The Officer and the Princess:...

By Americangun17

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It has been five Years since the Hundred Years war has ended, the Avatar bringing balance to a once broken wo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Authors Notes

Chapter 23

151 7 0
By Americangun17

This didn't happen, in the past no one would have even humored sneaking into the Palace, at least not when Ozai sat upon the throne. But Azula had once proven how easy it was to do when she and the Fire Warriors had once infiltrated the Palace. Why Zuko had thought it wise to decrease the size of the Security detail that had once numbered in the hundreds she didn't understand, but he was paying for that choice over and over again. The proof was literally sitting right in front of him on his throne. An older man in firebenders armor a sword on his back, one of his eyes missing and his face looking as if it had caught the wrong end of a field plow, covered in so many scars Azula couldn't even tell what his face may have once originally looked like. She noticed the sides of his head were shaved but his top knot remained in place. A sign that he had lost an Agni Kai at some point.

The man sat in a rather relaxed posture as if he owned the building, spinning that black bladed sword as if in challenge. "Kurn." He heard Sung call the man by name as if just speaking the name was an affront to everything that was decent. She could see as Sung's body began to go through waves of relaxation and tension like he seemed to do without thinking when he thought a battle was approaching.

So this was the "famous" Kurn, the man who had did what she had never been able to do fully, throw the Fire Nation into chaos. If it had been a year or two ago Azula might have been impressed, even Jealous of how Kurn was able to accomplish so much in so little time, but it wasn't a year or two ago any more. Now she only saw a man clinging to a past that was quickly dying out.

Kurn stared at Sung with a look of indifference, as if the very presence of him was insignificant. "Lord Sung, last we met you ran off so quickly we didn't have much of a chance to talk, I should feel offended." Kurn trailed off picking up the sword by its handle and laying the weapon in his lap. "Didnt your father teach you to respect your elders?" Azula caught the condescending tone immediately, Kurn had clearly meant mentioning Pai Yang as an insult, perhaps to goad Sung into action.

She could practically see the Anger building up inside him at that moment. "He taught me how to kill enemies of the Fire Nation Kurn, do you want to give me a reason to put those teachings to use?" Sung asked as he took a stance, his legs outstretched and his fists cocked and ready to let loose.

Kurn held up his other hand, between his thumb and index finger was a white cloth. Some would call the gesture a parlay flag, something two armies used when they wanted to talk in a civilized manner. "I am enacting article five subsection Z of the Ba Sing Se Accords." The Ba Sing Se accords were an old document written during Avatar Yangchens time, supposed to be a document on how the Nation's conducted war, such articles as treatment of prisoners for example. But since the hundred year war the Accord had been mostly ignored. The article Kurn was referencing was one in which an emissary from one warring nation met with another, it was supposed to be respected that the emissary in question couldn't be harmed in any way and be allowed to leave once business had concluded, of course that document hadn't been followed in almost one hundred years, so his claim to be following it was practically worthless.

"You do not get to make demands Kurn!" Zuko said in a commanding tone as he stepped forward. "Surrender now!"

She saw Sokka point. "And give me back my Space Sword!"

Kurns one eye squinted as he held the Jian up like he was showing it off. "You gave an elegant weapon a childish name Water Tribe." He said, ignoring Zukos command. "The way I see it, the sword isn't yours any more since I found it in the Wulong Forest jammed blade down into a stone. It's almost poetic, the sword in the stone." Kurn chuckled, giving the blade a few spins before resting the tip on the floor again. His eye then fell on Azula. "I've been looking for your Princess, your father misses you greatly. He wants you to join us."

Azula doubted highly that her father missed her because she was his one and only daughter, the apple of his eye. No he missed her because of what she could do for him. "So you gathered a crowd outside the Palace just so you could sneak in to tell me that?" Azula asked with sarcasm. "A little over complicated don't you think Kurn?"

Kurn looked genuinely surprised as he stood up on the throne, propping on the pommel of the sword. "I have my hands in a lot of things but the people threatening to beat down your doors wasn't one of them. Happy accident I'd say. But how I got in doesn't matter. Join us Princess with you and Ozai with us more will join the cause, together we will make the Fire Nation whole again."

