Don't Fight it, Park (Jikook)

By Ambs713

18.5K 1.5K 810

Where Jungkook and Jimin used to be best friends, but it didn't work out. Jimin grows a hatred for Jungkook... More

Not Popular Enough
Well Played, Jimin Park
Always So Sassy
And You're A Meanie Head
Parkie Bear
Since Always, Jiminsii
Don't Give In, Jimin
You're The Idiot
You're So Stubborn
Don't Fight It, Park

Truly, You Terrify Me

1.2K 120 81
By Ambs713

Monday -
2 Weeks Until The Election

Jungkook and Jimin wave, smiling brightly and wrapping their arms around each other's shoulders from them to time, but people love it since Jungkook has to bend down for Jimin.

"It's super hard voting for only one of you when you're both really great! And this is just a super cute duo!" A student says kindly to the both of them.

"Awe, thank you so much!" Jimin exclaims.

The girl bows slightly before walking away.

"Now will you look at that?! You didn't even stutter once while accepting a compliment about us!" Jungkook says, facing his whole body towards Jimin.

Jimin does the same, rolling his eyes even though there's still a small smile formed on his lips, "Oh, be quiet. I hope you don't think I like you now just because I helped you with your homework last week."

Jungkook smiles in a funny way, "A guy can dream, right?"

"Shut up," Jimin says with a giggle, looking the other way now.

Jungkook keeps his eyes on Jimin, until someone approaches, "There he is! I haven't seen you much these past two weeks 'cause you've been doing this nerdy shit."

Jungkook rolls his eyes, "Hello to you too, Yoongi. And it isn't nerdy."

Why the hell does he have to say that when Jimin is right next to me?!

Yoongi just chuckles, "Oh, right...Okay, mannn. Anyway, you comin to my place tonight? I'm inviting a lot of people. Are you-"

"He can't come. I'm planning something for the election," Jimin cuts in coldly.

Jungkook looks down at him now, "You are?"

Yoongi laughs loudly at this, "You don't even know about it? Bro why are you even doing all of this, you never cared about stuff like this until now."

Jimin's angry face turns into a frown.
"Right..I actually forgot for a second...It's because he loves getting on my nerves, he's doing all of this just to bother me..have fun at that lame ass party." Jimin then storms off, and Jungkook shakes his head.

"Wait- No, Park! Ugh, fucking Yoongi. Really?! Just when I was starting to get on his good side!"

Yoongi squints his eyes, "Why do you want to be on his good side? I thought that after seeing him flirt with that guy in eight grade you got jealous and dropped him-"

Jungkook quickly covers Yoongi's mouth, looking around to see if anyone heard that. "Shut up, bro! No one else knows about that!"

Yoongi gently removes Jungkook's hand off his mouth, "What? No one else knows that you crushed on him?"

Jungkook sighs heavily, whispering now, "Min Yoongi, don't talk like I truly wanted to drop him. I didn't fully want that-"

"But you ditched him for the cooler kids-"

"I wanted to be cooler for him! He was flirting with some nerd one day so I wanted to show him that I can be much better than some fucking nerd at the time...even though finding out now nerds are more his type than a jock is." Jungkook shakes his head, feeling so much regret, "I didn't ditch him because I didn't care about him anymore, seeing his face after telling him I'm cooler now was painful, but I wanted to change. I even pretended to like some girl to try and see if that made him jealous because hey, I was jealous as hell seeing him with other guys. I was I guess I hurt him. Yet I still wanted to improve for him? I don't know..but then he became an asshole to me, so I decided to be one back. I'm still stubborn even though I like him, but-"

"Wait, wait hold still have feelings for him?"


"Oh my God!"

Jungkook just pinches the bridge of his nose, "Fuck. My. Life."

No one was supposed to know.

Jungkook has covering this up every single day.

"Then what are you waiting for bro?! Go tell him!"

"Yoongi I can't, he fucking hates me. And YOU just made it worse!"

Yoongi shakes his head, resting his hands on his hips, "No, I didn't. You bothering him these past few years made it worse. It ain't my fault you don't know how to handle situations! Why do you give him such a hard time if you like him so much anyways?"

Jungkook shrugs, looking anywhere but Yoongi's eyes, "I guess it's because I am still angry. But so is he. He said I made him insecure, and I felt really really bad, but imagine how I felt? Still feel? I had genuine, romantic feelings for him but he didn't. He was just sad about his friend leaving him..he was ditched? Yeah well I was constantly friend zoned! So I guess I wanted to improve for him, but was still angry."

"Well, you need to toughen the hell up, and go change his mind."

"How? Don't forget Yoongi, he's stubborn as hell too...stubborn little shit," Jungkook mumbles the last part, because Jimin can truly be a pain.

"Do something big."

Jungkook smiles, "Big you say? I know exactly it!"

"Good, but Jungkook...I know you're still annoyed about how everything went down, but you need to stop letting anger get in the way. You had a crush on Jimin, saw him flirting with some other guy, and you got angry. So you ditched him because you wanted be cooler for him, but also because you were annoyed. Pretending to like a bunch of girls to get a reaction out of him didn't help either. Just, stop assuming you know every side to story, and communicate. Communication is key, and I'm afraid you and Jimin both lack at that painfully."

