Twins role swap

By wixliux

47K 122 114

Twins brother and sister swap places. More

Changing underwear
Little accident and diaper
baby clothes
Caught by mom
Day at park
Shopping for clothes for cousin

Day at beach

4.5K 15 16
By wixliux

When I woke up  I as always soaked.
The i see  Mommy coming in as she walked toward me. "Did you have a nice sleep?"

Yes Mommy," I said.
"Did you have an accident?" Mommy asked as she picked me up.
"Yes, mommy," I answered. "Where are  brother?"

Hes, downstairs," I want you to wear one of the the cute dresses since you my baby girl now 
"Ok," I said  as she carried me downstairs.

Mommy will change you downstairs sweety.

Mommy carried me into the living room. 
Sister walked over to me. "She looks so cute in that onesie!"

I saw that she just was in one of my underwear and shirt.

Mommy put me down on the changing mat that was already placed, spread my legs with her soft hands and untape the diaper wiped everything down there with baby wipes  then put me on another  this time is even girlier

My sister was enjoying my humiliation, as she was laughing and laughing loudly .

Then, she noticed she was laughing so hard that she peed herself too. I wanted to make my sister feel embarrassed just like me so I called mom and pointed at her.

Me: Mommy, brother is a baby too! He pees on his underwear!

Mom: Oh no.
Sis: T-this isn't pee, it's sweat. I am sweating.

Me: She's...He's lying! It's pee, I saw!
Mom:  she checks her undies and, well it is pee, dear. I think I will need to put you in diapers too...

Sis: No! I am not a baby! I don't want diapers!

Mom: sorry, but you will have to wear one of pull ups of your new baby sister.

Mom: Y-yeah. You do need pull-ups or you getting diaper what you choose?

Sis: It was just an accident. But i guess i pick pull-ups.

Mom: Then go grab pull ups and put it on.

My sister didn't had permission to have new undies on so she had to wear pink pull-ups what were humiliating for her and i just smiled.

Mom: It's your punishment, little boy.


 I think you still look cute i say.

Mom: Ok now go get something on while i dress your sis up and don't try to take off pull ups i will check then you come down.

Sis: Ok mom, and she run off.

I stood up. "What should I wear mommy ?"

She  picked up a pink baby dress that had Disney princesses on it. "You'll look so pretty in this."

I lifted my arms and let her pull the dress on me.

There, all dressed," Mommy said now lets go have some breakfast.

We came in kitchen were brother was already waiting in his boy outfit.

Mom let me check you boy she lowered his shorts and yes he was wearing pull ups.

Good boy mom said.

And placed me on chairs and gave us sandwiches to eat and we started to eat.

After we finished sandwiches Mommy grabbed two baby bottles of milk.

Sis: mom i can't drink from that its for babies.

Mom: well if you haven't peed you underwear then you woudn't need to drink from one.

She put the bottles to our lips and told us to drink them. The two of us swallowed the milk until it was gone.

Mommy took the bottles out of our mouths.

Sis: What we gonna do today mom?

Mom: Kids, we are going to the beach!

Mom: before we leave do you need to use bathroom she looks at my sis?

Sis: No, im fine for now.

Mom: okay you both look cute  so let's go to the beach i have prepared everything already ! we will go by car.

As always i had to sit in now my car seat while my sis can sit in front seat until we arrive to beach.

My sister was still  enjoying my  humiliation.

And we all drove off.

"Mom, I need to go potty." sis said.

"You were just inside 15mins ago.

I know, but I forgot."

Mom: then use you pull-ups for now i will change you after we arrive/

Sis: i don't  want use pull ups im not a baby.

Mom: well you don't have a choice if you need it juts use it no one see you doing it.

The sis relaxed and let let go in diaper now her diaper felt quite heavy full off pee.

Mom checked diaper now sweety you really filled that diaper maybe i should keep you in pull -ups for a while.

I started giggling my brother pee his pull-ups hes baby like me.

Yes, he is sweety maybe i should keep her in pull-ups for a while.

Sis: no mom please.

Mom: Sorry s but you will have to get use to be in them for a while.

So sis just  had to sit in her wet pull-ups and feel embarrassing.

So we were almost arriving at the beach and I was wondering if mom will make me wear swim diaper and girly bikini.

When we arrived at the beach, mom found a good spot to left our beach things, then, she called us to get changed and prepare us for fun in water.

Mom scooped me up  into her arms and  explained "We need to set up the beach towel and change you into your swim clothes first you two."

Mom then proceeded to lay out the beach blanket, towels and umbrella.

"Ok, now I'm ready for you baby" Mommy announced as she picked up me up.

