Chance Upon A Tempest

By CrystalJunebug4

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***Book 5 of BTS Delululand Series*** A young woman, freshly minted as a Bona fide attorney starts her first... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 8

274 27 17
By CrystalJunebug4

By the time you get to Owen's place, it is 5:45 PM. You ring the doorbell and wait for your best friend to open the door, so that you can spill everything that happened today and get his feedback. When your ringing goes unanswered, you ring the doorbell again and start knocking.

That's when you hear a voice coming from behind you, saying, "Darlin, you sure seem pretty desperate to get into that apartment. You must really miss whoever lives there."

Startled, you let out a small yelp and turn around to see your best friend in his work attire, walking towards you. His tie is halfway undone, and his suit jacket is draped over his forearm. Seeing Owen with his messenger bag slung across his body, which accentuates his muscular chest and washboard flat stomach, and his crisp white shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbow, inadvertently showing off his veiny forearms, you think, "I can't believe I've forgotten how handsome this boy looks in a suit."

You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his waist and squeeze. Owen is almost a whole foot taller than you are and when you are this close to him, he absolutely towers over you. He puts his chin atop your head and wraps you up in his arms, effectively burying your head in his chest.

Mumbling against his firm pecs, you say, "You are squishing my head. I can't breathe." Laughing, Owen finally releases you from his arms and says, "You are so fucking cute."

You reply, "Yea, yea. It's not easy being me."

Owen says, "You still have keys to my place, don't you? Why don't you use it? Why must I always come to the door to get you?"

You reply, "Because, Numb nuts, I don't live here anymore."

"By the way, I hate living alone. HATE!"

"Maybe, it's time for you to get a steady girlfriend. I bet there are droves of girls just hoping for a chance to get at you."

"Well, obviously," says Owen, as he rolls his eyes and opens the door to his place.

As you follow Owen into the apartment, you say, "Then get one of them to go steady with you. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to keep you company and fuck you until you scream 'Uncle.'"

"What are you, like two hundred years old? 'Go steady' and 'scream Uncle?' Oh, and shut up, I don't need dating advice from anyone. I do just fine in that department."

"Okay, alright. No need to bite my head off."

"You can just move back in here. That's something you can do. Why are you wasting money on rent when you can just live here and save your money? Maybe buy the apartment right next to mine so we can be neighbors."

"Can you imagine? That would be pretty awesome."

"Yes! I know. So, just break the lease and move back in. I am willing to sweeten the pot by paying the fee for breaking the lease. You can't possibly like living in that huge house all by yourself. You don't even have enough furniture to fill the place. I still have no clue why you decided to rent that big ass house. Doesn't it get spooky at night being all on your own?"

"Well, I wasn't. Until now!"

"Just come back here and live with me. It was like a non-stop sleepover. And now that we are also having sexy time, it really would be one stop shopping for you. C'mon, Darlin, please. I'm begging you."

"Foster independence young man. You need to have a life of your own. I've been cramping your style for too long."

"It's like you never cared about me. Not even a little."

"You little manipulative bunghole."

Owen laughs aloud and says, "I'm serious. You wouldn't have to pay rent; well, you can pay it in other ways."

Curious, you ask, "What other ways?"

"You can let me fuck you whenever I wanted."

"So, you would want to turn your best friend, who is a law-abiding citizen and an upstanding pillar of the community, into a prostitute?"

"Whoa.... Where are you getting that idea from?"

"Sex for goods equals prostitution, Owen Murphy!"

"No way. That's bartering at best."

He drops his messenger bag on the ground, grabs your hand and walks to his bedroom with you in tow. Owen says, "Tell me what happened, while I get changed."

You lay out step by step as to what happened with Jimin earlier today at work. When you get to the part of Jimin telling you to stop having sex with Owen, he says, "Darlin, go have a seat on the bed, I'll be right out."

