Celebritease [c.h.]

By cryingforobrien

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Celebritease- Pretending to have had some personal contact with a celebrity; a celebrity who teases another i... More

1. A Fangirl's Dream
2. Oops!
3. There Is No 'I' in 'Calum'
4. Emerald Gate Takes On Senior Prom
5. Pfft, It's Not Stalking...
6. Awkward Senior Ditch Day
8. More News, but Definitely No Booze
9. Graduation, Emerald Gate 'Vacation'
Next Update?
10. Backstage Antics and Anticipation
11. First Impressions
12. Taste of Fame
13. Bandception 2K16
Two Years Later
14. The Edge of Chaos
15. I Heard Shit Through the Grapevine

7. News and Booze

131 9 28
By cryingforobrien

Tyler Posey is Vinny because Tyler af^^^

If you can't see him as a sassy Italian boy (even though he isn't Italian but ya know) then I feel sorry for you because that's what my dreams are made of.


"Violet and Rosa have news for us. It's important."

I feel my eyebrows scrunch in confusion as her words sink in. Violet and Rose know what we're doing today, and they would never interrupt this. Unless... unless something is extremely wrong.

Panic starts to fill me as I think of all the things that could possibly be happening. Jennie and the baby could be in trouble, something could've happened to someone's family members, or worse.

"Jack?" Vinny asks, snapping out of my paranoia. "Are we going, or getting on the ride first?"

My eyes meet Cece's and I give her a shrug. "What are you guys gonna do?"

She returns with a shrug, "We'll head out to the car, I suppose. But, you two need to get there as soon as you get off the ride. This is so urgent that they almost drove here and paid to get in to come find us."

Vinny and I nod at her before she grabs Eric's hand and walks through the crowd of people. I try to rack my brain of what could possibly be so important and not so bad, but I can't focus. It's Senior Ditch Day, so I definitely left my brain in my bed where I wanted to be.

The coaster cars show up a few seconds later, the small crowd of people quickly exiting them before fixing their extremely windblown hair. I suppress a laugh at the thought of what Vin's hair will look like after this. The gate opens, and Vinny steps into the car before me. I reach for the buckle of the seat belt and he brings over the other side, our hands meeting. They stay there for a second before I feel the same fireworks I felt when we kissed earlier. Shaking off the feeling, he buckles it and pulls our lap bar down before the park workers come to inspect us. When we get the all clear, the ride starts to move, and Vinny grabs my hand tightly.

"Jackie!" he squeaks. "I'm scared."

I proceed to ignore my awkward feelings and give his hand a light squeeze. "Vin, I promise that you'll be okay," I tell him soothingly. We start to go up the first hill, and his grip tightens. "Chill, Vinny. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you. Besides, you owe me for earlier."

His eyes widen as he squeaks, "Fair enough!" Soon, we're heading down the hill, the wind blowing in my face and making my cheeks move back from the pressure. We start to do our first loop, and Vinny lets out a shriek as he wraps his arms around me tightly, making me laugh hysterically.

"I don't like this!" Vin yells before letting out another girly scream. "I'm gonna die!"

I squeal in delight as the wind rushes through my hair, roaring in my ears. My heart pounds as we go on another loop, and I raise my hands in the air before squealing again. I turn to Vinny, who is now clutching the lap bar for dear life. He sees my hands in the air and shouts, "Do you have a fucking death wish, kid?!" I laugh as my response as the ride continues, and Vinny starts to loosen up just in time for the ride to start slowing down.

As we reach the loading station, I put my arms down and let out another cheer before looking at a very smiley Vincenzo. His wicked grin turns into a crazy laugh, and he begins to look like a mad scientist because his hair is sticking up all over the place. I stifle a laugh as we get off the ride, and his laugh turns into small giggles. He points a finger at me, and I feel my hair on an instinct. Sure enough, it's blown every which way.

"You look like Simba," Vinny laughs as he ruffles my hair. I shoot him a glare, causing him to laugh harder before he wraps an arm around my shoulders. My stomach fills with butterflies and anxiety, and I feel him tense a little as well. We ignore it and start towards the exit, only to see Mia and her friends.

Vinny's eyes widen. "Shit," he grumbles. "I'm so tired of Olive and her bitch friends. Mia, I can handle. But I want to shove scissors in my ears when Olive attempts to get in my pants."

"I'll kiss you again if I have to," I remark half-jokingly. "That'll keep her away."

He laughs nervously, as if the thought bothers him in any way. Then, he groans, "You might have to, Jack. Something wicked this way comes."

As if on cue, Olive stops us and puts a hand on Vinny's arm. "Not so fast," she coos disgustingly. "You can't leave with her."