"I'm going to tell you the exact same thing I told your flunkies, I have no interest in whatever it is you plan to do." Azula smirked. "Now surrender, your out numbered and out matched!"

"I have been outnumbered before." Kurn said.

"Guards!" Zuko shouted as loud as he could. Hearing his shouts footsteps could be heard from outside the throne room. Soon five members of the Royal Procession stormed into the room, all of them looking at Kurn who didn't seem worried in the slightest about the newcomers. "Arrest that man!"

The Soldier's nodded and took firebending stances, beginning to walk towards Kurn. "Drop the weapon and put your hands over you head!" Their leader spoke, a Lieutenant by the insignia on his collar.

Kurn thrusted downward, the sword effortlessly cutting a groove into the wood as if it was slicing through water. None of this made sense to Azula why would Kurn come here by himself knowing that the second he was spotted. It couldn't have been to gloat, Azula didn't know anything about Kurn outside of what others had told her but Kurn to her didn't seem like a man who was over confident in his abilities. Why would he go through the trouble of coming into the Palace unless he had a reason to. A though Suddenly hit Azula and she looked to Zuko. "Where are Mother and Kiyi?" She asked, praying to whoever was listening above that she wasn't right in her assumption.

Zuko looked at her. "I...believe they are in the Gardens with Mai." He asked, his face confused as to why she was asking a question at a time like this.

By now the Royal Procession Soldiers had made it halfway through the throne room, they had spread out somewhat walking in a line. That's when Azula caught movement from above. She immediately had flash backs to Ba Sing Se, how Dai Li agents were able to spy by climbing up pillars and sneaking on roofs. "Look up!" Azula shouted. But it was too late she could see six people falling from the pillars, each holding a sword that the held with the blade facing downward. All five of the Royal Procession were knocked down as those from above landed on them, knocking them down. Their momentum causing their attackers weapons to stab into them , not even giving them time to scream before the light left them. The Warriors recovered quickly after this, taking offensive stances with their swords placed in front of them, the blades coated in blood.

From behind another Six sets of feet could be heard. Azula turned to see their means of escape were cut off. All wore the same armor as Kurn, complete with the golden Phoenix on the shoulder guard. The same type of warriors that Azula, Ty Lee, and Sung had face at the factory on Ma'inka, the same warriors who had chased Azula from her home in the middle of the night.

Sokka and Ty Lee drew their swords, Sokka turning to face the ones behind, Zuko doing the same holding a defensive firebending stance, his hands in front of him and finger's extended. Azula, Ty Lee, and Sung faced forward. "Now then." Kurn said as he pulled the black sword from its perch. "Fire Lord Zuko, I understand you have been hesitant to act against us...I usually never interrupt my enemies when they are making a mistake but in this case I will give you a way out."

"You have nothing that I want Kurn." Zuko hissed, not turning his back on those behind them.

"I have Ozai, and you've made it clear you want him back." Kurn countered. "But I'm not here to talk about that. You want to avoid a conflict and believe it or not so do I. So I am giving you a choice, abdicate the throne...surrender yourself to me and my Army will stand down. Ignore me and I will kill you right here and now and my Army will advance unopposed right into the capital."

Azula actually laughed at that. "You're not asking for much are you? Wether Zuko surrenders or not it will result in his death. Wether be at your hands or our fathers."

"Perhaps." Kurn admitted. "But he can save himself from letting our people suffer. When war comes it will be a civil war, brother killing brother, father fighting son. Do you really want that Fire Lord Zuko?" Kurn asked. He took a few steps forward and jumped off of the stage landing on the floor. "I certainly don't. I take no joy in killing our people but I will if it means in the long run I can save them from you. In your five years as Fire Lord you have done little to make any real change for your people, you certainly work hard to appease the other nations however...especially With that little passion project you and the Avatar are concocting in the western Earth Kingdom, what's it called?" Kurn made as mock gesture as if he was thinking before snapping his fingers. "Ah yes, the United Republic Of Nations. You know how many Fire Nation soldiers died to take those lands during the war?" Kurn asked. "Thousands. When the war ended you cast us aside like our sacrifices meant nothing, so long as the Earth Kingdom and the Water Tribes knew how terribly sorry you were for the war that's all you cared about...In your five years the only half decent thing you did was sending your now poor excuse of an Army to protect our people in Yu Dao, if you had fully committed to that you could have changed my opinion of you quite quickly and you and I may not be having this conversation...but once again you bent your knee to someone who wasn't Fire Nation. Those lands belonged to us, we took them with our blood."