Mommy put me down on the beach towel, took off my normal diaper spread my legs with her soft hands (I covered my privates again), wiped everything down there with baby wet wipes and then put me on soft swim diaper.

Mom: don't worry, I got lots of these, if you wear that, you can go to the bathroom anytime and I can change you.

Then mom gave my sis her swim trunks and said.

Mom : if you pee in swim trunks i will diaper you same as your sister understood?

Sis: Yes, mom and she went to change cabin to change into her trunks.

Me: but mommy...can you please give me a shirt or dress? if I stay just in diapers like this, everybody will see me on diapers!

Mom: And isn't that cute? Besides, baby girls stay just in diapers. They don't need shirts or dresses. That will make changing the diaper much easier.

Then my sis got back we both got  sunscreen put on us.

Then she looked at my brother.

Why don't you go play with those boys over there and have fun ."
Sis :"Ok! Bye!" and she run off.

Mom: "Ready to swim?"

Me: yes can i go now?

Not yet sweety  i need to put on you one more thing and then you can go.

Me : "What is this thing?"

He reached into the bag again and pulled out colourful looking thing.

"Your arms go through here."

Its your life vest princess.

And i saw its full wiew of it it was Pink toddler life vest.

Mom helped me put my hands through the holes and buckled with two buckles in front.

Me: can i go now  mommy?

Mom: Of course .

 Why don't you go play with those girls  over there."

Mom smiled as she saw the her girl run off. 

I met up with the girls hanging out over by a tidal pool. There were 3 girls ranging in age from 3-5  obviously looking like them and small and young but they don't no i am boy.

 Approaching them  sheepishly announced his presence with a weak "Hi".

Noticing the little girl, the oldest kid greeted "Hey . Come play with us". Overjoyed at being accepted me rushed over to the tidal pool yelling "OK!!!"
Sitting down with the rest of the girls they exchanged names.

"I'm Sophie!"I exclaimed as the others had finished listing off their names. The oldest, Jasmine,  asked. "How old are you Isaac?".  I froze froze for a second as he let out a long "uh..." not sure what to say. Does me say my true age and risk embarrassment? Should he say  2? 3? Finally i answered as he counted on his figures "1, 2, 3 because i looked like one.

"Wow, you're a big girl" Jasmine replied upon hearing my true age.
I was now feeling more and more comfortable and relaxed around his new friends. While one of the girls (one of the younger girls as me, blonde on) teased me for being a baby, Jasmine dumped scooped up a bucket of sand and poured it on her head making me happy.

I  meet a new friends, his confidence grows,  bladder shrinks and the sun is as bright as ever.

And having fun in water.

After some time, Mom called us both and  bought ice cream for us all. I  the tutti-frutti, Sister the  

the chocolate one, mom vanilla.

I wanted to start eating my ice cream then mommy stopped me.

Mom: stop right were princess you need bib.

I new i cant argue with mommy and let her put bib on me.

Mom: now you can enjoy your ice cream sweety and kisses my forehead

 I was enjoying my ice cream.

Suddenly, my sister came back to me and pulled my swim diapers. Then, she put a little piece of her ice cream inside it and let it go. I didn't notice that so when the ice cream touched my butt

I felt the cold giving me shivers and pushed me on i felt on my bum.

Me: Owwww! It's cold, it's cold, it's cooooold!

When i stood up and i was ready to take it off, I remembered that i cant if mommy will see me doing it she gonna spank me.

The ice cream began to melt and the liquid was travelling inside my diapers. I felt it's squishiness and began to jump (maybe if I jump, the liquid will go out), but the diapers didn't let the liquid go and every time I jump, the liquid goes up and down inside my diaper!

Sister: Ha ha ha! What's the matter, SISTER? Did you pee?
Me: N-No! and i no its you. who did it.

Sister: Then why does your diaper looks squishy? You peed because you are a little baby girl!
ME :crying): N-No i-I am not...

Sister: then prove it baby sis.

Me: You were treated like me in morning so mom might make you wear pull-ups again.

Sister : No shes not  im not baby like you who cant keep her diaper clean.

Then mom came to check me.

Mom: aww does my baby girl made boom boom in her diaper.

Its ok sweety babies do that.

and i saw sis smiling again.

Mom: cheked my brother and she was ok and said ok go have change we going home.

Mom picked me up and I got my diaper changed again, I was crying just like a baby girl would do.

Mom: here sweety this will help you and pushed pacifier in my mouth wtch one i started to suck while mommy changed me .

When the evening came, we came back home. 

Sure it was humiliating, but I guess I still had fun at the beach. 

 My eyes were tired so I slept all the way back home strapped in my baby car seat and sucking on pacifier and I think I slept all the ride back home.

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