Mermaid in Beacon Hills || S...

Par X_LoveBug_X

203 12 3

A mermaid in Beacon Hills. Something many wouldn't believe, even its own supernatural, and hunter, community... Plus

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31 7 1
Par X_LoveBug_X


🌊 🐬 🌊

Nixie sat near the giant tree stump in the woods with a shell to her ear. She was waiting to see if her family would call a night early; a night before the full moon. But after sitting there, listening to the ocean for thirty minutes (she really did miss it), she got up and made her way to leave... until...

"Dude, you know, she's just one... One girl. You know, there are so many... There are so many other girls in the sea."

Was that idiot drunk in the woods?

"Fish in the sea."

With Scott?

"Fish? Why you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls. I love them. I love- Especially ones with strawberry blond hair, green eyes, 5'3"..."

She peeked out from behind a tree to see the two idiots. Scott was sitting on a log while his idiot of a friend was laying straight on the ground. She let out a sigh of frustration. Why couldn't she run into some semi-decent people for once?

"Like Lydia?"

"Yeah, exactly. Hey, how did you know I was talking about... About... What was I talking about? Hey, you're not happy. Take a drink."

"I don't want any more."

"You're not drunk?"

"I'm not anything."

"Hey, maybe it's like... Maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore, you know. Maybe you can't get drunk as a wolf. Am I drunk?"

"You're wasted."

"Yeah! Oh, come on, dude, I know it feels bad. I know it hurts. I know. Well, I don't know. But I know this. I know that as much as being broken up hurts, being alone is way worse. That didn't make any sense. I need a drink." She watched as he went to take the bottle before something seemed to sprout in his mind. "Have you seen that girl? You know? The one with the nice blonde and blue hair? We were supposed to talk to her."

This caught Scott, "Huh?"

"You know. The one that was with us when the alpha was chasing us. We were supposed to talk to her after, but she ran off. I wonder why?" He propped himself on his elbow to look at Scott, "Do you... do you think she looks nice? Her voice is nice. I like her singing."

"Stiles, she insulted you the entire night." All of the sudden his head perked up. She quickly hid back behind the tree. "She's here."

"Huh?" Stiles drunkenly looked around. "I think you're seeing things, Scotty. I haven't seen her since Wednesday, when the alpha attacked."

All of the sudden a hand grabbed her arm violently, "Look at this pretty lady. You stalking those runts? You could come home with some real men and we'll show you a nice time." She looked up to meet two men. One holding her arm and the other sandwiching her to the first. She tried to pull her arm but his grip tightened. "Uh-uh, where do you think you're going?"

"Home," was her response before she grabbed water from the air with her free hand and splashed them in the face with it. The man immediately let go to relieve his eye before she ran to Scott. She was safer with a werewolf than by herself. "Can you help me? I got lost and some random guys just tried to nab me."

"Yeah," Scott answered before guarding her with his arm when the men came over. They grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniel's the teens were drinking.

"Well, look at the two little bitches getting their drink on," the man who grabbed the mermaid said before looking at her, "And the skank's here too. Maybe she didn't have the guts to hang with real men."

"I wouldn't touch you with a fifty foot pole, fish butt," she insulted him from behind Scott, but it didn't even faze him.

""Fish butt?" What kind of child are you?"

"Exactly, a child. I wouldn't want to touch you anyways." Her face screwed up in disgust.

"Scott, maybe we should just go," Stiles pitched in, sobering up now.

"You brought me here to get me drunk, Stiles. I'm not drunk yet." Scott looked to the man in front of them before standing, "Give me the bottle." The man shook his head before Scott cocked his head down and a lower pitched voice escaped him, "Give me the bottle of Jack."

Nixie watched with Stiles as Scott's nails grew into claws.


