The Turbo Hero:- Midoribolt

By Kevhedgehog

8.9K 230 56

Izuku Midoriya has really had enough. First, he had his property destroyed by his childhood bully, then he wa... More



1K 31 8
By Kevhedgehog

For the past few days, Izuku lived and trained with Max and Steel, learning more about his Turbo Energy and the modes he possesses. Though his Turbo Energy already enhances his speed, agility, and strength, Izuku chose to enhance his training by doing personal workouts in his spare time. Thanks to Steel, Torbolt was able to learn how to camouflage Izuku's Turbo suit, so he can blend in with other citizens.

Once they knew he was ready, Max and Steel decided it was time for Izuku to go home. One morning, while Mindy and her mother were sleeping, Max and Steel took Izuku and Torbolt in a private jet that belonged to the organization they work with, Ntek.

Izuku watched through the window of the ship as they traveled at hyper speed to Izuku's home country, Japan. Once they were finally overhead of Japan, it was already nighttime. (Since Copper Canyon's basically in America, it's bound to be nighttime in Japan).

"Home," Izuku said looking out the window with Torbolt floating beside him.

"I'm really excited to learn more about Japan's culture Izuku," Torbolt said before giving a brief pause. "Since I... didn't get to do much last time"

He looked at Izuku who just lowered his head and slid his hand on the window.

"Yeah," was all he said before sitting back down on his chair.

"I'm sorry Izuku, I didn't mean to..." Torbolt said before being cut off by Izuku who just lifted his head and smiled.

"It's okay," he said. "I'm okay"

Suddenly, they felt the ship begin to slow down.

"Okay guys, this is the drop zone," Steel said from the front. Izuku and Torbolt stood up and began walking to the back of the ship before being stopped by Max.

"Here, take this," Max said handing something flat to him.

"It has access to the N-Teks Yen account," he said as Izuku took it from him. "You won't have to worry about funds"

"Wow, thanks," Izuku said looking at the card.

"Remember, the coordinates of the base are already preinstalled in Torbolt's systems," Max said placing a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Everything you'll need will be inside" 

"I can't thank you guys enough," Izuku said smiling.

"I should be the one thanking you Izuku," Max said. "Never once, I'd thought there'd be another half-breed Tachyon. I has been an honor to be your teacher"

"And me," Steel said flying up to them.

"All you did was do a little program," Max said to him.

"And all you did was talk," Steel said back.

As the two kept on throwing insults, Izuku and Torbolt looked at each other before laughing.

Flying above the city of Musatufa, the back of the ship opened up slowly to reveal Izuku and Torbolt holding to the railing allowing the wind to blow through his hair. He couldn't help but stare at the lights of the building in his home country. He took one last look back to see Max giving him a thumbs up from the driver's seat while Steel saluted him with his hands. Izuku smiled, looked to Torbolt, and nodded his head with him. He took a few steps back before running to the door and jumped off the jet, with Torbolt falling beside him. The two went down for a few seconds feeling the rush of air.

"Ready partner?!" Izuku yelled through the air.

"You know it!" Torbolt said excitedly.

"GO TURBO, FLIGHT!!!" Izuku shouted as Torbolt flew in front of his chest and linked to his suit giving him a form that gave him rocket wings.

Using the wings on his back, he flew through the air of the night sky of Japan watching the lights below past him. He then twirled around in the air and lowered his altitude so he could fly side by side with the cars that were driving in the streets. Through another car window, Izuku could see a little boy lying with a dolly of All Might. But once the boy caught sight of Izuku, he dropped the toy and pushed his face against the windows. Izuku couldn't help but smile and wave before focusing back on the front to check the GPS on his HUD.

"Okay, the secret base shouldn't be so far," he said flying through the air looking left and right. While following the coordinates, Izuku ended up landing in a dark alleyway.

"This is it?" Izuku said looking left and right as his feet touched the ground.

"This is where the co-ordinates say," Torbolt said from Izuku's chest. "I'm gonna switch us to camouflage mode. We may not know who's lurking"

"Okay, go for it," Izuku said before releasing a massive amount of green turbo energy which surrounded the both of them. Once the energy settled down, Izuku was wearing a Green Jacket with a white shirt that said the word 'Turbo' in the center along with some black jeans pants and some black sneakers.

