The Revelers (Serial 1)

By AsheJunius

257 32 155

Ari Kagura and the Neon City Valkyries reach the WarGames finals and finally face off against their bitter ri... More

Prologue: Ari
Act 1: The Stranger With The Triggerblade (Interlude)
Act 1 - Chapter 1: Ari
Act 1 - Chapter 2: Cithara
Act 1 - Chapter 3: Gunhild
Act 1 - Chapter 4: Mezos
Act 1 - Chapter 5: Ari
Act 1 - Chapter 6: Cithara
Act 1 - Chapter 7: Mezos
Act 1 - Chapter 8: Ari
Act 1 - Chapter 9: Gunhild
Act 1 - Chapter 10: Cithara
Act 1 - Chapter 12: Mezos
Act 1 - Chapter 13: Cithara
Act 1 - Chapter 14: Ari
Act 1 - Chapter 15: Cithara
Act 1 - Chapter 16: Samza
Act 1 - Chapter 17: Ari
Act 1 - Chapter 18: Cithara
Act 1 - Chapter 19: Samza
Act 1 - Chapter 20: Ari
Act 1 - Chapter 21: Gunhild
Act 1 - Chapter 22: Ari
Act 1 - Chapter 23: Cithara
Act 1 - Chapter 24: Mezos
Act 1 - Chapter 25: Ari
Act 2: The Monster in the Machine (Intermission)
Act 2 - Chapter 26: Cithara
Act 2 - Chapter 27: Ari
Act 2 - Chapter 28: Ari
Act 2 - Chapter 29: Gunhild
Act 2 - Chapter 30: Ari
Act 2 - Chapter 31: Mezos
Act 2 - Chapter 32: Ari
Act 2 - Chapter 33: Samza
Act 2 - Chapter 34: Cithara
Act 2 - Chapter 35: Ari
Act 2 - Chapter 36: Cithara
Act 3: The Nightmare in the Desert (Interjection)
Act 3 - Chapter 37: Ari
Act 3 - Chapter 38: Ari
Act 3 - Chapter 39: Samza
Act 3 - Chapter 40: Cithara
Act 3 - Chapter 41: Ari
Act 3 - Chapter 42: Ari
Act 3 - Chapter 43: Mezos
Act 3 - Chapter 44: Ari
Act 3 - Chapter 45: Cithara
Epilogue: Gunhild
Pronunciation Guide

Act 1 - Chapter 11: Ari

2 0 0
By AsheJunius

"Soon you will know the truths beyond the lies."

What the hell does that mean? I wonder.

I wake up, gasping and my eyes opening fast, with the sun illuminating through the window of my room, blinding my face with the dawn of the light over the ocean horizon. It turns out that the window is facing east and I forgot to close the curtains. I lift myself out of bed and glance out the window, realizing that all I see is water. Lots of it. Like a whole freaking ocean right outside! Perhaps I should have noticed before I went to bed, but it was too dark outside. Instead, I paid more attention to my dinner before going to bed. I forgot that Mr. V told me that Research Base Amelia is on a remote island.

Still, I wonder about that strange woman in the woad blue cloak. Gunhild, was it? In the dream, we can communicate. It feels uncanny.

I also wonder about my sisters, The Neon City Valkyries. What are they doing now? I miss Cleo, my co-captain, yelling obscenities on a holographic computer screen as she streams her favorite games on social media. I miss Lucia, as she would create digital paintings on her computer while streaming the progress of her artwork to her millions of followers.

And my coach, Dr. Kari. I miss her too, even though she's a bit of a hardass, but she's a hardass for a reason. It's kind of contagious, actually. Without Dr. Kari, fear and shyness would overcome my ability to lead a team. I thank her for turning me into the soldier-athlete that I am today. Still, they're a bit like family.

I rummage through the room's closet and put on something decent to wear. A white buttoned shirt, matching slacks, and white slip-on shoes. Not much of a selection, but it'll suffice.

Before leaving, I attempt to call Dr. Williams. She did not answer. She's must be in the middle of a research project. Instead, I just leave a voice mail stating that I intend to head out for breakfast.