While you are waiting for him to emerge from his walk-in closet, you continue to tell him what Jimin had said and did to you today. You say, "He flat out told me that he wanted me to stop having sex with you. When I asked him why, he said because he wanted me to stop. I kept bringing up Piper in the conversation, telling him that he should be focusing on her and to leave me alone."

Feeling tired, you decide to lie down on the bed as you continue to talk. "Then there was all this back and forth. Owen, I am not proud of what I am about to tell you, so please don't judge me. When he said all that stuff about him wanting me to be his, I told myself to leave, to get out of there, but I couldn't. It was like my feet were cemented to the floor. That's when he came behind me and pulled me back down onto the couch and kissed me."

You let out a loud and long sigh. Then you say, "As soon as he put his lips on mine, his phone rang. He picked it up to see who it was and before he could accept the call, I saw a picture of him kissing a smiling woman's cheek, with the caller ID that read 'Piper.' When he picked up the phone and started talking about their long weekend getaway, I was finally able to get my wits about me again and left." As you let out another long and heavy sigh, you say, "It's exhausting just talking about it. Hey, what are you doing in there? Dang... I'm so sleepy all of a sudden. Oh, by the way, I really need to get home at a decent time tonight. I need sleep really badly." You say as you let out a big yawn.

"Are you even listening?"

"Yea, Darlin. Take a little nap. I'm going to hop in the shower. It'll be 5 minutes."

"Oh, okay. I'm not going to sleep. I'm just going to rest my eyes."

By the time Owen is out of the shower, you are dead asleep. Owen decides to order dinner before waking you up. With dinner ordered, he returns to his bedroom and sees you snoring away softly. He doesn't have the heart to wake you, so he decides to join you on the bed. Owen proceeds to wrap his arms around you, pulling you to him. When you are jostled, instead of waking up, you let out a soft moan and rub your face on Owen's chest like a sleepy baby. Owen watches you burrow into him as you continue to snore softly. He shakes his head and thinks, "She still needs so much looking after," and embraces you a bit tighter.

Owen isn't sure when he fell asleep, but he wakes up to his doorbell ringing. "Oh, that must be dinner." He releases you from his arms and gets up to answer his door. Owen tips the delivery person as he takes the food from them. He decides to set up the dinner on the kitchen island and returns to the bedroom to wake you up. He lies back down next to you, on his side, and gently brushes the hair out of your face. Then he says softly, "Hey, dinner's here. Wake up, Darlin." Owen watches you stir, without waking up. He leans in and lays a kiss on your lips.

When he pulls his lips away from yours, he hears you say, "That's a nice way to wake up from a nap." Your eyes are still closed, but you have a satisfied smile on your face.

Owen murmurs, "Darlin, dinner's here. Are you hungry?"


"C'mon then, let's eat and you can tell me more about what happened with your guy at work."

Opening up your eyes slowly, you say, "He isn't my guy. Gosh... I could have slept until morning."

"Let's have dinner and you can go right back to sleep."

"Owen, I have to get home."

"If you lived here, you'd already be home."

"Oh, listen to you... Fussing again."

Finally awake completely, you roll over to your side facing Owen. He says, "C'mere. Let me kiss you one more time." When he pulls away again, he says, "Dinner is getting cold, let's eat."

You thank your host for dinner and as the two of you start to eat, Owen asks, "So, what happened after you left. You know, after the phone call."

As you take your first bite of dinner, you regale him with all the details of the interaction after he received the call from Piper. You talk about how he initially asked you to come back up to his office, that he wanted to see you, but when you refused, he told you there was work to be done. You knew that you couldn't refuse work, so you ended up going back up, doing a little work, having lunch, and telling him all about your experiences in the foster care system.

You say, "When I was done with those stories, it was already 2:30 and he told me I could leave to spend the rest of the workday doing whatever else that I needed to do. But right before I left his office, I saw him looking at me with such longing.... I don't know. I almost felt bad for him."

Owen asks, "So, what are you going to do?"

"I have no clue.... I can't avoid him at work. A third of my work is helping him with his case. I wish he would just get it together and leave me alone."

