Deadly Little Leo - Inej Ghafa

By bIlly_readS

29.6K 1.2K 382

"Deadly Little Leo... always gets what she wants" "You wont even see her coming" «────────────────────» #1... More

Deadly Little Leo
Part one
Act 1
The Arrow
That Watch
Cut Her Puppet Strings
Deals a deal.
Pekka and Plans
Split The Check
Pekka the Piss-ant
Jurda, Coal and a Goat
Us! Its Us!
If Darkness Was A Place
Time For A Heist
Are you with me?
Its your decision to make...
Should I Stay Or Should I Go.
Silent treatment
Disadvantages, Weekness, And Streangth.
Part two
Act 2
Face claim update
Take over
The Games Just Begun
Deal with the Devil 2.0
No Control
I Found You
I Swear To You... Leo
I Dont Need You
A Change In The Game
Pekka's leavers party
They'd Be Fine.

Teamwork make the dream work

532 23 15
By bIlly_readS

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

( I'm running out of GIF's so enjoy this )

"Do we really need the entire corps for one man"

Kaz and Leo were currently stood a few feet from the little palace, playing the part of a guard as a way to get in.

As Kaz and Leo didn't particularly have a entertaining talent, they resulted in a disguise.

And the best opportunity arose when a man attempted to sneak in to see a supposed Sun Summoner.

Kaz and Leo watched as 2 guards dragged the man away,

"The rest of you, post up now"

Following the crowd, the two managed to blend in with their guard uniforms and make their way in.

Once in, Leo stuck by Kaz as his plan rang through her mind.

"Me and Lee-"


"Me and Leo will walk the route our target will take from the ballroom to the dinner hall and look for an ambush point"

They walked through the empty echoing hallway, their boots radiating sound as they took steps. When they reached a door, Leo watched as Kaz practically collapsed onto it. She had noticed his pained steps the entire way, him not having access to his cane was effecting him.

He was breathing heavily and Leo held out her hand, he stared at it for a long while before he swallowed harshly and took a tight hold.

Using it as leverage to hoist himself up to a straight standing position before he quickly let go. It was pride clenching to take Leo's hand for help, but he knew if he didn't he'd probably be stuck there for a while.

She didn't ask no questions, she knew he wouldn't answer them anyways. 'Are you okay' would be answered with a grunt or pure silence. He was grateful she didn't ask.

"There is a gap in the schedule between events, so they may place her in a room here, away from the crowed, somewhere safe. This would be where they feel she is most protected and therefore, the best place to grab her"

When Kaz got his bearings, they set of again, Leo noticing his limp was now worse than normal. He winced when pressure was applied, and Leo felt the guilt was over her.

As they walked, it seemed both Kaz and Leo noticed the same oddity along the walls. Both had they eyes to notices the smallest of details, they looked at eachother before turning to look at the not so hidden door along the walls. On the small paper with scribbled blueprint ground layouts on it, there was clearly a passageway there, but no door to show. Double checking the paper Kaz walked to where the entry door should be. It was well disguised, no imprint of the door visible to anyone.

Leo walked to it, running her hands along the edges of where the door should be. But spun around when she heard the approaching footsteps.

Kaz and Leo took cover behind a nearly wall, watching through a gap as a Grisha lady with 2 guards dressed in white stuck to her sides.

The woman stood in front of the hidden passage, and with a few waves of her hands in delicate motions, the door opened. Revealing the insides to Kaz and Leo as they watched on.

"That's where we grab her"

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

Back in the trailer, one for the performers, Jesper had some interesting news for the 5. He rushed to them stating that he had seen the Sun Summoner, Alina Starkov, and know what she looks like. Nearly tripped Leo over as he ran to them to share the news,

"You're sure it was her?"

"I'm telling you, she's part Shu"

Kaz continued with his questions, and Leo noticed Arkens intrigued eyes soak in the information,

"When exactly did you see her?"

"Just after midday"

"What's in this room?" Inej spoke up, pointing to the room Leo and Kaz had scouted out earlier that morning. Leo stomach did backflips hearing the girls voice.

"Fitting room. It's where she'll go to change for dinner"

"And that's where we'll grab her, out of the way, clean lines of sight, easily controlled space. I like it" Jesper chirped from besides Leo,

Leo scoffed "I'd like it, too. If it had a door" she rolled her eyes at yet another hurdle they needed to jump over,

Inej's eyes shot up to look at Leo, both girls gathering tension as they did. They hadn't spoken since Inej's silk performance.