The man seemed like he just witnessed a dolphin murder a pufferfish as he handed the bottle back, only for Scott to take it and throw it against a tree; the mermaid's heart thundered in her chest at the sudden move. The two men in front of them seemed to understand and left them alone. But even then, they didn't stay out after that. Stiles seemed to sober up and followed Scott as he started to leave. Nixie followed loosely behind, still not feeling safe enough to leave on her own just yet. There was a bad presence and she could feel it in the air.

"When did she get here?" Stiles asked, looking over at the girl he talked about no less than ten minutes ago.

"Not long ago, idiot. Got lost in the woods and got harassed by some guys." She rolled her eyes at his obliviousness. He's gonna get killed one day. "How did you even survive this long in the world?"

"Back to insults? Why don't you ever insult Scott?"

"Because he was willing to protect me... and from what I've heard, he was just broken up with. I don't want to hurt his already broken heart. I don't think it could handle being broken more."

"Thanks," was Scott's reply. He quickly turned to her, "How do you know? About me, by the way?"

"Excuse me? I just said I didn't want to insult you, but I will if you press. Not everyone is in the dark when it comes to supernatural salt happening in the world."

"How do you know?" Stiles tried that time.

"No. Also, if you're gonna keep interrogating me, I'll walk home in the dangerous woods. I don't need a ride."

This perked Scott's ears up, "No! We'll give you a ride."


🌊 🐬 🌊

Today is full moon which means... Nixie could see her family again!!

And she was excited. She hadn't been able to reach them since the last full moon. Which terrified the mermaid a bit, but she knew they would be at the rift tonight. They have been the last few moons. It's just that she also had to weary now.

As Stiles had told her, there were hunters in town now. She knew mermaids have been discreet for centuries, but that doesn't mean that one hasn't been hunted before. Especially when they're confused for their counterparts: sirens. Now those creatures, you have to be wary of, especially if you're a human. But they are dangerous to mermaids too. They attack for fun, driving the peaceful creature from their homes just to ransack them. They've even killed the mermaids that wouldn't leave just for the fun of it.

Honestly, one of Nixie's biggest fears is an encounter with one.

But she didn't have to worry about them getting to her when she was miles from any of the nearest oceans.

But as she thought about it... it was Monday. That meant that she could be cornered by the two obnoxious boys again, who've probably been trying to formulate a plan to trap her with the intention of "blackmailing" her. All just for knowing about the supernatural. She groaned as she stuck a starfish to her ear, but her worries were soon carried away as her new accessory showered her with compliments. A smile broke from her face as she listened to each one, "Starfish, such suck-ups."

🌊 🐬 🌊

The blonde was way more cautious entering the school that day than she had been the past couple months. Who knew when they would ambush her... When they could turn a corner and just-

"Hey! You were with us that night, right?"

Nixie jumped before looking to the owner of the soft voice, it was Allison.

"Oh, yeah." She calmed her heartbeat before looking at the girl. "I heard you broke up with Scott cause of what he did, right?"

Allison looked down before tucking some of her hair behind her ear, "Yeah. I just don't understand why he left us in that room to try and sacrifice himself for us. It doesn't make sense."

"He was trying to be a hero for you? I'm not too sure. I've never had anybody do that for me, but I think it was brave of him to do that for you... One thing I don't understand is why are you so worried for Jackson?"

"Jackson? He was hurt. And he's my friend."

Nixie shrugged, "It didn't look like that to me. His eyes lingered on you longer than they did on his girlfriend. But could just be my imagination." And with that, she left the girl for her first period... chemistry.

She hated chemistry, especially today since there was a test. If it was marine biology, she would pass with flying colors.

🌊 🐬 🌊

She was probably one of the first people in the period to get to class, especially since it was in a different room for more privacy between students and their tests. She quickly sat in the back of the middle row and waited for class to start. And as time edged closer to the start of the class, she saw a face she didn't want to see:


A groaned ripped from her throat as he took the seat in front of her and looked back at her.

