The Wolf, The Lion, and The D...

By PhoenixWolf7Fox

271 0 0

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY, they belong to RoosterTeeth. I own Team LADR This is an au so somethings that h... More

Ch.1 The Next Step
Ch.2 Remembrance
Ch.3 Of Runaways and Stowaways
Ch.4 Family
Ch.5 Menagerie
Ch.6 Tipping Point
Ch.7 Punished
Ch.8 A Much Need Talk
Ch.9 Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back
Ch.11 Taking Control
Ch.12 No Safe Haven

Ch.10 Kuroyuri

15 0 0
By PhoenixWolf7Fox

3rd Pov

The episode opens on a view of Oscar's aunt's farm at sunrise, then cuts to the interior of Oscar Pine's bedroom where he is staring at a packed, green backpack on his bed. He looks toward the window. His fingers tense for a moment. Cut to Oscar, now wearing the backpack, walking along a dirt road away from the farm. He stops and looks over his shoulder, then faces forward, adjusts the backpack and resumes walking. Cut to Oscar following a dirt road in a forest.

Ozpin: "I'm sorry."

Oscar: "Y'know... the weirdest part is how it feels. Leaving home is crazy. Going to the city is crazy. Everything you've told me is completely crazy. But it doesn't feel crazy anymore. It feels like I'm doing the right thing."

Ozpin: "Well... I suppose that's good."

Oscar: "No. It's scary.".

Thunder crackled through the air. Oscar then rushed off.

Oscar bows his head as he speaks, then lifts his head up and looks nervously at the sky as thunder crackles in the distance. He quickens his pace down the road.

Once he got to the train station it has begun storming, and Oscar hurries to the covered platform, holding his hands over his head. When he gets there, he walks up to a large machine with a screen on it, which reads:

"Welcome! Scan Lien to begin."

He rests a Lien card against a scanner. The screen displays an error message that reads:

Unable to complete request.
Insufficient Funds (Code: 726)"

Oscar: "Stupid thing. I'm assuming whatever weird this is doesn't come with an infinite supply of money?"

Ozpin: "I'm afraid you'll have to solve this one on your own-"

Oscar: "Huh?"

Ozpin: "Be on your guard."

Oscar: "What do you mean?"

Hazel: "Here."

Oscar looked over at Hazel. Hazel walked up and hit the top of the Ticket Machine making it work for Oscar. The Ticket Machine spat out a ticket for Oscar onto the ground. Oscar picked up the ticket as Hazel walked passed him. Oscar looked at Hazel as Hazel stopped walking.

Hazel: "Don't let such a small obstacle block your path."

Hazel then walked off.

Oscar: "That man... I felt... Who is he?"

Ozpin: "Someone from my past. Someone who should not be taken lightly."


A cracked sign bearing the name Kuroyuri rests against ruins. The whole village was a complete wreck, buildings were destroyed, and houses were burned. Whatever glory the village had was all but vanished. Razor, Ruby and Jaune walk down the road, carrying Qrow on a stretcher. They pause and look unhappily around.

Jaune: "Oh, man."

Ruby: "Come on. Any of these places look like a pharmacy?"

Jaune scans the ruined buildings to see any signs of pharmacy but they were all charred and burned, making it hard to identify which one was the pharmacy.

Jaune: "It's... honestly hard to tell."

Ruby: "Ren really didn't want to come here, did he?"

Jaune: "Uh... didn't seem so."

Ruby: "Do you know... why?"

Jaune: (sighs) "I think I have a pretty good idea..."

They walk along the ruins of the village as they began their search.

- Flashback start -

Young Ren leans by the nice little stream in the lovely village Kuroyuri as he looks at the small Lilly pad he hears a voice.

An Ren: "Why hello little Lie, are we trying to catch a fish?"

Young Ren: "I've found a flower on the water."

An Ren: "Ohh I see."

Young Ren gets up and jogs to his mom.

Young Ren: "can we take it home and plant it in the garden?"

An: "Oh no, sweetheart that flower lives here."

Ren looks down dejectedly and A rubs his head.

An: "But I'll tell you what you can do. Take this lien and go find something nice for your father's return. He's been hunting for quite some time. I bet the journeys have been very tiring, don't you? "

Young Ren: "Yes."

An: "Do you think you'll know what he wants."

Young Ren thinks for a moment.

Young Ren: "I think he... wants a water flower in the garden.

An: "Why did you have to inherit my sass."