"I don't really see that happening. I mean, the man flat out told you that he wanted you. The gauntlet has been laid down. Does he seem like he is someone that would try and start something with you while in a relationship?"

"No, he doesn't seem like an unscrupulous character. Besides, I really don't want to be responsible for a happy couple breaking up."

"So, what will you say to him if he tells you that he wants you to quit fucking me?"

"I already told him that he doesn't get to have a say in that, or anything in my life outside of work."

"Well, he needs to know that I will not be stopping. I was here first, and you're mine."

You look at Owen with a big smile on your face. "You know, it's a crying shame that you never saw me that way."

Owen looks at you puzzled and asks, "What way?"

"You know, as a girl. Well, a girl you'd want to be with. And not just a friend."

"Who said I never saw you that way?"

"I guess no one. I just assumed."

"To tell you the truth, if I knew that you felt that way about me in college, I would have snatched you up. I guess a little courage and timing is everything."

"Either way, here we are anyway. It's not hyperbole when I say that you are the only man I trust in the whole wide world," you say, as you take another bite.

Owen looks at you across the table and says, "You can always trust me, Darlin. I'll always be there for you no matter what and you can take that to the bank."

There is a contented pause, then Owen asks, "Do you like him?"

"There is a definite pull I feel towards him. I mean, it's not like I am ass over teakettle smitten. But he has a certain effect on me."

"I'd say so. You were really desperate last night. I got to reap the benefit, so I am not complaining at all."

Laughing, you reply, "You know, I am still a little more than worried about what we are doing."

"What? Are you worried that you'd find someone, and I'd get jealous about it?"

"Maybe. Sex always complicates things."

"Should we stop? If you are that uncomfortable with it, we can stop, Darlin. I mean, I was hoping that I could have you a little longer, but not if it means that you are bothered by it."

You say, "Hey now... let's not make any rash decisions. I was just saying I was worried."

Owen chuckles and says, "That's what I thought."

You reply, "I can see why you haven't had any complaints in that department yet."

"Why, thank you Darlin. That's mighty sweet of you to say."

"So, how many people have you slept with?"

"I don't know. Fifty? Fifty-five? I didn't keep a tally, so it could be more. How many have you slept with?"

"Counting you?"



"Wait. What the hell did you say?"

"What? Is that bad?"

"No... it's not bad, but you are telling me that before me there were only two others?"

"Yes. Owen, I never had a ton of friends and parties were never my scene. I didn't lose my virginity until I was twenty."

With a conspiratorial grin, Owen asks, "So, who did you lose it to?"

"Your friend Tanner."

"Wait a minute. Are you serious?"


"That asshole never said a single thing to me about it. How did it happen? Where was I?"

"I don't know where you were in that exact moment. I think you were still dating Tori. So, I'm assuming you were in her clutches."

"Toots, I need more details. I see him every fucking day at work. I cannot believe this. I am going to drill Tanner when I talk to him next!"

"Oh my God. Please don't. We had sex like two or three times. That's it. I am sure he doesn't even remember. But Christ... he was fucking hot."

"I am completely annoyed right now."

You laugh aloud and ask, "Why?"

"I cannot believe he took your V card. Did he know?"

"Did he know what?"

"That you were as pure as the driven snow."

"That, I do not know. But I am sure he guessed it. I was really nervous and when he had went in the first time, it hurt so bad that I had yelped. I remember, he kept asking me if I was okay during it. He was very sweet."

"So, how did it happen? How did you end up in a room alone together?"

"Believe it or not, it was because of you. Well, indirectly. He came to my dorm room to look for you."

"And he just stayed?"

"Yes. I think I told him that you were with Tori. I thought he'd go and look for you at her place, but he asked me if he can stay and hang out."

"How did Tanner dropping by unannounced to look for me, lead to you naked and him taking your V card? I need to know."

Chuckling, you ask, "Why do you need to know?"

"I just do. Tell me!"

