My Brothers Best Friend (A On...

By MissLilabelle

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Hey this is me Ella Payne, yes I am the sister of One Directions Liam Payne. Or should I say his twin sister... More

1~ Meeting the Boys
3 ~ Moving ?!
4 ~ Packing :)
5 ~Truth or Dare ?
6 ~ Movie Night and Sweet Kisses <3
7 ~ Let the Romance Begin <3
8 ~ To The Zoo <3
9 ~ Getting caught.......alot
10 ~ Red carpet
11 ~ They Dont know about us
12 ~ Interview
13 ~ Dares and Twitter Hate >_<
14 ~ Sleep over Party and Some Paint :D
What the characters Look like :) Not a chapter
16 ~ Ommpa Lumpa Drama :)
Woah !!
17 ~ Hello Mama
18~ Party Hard !!
19 ~ Falling down
20 ~ Wakey wakey
Its okay not to feel okay
21 ~ Wolverhampton and dates
22~ First day
23~ Harry Potter please :3
24 ~ Jamie
24~ Jazzy, Ryan and Mr frenchy :D
25~ Prinicpals office
New book
26 ~ Promise me ?
27~ Meeting with mangement
28~ Boys in school
29- That was not expected...
What happens next
What really does happen next :)
30 ~ Louis reaction
oh erm
This is the end (last chapter)