"How was your drunk fest last night? Any hangovers? I bet Scott handled it better than you with his new high metabolism." She may be trying to avoid them, but he was just so easy to poke fun at.

His eyes were still a bit puffy. Yeah, he definitely had a hangover. How did his dad not notice?

"Shut up. My head is pounding."

"Not my fault you wanted to try and get a wolf drunk." She took her attention away from Stiles and watched as Scott tried to talk to his ex. She watched the way his hands constantly opened and closed and felt the sweat escape his pores before it entered the air. Mr. Harris was quick to intervene. After doing so, he explained to the class about the chem test and the credit everyone could earn. Nixie listened intently as she scribbled her name onto her paper.

After the teacher finished and allowed everyone to begin, she quickly started. She knew she wouldn't get too good of a grade but she still tried her best... until she felt more sweat enter the air. She quickly looked around before noticing wolf-boy's leg bouncing up and down repeatedly, quickening on every cycle of his foot hitting the floor. She watched as he kept looking at Allison before moving his head to every sound in the room. She tried to ignore him and go back to her own paper... but his nervous behavior started to get to her. Her hands started to dry up. Her legs bounced as well. And her bright blue eyes canvassed her surroundings as well.

A panic attack would've ensued if her accessory didn't start talking to her:

"Our Nixie is so smart. We love her so much. She's so kind to worry."

Her mind instantly cleared as the starfish earring started to suck-up to her. A smile started to grace her lips before Scott quickly got up and left. Not even a second passed before his human friend followed. She shook her head at their behavior before continuing on with her paper.

🌊 🐬 🌊

The next time she saw the two idiots was at lunch. They had deliberately sat next to her at the once empty cafeteria table.

"Is this necessary?" She asked as she ate some seaweed soup she had brought from home. Her meal was quickly noticed by Stiles but he didn't bring it up. She looked over at Scott, "Is this for me knowing your secret?"

Scott looked at her, disoriented like, before focusing back on the people across the cafeteria; Allison and Jackson. He quickly gave her an answer, "That's not important at the moment."

Her eyebrows furrowed as he said that before realizing that he wasn't fully focused on her... he was paying attention to two of the people that broke his heart. "Well," she picked up her bottle of water, which had a straw in it, before taking a drink; the water she drank quickly hydrated her skin, making her almost glow for a second, "That's good then. One less headache to worry about." Her straw didn't go unnoticed.

"Why are you using a straw?" Stiles inquired. She looked past Scott and made eye contact with her walking headache. Her first reaction was to ignore him, but he was very, very persistent.

A groan left her throat as she lulled her head and rolled her eyes, "Because I can."

"It's like a couple nights ago with the sink. You said you wanted water but didn't want to drink from the sink." His comment made her heart stop for a second; Stiles remembered that small detail. "What are you? A princess?"

"Oh, Princess Nixie was recognized.~"

Stiles looked at the blonde as a weird voice came from her vicinity. She quickly covered her ear holding the musing starfish. Her eyes went large, like fish eyes, before she quickly packed her stuff. Stiles tried to stop her, causing her to spill some of her water on her hand. Her eyes widened further than they did before. She quickly noticed the small, blue collection of scales emerge from her flesh before she tucked it into her pocket and quickly left, hoping her cover wasn't blown as a supernatural creature herself...

The girl's restroom door slammed open as Nixie clamored in, quick to the air dyers. She knew she was supposed to let her scales dry naturally, but this was an emergency... an extreme emergency. This needed to be done before next period; before her walking headache saw it... hopefully he hadn't already. The hot air blowed onto her hands as they quickly dried, her thoughts everywhere. She didn't want to be discovered a measly two months into her human dream life; the life she swore to her parents that she wouldn't mess up, "I'm such a clam for messing this all up."

Her scales slowly, but finally, started to retreat into her skin. A relieved sigh flew from her lips as she inspected her "normal" hands again.

"Nixie so smart. She's so loved."