It was then that Azula realized, Kurn wasn't spouting all of this to increase his support like she had secretly thought. He actually believed every word he was saying. He wasn't pretending to be the voice of the forgotten veteran who had given it all for Fire Lord and country and received noting for their troubles, he actually was the voice. Azula could see it in the pain and anger on the man's face that he fully believed that he was in the right and Zuko was in the wrong.

"You know when I heard about you, I sort of thought you were a fanatic." Azula heard Sokka speak up from behind her. "But I was wrong, you're just plum crazy!"

"Call me what you want, it makes no difference to me if you curse my name on your every breath." Kurn said. "When the dust settles I will be a hero, my name will go down in history!"

Azula could see out of the corner of her eye Sung begin to move. "There is a cold thing about history Kurn." Azula could feel her hair being to stand on end as Sung went through the movements to conduct lightning. "It's not always kind to its subjects!" Sung stepped forward, his fingers going forward as a blue bolt if lightning trailed down his arm and off of his finger tips, the bolt trailing across the room heading for Kurn.

Azula could only watch in a mixture of surprise and Horror as Kurn brought two fingers of his own up and caught the lightning. Oh sweet Agni he could redirect Lightning! But how had he learned to do that? The only ones who knew about it were it's creator Uncle Iroh, Zuko, and Azula! Iroh had taught it to Zuko which he had first used to redirect a bolt of lightning that their father had shot at him, and again at the Boiling Rock where he had...killed Sung. Azula on the other had hadn't been taught in the traditional sense like Zuko had...she had learned by watch Zuko...maybe that's how Kurn had learned, by watching someone else? But again how?!

As the Lightning sparked around Kurn he was drug back by the force as he gained control. "You need more than one trick in your bag Lord Sung!" Kurn shouted as if this was a teaching moment before firing the Current back at Sung, his face contorted in Shock. No not again, Azula wouldn't let this happen twice. She stepped in front of Sung and extended her middle and index fingers of her left hand, catching the twice shot lightning.  She let out a loud grunt, her body having not been fully prepared for the impact. Steadying herself she moved her left arm down her right and through her stomach. The sensation feeling oddly tingly, and then she spun and let the Lightning go, this being it's third attempt. The Warriors in front of them scattered to the side to avoid getting hit. Kurn not attempting to catch it a second time, instead he rolled to hit left. The bolt striking the wood of the throne and causing it to explode, a large chuck being knocked out of it sending splinters into the air.

Kurn recovered quickly standing back up. "Take them!" Kurn ordered. His warriors began to advance without having to be told twice. Azula took a stance and began to use fire fists on the warrior directly in front of her, the Warrior side stepped her attacks and raised his sword, swinging downward. Now Azula side stepped and reached out, grabbing the man by the back of his arm and slamming the palm of her hand into his elbow, causing the limb to bend at a unnatural angle with a loud pop. The man screaming as his elbow was dislocated. Losing grip of his sword. Out the corner of her eye she saw another attacker coming at her, his sword pointed at her.

Azula used all her strength to push the man with a broken arm at her other attacker. The two colliding. The one with the sword however practically steamed rolled over his companion, only being pushed back somewhat. The man currently on the ground didn't seem to be out of the fight either, he actually reached out to his bent arm and yanked hard, putting his arm back in place. Azula was actually somewhat terrified by that, she knew Yang Warriors were tough just from her experiences with Sung but she didn't know that they went to those lengths just to stay in a fight.