Jungkook nods, completely understanding and becoming more determined by the second. "I'll get him back...thank you, Yoongi."

Yoongi rolls his eyes, patting Jungkook's shoulder before walking off, "I sure hope so, because Jimin is're a damn idiot."

. . .

Jungkook walks into the gym and sees Jimin sitting down, reading with an angry pout on his face.

I have to do something, anything.

He approaches the smaller on the bleachers, "Park...."

Jimin doesn't respond.

"Park. Park! Helllooo, Jimin Park? Aish, will you talk to me?"

Jimin continues to look down at his book, ignoring Jungkook's presence completely.

Jimin MUST not be in the mood talk if he isn't even dropping insults.

Jungkook sighs loudly, "Fine then. You leave me with no other choice."
He walks away, but even then, Jimin keeps his eyes on his book.

All of a sudden, everyone can hear someone clearing their throat in the microphone from the loud speakers spread around the place.

"Is this thing on? Oh- Uh... Jiminsii? Hey, Jiminsii! Forgive me, okay? I don't hate you!"

"Oh my God," Jimin whispers in full embarrassment as he finally looks up and sees everyone else's eyes are also on the bold jock holding the microphone while standing on the other side.

"We could be best friends if you just stop fighting it!"

Jimin stands up and shakes his head, mouthing stop! stop! To the taller, but Jungkook just smiles wider.

"Jeon put that microphone down or it's detention for three hours after school for you!" One of the coaches yell, approaching Jungkook angrily.

"No! This is important, Jimin forgiving me is important...Park.."

Jimin's face turns red at everything going on.

Same old annoying Jungkook...same old passionate Jungkook.


"Jeon!" The coach yells.

"Park, forgive me? Let's be friends?"

"Alright, that's detention for you Jeon! Come and get your damn slip!"

Jungkook ignores the coach and every other student smiling proudly at him, and just watches Jimin.

Waiting for Jimin's response.

But Jimin doesn't say anything, he just stands there quietly while fiddling with his fingers.

Jungkook sighs.

Of course. Why the hell would anything change his mind?

Jungkook keeps his eyes on Jimin all while following the coach, grabbing his stupid detention slip, then storms out of the gym in annoyance while the students clap for him loudly.

Jimin just swallows hard, slowly sitting back down with shock.

What the hell did he just do?!

. . .

Jungkook slouches in his chair, staring up at the ceiling with so many thoughts and emotions.

No way I just acted like a character from a cringe movie just to be left with no friendship, no forgiveness, AND detention.

Detention all alone too, how is no one else in here?!

"This is so so stupi-"

The door opens and it catches Jungkook's attention quickly, and seeing who it is makes him sit up and even quicker, "Jimin?"

How is he still here? School ended an hour ago.

Jimin chews his bottom lip nervously while closing the door and walking over to the desk right next to Jungkook's, "I-I came with good news...your Mom just told me you and I can continue to run, and that we've really done great."

Jungkook rolls his eyes, " awesome-"

"Then I cussed in front of her just so she'd give me a slip to detention."

Jungkook looks back up at Jimin with widened eyes, because woah. "B-But you've never gotten detention before?"

Jimin quickly sits, sitting up straight and nervously playing with his fingers on the desk, "Yeah I-I know...I'm kinda scared, but It was like, a brave in the moment kinda thing.."

Plus. Mrs. Jeon understood why he did it.

Jungkook chuckles, "Don't be...why did you purposely get detention?"

Jimin now looks into Jungkook's eyes, "Why did you?"

"Because...ugh, I now told myself, stop fighting it, Jungkook...I-I want you to forgive me. I want to be friends with you, I swear I'm done being a done that I announced it to everyone."

Jimin nods his head gently, thinking very hard, "I uh, I can't promise you that things will fully go back to the way they were back then, because I don't know yet...but, I really appreciate you caring, and I can see that uhm, thank you. Thank you because you seriously didn't have to do that."

Jungkook smiles softly, "I'm really glad I did....Parkie bear~"

"Oh my goshhhh-"

"Ah ah! Stop! Don't fight it, Park-"

"Stop saying that! Because I am GOING to fight it, and that sentence is so annoying!"

Jungkook laughs, apologizing quietly, "Friends?"

"Uhm, fine-"


Jimin rolls his eyes now, "Fine! Yes, okay, friends...." They shake hands, and Jungkook is smiling so widely.

"Because as they say, Jeon...keep your friends close, and your enemies closer..." Jimin smiles darkly, making Jungkook's fall completely.

"Truly, you terrify me sometimes, Park."

Jimin laughs, feeling more comfortable with all of this, "So uh...since we'll be here for a bit...what have I missed these past few years?"

Jungkook's heart flutters at those amazing words coming from Jimin's mouth that he never thought he'd hear.

Maybe...maybe being friends with Jimin now just started a whole new mess...

Jungkook continues to stare at Jimin with a racing heart...

How the hell can he keep these feelings to himself?

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