Vinny snorts, "Considering the fact that I came with Jacqueline and that I'm not your bitch that you can boss around, I'll do what I please. Have a good day."

We push past her confidently, but Vinny stops in his tracks and turns around. He takes a few steps toward her before pulling me with him. "And," he begins as he wraps an arm around my waist protectively, "I'm also Italian, so I could bring the Mafia on your flat ass if you come near either of us again."

She snorts, "Oh, Vinny, I'm so scared! Hold me!" She tries to coddle him awkwardly, but he shoves her off.

"Really bitch," he says. "Have you ever seen The Godfather? Just looking at these guys will have you pissing yourself! If I were you, I would your back, Ging."

I flip my hair dramatically before snapping in a 'z' motion and turning on my heels with Vinny behind me. I thought it would add a nice affect to the sass that was left in the air.

When we're out of earshot, it's impossible to stifle the laughter. We stagger towards the exit of the park as we try to keep moving, but are nearly doubled over from stomach pains because we're laughing so hard.

"That was..." I choke out. "The greatest thing... you've ever said!"

He responds with another loud laugh and a snort, "I can't believe I finally said it! I've been saving that comeback since I was 12 years old!"

We finally exit Castles n' Coasters, and Eric is parked by the exit. I can see Cece's worried expression as we approach the car, but any seriousness I thought I could muster went away with another thought about our encounter with Olive.

"Act natural," Vinny coughs as we approach the car. I let out another round of giggles before we reach the car and sit in the back quietly. Eric begins to drive away, one hand on the wheel, the other holding Cece's hand. I won't lie, they're cute together, but I was a little surprised this happened in the first place.

I stare out the window for a few minutes as the silence consumes the car, but I'm taken out from my gaze of Phoenix by Eric's voice asking, "So how was the ride, guys? Not so scary after all, yeah?"

I turn to look at Vinny, and he does the same to me. A smile grows on his face as he chuckles, his dimples appearing. I cock my head to the side as I laugh with I'm. Did he always have dimples?

"It was a great time," Vin says as he lays my head on his shoulder. "I wouldn't change a thing about it."

I laugh a little before shutting my eyes, sighing into his chest. As he wraps his arms around me, I feel those fireworks that I've felt throughout the day. This time, it isn't alarming; it's comforting. Now, I'm ready for whatever news Violet and Rosa have for us, good or bad.

The comfortable silence is interrupted by the radio turning on, and Trey Songz's Slow Motion playing quietly. Hardly anyone knows that he's my guilty pleasure, but I can't help but sing along.

We can take, we can take

We can take our time, baby

In slow motion

We can take, we can take

We can take our time

Stay here...

"Ah, damn!" Vinny groans. "This is my shit. If I could sing, I would be epically harmonizing with you right now, Jack."

I can't help but laugh at his response. "You'll be fine, Vin. You'll probably sound better than me, anyway."

Suddenly, the car screeches to a halt, lurching everyone forward. Eric turns around to face me, a shocked expression covering his pale face.

"Eric, what are you doing?" Cece asks. "We're on the freaking highway!"

Vinny laughs as I lift my head off his chest. Eric doesn't break eye contact or change facial expression as I do so. "Looks like Eric is about to chew her out, Cece," Vinny says. "Bring me the popcorn and Diet Coke!"

"You're AMAZING, Jackie!" Eric says intensely. "I will not move this car until you agree with me!"

I roll my eyes. "Eric, seriously? We're on a--"


Vinny laughs again, even louder. He throws his head back against the seat as Cece puts her head in her hands. After a muffled groan, she looks up at me with pleading eyes. "Please," she begs. "We have stuff to do."

"I'm amazing," I say. Eric gives me a kind smile and starts the car again, people giving us angry glares as they pass by.

"Still not that great, though," I mutter with a smirk, leading Eric to stop the car again.

"Eric!" Cece yells at her boyfriend. "She's just doing this to get a rise out of you!"

Vinny and I laugh together and high five as Cece shakes her head at us. Eric starts the car for the first time, ignoring even more glares from other drivers. As the city passes by us, I reflect on the events of the past few hours. From facing my fear of heights to kissing my best friend to keep the bitches away, I couldn't have asked for a better day with my friends.


When we pull into Violet's driveway, there are about two dozen people on her front lawn. Cheers can be heard as we stop the car, and Cece and I look at each other in confusion.

"It's for me," Vinny says as he flips his dark curls. "Everyone is so excited that the wonderful and incredible sexy, hot piece of ass, Vincenzo Pisani is home safely from his potential death."

I scoff, "I'm about nine thousand percent done with you right now."

"Yeah, whatever."

The four of us exit Eric's little Ford and are greeted by a very cheery Violet and Rosa. They embrace us and squeal as all of our families surround us. Literally everyone is here, from Rosa's grandparents to Violet's little sister, who we hardly ever see outside of her house.