Afterward, I walk from my room and follow the signs to the café on the bottom floor, taking my time to appreciate the clean architecture of this sophisticated, technological, donut-shaped facility.

I arrive at The Café of The Court about ten minutes later. I assume the café would look like a boring university cafeteria, like at the CrystalCorp campus. No — this place is rather fancy. The décor comprises vines and branches along the walls to match the scenery found around The Great Tree. An En'ari waiter assigns me to a wooden table held up with a thick tree root. The android hands me a digital tablet, displaying the menu, complete with detailed pictures of the fae's favorite delicacies.

I swipe through the menu, and they all look delicious and mouthwatering. However, the names of the dishes are in the Reul-Sìthe native alphabet. Fortunately, the pictures simplify the ordering process, allowing me to customize my entrée. I tap on the pictures, and I wait to partake in the fine cuisine. I choose a platter resembling fried eggs, bacon strips, whole baby mushrooms, sliced tomatoes, refried beans, and toasted sticks of bread. A holographic message appears on the tablet, telling me the estimated time for my order is fifteen minutes.

During that wait, three people of interest take a seat at my table. It's Dr. Williams, along with Samza and Mezos. The goat-horned boy sits next to me while the bunny-eared girl and The Doc sit across from me.

"Good morning, Ari," Dr. Williams says, her lips grinning in delight.

"Hi, Doc," I greet back, letting out a brief sigh.

Mezos jerks his head towards me with a concerning look. "You didn't catch us waving our hands at you?"

"I didn't notice," I say.

"Well," Samza let out a brief chuckle, "considering your facial expressions when you were staring at the pictures on that menu — Yup! We knew there's one thing on your mind — stuffing your face."

"What can I say? I'm just freaking hungry!" A grumble trembles in my stomach. Oh, yeah — I need food.

"Understandable." Samza lets out a wide, teeth-flashing grin. "The Doc told us you like to eat. I'm surprised that you're not fat."

A sudden pause. Well, yes, it's true. I like to eat, but not to where I would call myself a glutton. And even if I ate more than I should, I can burn off the extra fat and calories the next day. Still, I know the difference between having a cheat day and straight-up overeating. When I cheat, it's in moderation. Instead, the thought of large meals reminds me of my co-captain, Cleo. Cleo may be bulkier than me, but for our hefty appetites, our urge to devour meals can be a contest.

Moments later, my platter arrives and the plates for the other three. My plate of food is much more plentiful. Extra helpings of pork and eggs fill the plate, fulfilling my request for more meat. And — holy crap — this sure is filling and flavorful and warm. The herbs and spices complement the pork strips and fried eggs with this pungent aroma. It spells exotic to my nostrils, as if the pig slaughtered for this meal is not one from this world. The eggs — a tangy citrus note suggesting they came from an unusual bird. No, not even a bird. Maybe a reptile. No, a dragon! After seeing all these Reul-Sìthe animal half-persons for the first time in this café, I'm not surprised if these eggs came from an animal, not from this planet. I take a bite of the bacon strip — it's thicker than average, but crunchy and bursting with spicy flavor. I can tolerate the heat, but I had not expected this from a hearty breakfast meal.

Dr. Williams washes down her simple breakfast of berry waffles with some purple berry juice and then cocks her head in my direction. "Ari, how was your dream last night?"

"Well, that Gunhild lady talked to me in my sleep again."

"Ah, so that confirms it. She is Gunhild, isn't she?" The Doc says, knocking the side of her cheeks with her knuckles.

"Indeed." I nod.

The Doc says, "That only means you are a dream diver since dream divers can only communicate with other divers while asleep."

"Weird," I say, scratching the back of my head, wondering how I got this strange power. "So, how does this power work, anyway?"

"It's interesting that you mention that. The reason is that Mun has been trying to replicate that power ever since you were young. You remember your days at CrystalCorps' labs, yes?"

It was a long time ago when I signed on to the Neon City Valkyries when I was 13. I remember scientists performing experiments on me during my first year. They would measure my vitals and athletic performance, like running laps and traversing through an obstacle course. Nothing special except for one peculiar thing. I recall them placing a visor-like device over my eyes before I sleep, but I don't remember what that device did. I was too young to remember all the details. "Kind of," I say. "I recall sleeping with some weird visor thing while at the labs."