15 ~ Whats your favourite Scary movie ? And a uninvited Blonde

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By MissLilabelle

 We finished the movie and I was extremely freaked out. But of Course Harry thought hey lets watch the scream series so there we all were about to be scared shitless. Again...... Great just great.
"Hazza please Im too scared !" I protested peaking my head up from behind Louis's  shoulder were I had been camping since the start of the last movie or well since half way threw it at least. He didnt mind though he just wrapped his arm around me protectivly so I wouldnt get to scared.
 "Too late " Harry smiled as the televison screen started glowing with the start of the movie.
                  *Lately Ive been going crazy so Im coming back for you back for you* My phone sang as I got a text. I blushed as every one looked at me.
"Yours message tone is us ? " Niall looked at me with a side ways grin.
"No shit sherlock" I said as I slide the unlock button to reveal a text from the one and only Josh Devine or as I have him in my phone Josh da sexaii beast. I burst out laughing when I saw his name he must have changed it last week at the boys rehearsals.
" What so funny Hunny" Louis said smiling .
"Josh changed his name in my phone to "Josh da sexaii beast" " I laughed and Harry shushed me.
"He speaks the truth " Niall piped up and then returned to the movie.
I opened the message.
Josh da sexaii beast : Hey Elz like my name ? Any hoo Whats crackalackin Text me Im bored.
Ella: Sup Joshy, You douche when did you change the name ? Were just about to watch the scream movies :O They're gunna try to scary me the meanies ! Save me Josh x
Josh Da sexaii beast: Hhahahhahaha :D Naicee
Ella: Your so mean to me, Oh Hazzas shouting at moi I got to go byeee :) xx XD
Josh Da sexaii Beast : See ya Ellie xxxx <3
I pocketed my phone and did my best to relax. Louis wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I put my head in the corner of his neck and settled down.
After about Halfway through the movie we couldn't hear the voices over Niall's stomach rumbling and him groaning on about how hungry he is . I swear this boy !!!
"Ella go make me popcorn ! Your a woman" He shouted.
"Um so is Danni and Ruth ? And Nialler stop being damn sexist and get off yo lazy ass and make you own popcorn you dirty Mofo" I laughed.
"Pleasee Ellie" He said batting his eyelashes. I signed and swung my legs over the couch and unwrapped my self from Louis arms and went to go make a certain Leprocaun his god damn  Popcorn. It was completely silent other than the clock ticking. I threw a bag of ready salted popcorn in the mircowave.
           * Im gunna pick up the pieces and build a lego house If think go wrong you can knock it down* My phone rang making me jump.
"Elloo ?" I said answering the phone.
"Whats your favourite scary movie ?" My heart started pounding a hundred times a second as I heard that muffled voice say the most famous line in "Scream". Calm down Ella its just the boys trying to freak you out. Your fine !
"Listen Lads thats not funny" I said opening the mircowave, grabbing the bag and walking back into the living room. They stared at me unsure of what the hell I was talkign about.
"Whats not funny El ?" Liam asked looking at me in confusion. I looked around and No one was on the phone. They all looked at me as I started shaking. I looked at the phone and turned it on speaker.
"W-who is this? " I almost whispered tears running down my face. The boys crowded around me and  Liam and Harry held Dani and Ruth close Louis doing the same with me.
"Your worst nightmare " The voice spoke, It was a harsh voice but it seemed close. I quickly hung up and flung the phone onto the couch. It imeditly started ringing again causing us all to jump. Ruth Dani and I were in tears and the boys looked scared out there wits.
Then the lights went out and I let out a scream. The guys pulled us closer to them. My heart pounding. The lights turned back on and right on the glass window of the door was a bloody hand print and the writing Turn around. We all turned quickly to see a man in a black cloak and a ghost face mask. In his hand was a knife that was dripping red blood.
He lunged and grabbed me from Louis's grasp pinning me up to the wall knife at my neck. Every one was in tears and I closed my eyes readying my self for the worst.
"I said What your favourite scary movie" An all to fimilar voice spoke. The man dropped the knife and kicked it to the other side of the room. i took my chance and kneed the man in the crotch and pulled off the mask to reveal......... Josh. Every one gasped and stoped crying.
"Josh you faggot you scared the life out of us!" I screamed slapping his arm.
"Well you said they were going to try to scary you so I thought might as well scare them instead I did good didnt I " He smiled.
"Yeah you did and you bloody nearly gave me a heart attack in the process" I sahouted and then we all burst out laughing.
"You Douche " Niall said and he scoffed a handful of popcorn.
"Shall we continue our little Horror feast? " Harry smiled evily.
"NOOOOOO" We all shouted at him.
"Josh wanna sleepover with us ? " Dani asked we all agreed with her and looked at josh giving him the puppy dog eyes. Even though he scared the crap out of us We love out little Joshy Bear. He looked at us uncertainly.
"Well I dun.. YEAH BUDDY" He replied pulling off the rest of his ghostface costume. He was in a pair of sweat pants.... Just sweat pants.
"Woah Josh when the hell did you get abs boy ?" I said shocked. I looked around to Dani and Ruths who's jaws were about touching the ground. I swivelled my vison back to Josh's Toned chest. Damnnnn Boy Id tap that.. Oh god I sound like a lad, And Louis right beside me. Opps
"Around the time you turned into a girl" He smiled Gesturing to my chest. I blushed and folded my arms . He meant more the girly clothes and stuff but he had to go and point out my "Headlights" Typical boy. Its true though I am a total tomboy at heart but you wouldnt think it unless you actually saw me running about bear foot climbs trees and doing cartwheels in fields.
"Shut up " I mumbled Blushing. Every one Laughed and Ruth started racking threw our box of movies. She gasped then started squealing. She pulled out a dvd case and started waving it around like a lunitic.
"Hell to the Yes!!!" We screamed in response jumping down under the blankets that Zayn set up on the floor. I was beside Liam and Louis. My two most favourite guys.
Yes I care about them more than my dad. He was just a cheating ass whole who abused my Mom, Liam and Nicola. He never hurt me though I dont know why. I could always get around him. I was his obvious favourite which doesnt mean much I mean who wants favouritisism when it means people you loved who get hurt?
He left when Me and Liam were 9 and Nicola was 17. When I say he left I mean he was kicked out and never returned. I dont know were he is Probally jail, Like I cared.
I miss Nicola, She's the best older sister EVER and Im not just saying that because she used to buy us drink when we were underage and she thought us how to sneak out by stepping over the creaky step by the back door. Who am I kidding? Oh course thats why. I have an Idea for me and Liams birthday in two weeks. August 29th to be exact ( I've been living with the boys since June so Nearly three months). Im planning on getting Mum and Nicki and lots of Liams old friends to come up from wolvehampton. The same friends that bullied me but Liam doesnt know that so I might as well make him happy.
When the Film was over we checked the time. It was 3:45  am ! And the boys were supposed to be in the studio to record for there new album at 8 ! We switched off the ights and the tv and tryed to get some sleep.
I woke up to the sound of clicking but kept my eyes closed.
"Aww Look at Ella she's so cute when she Sleeping"I heard Harry coo. Another flash. Oh hell know they anit taking No pictures of me when Im sleeping. I opened my eyes and found myself in a tangle of people. I looked up and Josh, Dani Hazza and Ruth were all taking pictures. I had louis arm around my shoulders, Niall laying across my stomach and Liams curls tickling My nose.
"Shes awake Abort abort !! " Ruth shouted and every one scattered. I took a deep breath and pushed every one off me and ran after them sprinting. Niall, Louis and Liam waking up and following me. We cornered them next to the pool * Yes we have a pool * And began closing in on them so that if they took a step backwards they would be literally in the pool.
"Boo" I shouted and Harry startled fell backwards grabbing Ruth who grabbed Josh who grabbed Danielle who grabbed Me who grabbed Niall who grabbed Liam who grabbed Louis and and all ended up in the water screaming our heads off. Zayn opened the window from upstairs and stared at us.
"Is it too late to sign up for new friends ?" He asked then climbs out the window and sat on the flat part of the roof watching us laughing. I climbed out of the pool and relised It was half seven and we were all soaking wet in our pajamas and we had to be in the studio in half an hour. Just wait until the mangements gets a load of this. We are sooo screwed.
"Guys I just want you to know that If he chooses to kill me I want ed sheeran to play at my funeral " I shouted and running into the house to get ready . They looked at me weird and I heard Zayn shout "Its half seven you idiots go get dry" And soon I was followed by seven dripping wet people.
I dryed my hair and fixed my make up in about 10 mintues and flung on a pair of light blue high waisted shorts  some white converses and a white high low tank top that says "Hipsta Please !". I put on my Ray Ban fake nerd glasses . I left my hair normal since its naturally curly, Not full on curls like Danielle but more beach waves.
 My hair was always curly/ wavvy like this, Liams was the same but his is more curly taking after our dad. We took every thing else from our mom though Our brown eyes and tannish skin. We even have the same birthmark as her but Mine is on the end of my spine. Liams everything is dark than me though. I had lighter brown hair and lighter brown eyes and a slightly lighter shade of skin but we were still obviously twins.
I checked the time. 7:45. Okay I was in the clear. I ran out of my room and into the kitchen grabbing a banana.
"BOYS GIRLS YOU READY YET?" I shouted and got a reply of "Yes"'s and "Nearly"'s . Dani and Ruth came into the kitchen. Danielle was dressed to go to her dancing class. She was in a black play suit that went down just below her bum and a denium jacket . Her make up was light and natural and her Hair was extremely curly and full of life. She looked stunning.
Ruth had her make up similar to Danni's and her hair was lightly curled. She was wearing a very light brown nearly cream tank top that said High heels High hopes in black print. Some black skinny jeans and some Brown combat boots. She looked stunning aswell. I smiled at them.
"If I was a boy I swear I'd marry You " I shouted at them. They laughed.
"Says you wow girl I swear If Louis doesnt Fuck you tonight I might !" Dani shouted just intime for all the boys to walk into the kitchen and stare at us like we were on drugs. Ruth Me and Dani look at each other and Burst out laughing.
"And you call us gay" Harry laughed. I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him well I more bit the tip of my tongue but who cares.
"Lets hit the road we only have five mintues to get there!" Liam stated looking at his watch. I linked arms with Louis and Niall and we skipped, yes Skipped to the car were Paul was waiting for us.
"After you drop us can you take Danielle to the spotlight studios please Jeffrey" I said as we hoped in the mini van. It had a big picture of the boys faces on it. A bit obvious for fans and papparazzi if you ask me but hey it was Simons Idea.
We quickly said our good byes to Dani and ran into the studio a good 5 mintues late. Simon was fit to burst but we ran past him and I shouted something about his tie being very nice and he seemed to calm down after that. Hhehe always the charmer. I get it off Harry.
"We'll just be in that box over there we'll see you soon !" Louis said and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before running into the "box".
I smiled as the back ground music came on.
Harry started signing His voice raspy as usual.