"Sorry if it's not much Izuku," Torbolt said flying off of Izuku's chest.

"Nah, I actually think it's cool," Izuku said looking closely at it. "It reminds me of the clothes I used to wear" 

As Torbolt sighed in relief, he flashed a beam of light, lighting their way through the alleyway while displaying what looked like a map. While walking, Izuku looked up to see light coming from a window of the building beside them.

"Are we beside an apartment?" he asked himself still staring up at the window.

"Maybe it's a cover so the base wouldn't be so obvious to the public," Torbolt said before stopping midway in the alley. Izuku, who was still looking up at the building bumped into Torbolt and held his face.

"Huh? Torbolt? What's up?" Izuku asked.

"We're here," he said shutting off his map display.

"Here where?" Izuku said looking left and right.

"Here," Torbolt said pointing at the large object that was sitting right in front of them. Once Izuku followed where he was pointing, his eyes couldn't help but open in surprise.

"Here?!" Izuku said shuddering at the sight of the ginormous trash bin. "You're sure?"

"This is where the coordinates said," Torbolt said flying around it. "Maybe it's behind or underneath the metal container?" 

Izuku placed a hand under his chin before focusing his gaze on the lock that was latched onto the bin.

"I wonder if..." he said charging his hand with Turbo Energy and grabbing the lock of the bin. To his surprise, the lock unlocked itself allowing him to open the lid of the trash bin. At first, he expected a rotten odor to emerge from it but to his utter disbelief, inside smelt like a new car. He and Torbolt looked at each other briefly before fully opening the lid and hopping inside. Looking left and right to make sure no one was watching, Izuku closed back the lid and sat inside the dark bin with Torbolt who used his glowing parts as light.

"So, now what?" Torbolt asked.

"I honestly don't...." Izuku said before feeling the front of his legs lean down causing him to slide forward on the surface. "KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Izuku!" Torbolt shouted following him down the tunnel just as the floor of the garbage bin set back to its flat state. Izuku, who was still screaming, felt himself slide around in circles continually as he went lower underground.

Eventually, he flew out the end of what looked like a slide with Torbolt flying out behind him.

"Izuku, you okay?" Torbolt said as he watched Izuku rub his butt.

"Except that my butt has gotten a first-degree burn, I'm fine," he said standing up to his feet and looking around the dark room. As Torbolt floated beside him, they proceeded into the darkness to look around for some kind of light. Thanks to Torbolt's green lighting, Izuku eventually was able to find a red switch connected to a circuit breaker. 

Once he flipped the switch, lights everywhere began to power on to reveal some kind of underground base.

"Whoa, this must be it, the Japanese N-Tek base," Izuku said looking around as he noticed some broken things like bikes, tanks, and cars.

"Look's like it's been deserted for years," Torbolt said looking at all the cobwebs and dust that surrounded most of the equipment. "Everything's so filthy"

"Well if we strap some sponges to the feet of Speed Mode we can get everything spotless in record flat," Izuku said with a confident smile. "But first, let's look through the base"

Nodding his head in agreement, Torbolt followed Izuku as they walked deeper into the base to explore. As they walked through the hallway of the quiet base, Torbolt began to hum like a phone on silent.

"Izuku, I'm getting a call from Steel," he said Steel humming with a phone symbol showing on his screen.

"Put him on then," Izuku said allowing Torbolt to patch into the Turbo suit's so he can he Steel's voice the same way he could hear Torbolt speak in his head.

"Hey Izuku, you guys made it?" Steel said speaking mentally in Izuku's head.

"Yeah, we were just gonna look around for a bit," Izuku said talking back.

"Well, that's good to hear because I got a message for you from Max," he said.

"What did he say?" Izuku asked curiously.

"He just said, don't let your powers keep you from having a normal life like going to school or even getting a girlfriend," Steel said through the phone. "When he had found out his father was an alien, he thought he was nothing but a freak show. But he was still able to live a normal life and accept his heritage. You should too"

Izuku stayed silent for a bit before finally speaking.