"That, my friend, is a dream recorder," Dr. Williams says. "Scientists at CrystalCorps' labs use it to analyze your dreams, spotting any oddities that may aid them in their research. It's a device that we'll have to take at some point if you decide to stick around."

"So, how would CrystalCorps benefit from this unique power?" I ask.

"If they can amplify that power to work beyond other Valkyr dream divers, then any super-soldiers produced by Project Equilibrium can use it to engage in mind-altering psychological warfare. The unsuspected would simply be too afraid to go asleep."

"That's creepy," I mutter. "Imagine running away from them only for them to chase you in your sleep. If they don't physically kill you, then you'd probably die from madness due to sleep deprivation. It's scary to think about it."

"Absolutely," the Doc says. "It's one of the primary reasons we extracted you from CrystalCorps' control — so that CrystalCorps would not exploit your gift for their sinister deeds."

Primary? I wonder. That means there are more reasons. Though, I'd imagine the Doc is saying this to me as a mother instead of the head of a division for some secret organization. I suppose motherly instinct is another reason.

After our meal, Dr. Williams pulls out a crypto chip-card and leaves a tip. Then we head back to her office.

Once we arrive, The Doc closes all the curtains, covering all the windows, including the glass walls and the window facing out to the ocean ahead. She then motions for Samza, Mezos, and me to take a seat around a circular metal table. However, the two fae opt to leave us be.

"I think you two need your space," Samza says. "Besides, I have some stuff to do at Rowynn's shop at the moment."

"Very well," The Doc says. "Please keep me up to date with Rowynn's current projects."

"Of course," she says while exiting the office. Mezos follows right behind her.

The Doc sits on the opposite end of me and meets my gaze. "Now that we're all settled down, I suppose you're wondering why you're here, Ari."

I answer back, "Well, you mentioned something about the wicked secrets CrystalCorp had in mind and their intentions in exploiting my dreams."

"That's the basic gist of it," she says, her fingers interlocking and arms resting on top of the cold metal table. She leans forward and continues, "But there is a lot more to it."

The Doc leans back on her tall office chair but still maintains her gaze at me. "Long ago, a war took place around the mid-2020s. Machines had gone rogue because of a corrupt AI and began attacking humanity. Many people died during the war, and prominent landmarks crumbled to the ground, including memorials around the White House. Meanwhile, a younger Commander Lyss Stirling lead a militia of mech-riders and computer specialists to fight off the machines. She eventually tracked down the source, eradicated the rogue AI, and peace returned to the nation. Many years later, shortly after her 35th birthday, she ran alongside President Jack Cayle as his running mate during the 2044 presidential election."

There has to be more than this. I think. My brows furrow. "Where's the doom and gloom?"

"After the Americans re-elected President Stirling for a second term in 2052, she reevaluated some policies set forth by her predecessor, President Jack Cayle. Classified documents revealed President Cayle attempted to restore the rogue AI to augment the United States military. Unfortunately, President Cayle met an untimely demise in the winter of 2046. Someone hijacked Air Force One's navigation systems, causing the aircraft to crash near NovaTech's campus in New York City, assassinating President Cayle and everyone on board, including the scientists and technicians who accompanied him. That's when Vice President Stirling officially became President of the United States."

"Well, that sucks," I say.

"It happened about a year after you moved into my home. You were probably too young to remember President Cayle's assassination."

"Anyway, what's in it for CrystalCorp?" I ask.

A sudden silence lurks the room. "This is where things get strange." The Doc pulls out a remote from her jacket pocket. Lights dim, and a three-dimensional holographic display appears above the round table. The hologram depicts a tall corporate skyscraper with the CrystalCorp holographic gemstone insignia on the north-facing side and the South Korean flag on the south.

I point at the hologram, noting the skyscraper and the smaller buildings that surround it. "That's CrystalCorp's main corporate building in Korea. That building towers over one of their campuses below."

"Exactly," The Doc says. "Based on our recent hacking attempts, our scholars have collected archived conversations between the former President Jack Cayle and key members of CrystalCorp's board of directors. We learned the rogue AI originated from CrystalCorp."

