In The City Of Freedom

By AWildEclipseStar

586 30 19

After Travelling through half the world, the 12 year-old girl Akemi returns to Mondstadt after Achieving her... More

Character Bio
Flame Born
Lost and Found
Surprise Findings
A Simple Escape
Ludi Harpastium
Unshrouded Resolution

Dusty Chests

79 3 7
By AWildEclipseStar


3rd POV

Akemi could barely contain her excitement, her face flushed as her eyes fixated on the sea of white flowers, swaying in the gentle breeze and stretched out before her in a magnificent display.


She squealed; a huge smile plastered on her face. Other than herself, was Diluc and Lisa as they all stood at the gazebo. Akemi couldn't help but stare off into the distance, lost in her own thoughts. She was so entranced she didn't even realize when Diluc took her hand to ensure she wouldn't run off.

Lisa let out an amused chuckle at the girl, snaping out of her trance. The pyro user glanced at her, tilting her head in curiosity.

The lady smiled, finding the girl charming. "Sweetheart, you really enjoy these flowers, do you?"

Akemi's eyes lit up at the question. Even a toddler would know what her response would be.

"I do! They're so pretty and simple, but pretty!!! They- It feels like a paradise!" She paused to take in the moment, then smiled at Diluc as she tugged on his hand. "You like them too, right Diluc?"

"Yes." He replied with a flat tone. He bent down and picked one of the flowers, handing it to Akemi. "Go sit at the table while I talk to the Lisa. The tea Adiline placed for you will go cold if you don't drink it."

Seeing as Diluc asked, Akemi immediately followed his request happily going to sit down by the table. "Okay okay!"

Now that the child was in view and distracted, the adults were able to talk.

Though, Diluc or more or less happy about it, as he could easily predict what this conversation would be about. His suspicions were then confirmed when Lisa brought up the topic of the fire incident two days ago.

The man was straight to the point, quick to claim his innocence in the circumstance and wanting nothing more to do with it. However, that wasn't the case, as Lisa now had new information to provide him with.

"I'm afraid this case has everything to do with you now." She says, a smirk forming on her face as she reveals the turning point this situation.

"The carriage explosion that happened two days ago led us to thing that the culprit was behind what happened to your father."

Diluc's expression shifted, his eyes widened from surprise as he took in what Lisa said into consideration. His father death, and the purple flame incident were in cahoots with eachother, and may be the person behind his father death, the thing that ruined almost everything for him that day.

"How did you find out about this? It was supposed to be secret." A wave of uncertainty washed over him as he questioned all the recent event in his mind. "Nevermind, Jean told you about it, didn't she?"

The mage nodded in confirmation, her green eyes staring back at his red ones. "She did, but I wanna hear more from you."

Akemi watched with an intrigued expression on her face as she bit into a batch of cookies left on the table. "Mm, tasty..."

She muched on them hapoily as she tried to get an idea of what was going on. "All I want is to solve this case quickly so we can all go back to our normal lives. That's why I need you to tell me Mr. Diluc."

"What happened all those years ago?"

Diluc and Lisa's silence lingered for a long while, both waiting for the other to give in and break it. In the end, Diluc let out a defeated sigh, shifting his attention towards Akemi.

She was spotted still at the table, quickly sipping her tea and in her own little world. When she noticed Diluc staring at her, her eyes shifted back towards him, cookie crumbs situated on the corner of her cheeks.

Her eyes were alert and curious as she awaited his response. There was no sense of urgency, but the tension in the air was palpable.

'Noooo don't do this! I wanna listen to the conversation! Don't send me out don't send me out don't send me out don't-'

Diluc glances at Akemi then motioned towards the fields of Cecelia, signaling to her that he didn't want her listening in on the next part.

"Awwww! dang it!" She says as she quickly gulfs down the rest of her tea, then went running off to play in the garden of Cecelia out of earshot of the conversation.


The discussion continued for a while, yet Dilu couldn't help but feel as if Lisa knew too much about this without him telling her anything.

"You seem to already know a lot, was that also written in the report?" He asked.

"That's what happens when you rely on powers that aren't your own." Lisa sighs, the plam of her hand digging into her cheek as her gaze is aimed to the flower fields. "In this world, everything comes with a price... Is this why you left the knights of Favonius?"

Diluc found himself silently grimacing at the question, his thoughts inevitably drifting back to one of the many appalling events that had unfolded in the aftermath of his father's death. It was a painful memory, one he struggled to suppress.

