D-Cup Dream

By RichardBuzzell

468 5 1

This is the story of a woman whose chest begins developing after her nineteenth birthday, much to her boyfrie... More

D-Cup Dream

468 5 1
By RichardBuzzell

Aliya was having a good time with her friends at her nineteenth birthday party when she noticed Tara and Amanda heading her way. No-one had invited them. They just happened to be in the place that night. Aliya promised herself that she wouldn't let these two bring her down even though that's all they were ever good for.

Aliya forced a smile on to her face to reflect the fake smiles these two frenemies were directing her way, as they always did before starting in with their snarky comments. Surprisingly, they wished her a happy birthday and then asked if she'd got any good presents. Aliya knew that the best strategy was to avoid engaging with these two so that they would lose interest and go away. That would've been the smart thing to do. Instead, she told them that she got a boyfriend for a birthday present.

Tara and Amanda were very surprised. Although Aliya was a pretty girl, she'd never even come close to having a boyfriend before. They'd attributed her lack of romantic involvement to both her pre-pubescent shape and the fact that she spent so much time hanging out with skater dorks.

"How'd this happen so suddenly?" Amanda asked.

"It's not really sudden. We've been interested in each other for quite a while but never admitted it until today," Aliya said.

Is he here?" Tara asked

"Yeah, he's over there at the end," Aliya said, pointing to the next table.

Tara and Amanda both gave a quick look.

"He looks kind of dorky," Amanda said.

"I'm partial to the unassuming charm of the dork personality type," Aliya replied.

"Well, you should be very happy then," Tara said.

Aliya smiled. This was the nicest these two had ever been to her.

During the first couple of days after her birthday, Aliya thought that she would delay having sex with Bryce in order to provide their relationship with a period of innocence. Then it occurred to her that it wouldn't be much fun for him to linger around second base when she didn't have any bases. After thinking about it for a while she decided to give it up at the first opportunity.

A few weeks after her first tryst with Bryce, Aliya was getting out of the shower when she caught sight of herself in the mirror. To her astonishment, her breasts appeared to have grown. She pressed on them to flatten them out and then released them to see if they would resume their shape. They did. She turned sideways to see if they would show up in profile. This they also did. It dawned on her that she could start wearing a bra. She owned a few although she'd rarely bothered with them.

The next time she was with Bryce she was excited to see how he'd react to her increased development. He seemed not to notice. He didn't say anything about the fact that she was wearing a bra when she never had before. At first she was disappointed but then she became pleased. Obviously the size of her breasts had never been important to him when she didn't have any, so why would they matter to him now?

At first Bryce was reluctant to believe that Aliya's boobs were growing. It seemed unlikely at her age. Occasionally it had occurred to him that she would be even better with a little cushioning on the front, but he didn't see any need to comment on it once she began sprouting. Even when she started filling a B-cup he remained nonchalant about it.

Shortly after Aliya attained C-cup status, one of Bryce's nerdy friends, Alphonse, commented on her newly-inflated proportions. Bryce acknowledged his good fortune but Alphonse maintained that it was more than that. Alphonse felt that Bryce was like a savvy stock investor who'd bought a stock when its value was low, and then reaped astronomical returns as its value skyrocketed. Bryce liked the investor analogy but he had to admit that all he'd done was to be the recipient of a huge amount of good luck.

Every time that Bryce met with his friends they were eager to get the latest report on Aliya's swelling chestage. Bryce was always happy to indulge the prurient interest of his pals. Just thinking about Aliya's loaded bra filled his heart with joy, but being able to tell his friends about it, made it even better.

One day he mentioned to his friends Todd and Sully that Aliya was pretty much filling her C-cup, and that if she kept growing, she'd soon graduate into a D-cup. Todd was awestruck.

"Do you know what this means?" Todd asked.

"Bigger and better things for the future?" Bryce asked.

"Exactly. You could be living the D-cup dream," Todd said.

Bryce smiled at the thought of it. The D-cup dream had always seemed so remote to him that he couldn't even imagine himself in it. And now he was right on the verge of it.

"I think you might be right my friend, " Bryce replied.

For a moment no-one said anything. Neither Todd or Bryce noticed the skeptical look on Sully's face.

"You're not going to be living the D-cup dream. You're going to be living the D-cup nightmare," Sully sneered.

Todd and Bryce both looked at Sully, perplexed as to how he could intrude on this happy exchange with a negative comment.

