Romanogers daughter POV (Todd...

By ShieldOfSteveRogers

7.3K 144 50's pretty much in the title lol. It's the adoption story of a young girl who gets taken in by Steve... More



620 15 10
By ShieldOfSteveRogers


October, New York, Compound (Monday Afternoon)

T: What's your heart telling you to do?

N: …I wanna be a mom.

T: *smiling, pause* Then go get your baby girl. She needs you. *Nat smiles, a twinkle of hope and relief in her eyes. She runs upstairs to Steve, calling out to him.*

N: Steve! Steve are you in here?! *A bewildered, half cleansed face urgently steps out the bathroom.*

S: *concerned* Is everything alright? *Nat stands face to face with him, taking a deep breath. This only makes Steve more anxious. He quickly pats down his face with a towel, throwing it over his shoulder, and meets her in the hall.*

S: *taking her hands in his* Natasha… 

N: I was wrong, Steve… *Steve listens intently, searching her eyes.* 

S: *feeling bad* Honey, I-

N: You were right…*Steve tilts his head with a curious, inquisitive gaze. She squeezes his hands, trying to steady her shaky, nervous hands.* I need to ask you something… *Steve meets her gaze with an intense, yet gentle  ferocity, letting her know he's attentive and immersed in this question.*

N: *deep breath* If we were to have done things differently…would you have been willing to take her in? …Permanently? *Steve's eyes grow dark and somber as he lowers his head, nodding.*

S: *quiet* Yeah…Yeah, I was… 

N: …Are you still willing? *He lifts his head, eyes glimmering with hope.*

S: *rubbing his thumbs along her hands.* Only if you are. *After a long moment of consideration and processing, they slowly break into heartfelt, teary eyed smiles.*

S: *grinning from ear to ear, puppy-like eagerness* So we're doing this? 

N: *slowly nods, smile spreading across her face* Yes! *Steve picks Nat up and holds her close, swinging her around, making her throw her head back and laugh heartily. Steve sets her down, placing a sweet kiss on her cheek. Nat pauses, her gaze softening. She pulls Steve close and kisses him as if it was the first and the last time they would ever kiss. Silent apologies and regrets were exchanged in that moment. They immediately make plans to get you back. Later that day, they hurry back to the Department of Children and Family Services.*


*You spend your day in bed, not wanting to get up for anything, not even meals. Ms. Dot understands and is lenient. She brings you small dishes here and there in case you want anything. You pick at them, not feeling very appetized. Ms. Dot asks that you at least try to get up and participate. You don't even look her in the eye. All you can say is "They're coming back…They're coming back for me." But after a while…you start to lose hope. You thought the same thing about your mother, but she's still not here. You're sitting in your bed, propped up against the wall, fidgeting with the fringes of your blanket. You hear the other children playing outside. It sounds as if they haven't a care in the world. How can they just move on and be happy? After all that life has thrown at them, how can they play and laugh and live on like that? You wish to be like them. You want to feel free. But you're chained to this bed by your own grief. You snuggle closer to your blanket, inhaling the quickly fading scent of Steve's cologne. A few short moments later, Ms. Dot knocks and slowly enters the room. She politely sits herself on the edge of the bed, overlooking your tiny figure. She gently rubs your arm and pats it before starting a conversation.*

D: Today, the children are playing Red Rover…Have you ever played? *You shake your head.* Oh it's very fun, although it can get rowdy very fast. *She lets herself chuckle a bit before a long sigh escapes her.* Sweetie…Y/n, I know you're sad. *You nod and start to tear up.* And that's ok. It's ok to be sad about things that happen to us. *You start to cry into your blanket. Ms. Dot softly  pats your back, allowing you to feel this.* We just need to make sure to get back up after a bit. We have to grow from what we've experienced.

Y/n: *turns to Ms. Dot, tear streaked face, sniffling* But it hurts too much. I don't wanna be growed up. I want my Mommy back. *smushing your face in the blanket* I want N'Tasha and Steve back… *Ms. Dot just sits there, consoling you, letting you cry.*

D: *caring, tender* I know, Dear…I know. *A few moments later, you hear a dinging in the hall.*

D: Excuse me, Y/n. I'll be back. *She hurries out to the front desk, leaving your door slightly open. You can hear faint voices in the hallway, two of which sound particularly familiar… Wait…could it be? You hurry to the door, hope in your heart. You cautiously peek out the door and see two familiar figures. One with vibrant red hair, the other sporting a leather bomber jacket. You push the door open fully, just to be sure you're not seeing things.*

Y/n: *excited* STEVE! N'TASHA! 

        .......(*^*)........ (>×<).......(°  ▪︎  °)......

A/N: If y'all want to see something happen, leave a comment and a vote! If you have any suggestions, please let me know! I love getting feedback!


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