Do you know remember summer ’09

Want to go back there every night

Just can’t lie was the best time of my life

Lying on the beach as the sun blew out

Playing this guitar by the fire too loud

Oh my my they could never shut us down

My heart skipped a beat as Louis Began his solo. Cliche I know !

I use to think I was better alone

Why did I ever want to let you go

Under the moonlight as we stared at the sea

The words you whispered I will always believe

Then every one started up.

I want to rock me, rock me, rock me yeah

I want to rock me, rock me, rock me yeah

I want you to hit the pedal, heavy metal show me you care

I want to rock me, rock me, rock me yeah

Then it was Liams turn

We were together summer ’09

I wanna roll back like pressing rewind

You were mine and we never said goodbye

Louis and Niall started harmonizing

I use to think I was better alone

Why did I ever want to let you go

Under the moonlight as we stared at the sea

The words whispered I will always believe

Chorus again

R-o-c-k me again, r-o-c-k me again

R-o-c-k me a-again, yeah, I want you to

R-o-c-k me again, r-o-c-k me again

R-o-c-k me a-again, yeah, I want you to
"LEWISSSSSSSSS" A girl squealed causing every one to stop and the man recording to curse under his breath.
The boys came outside of the recording room and we all turned to the door to see who the hell was making such a racket to stop the recording. I saw A girl with bleached blonde hair with brown roots showing. Horribly done make up and extremely tight clothing. She had her arms open wide.
"Lewis baby " She squeaked and we all turned to look at Louis who had both fear and disgust on his face.
"Fuck " He muttered and the Blonde girl threw herself on his and planted her lips on his. We all gasped as Louis attempted to push her off. Who the Hell was this girl ? and why was she Slobbering all over my boyfriends face right in front of me ? 

...........................Cliff hanger ........................
Hey ! Did you guys like the Scream scene with GhostFace Josh ? Im glad He's finally in the book. So who do You think the Blonde Ommpa Lummpa is ? And Hows Ella gunna act ? Well you'll have to wait and see Love you all <3 ~Lily

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