"Okay, I'll do my best," Izuku said with a serious face.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Steel said excitedly. "Good luck Izuku, and don't forget to..."

"Go Turbo!" Izuku said finishing him off. 

"Actually, I was gonna say take the elevator up to the apartment above," Steel said causing both Izuku and Torbolt to look up at the ceiling at the same time. "If you head to the 2nd floor, there's gonna be only one door with a fingerprint lock. If you place your thumb on it, your Turbo Energy will unlock it revealing your new home. You can always use the elevator to go back down to the base when you enter the code that was left inside. Like I said, good luck and call if anything"

Once Steel hung up, Izuku and Torbolt headed towards the door in the corner which was revealed to be an elevator. Thankfully, it was night so no one was using it at the moment. Upon entering, he pushed the 2F button with Torbolt floating beside him. As the elevator went up, they listened to the music that was playing as t took a while for them to go from underground up to the surface.

"Nice music," Torbolt said with Izuku nodding in agreement. Upon hearing the ding of the elevator, the door opened in front of them to reveal a balcony. Izuku looked left and right Making sure no one would see Torbolt floating beside him. After seeing the coast was clear, he and Torbolt walked out of the elevator and headed to the door on the far end of the balcony. Upon reaching it, just as Steel mentioned, there was a lock that needed either a fingerprint or a keypad.

Taking a quick glimpse at his own thumb, he placed it on the small square on the top and generate a small amount of Turbo Energy into it. The lock made a beeping sound before a click sound followed it after. Knowing it was unlocked, Izuku pushed it open and was surprised by the lights turning on their own.

Walking after closing the door, Izuku and Torbolt followed the white-colored walls to the kitchen which by the way looked like it came directly from the future.

"Woah," both Izuku and Torbolt said at the same time as they walked around the room. He opened the fridge and just as he expected, there was nothing in there.

"Gotta stock up on food later," Izuku said closing the fridge. He then proceeded to the next room where he saw white couches, a white futon, and a big ass TV, indicating it was the living room.

"A 4K Samsung TV????!!!!! SO AWESOME!!!!!!!" Izuku screamed in excitement while Torbolt looked at him confused about what he was so excited about. Not far from living quarters, they found a very relaxing bathroom with a nice tub to lie in.

"This is gonna be so relaxing," Izuku said closing the bathroom door and proceeding to the next room. Turning on the lights, he looked around his new bedroom which resembles his favorite color.

"Max and Steel are literally the best," Izuku said as he entered the room his mouth was left wide open.

"Yeah, they are,"  Torbolt said flying around the room for a bit. Izuku would've taken pictures with his phone, but it overloaded and exploded when he first touched it back when lived with Max. Steel explained to him, that if his Turbo Energy comes into contact with a normal electrical device, the energy would overload it and cause it to explode. That's why Steel built him a custom N-Tek phone that would absorb his Turbo Energy instead of shock it.

As he took his pictures, Izuku felt his stomach begin to grumble. 

"Oh yeah, I haven't eaten anything for hours," he said rubbing his stomach.

"Then maybe we should go out and get you some grub," Torbolt said floating up in front of him. "And maybe put some stuff in the fridge and cupboards"

"I know a good market that opens this late. Let's go," Izuku said turning to leave the room only to stop when he heard his phone vibrate indicating he was receiving a message. Once he opened it, he saw it was a message from Max that said:

"We left you a little gift. Check the parking lot"

"Parking lot?" both Izuku and Torbolt asked each other before walking back out of the apartment and looking down over the balcony railing to see something parked in one of the parking spaces. Looking left and right to make sure no one was watching, he grabbed the railing, leaped over it, fell from the 2nd floor, and landed on his feet. As they approached it, his's eyes widened seeing a green motorbike with a black helmet sitting on top of it.

"Woah, AWESOME!!!!!" Izuku shouted wasting no time running up to it, taking the helmet up, placing it on his head, and sitting down on the bike. Just as Torbolt flew into his jacket and linked to the suit, Izuku started up the motorcycle and then began driving out of the parking lot thanks to the lessons Max gave him.

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