"When he came by, I was on my bed, reading. He came in and sat on the bed and we talked for a while. He must have been there for more than an hour when he just asked me if he could kiss me. I said sure and that was that."

"So, you two are talking and he just, out of the blue, asked if he could kiss you?"

"Pretty much."

"What the fuck were you guys talking about for over an hour?"

"I don't know. Classes, you, what I was reading, etc. Nothing crazy. He was definitely flirting with me the whole time though."

"So, there you two are, on your bed and kissing. Then what?"

"I think he said something like he wanted me or wanted to fuck me or something along that line."

"What? So, you just said, 'Oh, okay Tanner. Take my virginity?'" Owen says your part in an oafish voice.

Breaking into a guffaw, you ask, "What is with you? He was really good looking, I wanted to see what he looked like naked, so when he asked me, I said sure. And naked Tanner did not disappoint."

"Fine! How did you guys end up fucking the second time?"

"Owen Desmond Murphy! Are you serious right now?"

"As a motherfucking heart attack. Tell me, little girl."

Shaking your head, you say, "It was a couple of days after the first time. It was a three-day weekend; I remember the dorms were pretty empty because most people had gone home for the long weekend. It was late in the evening. He came knocking on my door, scared the shit out of me in the process. Anyway, he said he couldn't stop thinking about me and what we did a couple of days ago and that he wanted to see me again."

"So, you just let him in and then let him in?"

"You are insane. And yes, essentially that's how it happened."

"You said there was a third time?"

"Might have been four times."


"I think it all happened within 2 weeks."

"So, how come nothing ever happened between the two of you?"

"I guess he didn't like me that much."

"Did you like him that much?"

"Not that I can recall. He was handsome and sweet, but I really didn't know him all that well."

"So, how come sex didn't continue?"

"I'm not sure, and I wasn't going to track him down to ask him about it."

"Did he ghost you?"

"No. You know, now that I think of it, you and Tori had broken up, soon after Tanner and I first hooked up. After your breakup, you were with me all the time. So, I guess he just couldn't get me alone."

"I cannot fucking believe you gave up your virginity to Tanner. I am thoroughly vexed."

You chortle and say, "I can tell."

"Get in the bedroom right now."


"Quit asking me questions. Fucking go. Now!"

"What for?"

"Girl, you are going to regret it if you don't get your ass in the room right the fuck now."

Owen stands up out of his seat, plants his hands on the table and looms over you. When he silently mouths the word, "Now," you feel a hard pull in your core and get up to run.

Owen chases after you and at the entrance to his bedroom, he grabs you by your waist and flings you onto the bed. Then he says, "Take everything off, now."

Breathing heavily, you start to get out of your work clothes. When Owen settles between your legs, he says, "I'm going to fuck you until you can't remember that boy's name."

"Woah! That was pretty hot." You say, as you laugh aloud at your ridiculous friend.

With an intoxicating smirk on his lips, he says, "Open up Darlin. You are going to fucking get it."

For the next hour, Owen devours you again and again. And as he nears his demise, he asks, "Who's better? Me or that fuckin' amateur. Tell me Darlin. Who fucked you better, me or that idiot Tanner? Fucking tell me right now. Ahh... Fuck. You feel so amazing."

"Oh God... Owen, you. You fucked me better. You did. God, I'm close!"

"That's what I fucking thought. I'm going to fill this cunt full of my cum. Cum hard for me, Baby. Oh, shit. I'm gonna cum too."

Owen pumps in and out of you at breakneck speed, as he clutches onto you tight. He whispers in your ear over and over again, "It should have been me. I should have been the one to pop your fucking cherry. Goddamnit! That should have been me."

As the pleasure from his climax starts to ebb, he says, "Don't you fucking forget who makes you cum every goddamn time. Do you hear me?"

"Don't you dare be annoyed with me. You were the one who was busy fucking cheerleaders."

"Fuck! I'm an idiot. I should have been fucking you instead. If I only knew that all I had to do was just ask if I could fuck you, then I would have."