"It doesn't have a door?" She asked, pushing down the feeling in her stomach.

"Not one that we can use" Leo replied,

Kaz added on "it's some sort of Grish lock. It took a Materialnik to open it"

Jesper decided to ask the obvious question "is there no way to pick the lock?"

"Jee Jesper! Why didn't we think of that?" Leo asked incredulously,

"Actually, there is" Arken finally spoke up,

Leo looked at his with a confused face, bros scrunching and lips curling "it has no key hole, how the fu-"

"I can get through the door" he cut her off,

"How?" Kaz now asked,

"The locking mechanism are Fabrikator-designed. Iron cogs that slide into place without a latch. But for one of us to open it, we'll need a Lodestone, with a minimum 2,000 gauss external strength" Arken explained, and at the end muttered 'hard to find'

Leo sighed tiredly, throwing her head back till it his the wall behind her. She didn't pick up on Inej's watching eyes as she watched the girl, feeling a sensation she didn't know as she studied the girls neck as she swallowed and sighed.

"We're fucked" Leo mumbled,

"Well it's not like we're just walking around with one of those in out pockets-"

The sound of Arkens shuffling and opening a bag prompted Jesper to stop talking and Leo to look back towards the man.

Within no time, Arken pulled out a funny looking rock from his bag. And once again, Leo's suspicions of the man grew even more.

'Who the hell walks round with one of those in their bags?!'

"You... don't want to keep it in you pocket for too long" Arken told Jesper as he held it out for him "not if you're intending on having children someday" he added,

Jesper leant away from the rock as much as he could,

"All right" Kaz cut in "Arken grabs the target"

Now that caught Leo's attention, she contemplated the thought of Kaz going mad or that he'd lost the plot.

"You want the new guy to grab the million-Kruge package?" Inej seemed to voice Leo's thoughts,

"The new guy knows his way around Grisha locks"

"The new guy calls a tin box a divine invention"

Arken shot Leo a glare at that comment, but Leo's point still stood.

"Our futures depend on this. The rest of us will be setting up a lynx flush"

"The fuck is a lynx flush?"

"We are?" Inej questioned Kaz, all ignoring Leo's crude comment,

"...what's a lynx flush?" Arken asked, and Leo mumbled 'that's what I want to know'

But Inej directed her words towards Leo rather than Arken "lynx are pack hunters. Very smart. They'll clear a path for the pray"


"Ah, so, I grab the Summoner and you clear the path?" Arken asked,

"That's right. We do it before dinner. You grab, Inej and Leo and I clear, and Jesper, make sure there's a fast way out"

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

Leo and Kaz stood side by side once again, watching people walk by.

As a supposed Kelish ambassador wandered by them, keeping his distance, Kaz poured a drink he was holding on his uniform,

Leo looked at him confused "what are yo-" her sentence didn't meet its end as Kaz tossed the rest of the drink at her.

Directly at her face.

She hastily spat what drink made its way into her mouth and opened her eyes to glare at Kaz, who had a remaining smirk on his face. Oh how she wanted to slap him in that moment,

"What. The. Fuck."

She didn't get an answer as Kaz beckoned her to follow him and they left their hiding spot. Following his lead by attempting to wipe the remaining red wine from her face.

They came into contact with two Grishas who looked at them both, then the drink on Kaz's shirt and then the drink on Leo's face. Then how Leo was glaring holes into Laz's skull.

Kaz chucked nervously and told the two "the Kelish ambassador is clumsy when he's drunk"

Leo noticed the Grisha on the left was holding in a smile at Leo's face, she could guarantee her face was almost the colour of the wine that was dripping off of it from anger.

"You can't wear that in here. Get a replacement from the laundry" he turned to Leo "and you for you..." he gestured to her face and neck, Leo fumed.

"M-my orders are to"

"You heard"

And the two walked away, towards the laundry, as the they ventured down the hall it was silent. The footsteps echoing and the odd drip from Leo's face as it hit the floor.

"You've been want to do that for a while, haven't you" Leo stated rather than asked,

"You have no idea"

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

Ooopp... I smell a double update coming your way!!!

What did ya think, not much happens other than Kaz literally throwing a drink on Leo's face.

How are you my lovelies?

This isn't proof read so if there's any mistakes please point them out or just take a guess of what acc supposed to be there. Thanks x

Kaz's dream In that moment

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