"What's going on?" Cece finally asks as everyone quiets down. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything is great!" Vi exclaims as she wraps an arm around Rose's shoulders. "Camden, come read this for Jackie and your sister."

Camden pushes through Vinny and me to grab Violet's phone out of her hand. He moves his thick dark hair out of his face and begins, "I don't even know what this is, but it seems like a bigger deal than rollercoasters, so it has to be important."

Violet laughs loudly at his words, making me accidentally roll my eyes. Fortunately, I don't think she caught me. Rose also laugh, but I can tell that she wants to hit him. "Just read, dunghead," she says as she narrows her eyes.

He places a hand over his heart with a fake hurt expression. "Ouch, Rosa. That hurt my heart a little, girl." He shakes his head a little and begins to read, "To the members of Emerald Gate and management, if any..."

"Wait," Rosa and Vinny's sister, Theresa, interrupts. "Who sent this to them?"

Camden whips his head in her direction and scowls, holding up a finger. "I'm getting to it, Rosa!"

"I'm Theresa!" Theresa calls out with a groan, rolling her eyes.

He scrunches his eyebrows and looks between Theresa and Rosa, clearly confused. "There's two of you?"

"We're twins, dumbass," Rosa sighs as she rolls her eyes simultaneously with Theresa. Her grandfather slaps her in the back of the head and yells something in Italian, to which she mumbles something I can't quite hear.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," Camden says with a glare at Theresa, "Courtesy of some friends of outs, we found your YouTube channel and were very impressed with your abilities. You reminded us of ourselves at that point in our careers."

He pauses briefly, and my eyes widen as I realize who sent this to us, but why?

"We would like to meet with the four of you, but we're afraid that we don't have the time because we are on tour constantly until the end of June," he continues. "So, would it be any trouble to come visit us in the next month or so? We have an opening on the Oceania leg of the tour that we would love for you to fill. Hope to hear from you soon--"

"Cal, Ash, Luke, and Mikey!" I scream, hugging Cece tightly. "THEY WANT US!"

Violet and Rosa hug each other before embracing Cecelia and me. Soon after, there's a giant group hug of everyone that was standing on Violet's lawn.

"We're so proud of you, girls," Violet's dad tells us. "All along, we just knew this day would come."

Violet hugs her father. "Thanks, Dad."

A few more hugs and kisses (and tears from my sister-in-law, curse the hormones), my mom asks the question that we all have avoided.

"But wait," she begins. "How are you going to go across the world? Especially Jackie and Cecelia, since school isn't ending for another few weeks?"

Rosa shrugs. "Why don't we respond to the e-mail and discuss with them what would work best?"

Heads nod in agreement until Vinny yells, "Party at my house!"

He starts to dance awkwardly and twerk on Eric before the boy shoves my Italian friend away. That doesn't stop Vinny, though. Instead, he grabs Eric's hands and begins to tango with him before yelling, "Woo, Emerald Gate is gonna be famous, and I'll get to meet Rihanna!"

Everyone laughs as I roll my eyes and Eric hugs Vinny awkwardly. "For real though," Rosa says. "If you want, and my parents are okay with it, you can all come over later as a little celebration thing."

All eyes are on Rosa's parents, who look at each other with blank expressions. Rosa and Theresa flash identical puppy dog eyes, which they ignore, but eventually they shrug at each other.

"We have wine!" Rosa's dad exclaims, causing a rumble of cheers to erupt. "Bet here at eight!"

I smile as Vinny's arms wrap around me and he lifts me off the ground. "God, I'm so proud of you, Jackie-Poo!"

"That's my new nickname, right?" I laugh as he puts me back on the ground, but leaves his hands on my waist. "Because that's definitely for couples or five year olds."

He shrugs carelessly. "Sucks to suck, because that is indeed your new nickname, Jackie-Poo. Now, let's go to my house and play Mortal Kombat!"

Violet walks over and wraps an arm around Vinny's shoulder with a laugh. "Or, you could be in our next cover and you can pick the so--"

"DONE!" Vin shouts as he dives into Eric's car. "Take me away, Eric Jackson, you filthy animal!"

Eric rolls his eyes and reluctantly guides Cece to the car, opening and closing the passenger door for her before getting in himself. I sit next to Vinny in the back, and Eric follows Violet and Rose to the Pisani Abode.

"Home sweet home," Vinny murmurs as Eric pulls into the driveway. The four of us walk into their house, and Vinny immediately runs to the couch and bellyflops on top of it. "It feels just like I remembered."

Cece laughs, "Vin, you were just here this morning."