Still breathing heavily, Owen asks, "Did Tanner make you cum?"

"Not the first few times. But I think he did the last time we slept together."

"You think?"

"Owen, I can't remember. That was a long time ago."

"Sweetheart, a good lay will always be memorable. Would you ever forget how I fucked you?"

"No. No, I would not."

"Exactly. I should have been the one. Goddamnit!"

"Oh my God, you need to get a hold of yourself," you say, as you laugh.

"Okay, then who was the other guy?"

"You mean the one before you?"



"Are you kidding me? You let that moron do it to you?"

"He was my actual boyfriend. Of course, I did."


"What? It should have been you again? Haha!"

"No, He was... ugh. I have no idea what you saw in that dude. I never like that character. Fucking slimeball."

"I don't either. I really should have listened to you when you said I should think twice about dating him."

"Sweetheart, I would never give you bad advice. Especially when it comes to men. But it sounds like you learned your lesson, so it's not a complete loss."

Owen wraps his arms around you and brings you close to him. He says, "Listen, Darlin. Whenever you want to stop doing this with me, you just let me know. There will be no hard feelings. I will forever be grateful that I got to have you this way and will always be your best friend. I love you, you moron."

"Oh... Owen, you sweet boy. I love you too, you idiot."

"Can you stay over?"

"I wish I could, but I don't have a change of clothes. I'll stay until 10:00."

"Fine... Can you please just move back in with me? Have I told you how much I hate living alone?"

"I moved out for your own good. You are an adult male. You need your own space. You'll see, you'll be thanking me later."

"I doubt it."

Owen looks over at the clock and sees that it is 8:25. He says, "Plenty of time for a few more rounds before you have to go," he says as he mounts you again.

Right before he lets you out of his grasp, Owen says, "You are going to come over this entire weekend and leave for work from here on Monday, so pack accordingly."

"Yes, Master."

"Ooh... I like the sound of that. And I'm going to get you in that swing again. Fuck! I cannot wait!"

Laughing, you say, "Thank you for dinner and the talk. Oh, and you know... the other stuff too."

Chuckling, Owen scoops you up in his arms and says, "It's been nothing but my pleasure. If your guy does or says anything, you tell me right away. Now I'm invested and I can't wait for the next episode."

You make a fist and act like you are going to punch him. Owen breaks into a loud laughter and says, "C'mere and give me a good kiss before you go."

Before you can say anything, he comes in for a kiss that makes your legs weak. As he pulls away, he says, "That's right. Don't you forget it, Toots." Then he mumbles to himself discontentedly, "Gave it up to Tanner, that fucker... unbelievable...."

Grinning, you wave goodbye and jog down the corridor, towards the elevator.

By the time you get home, it is almost 11:00 PM. The first thing you do, once you are back home, is to head for the shower and get ready for bed. The next time you check the time, it's past midnight. Before sleep, you decide to check your phone and see that Jimin had texted you while you were in the shower.

Are you awake?

I am.
Is everything okay?

What are you doing?

Getting ready for bed.

I was thinking about you.

Oh... why?

I don't know.
But I can't seem to stop.
I'm sorry, I know I'm putting you in an awkward position.

Is it something that I'm doing?
If it is, you can tell me, and I can try to stop.

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't tell you.

So, where are you and Piper going this weekend?

Sudden mention of Piper completely throws Jimin off track. He thinks, "She is mentioning her, so that I can keep her at the forefront of my mind. What am I doing? Why am I texting this woman in the middle of the night?"

It's our 3-year anniversary.

I hope you have a great time.


Was there something that you needed?

No, I just wanted to talk to you.

About what?

I don't know.
I know it's late.
I'm sorry. I clearly have no idea what I'm doing.

Are you okay?

I should let you get going.
I'm sorry.

Don't worry.
No harm done.
I'll see you tomorrow then.
Good night.

Good night.