Azula stepped back to give herself more room to work. Out the Corner of her eye she could see Sung and Ty Lee engaged in individual sword fights with their attackers. The sound of steel on steel and the roar of firebending echoing through the room. A thought crossed Azulas mind, where was the Royal Procession, she knew Zuko had downsized them to a large degree but there were certainly more than five of them, others should be coming soon. Or at least she hoped so.As she ducked just in time to avoid getting cut in half by a sword and stood up to throw a series of quick jab punches into the man's stomach she realized she couldn't see Kurn anywhere.

The man had let go of his sword now, realizing he was too close to use it and began to use his hand to parry away her punches before rearing back and landing a solid kick to her side that caused her to yelp and stagger back. That's when she saw him out the corner of her eye, Kurn walking towards the curtain with two of his warriors walking backwards to keep an eye on his flank. He passed through Just as Azula turned and caught a fist that was coming at her face. The man looked surprised by this, even more surprised when Azula put a hand behind his neck and kneed him as hard as she could in the stomach. The man let out a gasping cough and Azula's moved the hand from his neck to his shoulder while still keeping control of his arm and kicked his feet out from under him. The man falling backwards with a metal thud as his armor plates clattered with the impact. "Kurns getting away!" Azula shouted before firing a single short blast of fire at the man on the ground to ensure he didn't get back up.

Sung had just thrusted his sword under an attackers arm, the blade sticking out just above the collarbone and looked around for a moment. "I'll get him!" Sung shouted as he used his foot to pull the sword free and turned running through the melee.

"No Sung wait!" Azula cried out, he didn't have to go alone. He shouldn't be going alone. But Sung ignored her cry and kept on running. Pulling back the curtain furiously and vanishing out of sight. Azula let out an annoyed growl. "That idiot!" She shouted as she looked back to her remaining attacker. Holding his arm limply at his side at some point the man had produced a dagger, something more suited for close quarters fighting, and probably for him more suited to be used with only one functioning arm.

Glancing around again she could see three Yang Warriors lifeless on the Ground, Ty Lee since moving on to help Zuko and Sokka who had an additional four bodies on their side. There were still five standing. That thought came into her mind again however, about her mother and Kiyi. Ozai knew her mother was here in the palace he had to know. Could they be targets in this attack too?

She needed to end this fight with one arm quickly, and reach the gardens to make sure they were safe. Sung could handle things on his own. At least she hoped he could but she couldn't be in two places at once and she thought it best to go towards the people she needed protection most now. with new found vigor Azula set her sights on one arm as he slashed at her, catching nothing but air as she kept moving to stay out of his reach.

This wasn't the man's first time in a knife fight, he kept his feet spread to keep a firm balance, and always kept the dagger close to his body so it was always within his control. His eyes were constantly moving when he struck, looking for an opening or an advantage he could take. He went from not just slashing now but throwing in a thrust at random times so Azula couldn't get a feel for how he was going to react.

Azula had an idea then. She may not have have a knife of her own but she had something just as good. Closing her fists she brought them up, two small jets of blue flame protruding from the bottom of her fists, Fire daggers.

Seeing them the man took a step back and seemed to begin to wave his dagger around. A tactic meant to catch her off guard she thought, constantly moving it so she didn't know where he would strike.

Azula was quickly becoming annoyed with this dance, if the man wasn't going to strike then she would. She stepped towards him, Turing her left fist sideways and thrusting, she was focusing on his handicapped side, the side with the practically useless arm knowing he could do very little to stop it outside of back stepping. But she was moving so quickly and with such a ferocity he couldn't counter attack.

She got her opening when the man back stepped and tumbled over the body of one of his fallen comrades. He didn't fall but he stumbled. Azula reached out, the jet of flames so confined and so heavily pressured that it cut into the man. He let out a groan of pain and brought her fist back and stabbed him over and over again until he slumped back.

Azula inhaled and exhaled rapidly. Now only three Warriors were still left. An even fight now and the three left didn't look as if they planned to retreat. Their orders had been to kill Zuko and they were going to complete their orders or die trying. "Zuko." Azula shouted. "I'm going to find mom!" She said as she took off running, praying she wasn't too late. She heard someone say something but she was so fixated on her task that she hadn't heard exactly what they had said or who had said it.