"Does President Stirling know about this?"

"No. Stirling will eventually know once the message passes through her chain of fact-checkers and researchers."

"Why would CrystalCorp develop a rogue AI?"

"We believe that Mun's engineers secretly developed it to test the network infrastructure of the United States and other developed nations. During the War of Machines, Mun secretly compiled the battle data, allowing her to develop machines that would exploit key weaknesses in each nation's networks."

"Seems like a crazy thing," I say, scratching my chin.

"We haven't got to the weird part yet." Dr. Williams swipes her hand, shifting the hologram from CrystalCorp's corporate tower to a scene where Mun appears to be peering through a dimensional warp gate. "This is where it gets strange. Mun hasn't always been Mun. In fact, she's not even born of this world."

"Let me guess: she's from the same world as the islanders?"

"Precisely." Dr. Williams nods. "Mun Seul-Ki is not even her real name. Her real name is Helayne Thoriana. She is an En'ari android."

I can feel weird vibes already coming from this conversation. CrystalCorp's CEO is a twisted android from another world? Man, that is wacky. Still, I have never doubted Dr. Williams's intellect. I've always seen her as a knowledgeable mother-figure when I was growing up. She could answer a lot of questions I had without all the sugarcoating. Wondering how deep this rabbit hole goes, I ask, "What's the story behind Helayne?"

"Based on Reul-Sìthe scholarly research, Helayne Thoriana was the High Magistrate of the En'ari people. As High Magistrate, she was a President of her own country. She once lived in the Floating City of Yuna'tora. However, what made her different compared to previous En'ari leaders was her view of their ancient gods. Instead of favoring one god over another, she believed in the concept of equilibrium — paying tributes to the gods that represented both dark and light. A radical thought."

"I'm sure the En'ari protested the idea, right?" I ask.

"Absolutely," Dr. Williams answers. "In fact, such ideas sparked Helayne's younger sister, Rowynn, to venture on a quest to reveal the truths behind their ancient gods."

The hologram shifts. Four silhouettes appear as they confront Mun Seul-Ki, or rather Grand Magistrate Helayne Thoriana. The Magistrate appears clothed in a white and gold priestly garb, including a sanctified robe and a matching papal hat. Almost like The Pope. The Grand Magistrate stands on top of a golden octagonal dais in the middle of a white throne room decorated with glimmering gold leaves and branches around the walls and pillars.

Dr. Williams continues as a hologram rotates itself: "Four unlikely heroes banded together to discover the truths behind The En'ari Gods of Light and Darkness. What they learned, however, was not what they expected. During their quest, these four heroes, collectively known as The Crystalbearers, discovered that their gods were not separate entities. No. It is a two-faced being that exists to manipulate its own followers, usually by splitting itself into two lesser deities. Figures attuned to fit a localized aesthetic. The Crystalbearers know this god as Barbelo."

My eyes slant and squint. I scratch my chin and ask, "What happened next? Did The Crystalbearers defeat Barbelo?"

"They banished it," The Doc answers.

"Banished? As in casting it to another realm? This two-faced god could still be alive somewhere?" I know for sure that The Doc picks her words well. If something wasn't dead, she would ensure that she chooses a word that doesn't mean just that.

"Technically, yes. Barbelo is still alive. Based on our sources, Mun Seul-Ki's plan is to bring back this deity, calling forth its power to cast over destruction using the combined powers of light and darkness."

"Destruction?" I answer back with a bored sigh. "Can't take over a planet if you blow it up, yeah?"

The Doc lets out a low chuckle. "Ah, such witticism. I knew you'd retort that way. Yet, when Mun was Grand Magistrate, she claimed to her own people that their old gods would recreate the world. In what way, I am uncertain, but I'd imagine it would not be pretty, at least for Esthial's inhabitants."

The hologram shifts to a scene where a mob of En'ari androids invades the Grand Magistrate's room. "After the banishing of the two-faced god, her people ousted the Grand Magistrate — impeached of her position. Sentenced by her people's Grand Court for disassembly, Grand Magistrate Helayne escaped her imprisonment and transported herself through a dimensional gate. She ended up on Earth. To be exact, she ended up in the demilitarized region between North and South Korea, before the time when the two Koreas unified as one recognized nation."