That little text exchange makes you feel unmoored yet again. This man was thinking about you in the middle of the night and couldn't stand to not talk to you, so he texted you. Not sure what to do with all of this, you try and just go to sleep and deal with it in the morning. But you find yourself wide awake now and thinking about him. Wanting to put an end to this, you reach out to Jimin.

What is it that you want from me?

I believe I've already told you exactly what I want.

And I believe I've told you that that couldn't happen.
I have to tell you; you make me feel unmoored and distracted.
And I can't afford to be. Not at work.
So, I need you to stop.

I don't know how!
Don't you think I want to?
This is a complication in my life that I didn't ask for.
But I don't know how to turn this off.
I don't even know what this is.
But I want you to know that you are on my mind all the fucking time.
I think about you at the most inopportune times.
I can't get you out of my head and I'm not sure what to do.
If it was as simple as making a decision to stop, I would have done it already.
You make me want to do things that would completely turn my life upside down.
Just so that I can sit in a room with you and talk to you, to look at your lovely face, to make you laugh, to touch your skin, to kiss you, to....
And I can't help but think that you feel and think about doing those same things with me.

You shouldn't give up something that you worked for and built over the past three years for an urge, a frivolous feeling.
Don't complicate your life.
Right now, your life looks calm and on track.
You should continue on with things as planned.

I don't fucking want to continue as planned!
I want you!
And don't tell me my feelings are frivolous.

Okay, fine!
What if I told you that I wanted you too?
Then what?
Are you going to throw away everything that you've built with Piper for the past 3 years?
I don't see that happening. Do you?

Do you want me?

But that's neither here nor there.
Even if you were available, it wouldn't be advisable anyway.

Why would it be unadvisable?

I've learned a while back that I shouldn't get involved with people I work with.
When things inevitably come to an end, it can be pretty difficult.
And I want to stay at this job.
Besides, you are essentially my boss.
I don't want you to be unhappy with me.

Why are you worried about things not working out with me?
We haven't even started.

I guess in reality, it doesn't matter because we will never get to a place where something like that will be a thing that we'd have to worry about.
Be with Piper.
Keep your attention completely on her, and only on her.

I don't want to.
Even if I did, I don't know how.
I told you; You are on my mind constantly.

I'm not sure what else to say then.
But if there is anything I can do to help you keep your mind on your girl, please let me know.
I would be happy to do it.
I should go.
Good night.

He never gets back to you after that. Feeling more lost than ever, you close your eyes and try your best to fall asleep.

Believe it or not, you are able to fall asleep and wake up on Friday morning feeling rested. When you reach for your phone, you see that you have a text message from Jimin.

Come see me in my office when you get in.

Letting out a long sigh, you reply "Okay."

By the time you get to work, it is 9:00 AM. As promised, you put your things down in your office and make your way up to Jimin's office. When you knock on the suite door, there is no answer. You decide to open the door and walk in to see the administrative assistant's desk empty. You think, "Oh, I should have called first. What if he isn't in?"

Since you've made the trek up to his office, you decide to knock on his office door anyway. When you do, you immediately hear Jimin's voice saying, "Come in."

You open the heavy office door and walk in. When he sees that it's you, he gives you a smile and says, "Good morning. Please have a seat at the table."

"Good morning, okay." You walk over to the round table and take a seat. You are not sure why he called you up here this morning, so you decide to sit quietly and let him take the lead.

Jimin gets up from his desk and walks over to the table where you are. He takes the chair next to you and says, "I'm sorry about last night."

"It's alright."

"You are right, I need to get my act together. Keep this just professional."

Hearing him say that he will keep things professional between the two of you, brings little to no relief or comfort to your mind. What you do notice is a strong note of disappointment and regret. You think, "Now if I can just get myself together, this would be wonderful."

In the meantime, you nod and say, "Okay. Was there anything else that you needed from me?"