Azula summoned what was left of her dwindling strength, running through the Palace. As she passed she held in grimaces as every so often she saw the bodies of Dead Processions soldiers who were slumped on the floor. She could only assume at present that Kurn had come this way. That assumption was confirmed true when she ran past the body of one of Kurns Warriors who had been quite literally consumed by fire.

She reached a three way hall way that veered right, scorch marks on both sides of the wall, no doubt Kurn and Sung had gone that way but again she couldn't worry about that, she went straight and turned another series of hallways before reaching two large double doors that lead into the courtyard. Pushing them open she was greeted by the smell of fresh flowers, but she was also greeted by five bodies. Each wearing the Yang Sigil. They each also had throwing knifes or darts sticking out of them.

Looking across the courtyard she saw Mai running about as three men used firebending in an attempting to hit her. She was to quick for them, running and using a bench to propel herself into the air. Flicking her wrists as a series of darts flew out of her sleeve. "Kabā!" One of the men shouted in a strange language she had only heard once had been during her trip to Sun Dao. When Sung and his sister Naomi had been arguing. Sung had said some sort of gibberish to Naomi that the two of them understood. Sung had explained to her that it was a Yang Warrior language that was only spoken on Sun Dao. Supposed to be use so they could talk to each other without worrying if others could hear them.

Apparently whatever man had shouted had meant Scatter or Cover because the men spread out as the darts hit the ground where one of them had been standing. She then heard a scream of a child. Looking across the garden she saw as one Warrior held Kiyi up. The girl kicking and screaming. Beside her was her mother who held a stick in her hands that swung at a woman who held a sword, she turned her blade to catch the stick. The wood apparently being dry and snapping.

Azula took off running across the garden, jumping over a rose bush and and landing before running again. "Hurry up Arami!" The man shouted as Kiyi Continued to squirm to get away. "I can't hold this brat for much longer!"

"Give me a damn minute!" The woman know known as Arami said as she blocked another strike from the stick.

Just then the man turned his head and looked at her. "Arami behind you!" He shouted, trying to warn his partner.

He had noticed to late, Arami had only just begun to turn when Azula tackled her. Kneeling over her and Bringing her fist back. The women went wide eyed just before Azula punched her hard in the face, then again, and again. The woman recoiling with every hit. Her face becoming bloody.

"H-hold on Arami!" Her partner shouted behind her but Azula wouldn't give him the chance to do anything. On her fifth hit Azula reared back, blue fire engulfing her hand before she sent the fire home. Ending the woman who had once been called Arami.

Azula then stood up and turned. The man had produced a knife. Holding Kiyi like she was a shield. Though by the look on his face he didn't seem to be enjoying it, it might have something to do with Yang Honor perhaps, their code about only fighting those that could defend themselves. "Let my daughter go!" Azula heard Ursa shouting from beside her, pain clear in her voice.

Kiyi didn't speak but she continued to kick and scream, her blood allowing her to be defiant in the face of such fear she was probably feeling.

Azula held her hands up. "Don't hurt her." Azula said calmly

The man swallowed and took a step back. "I-I don't want to hurt her Princess." The man responded as he looked from Azula to Ursa. "I didn't sign up to hurt kids I don't want to hurt kids, but I know the second I put her down you're going to pounce on me."

Ursa stepped forward. "Please let her go!" She was crying now, tears flowing down like water. The man turned the knife on her. "Get back now!"

Kiyi grunted. "If you hurt my mom you're going to be sorry mister!"

"Mother." Azula said calmly. "I'm going to need you to be silent for a moment." The man was quickly becoming nervous, unsure of what to do, Azula knew from her own experiences that these were some of the most dangerous opponents anyone could face. "I'll handle it." She looked to Ursa. Her mother Stared back at her holding hand over her mouth as she held in sobs. "I promise he won't hurt her."