"What are you talking about?" Todd asked.

"Think about it. D-cup dreams don't have dorks for boyfriends. You're lucky to still be in the picture at this stage. If she makes it to a D-cup, it won't be long before she ditches you for a better boyfriend," Sully explained.

Sully's words hit Bryce like a ton of bricks. Bryce didn't even think of arguing. It was obvious that Sully was right. Bryce should've known better than to think he could live the D-cup dream. Panic started to overtake him.

"What should I do? I've got to stop her boobs from getting any bigger," Bryce said.

"How are you going to do that?" Todd asked.

Bryce looked at Sully as though he should have the answer.

"Maybe you're the cause of the problem," Sully suggested.

"What are you talking about? How could I be causing the problem?" Bryce asked.

"Maybe your carnal relations are stimulating her burgeoning bumps," Sully suggested.

"That's not how it works," Bryce protested.

"Are you sure?" Sully asked.

"She's just a late bloomer," Bryce replied.

"Think about hormones Bryce. When did this growth spurt start?" Sully asked.

Bryce considered the question. As he thought back to the early days of his relationship with Aliya, a chill came over him. They'd started having sex and not long after that, she'd started expanding. He was certain he could find some biology textbook that would denounce this idea, but what good would that do him?

Suddenly he decided that he needed some time to think this through, so he left his friends and went off on his own. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed that fate was turning on him. If it was true that his sexual activity with Aliya was increasing her breast size, then he was actually hastening his own demise. The thought was too painful to consider. He told himself that there had to be some other explanation. He wondered if maybe she'd been taking some kind of herbal supplement to stimulate growth. He was pretty sure that none of those things worked, but he was desperate for an alternative to Sully's sex theory.

Bryce remembered back to when he was sixteen years old when he'd first started crying himself to sleep over Aliya. Back then she was the flat-chested skater dorkess of his dreams but he didn't have the guts to ask her out. Now that he had her, he promised himself that he'd do whatever he could to keep her.

The next time Aliya was together with Bryce, she noticed that he was acting strangely. He asked her if she was taking anything to make her breasts grow. She just laughed at that. When he asked her why she thought they were growing, she assured him that she had no idea. She suggested that she was just a late bloomer. His demeanor seemed to become more grim as the night wore on. At one point he suggested that her boobs were already big enough, as if she had any control over the size of them. That night was the beginning of the change in Bryce's behavior. He began to lose interest in her breasts and then he showed increasingly less interest in sex.

Aliya began to wonder if Bryce was somehow reacting negatively to her new job, even though he didn't know about it. Aliya's friend had got her a job in a bar where the tips were substantial. Aliya hadn't told Bryce about it because she sensed that he wouldn't be comfortable with it.

When Bryce found out about Aliya flirting with a new boyfriend candidate, a sense of doom settled over him. He tracked her down at her new job and it was even worse than he'd feared. She was crammed into a low-cut, skin-tight top that just screamed, "I'm going to make a fortune in tips." For a moment he considered running away and never seeing her again, but she saw him and waved him over. He approached her determined to get it over with as quickly as possible.

"We're through, aren't we?" he asked urgently.

She grimaced and nodded.

"But I invested in you when your stock was low," he protested.

"I know. But my assets have appreciated and now a corporate raider has executed a takeover," she replied.

For a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Is it because I'm a dork?" he asked.

"No. I liked you as a dork. But then you turned into a jerk," she said.

"How did I turn into a jerk?" he asked.

"You became obsessed with my boobs," she replied.

"I wasn't obsessed with your . . ." He stopped mid-sentence and looked at them bulging out of her top. "You don't understand. They just demand so much attention," he pleaded.

"So does the rest of me," she said.

"I know that. I just got distracted," he said, his eyes returning to her chest.

"Like now?" she asked.

"Okay. So I'm a jerk. This new guy's going to turn out to be a jerk too you know."

"Probably. That seems to be the pattern. But in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy however much pre-jerk experience there is to be had."

He looked at her sadly knowing that it was over.

"You'll always be in my dreams," he said.

"I've got to get back to work," she said.

That night as Bryce was in the midst of crying himself to sleep, he realized that he'd failed to be a savvy investor. Instead he'd been a foolhardy Bre-X bubble investor. He'd bought in on the ground floor and rode the stock to dizzying heights, but then he'd failed to appreciate what he had, and he rode that stock all the way down until eventually . . . he went bust.

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