"...That was for another reason." He says,

"I see..." Lisa raises an eyebrow and considers a different approach. Taking a sip of her tea, she looked over to the flowery fields for a moment, then turning back to the noble. "Well if that's the case, I have another question to ask you."

"Go ahead."

Lisa takes a deep breath, taking a glance over to the beautiful landscape before looking back to the man in a calm and composed manner.

"Have you ever considered that Akemi has physical past ties to the Fatui or Abyss?"

This question causes Diluc to tense up, processing the accusation with caution.

"What makes you think that?" He inquired, his tone sounding a bit more skeptical and guarded. If anything, he wanted to dissmis the idea, but he was willing to hear what the lady had to say.

"Well Akemi is quiet odd in general" She puts a finger up to her chin in thought. "But one main thing is her sudden appearance in Mondstadt, 2 weeks after you're father's death."

"Her appearance has absolutely nothing to do with my father." He stated firmly. "Leave it at that."

Lisa studied Diluc, a slight frown on her face. She knew her statement was bold but she didn't want him to end this so soon. "To add to that then, Akemi when she had appeared not only were the Abyss doing a ritual on her, but almost 4 years' worth of memories were erased. What if they had erased them for a reason? Like not wanting her to leak their secrets?"

"Yet you know that won't be the case, why bring it up?" Stated Diluc, his views on this clear as day.
It was barely noticeable, but Lisa could see how defensive the man was getting over this conversation.

And so, she continued with hercompeling argument. "Think about it. After you found her, she was kidnapped two weeks later by the Abyss once, then attempted kidnapping not long after." She smiled as she brought up the next part. "However, the even more intriguing part was when the Fatui then attempted it, 2 months after her appearance."

Diluc eyes widen at the last statement, a mixture of surprised and alarm. "The Fatui took interest?!"

Lisa pauses, left confused by his response. "You weren't aware?

Lisa was left with a sense of confusion after Diluc's response. There was a sense of discomfort in the air as both characters remained quiet, the silence becoming painful.

"Apologies, I'm not sure of the full story," Lisa said, trying to provide an explanation for Diluc's lack of awareness. "If I were to guess, I would say that you were no longer in Mondstadt during that time."

A minute passed as the silence between Diluc and Lisa continued. Lisa shifted to observe Akemi from afar, her mind deep in concentration. She was seemingly attempting to make flower crowns, plucking the blooms from the ground and arranging them carefully.
Lisa remained silent as she watched, her face still lacking any expression. The peacefulness of the moment seemingly brought her some calmness, as she focused on something other than her tense discussion with Diluc.

Soon enough, Lisa spoke up, drawing Diluc'sattention back to her. "You know, ever since Akemi's violent assault against two guards during her time in the Knight's, there were many rumors of her being with the Fatui after she left." Lisa side-eyes Diluc as she looked into the far distance. "Aren't you worried for her?"

"I am." Diluc replied, his voice much softer than before.

"Then why-"

Diluc's words were punctuated with a hint of annoyance, as he abruptly cut off Lisa's question.
"Akemi will be fine," he confirmed with an expression that implied some level of reassurance. However, this assurance was soon tainted by his following statement.

"She's caused problems," Diluc said, his tone carrying a subtle touch of annoyance, "but nothing compared to the Abyss or Fatui. My opinion on her won't change over some frightened ignorant guards."

Lisa raises a brow. "But..?"

"But either way..." He glances over to Akemi, who was in progress of making her 3rd flower crown. A small smile forms on his lips before quickly disappearing.

"Even if there was a connection. I'm still willing to protect her for as long as I want."


Akemi smiled triumphantly as she held up the three flower crowns she had made after twenty minutes of non-stop weaving. She had worked hard to craft them, and she was proud of the results.

She loved the way the flowers fit together perfectly, and how their colors and textures complimented each other. She admired her creations for a moment, then looked over to Diluc who had yet to finish his interaction with Lisa.

"Great, now I can go back to Diluc and place it on his head! And I'll put this one on Lis-"


"Huh? That's weird, I feel....."
Out of nowhere, Akemi found herself doubling over in agony as a sharp, shooting pain began to wrack her body and mind.
Her head felt as if it were being crushed as she collapsed to the ground, her body beginning to burn and her mind spinning and whirring with the pain.