A sends young Ren along his way to find something for his father although he did not realise it would be tougher than he thought. Young Ren runs through the village and goes to the markets he goes up to a blacksmith.

Young Ren: "What can I buy with this."

The blacksmith laughs and reaches for a wooden sword and hammer.

Blacksmith: "Well, something just your size."

Ren sighs and walks off to the next market.

Young Ren: "Sake please."

The wine merchant gives him a bemused look, and with a sigh, shakes his head in the negative. Ren groans, a little frustrated.

He walks through the open town before stopping to look in a bakery window. There are several treats, including slices of lemon meringue pie, frosted cupcakes, actual cakes with frosted waterlilies atop them, and a shelf of kitten-shaped bread. Ren is happily excited but turns when he hears a voice.

???: "Hey come back here."

Young Ren looks around the corner to see three kids bullying a girl.

Tall boy: "Where'd you get that bread I didn't see you pay for it, thief."

Short boy: "No look it's all mouldy"

Tall boy: "I think she got it from the trash."

Medium boy: "Let me see."

The medium boy tries to reach for the bread that young Nora was holding but she bites him.

Medium boy: "Ah, she bit me"

The medium boy pushed Nora as she falls and lets go of the bread Nora gets up and grabs the bread.

Short boy: "Where'd she come from? She's dressed all weird."

Tall boy: "I bet she's abandoned like a dog or something."

Medium boy: "Does that mean I have rabies."

The three boys turn around to see young Ren, you're Ren gets scared and try's to run off until he bumps into a tall man.

Young Ren: "Father?"

Li Ren: "What is happening here?"

The three boys look around like nothing happened while young Nora runs off after she runs off the three boys run off.

Li: "Do you wish to run with the rest of them?"

Ren looks down in shame.

Li: "Sometimes the worst action to take is taking no action at all go home. I need to speak with the mayor."

- Flashback over -

A couple of minutes have already passed and Jaune walks up to Ruby and Razor, they all are looking dejected that they weren't able to find anything to lessen Qrow's condition.

Jaune: "Nothing."

Ruby: "We should get back to Qrow."

'Qrow leans against a dead sakura tree, groaning. Though not conscious, he holds a hand over his wound. Ruby crouches near Qrow with Jaune and Razor standing over them both.

Jaune: "Razor are you okay? You haven't said a single word after Qrow told us everything."

Razor: "I'm fine. I've just... been lost in thought recently."

A creature makes a loud noise from off in the distance, causing both Ruby, Jaune and Razor to turn. Jaune and Razor's hands immediately go for their weapons as they look around for the source of the noise.

Ruby: "It's far off."

Jaune: "I know, but Ren, Cyra and Nora are still out there."

Ruby looks at Qrow before standing and approaching Jaune.

Ruby: "I'm sorry."

Jaune: "Huh?"

He turns around to face her, though she is not looking up.

Ruby: "This is all my fault. I should have never dragged you guys into this."

Jaune: "You didn't drag us in. We wanted to come."

Ruby: "But you didn't know about Tyrian, about-"

Jaune: "Ruby. We lost... We lost Pyrrha. You lost her, too. And Penny, and your team, and in a way... your sister. I can almost say the same to Cyra. I mean, she lost her team too. But you're still here. Both you and Cyra are. Despite everything you've lost, everything you could still lose, you still chose to come out here. Cyra did too."

Ruby turns to face Jaune, and becomes emotional as he continues.

Jaune: "Because you two felt like you could make a difference."

Razor: "He's right."

She lifts her head and looks at them.

Jaune: "You didn't drag us along. You and Cyra both gave us the courage to follow you."

He puts his hand on her shoulder. She smiles at him, grateful, and he smiles back.

- Flashback starts -

Young Ren wakes up to hear an unknown Grimm scream. Ren's mom burst through the door.

An: "Lie get we have to go."

Young Ren: "Mother?"

An: "Now right now ok let's go."

Young Ren and An leave the room and go to the main room and Li burst through the front door breathing heavily

An: "Li."

Li: "An what are you doing we need to hurry."

An: "We can go to the safe house."

Li: "No, I saw the beast, we need a huntsman and you two need to leave."

An: "What."

The Grimm roars again scaring Ren.

Young Ren: "Mother."

An: "It's okay darling everything's ok."

She says as the roof comes crashing down and then Ren blacks out, Ren then wakes up to screaming and his father holding him while running.

Young Ren: "Father what... where's mother."

Li does not answer Ren's question.

Young Ren: "What's going on where's mother!"

Li falls to the ground.