"Alright. Then let me know if you need me to work on anything." You give Jimin a small smile and stand up and walk towards his office door. When you are halfway between Jimin and his office door, you feel his hand grab your wrist and pull you to him. Once in his arms, he grabs your face in his hands and kisses you. This time, there is nothing soft or tentative about the kiss. It is of only desire and all savage. The force of his kiss pushes you backwards, all the way to his office door. When your back is against the door and you can go no further, he presses you up against the door and deepens the kiss. When he pulls away, he rests his forehead on yours and says, "Kitten, I can't. I can't do it. I thought I could, but I can't." He puts his hand behind your neck and pulls you in for another desperate kiss. Then he says, "I think about you all day long. I feel alive when I'm with you and when I'm not, I feel as though I can't take a full breath. I have no idea what I am doing. All I know is that I want you. Please, Kitten. Tell me what to do. Please...."

Another frantic and hungry kiss, but this time, when he pulls away, you let out an involuntary moan that pushes Jimin over the edge. Suddenly, like a man possessed, his hands are all over you. He unbuttons your blouse as he continues to kiss you with reckless abandon. When your shirt is wide open and your soft skin exposed, Jimin groans and says, "Fuck... beautiful." In one swift move, he pushes your bra up and over your breasts exposing your soft mounds to him. He quickly moves his lips from your mouth to your breast. Desperately licking, then suckling your nipple into his mouth. When you let out another pleasure soaked mewl, it goes straight to his hardened length.

"Oh God... Kitten, what are you doing to me? Are you wet for me? Tell me right now. Are you?" Feeling entirely too disoriented, you can't find any words. It is as if you've forgotten how to speak, and the only sound you can make is another feverish moan. Jimin lets go of your swollen nipple to kiss you once again. As he does, he reaches over to lock his office door. The next thing you can feel is his hands on your pants, unbuttoning and unzipping. He murmurs, "I need to know. Kitten, I need to know if you are wet for me." Once he has your pants undone, he snakes his hands into your panties and uses his index and middle fingers to part your folds. When he feels your chasm completely sodden with your arousal, he lets out a low growl that you can feel, more than hear. He says, "You are so wet. So fucking wet. Kitten, I want to be inside you. Please, I want to plunge into you, dive into your abyss and feel you from the inside."

As he begs, his fingers draw endless circles around your plump and pink gem, making your knees buckle. You let out a breathy, "Oh God...." You can feel his fingers at your entrance slowly sliding into your sex when his phone buzzes in the breast pocket of his Jacket. He suddenly removes his hand from your panties and quietly says, "Fuck!" in absolute frustration. You can't tell if he is frustrated by the interruption or the fact that he had lost control of himself just now.

Not wanting to let you get away from him again; he puts his hand around your throat and presses you against the door. Then he picks up the phone. From your vantage point, you can't see who is calling.

Jimin says, "Hello.... Hey.... No, I can't.... I'm in the middle of something right now.... Sweetheart, I have to go. I'll call you later." He hangs up the phone and tosses it on the couch. Then he is right back on you. However, by this time, you've gained better purchase on your ability to think rationally.

In between urgent kisses, you say, "No, wait. We need to stop. Jimin, please."

He pushes away from you and turns to face the interior of his office, as he shouts, "FUCK!"

But the very next second, he is back on you, kissing, groping, wrapping his hands around your waist and pressing his rigid phallus against your belly. Then as quickly as he was on you, he pulls himself away. Breathing heavily, you start to fix yourself up again. When you are dressed and presentable again, you say, "I should go."

The second you make a move for his door, he turns back around and says, "NO! Wait. Just wait a second. Please. I'm sorry. Forgive me."

"Okay." Then you ask, "Who called you just now?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"I see... I'm going to go. Let me know if you have work that you'd like me to do. Unless it is truly work related, please don't summon me up here again." Then you unlock his office door and walk out.

When you make it back down to your office, you plop yourself down on your chair behind your desk. You think to yourself, "That went too far. It was too much. I should have said no. I should have resisted. If it wasn't for that call from Piper, would I have let him take me right then and there? I can't be around him. What do I do?"

