than she was, watched people play video games but in real time instead of pre-recorded videos on YouTube on it. Not seeing anything wrong with Twitch that he knew of, Ben pressed "install," and put in the password before passing the tablet back.

"We'll leave ya alone. Let you get settled in," he told her. "Usually, on the first or second day, we take you shopping for clothes and anything else you might need. Once we have your insurance card and transcripts from Leonard, I'll get all the doctors, dentist, and vision check-ups and get you enrolled in school. Okay?"

Kimmy nodded at him.

"Now, this might sound strange, but I am the one who stays here all day and makes sure you get to all your appointments and family visits. If you go to the school nurse sick and they call us to come get you, I will most likely be the one picking you up. Kayla works and sometimes has to stay late. It's not often, but being a business lawyer can sometimes take up a lot of time."

Ben chuckled at that while Kimmy did not. "Do you know what that is?" he asked gently, without judgment.

She shook her head.

"A business lawyer helps businesses by making sure they're following the rules and helps sort out any issues that might happen," he explained where she could understand.

Her eyes moved away to look out of the corner for a moment before turning back to the tablet and opening the YouTube app.

"You like to watch YouTube, too, I see," he noted, trying to make conversation.

Kimmy nodded as she typed something into the search bar with one finger.

"May I watch with you?" Ben enjoyed taking interest in their interests to help get to know the kids and help build trust. Also to help see into their world.

Kimmy shrugged as if unsure. Ben reassured it was up to her and she was allowed to say no if she wanted to be alone. But Kimmy continued to shrug as she scrolled through a list of videos before choosing one to watch. A video of a couple playing a video game began to play. The guy introduced themselves as Stephen and Mal before recapping the previous episode. It wasn't someone he recalled the other kids watching.

Ben watched along with Kimmy for a moment. So far, neither of them cussed or screamed every two seconds and the two seemed to comedically bounce off each other well.

After some time, he stood up, letting her know he'll leave her be for now to unpack if she wanted and to get settled in, letting her know to come find them if she needed anything. They learned not every kid willingly unpacked, being used to moving from place to place, and just lived out of a suitcase or trash bag.

Kimmy glanced up at him before returning her attention to her tablet.

Ben smiled as he looked back at her. Those two people must be special or something since they were the first thing since Kimmy got there she showed genuine interest in. 

Author's Note:

Just want to point out, in case you are interested. Stephen and Mal are actual YouTubers. Their channels are called, Stephenplays and Malmakes. Stephen also has a vlog channel where he has been filming his life since November 2009. He doesn't do any of that crazy, trendy stuff, though. I've followed them for a long time and they have been a huge, special part of my life, and watching them had helped so much I wanted to include them as characters.

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