The Thundering One

De The-Allfather

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Izuku Yagi was forced to see that the world was a cruel place from the age of 4 after a quirk diagnosis leave... Mais

Act I - Origin
Act I - Shattering
Act II - Consequences
Act II - Critical Condition
Act II - Prelude To Catastrophe
Act III - New Limbs, Dark Skies
Act III - Ancient Nightmare
Act III Finale - Reign Of Fear
Intermission I - Kaina Tsutsumi
Act IV - Minds and Monsters

Act II - Arrival

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De The-Allfather

Izuku knew he was dying, and he was seeing his entire life go before him.

~~~~~~~~~~Flashback No Jutsu~~~~~~~~~~

Izuku walks into middle school for his second year and walks into his class, seeing a blonde haired girl sitting near the window, in front of his normal desk.

Izuku is then shown socializing with the girl becoming good friends with her and eventually more than that, it was the happiest period in his horrid life and it would soon end.

Izuku then is seen on his one year anniversary with a bouquet walking up to his girlfriends home when he sees her kissing Katsuki on her living room couch.

He is seen throwing the bouquet into a nearby river and crying himself to sleep once he gets home.

At school the next morning he walks into class and sees his girlfriend sitting in Katsuki's lap, and runs out of the room crying and to the sound of laughter.

Later that day he gets beat by his normal abusers and even the one girl that he thought he could trust, that he could rely on.

He then sees the sight of an elementary school version of himself the day he was branded useless, the day he was branded worthless, the day he was labeled Deku.

He then sees other days flash by him, ruthless beatings, taunting, birthdays forgotten, holidays neglected, every good thing he had ever know being ruined by the people he once thought friends, the people he once thought family.

He then sees as he became lifeless, cynical, sad.

At last he sees his newest memories, the smiles that adorn his friends faces through the blood on his face, then their backs as they turn and leave him to die, and they vanish through the trees.

He screams for his nightmare to end, for someone, anyone to save him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback End~~~~~~~~~~~~

Arkan Drew wouldn't consider himself a normal man, I mean who would when you're living in a shattered world inhabited by monsters dead set on consuming what keeps it alive?

But among all other normal folk he is indeed an oddity among them, he remembers the fateful day he saw the beast, the one creature responsible for his torment and ageless life.

The Chronovore, the radiant behemoth without equal, without superior, the apex predator of the radiant behemoth class, he remembers how his experiment leading up to that moment went horribly wrong and his friends who payed the price for his foolishness.

As he awakens into his home on Ramsgate and prepares to continue his daily trade of Aethersmithing for the slayers of the Shattered Isles, he hears frantic banging at his front door, rushing over to see what the matter is he throws open the door and sees Markus Boehr, Ramsgate's best bosun, and a good friend and colleague of his, disheveled and bloody.

"Arkan! Come quickly, there is an emergency!" Yells Markus.

"What is going on Markus? You are covered in blood! Are we under attack?!" Says Arkan, the man genuinely confused as to what has happened.

"Not that I know of, some weird radiant behemoth showed up and then disappeared, but it left some kid who's bleeding out! Strega needs help with him!" Yells Markus as he runs towards the stairs to the town square, yelling for assistance all the while.

Just my luck, thinks Arkan, but some weird radiant behemoth? One that not even Markus could identify? But he's seen every radiant behemoth the isles have to offer. What the absolute hell could it be?

The final thought that hits Arkan makes him want to vomit, The Chronovore!? It has to be, but why here!? Why now!? Everyone must be warned!

Then as Arkan sprints away from his shop on the tail of Markus he screams for the Scarred Master (Who shall be called Kizuato, meaning scar in Japanese from what I could gather, and it's due to her name not being revealed.) "Kizuato come quickly! We have an emergency!"

Before he can even repeat himself he sees Kizuato fully dressed, throw herself out of her house and run up to him in no time at all. "Arkan, what has happened to get you in such a frenzy?" She says.

"A behemoth from my past has apparently come back to haunt me, and Markus told me that a kid dropped with it as it left, and from the looks of it, is bleeding out." Says Arkan, struggling to keep his nerves in check.

"Then we must make with haste." Finalizes Kizuato.

They both then speed up and run into the square, where all hell had broke loose, there were minor fires everywhere, slayers had gathered to put them out before they could spread and stood on guard incase the behemoth came back.

But what really drew the attention of Arkan and his companion is the blood trail, as if somebody had tossed a corpse dead center in town and left it, there were smears of it leading into a crowd of his colleagues, gathered around what he could faintly tell was a person.

As he walked through the crowd tailed by Kizuato he got to the front next to Markus and Vayra Heigsketter (Moyra's mom) next to granny Strega, but then he saw the boy, a short skinny boy caked in his own blood, bleeding from the stumps where an arm and a leg were supposed to be.

But then he saw that the few places that weren't covered in his blood were Frostbitten, burnt, or broken.

He promptly turned around and vomited.
What the absolute fuck happened to this kid?! The Chronovore may be responsible for his arrival but not these wounds!

As he recomposed himself he heard Strega shout for aid. "Someone help me get this boy to my shop! He needs immediate attention!"

So he joined in on the group effort to pick up what was left of the boy and ran over to Strega's shop with Markus and Wils Bormen, the city's weaponsmith, and ran him inside, where Strega promptly got to work trying to keep the boy alive.

"Someone get me Priyani!" Shouted Strega "I need her assistance if he's going to live through the hour!"

As if she was waiting on que, Priyani burst through the door. "Strega! I heard you call, what's happeni- Oh my god!" She yelled, looking at the boy on a cot.

"This boy is going to die if we don't work together and prevent him from bleeding out, get over here and help. Wils, Markus, Arkan, get out for now, I'll yell if any of you are needed, you're all covered in blood, go wash up and wait." Says Strega, already getting to work preserving the boys life.

Before they walk through the door Arkan sees the boy's face get wiped clean with a cloth to keep the blood from causing further issue, and he sees a odd sight.
"What the hell? He has green hair, and looks of the same race as Kizuato. And she's eastern, and look at what's left of his clothes, he isn't from here. The Chronovore picked up this kid from somewhere else, not Ramsgate. Whenever the boy wakes up get the Middleman down here, he need to see this."

Arkan than realizes that everything is probably downhill from here. "Fuck my life, gentleman, let's go to the baths and get washed up, and hope that the boy survives, I need a drink." Says Arkan.

"We do too." The men agree.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Author notes: Izuku will survive, he'll just be mentally and physically screwed for a couple chapters, and the next couple are going to be on his recovery, everyone's punishments, and I might even do a side arc about Kaina before she gets introduced as best girl.

Izuku will have PTSD from this partnered with a future event that will help further along the story, because who the fuck is ok after having 2 limbs and an eye blown or ripped off and then having a large amount of your bones broken? NOBODY. Especially not a kid who's been neglected his whole life.

Next chapter: Consequences

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