The hologram reverts to the 3D model of CrystalCorp HQ's corporate headquarters in Korea. "Five years after her arrival on Earth, she changed her name to fit with the locals and taught herself Korean and five other languages. She later enhanced her knowledge in our technologies, which allowed her to establish CrystalCorp Cybernetics at the Korean metropolitan city of Incheon. Her corporation became increasingly profitable and well recognized by both her supporters and detractors. CEO Mun Seul-Ki later expanded her efforts on a global scale and established campuses in Europe, Japan, Australia, and — of course — Las Vegas, Nevada."

I interject, "However, she kept her old motives in consuming the world with her machines, right?"

Dr. Williams nods. "And her rogue AI was only the start of it." The hologram changes to that of the CrystalCorp campus. "With a campus already there in Las Vegas, the CEO saw this as an opportunity to expand her corporate portfolio. She provided America's remaining military with top-of-the-line cybernetic augmentations to fight back against the machines that terrorized the nation. Commander Lyss Stirling took up the offer and used CrystalCorp's robotics to ward off the machines infected with the rogue AI. In other words, build the problem and then sell the solution."

"That can't be the end, right?" I scratch my chin in contemplation.

The Doc nods. "Mun's offerings to Lyss Stirling could be an act of mercy. However, our scholars theorize Mun sees something in Lyss, prompting the CEO to help eradicate her own creations."

That's all gravy, I guess. However, I have to wonder why I'm here. I'm not doubting The Doc, but I just find my purpose on this base somewhat awkward. I ask Dr. Williams, "How am I involved in this mess?"

Dr. Williams takes a sip from the water bottle on the table and continues. "Let's delve further down the rabbit hole known as Project Equilibrium. As you suspect, it turns out that Mun hadn't forgotten about the teachings of this two-faced god. In secret, Mun devised plans to summon this powerful entity to unleash its fury on to the Earth. Those plans involve research on dimensional waygates and to see if there is a method to open one large enough to summon this long-forgotten god."

"A crazy way to summon a god," I say.

"Unlike the gods of Earth, Mun's two-faced god is recognizable based on Rowynn's personal experience and the Reul-Sìthe's extensive research. Instead of erecting temples, Mun combines the concepts of science and religion to please her deity. Mun believes that maintaining an 'equilibrium' of light and dark energy is key to communing with Barbelo. Sort of like a Christian worshiping both God and Satan equally. A strange concept, but it's what satisfied Barbelo."

Dr. Williams changes the holographic display of T.F. Roth Stadium as it once appeared during the raid a couple days ago, with an enormous hole in the glass roof. She continues: "Regarding your involvement, Mun had special plans for your 18th birthday. Those plans, however, do not include your involvement with the United States military. Instead, you would enter cryostasis."

"Cryostasis?" My eyes widen, and my throat bobs. "As in preserving my body in a block of ice?"

Dr. Williams nods. "At the right moment, Mun would defrost your body and force you to serve as her harbinger. A high-ranking minion, to put it bluntly."

"Are there others stuck in cryostasis?"

"Yes, but Mr. V believes that releasing them from cryostasis is not a priority."

My brows furrow. "If it's true that Mun wanted to place me in a cryogenic chamber—" I grit my teeth, lost for words to say.

"Hate to say it, but CrystalCorp has a much more sinister motive."

"I guess?" Still not sold on this. I find it difficult to believe that the wealthiest sponsor of my War Games team is hellbent on world domination. There is just no way. Otherworldly dimensions? A twisted god? Unethical use of cryogenics? It's weird.

The Doc taps her cheeks with her knuckles. "From my understanding, you have until tomorrow night to join The Remnants." She gets up from her chair, grabs a tablet PC from her desk, and hands it to me. "Take this. There are some resources that you can read, including the backstory behind The Remnants' establishment, research on CEO Mun's motives, and news regarding The President's relationship with Mun. I recommend you take some time to read the articles and listen to the audio clips. If you have questions, then you are free to call me. Do you understand?"

I nod. "Yes, I do."

"Good. Samza and Mezos's contacts are also on the tablet. Aside from that, I hope you have a pleasant day."

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