"It felt like an eternity, Cecelia!" Vin groans as he sits up. Suddenly, he kneels in front of her and takes her hands into his, much to Eric's dismay. I laugh quietly and put a hand on his back to assure him that Vinny's not hitting on his girlfriend. He's just being himself.

"Cecelia!" Vinny sings extremely off-key. "I'm down on my knees, I'm begging you please to come home!"

She rolls her eyes and looks at Eric with a shake of her head, while Vi and I laugh our asses off. Rosa puts her head in her heads before muttering, "Ladies and gentleman, this is one of the many reasons why my brother doesn't have a girlfriend."

"Yo, shut the hell up!" Vinny yells defensively. "I have Jackie, and that's all I need."

Butterflies flutter in my stomach as I laugh, and Vinny walks on his knees over to me. He takes my hands like he did to Cece. "Oh Jacqueline...ia... YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART!"

We laugh, and Eric mumbles, "Vinny is really weird."

"You get used to it," Cece tells him as she pecks his cheek. "I promise."

"Oh!" Vinny exclaims as he stands up beside me. "You guys should definitely sing that song as your cover and let me join!"

Rosa laughs, "Yeah, like that'll ever happen."

"No," Eric interjects with a smile. "Let him do it. That's something I want to say to people that I was able to witness firsthand."

Cece shrugs. "Fine, let's get this over with, Vincenzo."

Vinny puts a fist in the air before sitting on the floor beside Cece's Cajon, which Rosa was kind enough to store in the trunk of her car. The rest of us set up our instruments and decide who will sing what parts. After it's all finished, I drag Eric into a seat beside me.

"If Vinny can be in this, so can you," I tell him as he fidgets beside me.

We set up the camera and Violet presses play before sitting down. "Hey, guys!" she chirps enthusiastically.

"Today, our cover song was requested by my lovely, yet idiotic little brother, Vinny," Rosa says before gesturing at the beaming boy. "If it sucks, you can blame him."

Vinny's mouth falls open in shock. "Hey!"

I laugh before saying, "This song is for our lovely Cecelia, and we are also joined by her boyfriend, Eric, as well as Vinny, for this particular cover. Enjoy!"

We begin, and Violet sings alone for the verse, with the occasion harmony from Rose or myself. But, when we get to the choruses, all we can hear is Vinny screaming the words at Cece's feet. After we finish the song, Eric his laughing hysterically and hugging his slightly irritated girlfriend while we upload the video. Almost instantly, it gets over five thousand views.

"How about we turn on some Netflix and chill until people come over?" Vinny suggests to us.

Shrugging, I reply, "As long as it isn't the 'Netflix and chill' that everyone uses as an excuse to bang."


Around 7:45, people start to show up and Vinny's parents break out the wine. Once everyone is there, Camden and Vinny stand on the island in the kitchen to propose a toast.

"I would just like to say that I'm proud of my baby sister and her band for not sucking as bad as they did when they started using instruments," Camden says with a smile at Cece, who rolls her eyes. "I really have high hopes for you guys, even though I don't show it."

I smile up at Camden and give him a hug when he's on the floor again, thanking him.

Next, Vinny clears his throat as he holds up his Diet Coke. "I just wanna say that I'm really excited about my friends and my sister having this opportunity. They completely deserve this, plus so much more. I'm honestly grateful that I've been part of their journey so far, and I hope that will continue. And I also hope that I can meet Rihanna because she's a babe."

I scoff at him as people laugh and applaud. When he stands by my side, I give him a hug and a peck on the cheek. "You'll always be with us, Vin."

He smiles. "I hope so, now let's drink up!"

For the next few hours, the adults (minus Jennie) have their wine while Violet and her siblings, Vinny, Lizzie and I sip on our Cokes. We laugh and joke about nonsense, and I find myself glancing at Vinny more than I should. Violet catches me a couple times, and she sends me a look that just tells me that she'll tease me about this later.

Around eleven, people begin to leave. Once everyone is gone and goodbyes are exchanged, Rose's parents head to bed while we clean up the mess. Camden also stays behind to help, but I think he just stayed for more wine.

"You know," Vinny says ask he picks up a half-full bottle. "I have this stuff at Communion, but I wonder if it tastes worse when it isn't blessed."

I shrug at him. "Why don't you find out."

Vinny holds out the bottle to me. "You first."

Shrugging again, I take a sip, and I'm surprised that I actually enjoy the taste of it. Throughout high school, Vin, Cece and I were never party kids and didn't drink, so I had never actually tried it until now. It didn't seem appealing.

For a while, Vinny and I go back and forth with the half bottle. And then another. Then, I'm pretty sure Camden came over to us for another.

All I know is, I wake up the next morning in Vinny's bed. I look over to my right, expecting to see Vinny, only to scream in horror at who is beside me.

It's Camden.

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