Ursa looked as if she didn't believe Azula and Azula couldn't blame her for that after everything she had done...but Ursa wasn't a fighter, her options were limited and her only choice now was to put her fate in the daughter she hated. Ursa took a hesitant step back. Azula exhaled, ignoring the sounds of battle that were going on behind her, she focused on the man. "How long have you been a warrior?" Azula asked, her tone calm and what could be described as friendly.

The man's eyes moved rapidly as he tightened his grip on Kiyi. "All my life." The man said. "I-I was too short to join the Army...the Sun Dao Defense Forces took me..."

Azula nodded. "I've heard much about them, they are the best warriors in the world Ive been told."

"W-we are." The man agreed, relaxing somewhat.

Azula gave the man a small smile. "I..know a thing about Yang warriors. General Pai Yang was a close personal friend of mine. He told me a lot about what he and...I'm assuming you believe in." Azula hazarded a step forward, the man responding by taking a step back. "You have a code you follow don't you?" Azula asked.

The man nodded. "The Bushido code." The man said.

Azula smiled. "That's right." She paused for a moment. "Isn't a big part of Bushido about protecting the innocent?" The man nodded, narrowing his eyes. "Well that girl you are holding is innocent." The man glanced down at Kiyi who had since stopped squirming, perhaps not having any energy left in her to do so. "She is not involved in any of this, she's just a child...what you and Kurn have issue with is Zuko. Not a child."

The man took his eyes off of Kiyi and looked back at Azula, but then he looked over her at the battle Azula assumed was still going on behind her, if the sounds she heard were any indication. "My orders were to kill her." The man said glancing at Ursa. "The Phoenix king commanded it, General Kurn told me."

"She's innocent too." Azula cooed softly like she was trying to comfort an upset child who's toy had broken. "She has nothing to do with what happened to Veterans, she has nothing to do with how Zuko rules the Fire Nation. She is not involved."

The man looked back at Azula "But my orders-"

"Are wrong." Azula cut in. "They go against your code are dishonoring yourself."

That hit him right where it hurt the most, to a Warrior nothing was more important than his or her own honor. Azula could see the gears turning in the man's head as he looked at Kiyi, then Ursa, then back to Azula. "I-I'm sorry Princess." He lowered the knife. Azula stepped forward and held her arms out, gently taking Kiyi from him. "There is only one thing I can do to atone now..." the man brought his knife up and for a split second Azula thought he was going to attack, put when he turned the knife with the blade facing towards him Azula realized what he was doing. Azula put a hand on Kiyis head and buried it into her shoulder so she couldn't see as the man stabbed himself in the stomach. Letting out a gurgling sound before falling over. Azula remembered again what Sung had told her. About the ritual suicide to keep one's honor after it had been lost.

Azula turned away as she walked back to Ursa who ran to Azula, taking Kiyi away from her. "It's okay sweetie." Ursa said as she stroked the back of the girls head. Kiyi was subtly shaking, this was a lot for a girl her age to comprehend. The poor girl didn't deserve any of this.

"Stay here." Azula told them. "I need to help Mai."

Ursa looked up at Azula and gave a kind of sad smile. "Thank you Azula. Thank you."

Azula flashed them a smile before she turned and began running again. She couldn't see Mai, but she saw the two firebenders facing a tree Azula once again only assumed that Mai was taking cover behind that tree, the third firebender was on the ground holding his neck, his hands crimson. He was out of the fight and close to death, no sense in worrying about him. This wasn't the time for a mercy killing.

Instead Azula stopped and and threw a series of fire first at the man on the left. With a speed Azula hadn't expected the man wheeled around on the balls of his feet and held his hands out moving them in a counter clockwise motion to dissipate the flames. His partner looked at him. "I've got this one." His partner nodded and focused his attention back on the tree.

The one facing Azula returned fire, throwing fire fists of his own, adding a kick at the end. Five balls of fire flew towards her and a single curved arch behind them. Azula exhaled and jumped, using a small jet of flame to give her a few extra feet. She then crossed her arms over her chest as she spun through the air, three of the balls passing so closely that she could feel the heat coming off of them.