She covered her ear again as the starfish spoke again, praising her, "I love your praise, I really do. But you have to be quiet now, okay, Patricia?" Her accessory gave her a quick, and quiet, yes before she slumped.

Why did I wear them again? They almost got me caught a month ago.

🌊 🐬 🌊

The rest of the day after that was less eventful from then on. No Stiles. No Scott. No werewolf business. Nothing supernatural again... Until she went to observe the lacrosse practice with Lydia. Why did she invite her anyways? The only time they spoke before was because of the alpha attacking.

"So, what's your intention in getting to know Scott?" Lydia asked, not taking her eyes off her phone as the practice started. Nixie was confused. Why did she want to know about Scott? Shouldn't she be worried about that Gods awful wound on the back of her boyfriend's neck?

"I'm not trying to get to know him; or Stiles. They just keep following me." She looked over at the strawberry blonde and got a small side eye. "Honestly." She held her hands up in surrender, "I just want to go back to my life before them, and yet they want to bug me endlessly. They're both walking headaches; Stiles, more than Scott."

"He is a headache." Lydia put her phone on her lap and looked into Nixie's blue eyes as she rubbed her thighs before leaning in slightly before hushing out, "He's had a crush on me since middle school."

Nixie looked at her perplexed. She knew? "I could figure that much out a couple days ago when he kept checking on you. But... you knew? And never said anything?"

Lydia popped her lips before lightly patting her thighs, "I don't really like him like that. And I find him just a pinch annoying." She held her hand out in a pinching action before checking her phone again when it chimed.

The blonde stared at the teen in surprise at her confession before looking back to the field, just as Scott whacked the goaltender in the face with his lacrosse stick. The goalie's body hit the ground with a thud, making everyone rush to the scene; Nixie included.

"Danny?" Was all she heard as she approached, learning the injured's name. She looked at him as she passed, his nose was bleeding and he was in pain. She went further and joined the duo.

"What? He's twice the size of me," Scott told Stiles.

"Doesn't mean you can treat him that violently." Nixie stepped in, already feeling the tension that popped up between the friends.

Stiles motioned at her with her statement, "Yeah, but everyone likes Danny. Now everybody's gonna hate you."

"I don't care," Scott responded, almost offended that Stiles said that. It was silent for a second, until both she and Stiles heard Jackson comment about Lydia's lipstick after she approached him. Nixie wanted to say something about it to the girl before, but kept it to herself. She wasn't going to stand by as Lydia badmouthed the person she started to like to badmouth herself. And their conversation seemed to flick a switch in Stiles head as he moved his gaze from his crush to his best friend. Nixie watched, intrigued.

And after everything slowly happened around her, Scott left, leaving Stiles with her and her new question.

"What happened?"

🌊 🐬 🌊

At last, it was night. The mermaid could finally check on her family again. She was antsy, very much so. She hadn't gotten an answer yesterday, but to be honest, she was pushing a bit. They only ever saw her on the full moon the last couple months. And that was enough to put a spring in her step.

She hummed lightly to pass the time as Patricia, her starfish, sung more praise into her ears. And she knew what the star was saying was true, they never lie; even when sucking-up. It only took her five minutes to reach the large stump in the middle of the woods, and just beyond it was a small, bright blue lake. It emitted a soft, cyan ethereal light around the surroundings. A smile broke over her face as excitement ran through her veins.

She quickly skipped over to the edge of the lake and peered in, she saw all of her old sea friends. They all swam around, waiting for her; and she obliged.

She jumped in feet first; her tail quickly emerged as she swam into the lake, scales forming over her forearms and back, the depths quickly sunk as it transformed into the ocean. It was a portal from Beacon Hills to the ocean her family resided in just outside of California. A consortium of octopus swam next to her as multiple schools of fish and pods of dolphins led her to her parents' underwater kingdom.