Young Ren: "Father"

Li: "Lie you have to run"

Young Ren: "No don't please get up"

Ren hears the roars of the Grimm.

Li: "Listen to me son you have to be brave now do you understand."

Young Ren: "No, please. Please I can't!"

Li pulls out his dagger and hands it to Ren.

Li: "Yes you can."

Li pushes Ren away.

Li: "Take action son."

Li gets up.

Li: "Your mother and I love you."

Young Ren: "Father"

The Grimm stomps it's feet in front of Ren and Li.

Li pulls out an arrow.

Li: "Run!"

He says as he let's go of the arrow and it goes flying into the Grimm, Ren does what his father told him to and runs as his father lets out a few more arrows into the Grimm. Ren runs near a bridge and jumps down underneath it he looks up to see several nevermore's screeching he looks to his right and sees young Nora crying sobbing in fear as then a nevermore lands on top of the building she underneath Ren then sees the horse like Grimm and starts crying but then something happens he unlocked his semblance he then gets up like out of nowhere the small bit of courage he has makes him run to Nora, he runs to the building and slides underneath it he then goes up to Nora.

Young Ren: "Hey, we have to be brave."

The nevermore screeches as it crawls down the building. Ren and Nora look at each other then Nora hugs Ren, Ren hugs back to use his semblance to hide their emotions. The nevermore feels no negative emotions and flys off the horse like Grimm is in front of the building stops for a while and then continues on.

Young Nora: "I'm scared"

Young Ren: "Me too."

Ren then sees a hammer he looks at it then try's to go to it but Nora stops him from going anywhere.

Young Ren: "It's okay."

Nora lets go of Ren then he crawls to the hammer and holds it in front of Nora.

Young Ren: "We'll keep each other safe."

Nora takes the hammer.

Young Ren: "What's you name."

Young Nora: "Nora."

Young Ren: "My name is Lie Ren."

- Flashback over -


Wind blows with the whistling note of high altitude as present-day Ren walks a stony ledge. Before him is more of the mountain, with a cave just ahead.

Ren: "We never get the easy path, do we?"

Nora: "Easy's no fun anyway. You OK?"

Ren nods at Nora's question.

Ren: "Mmm. And you?"

Nora: "I've got you here, don't I?"

Ren looks at her as if he does not know what to make of her response. They then suddenly heard a small cry of pain behind them. They turned their attention towards it to see Cyra crouching down on the ground, flashes of her Aura still mixed with a purplish colour spreading throughout her body. Ren and Nora rush to her side as they help her get back up on her feet.

Nora: "You don't have to push yourself over your limit, Cyra. You should head back."

Cyra furiously shook her head as she tried concealing her discomfort when a wave of pain flooded her body.

Cyra: "It's too late for that, Nora. Now, come on. There's more than one way up a mountain."

Ren and Nora watch her for a beat, their faces filled with worry. A thunder rumbles, and they turn to look up at the sky.

Cyra: "Hey! Guys! There's wind blowing out of this cave!"

Ren and Nora catches up to her, leaves blowing outward toward Cyra and the others.

Nora: "Think it might lead to the peak?"

Ren: "I suppose there's only one way to find ou-ah!"

He cuts off as a large piece of fabric abruptly blows out from the cave and covers his face. Nora giggles, covering her mouth with her hands, while Cyra giggled as well at the sight and shake her head in amusement, as Ren frees himself.

Ren: "Yes, yes. Very funny."

He looks down at the marked fabric in his hands and goes still. Nora lowers her hands and steps closer.

Nora: "Hey, what's wrong?"

Ren: "This is the symbol for Shion Village."

Cyra: "What do you mean?"

Cyra approached them and stood at Ren's side, and it was indeed the symbol for Shion Village.

Nora: "Shion? But that's... that's the village where we found the Huntsman. It's weeks away from here!"

Ren drops the fabric and runs into the cave.

Nora: "Ren! Wait!"

Ren stops once he is far enough into the cave to have a good look at what's there. Nora catches up to him and becomes alarmed at what she sees.

Nora: "Oh my gosh..."

In the spacious area, weapons are speckle every place they can look. Swords, axes and staffs are all either propped up or on the ground. Ren moves in and picks up an arrow. He studies it while Cyra and Nora approach just behind him. As Cyra and Nora look, Ren also sees what's on the ground... a large hoofprint, the same as the one they saw back in Shion as well.

Ren: "No."

Nora walks up to Ren and holds his hand, as he squeezes hers.

Cyra: "This can't be good the other may be in danger."

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