As she righted herself she extended her hands and made a motion like she was pushing something down. As she landed on the ground a straight line of blue flame that collided with the man's orange flame the two circling around each other before the two dispersed, the only sign the had been there being a circle of burned grass on the ground.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Mai dove out from behind the tree and flick her wrists once again. Her attacker trying to kneel but it was too late, two darts catching him in the stomach and one in the upper portion of his left thigh. "Gah!" The man said as he tried to balance himself on his injured leg before falling over and now trying to get himself back up. Azula's opponent looked over and threw a fist at Mai sending a trail of fire at her.

Mai saw it coming, but she wouldn't have time to run even if she tried from this distance. Azula half turned left and sent her own stream of blue Fire forward, the two streams colliding. Azula let out a gasp as she felt the man put more energy into his stroke, trying to over power her. If this had been one or two years ago this wouldn't have even been a contest, Azula would over power him quickly...but again this wasn't a year or two ago.

Sweat was pouring down her as she tried to keep control, but she was tried and her muscles ached. "Run." Azula said through gritted teeth. "I-I don't know if I can hold it."

Mai looked at her with actual surprise, like she couldn't believe what Azula was doing. That Azula had actually been telling the truth when she said she wanted to help. The surprise vanished and Mai ran out of the way. Standing somewhere behind her. Azula let go then suppressing her flame and dropping to one knee as a fire spread on the tree causing the wood to crackle and pop, her mouth was dry as she brought her hand up and wiped away sweat that had accumulated on her.

The man however looked no worse for wear, outside of some heavy panting. "You seem out of practice." The man said, it didn't sound like it was a gloat so much as an observation. He wasn't wrong in any case, so long without using her firebending and it was almost as if she was having to relearn how to do it properly, her once toned muscles reminding her of that as they ached with pain.

"I still have enough practice in me to keep up with you." Azula shot back.

In that brief moment where combat had stopped they both heard the roar of fans and a shadow suddenly falling over them they both looked up. To see a Airship beginning to slowly pass overhead. She could see someone on one of the platforms kick something. A rope ladder suddenly appearing next to the man. Without another word he grabbed it just as the airship began to pick up speed carrying him off. The man quickly climbing up so he didn't hit the side of one of the roof covered walkways. Azula didn't have the energy left to even attempt to stop him, so she could only watch as he climbed. The Airship passing over and soon out of her line of sight.


With the only sound being the roar of the airship's engines Azula sat back and let air in  and out, she looked over to her left and saw one of the duck ponds and on hands and knees she crawled over to it, dunking her face and drinking water as quickly as she could get it in her mouth. Princess Azula would have never thought to drink such filthy water that Turtle Ducks swam in, but she wasn't a Princess anymore, at least not in the sense that she helped rule the country, she had lost much of her dignity long ago...and the water felt like Heaven in her dried mouth.

Her belly having a full feeling to it and her shirt soaked through on its top portion Azula took time to breath again as he sat back, running her sleeve over her mouth to remove any remnants of the liquid.

"Where are Ursa and Kiyi?" She heard Mai asked from behind.

Azula pointed over to her right. "They are over there somewhere, I told them to stay put after I...saved them." Azula leaned back on the grass looking up at the sky, her body thankful for the rest. "I saw you were in trouble and I came as quickly as I could. Though it looked like you had the situation under control."

Azula moved her eyes back to see Mai looking down at her. Her expression was neutral as it always was. "Trust me I didn't."  She nodded at something. And Azula followed her gaze to the man with three darts in him. At some point he had passed on by the amount of blood pooling around him Azula figured Mai must have hit a major artery in his leg. "Those were my last three darts."

Azula sat up slowly. "You would have figured something out."

"All the same Azula...I'm glad you came when you did." Mai said in a sincere tone. "Thank you."

Azula slowly stood up, her feet feeling heavy and she turned to look at Mai. The woman had a wild look in her eyes, probably from the adrenaline coursing through her. Azula didn't have the strength in her to speak at the moment letting the silence hang in the air as a tree burned in the background. Instead she just smiled and nodded. She thought back to Sung now that she had an actual moment to do so, and hoped the moron hadn't gone and gotten himself killed.

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