The rest of the day passes quietly. You don't hear from Jimin at all. Throughout the day, you dread having to face him, yet at the same time, you look forward to being near him again. Before you quit for the day, you get an email reminder from your administrative assistance about your two new client meetings that are scheduled for tomorrow. One is in the morning and the other in the afternoon. You think, "Okay, maybe I can be completely occupied by the two new clients that I won't have the time to think about any of this. I need to talk to Owen."

By the time you get home, it is 5:30 PM. You text Owen, asking if he is available for a call, and he says yes. You dial his number immediately.

"Hey, what's up Toots? You alright?"

"Owen, you are not going to believe what happened."

You tell Owen about the text conversation last night and everything that had transpired earlier today. Owen listens and then says, "Holy shit."

"I know. So, it's pretty clear what it is that he wants from me. The part that worries me the most is the fact that I couldn't put a stop to it. It went too far. I have no clue what I'm doing."

Owen replies, "Wasn't this the second time that his girlfriend's phone call interrupted the two of you?"

"It was. Do you think she has his office bugged?"

"Okay... now you are getting delusional. Let's just reel it back in a little, shall we? I don't think she has his office bugged. Has he given you any indication that he was going to end things with his girl?"

"No, just that he wants me."

"I have an issue with that. I think maybe that man is trying to have his cake and eat it too. Now, let me ask you this, do you want him?"

"I don't know Owen. I shouldn't."

"Darlin, I didn't ask you if you should or shouldn't. I asked you if you did."

"Goddamnit. I think I do."

Owen lets out a long sigh and says, "Then you just can't be near him. Two of you are like a perfect storm; one feeding off the other and neither are able to put on the brakes. If you want him and want to be with him, you need to decide. Do you want him to break things off with his current girl so that you two can pursue each other or are you okay with being his side piece?"

"Owen, of course I'm not okay with the latter, but I don't want to break up a perfectly good relationship either."

"Darlin, you aren't the one doing that. That's his problem, not yours. But that man needs to know that you are off limits as long as he is still with his girl. Think about your self-respect. You are not that woman. You deserve better, you deserve more. So, if you want him, then tell him. Also tell him that you aren't going to be someone's extra. If he wants you and wants to be with you, he is going to have to make some changes and treat you like you ought to be treated. Not like some concubine. Jesus, fuck! The fact that he went at you like that pisses me off. To think that he assumed you'd be okay with that. You deserve a person of your own, one that belongs only to you and wants only you. If you ask me, there's already a strike against him. How dare he treat my girl like that?"

"Owen, I hope you know that I am utterly thankful for you, and I love you forever."

"I know, Darlin. I know. We can talk more about all of this tomorrow. Remember, you are going to pack for 3 days. You are going to leave for work on Monday from here."

"Yes. Okay."

"What did you do to him that he is so completely twisted?"

"I did nothing. I mean, I hit his car with mine, but that was it."

"You said he and his girl are going away for a long weekend to celebrate their three-year anniversary?"

"Yes. I overheard him making the arrangements."

"You cannot be in a room with him with the door closed any longer. Neither one of you can be trusted. So, the one thing that you can control in this convoluted situation is to decide what you want and tell him. If you want him to end things with his girl, so that you two can see where this will go, then tell him that exactly. Don't mince your words. What he does next will be very eye opening for us. How do you feel about that?"

"I'm going to avoid him for the rest of this week, and you and I can talk more about it over the weekend. Who knows, maybe he'll go away with Piper this weekend and realize she is the one he wants to be with. That would solve this problem for me."

"That sounds good to me. Are you alright Darlin?"

"I am. Thank you. You really are the best ever."

"I'll see you tomorrow then. Love you Sweetheart."

"Love you too."

The rest of the evening is spent walking around your house aimlessly and then packing for the weekend at Owen's.

Before bed, you tell yourself that you are goingto focus only on the two new client meetings and just make it past the workday."Please God... don't let there be anything else that I need to deal with at workthis week."

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