Just the sight of the coral castle brought youthful delight to her eyes as she swam faster, racing the dolphins to the seaweed gate. The guards hurriedly opened the fortress to her and her friends before closing it again. She laughed as she swam backwards and taunted the dolphins of her win. They clicked some profanities at her and blew bubbles from their blowholes before they swam off.

Her smile stayed plastered on her lips as she swam through the castles coral pillars, making her way to the throne room to catch up with her parents. And to say they were ecstatic to see their little princess would be an understatement. They welcomed her with warm hugs, something she missed between each full moon; something she often craved. She loved hugs.

"My Darling," her mother greeted in the hug before pulling back and rubbing a hand over her daughter's head and hair. "How is life on the surface?"

Her father joined in with a hearty laugh, "Yes, inform us. We would love to hear!"

She laughed, her finger scales (her nails) turned pink with amusement, "It's lovely, like always."

"That can't be it!" Her father puffed before holding onto each of her arms lightly. "Come on, tells us everything."

She bit her lip and lulled her head, debating what she should say. Should she bring up the brief encounter with the Hale man... or even the new beta wolf? One thing she wouldn't mention would be the strange pull she felt just a few days prior. "I met a newborn werewolf."

This caught her mother's attention, "There's still pure-blooded werewolves up there?"

"Oh, no," Nixie started before thinking, "I don't think so. This one was newly bit. It's probably his second or third full moon tonight. But I did hear word of a Hale that might be dead."

"Might be?" Her father asked.

"He got stabbed through the chest by an alpha."

"An alpha? Last I heard, Peter Hale was the alpha of the Hale family," her mother informed before continuing, "but he was badly burned in the house fire and unable to move."

This caught Nixie's attention, "Badly burned?"

Her mother nodded, her light red hair flowing gracefully behind her as she did so, "It was said that Derek Hale had made a terribly bad mistake and led hunters straight to his house. Later in the night, everyone was locked in and cooked alive. Quite grueling." Her mother shuttered before placing a hand over her husband's bare chest, he responded by holding her hand to comfort her.

Nixie stewed in what she had just heard but didn't allow that to sour her trip. Instead, she pushed it to the back of her mind and began having fun with her parents. She really needed this after the past couple days she had on land.

And by the time it was ready for her to leave, her parents led her back to the underwater portal. She gave both of them a hug before her mother grasped her wrist.

"What else do you have to tell us? I could see it eating away at you all night."

Of course her mother saw, she was always so perceptive of her daughter's feelings. "I felt the pull."

Her mother's blue eyes immediately widened, "A human?"

"Human?" Her father looked from his daughter to his wife, and back.

"I don't want to think about it!" Nixie exclaimed in protest. "He's so annoying. Always bugging me."

"That's how your father was," her mother lovingly said, her eyes on her husband.

The blonde mermaid gagged at the thought of that before giving her parents another round of hugs. "Make sure to call, I was worried."

"We should be saying that to you," her father laughed.

Nixie shook her head and blew air bubble kisses to her parents before reluctantly leaving them once more for another month. Her heart was heavy as she popped back into Beacon Hills' lake. The sky was slowly brightening, informing her of the need to rush. Today was now Tuesday, meaning it was school again. She pulled her tail from the water and watched as it shifted back into legs. As soon as her body fully left the lake, it disappeared into fog. It wouldn't be seen until the next full moon.

But that didn't bother her.

What bothered her now was that she had to face Scott and Stiles once more and dodge their questions for real this time; since the full moon was no longer on the front of Scott's mind.

An exasperated groan left her as she made her way back to school.

⁴⁰⁵⁵ ʷᵒʳᵈˢ

Sorry for a kind of long wait... I just got back into Teen Wolf, again. Also, sorry this chapter is like 3.4k words shorter than the last. I couldn't find a lot from the episode to put Nixie into, but I did use that opportunity to introduce her parents; who are royalty, which makes Nixie royalty.

Fun fun. But I do hope you enjoyed!! And please inform me of any grammar errors!!

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