It was an ufamiliar feeling of agony, and as with any sudden onset, it came with no warning, leaving Akemi scrambling to understand what was happening.

Her head ached in a crippling way, as if it were going to split open, while her stomach twisted in knots. She could barely breathe, and her movements were slow and sluggish.

Diluc was discussing with Lisa when he noticed Akemi struggling. He swiftly ceased their conversation upon observing her sudden anguish. Lisa's curiosity was piqued, her head tilting towards the situation.
"Is something wrong, Master Diluc?" she asked,

The severity of Akemi's predicament was clear, as her state of panic and agony was evident.

Diluc knelt down by the girl's side, noticing how difficult it was becoming for her to breath, and how tense her body was as a result. Her panicked demeanor, though frightening at first, was soon matched with an equally concerning level of physical distress.

His eyes darted around the area, as if looking for something that could help Akemi in her moment of need. However he had sent away everyone in order to have a private conversation.

Akemi had never felt pain like this before. She could feel it in her head, radiating down her spine, and out into her limbs.
It was then that the poor mage lost her ability to breathe. She began choking on the high concentration of unknown energy inside of her.

Well, maybe not unknown. She had an idea of what's caused this.

gentle but firm. Akemi was now in no state to resist or respond to the situation, and her senses seemed muted to his call-outs.
Diluc's grip tightened, and he studied Akemi's condition, attempting to deduce what was causing the girl's strife.

'What's wrong with her?! Was the food poisoned? No that can't be it–!'

'My throat... my head... my chest... It all burns so much...' Akemi's struggles continued, as she tried to suppress the cough that had become unbearable.
As her body reached its limits, however, it finally released the blood that had been building up, staining Diluc's clothes in a messy and gruesome manner.

Diluc's expression darkened when he saw the effects of Akemi's cough, the bloody vomit causing his own stomach to churn a bit. The sight was not pleasant, and the situation was far more severe than Diluc had originally believed.

'So this is why you don't eat strange things... kinda like what Tighnari said...' The mage thought in a sorry attempt of humouring herself.

Akemi's vision started to blur. Without realizing it, she soon went limp, going completely unconscious.


Somewhere in the City of Mondstadt


3rd POV: Collei

"...Managed to sneak my way out when the woman left."
With everyone leaving the library, it left Collei alone, giving her the chance to flee with all the information she needed to help achieve her goal.

She held up the slightly burnt papers to her face, inspecting them. Seeing as she couldn't read, she had some struggles understanding the writing. However, the drawing was sufficient enough for her to assume was exactly it was trying to say.

'These would be the clues I'm looking for...' Collei squints as she tried to get a better look at the page. 'But I don't know how to read this.'

"Hey there."

Sudden chills ran down Collei's spine as she turned around rapidly, only to be greeted with a smug man in blue, who almost seemingly was waiting for her appearance. It was safe to say that Collei was instantly suspicious of this man, as the aura that radiated off him was suspicious in general.

"Have we met before? Somewhere close to the city gates perhaps?" He inquired, his eyes wandering over this girl's figure as he began making connections. "And you just came out from our library."

The girl narrowed her eyes at this man. He was friendly, too friendly in fact.

'What is this guy planning?' She thought in a distrustful manner.

Kaeya smiled as he stared down at her menacingly. "Don't mean to intrude, but may I have the pleasure of learning your name?"

Collei didn't respond, only staring back at the man. It was then that she came to the realization of why he seemed so familiar. 'He looks like the guy I saw... In Akemi's memories.'

That's it, that's where Collei recognized him from, she was sure of it. She couldn't forget the things she saw in that vision, nor the voice she heard.


I left the Knights on my own beliefs.


"Look, it's the kid again."

"Have you heard? I heard the Head of the Ragnvindir Clan took her in..."


"Right? How did a child even join the Knights anyways?"

"Even worse, she's delusional you know."

"What do you mean?"

"Heard her talking with Kaeya and the newbie outrider a while back. She claims her real dad is some dragon and that she..."

Akemi gazed at those people who conversed between themselves in the Knights Headquarters. They seemed to be whispering amongst themselves, but soon stopped when She had turned their way.

She stared at them for a moment, cocking her head to the side in thought, before going back to carrying two abnormally large crates away to the library.

As expected, once she left, they went back to their ignorant talks.


Of course, I knew what they were saying. I have enhanced hearing after all.

At the time, their dislike for me was baseless in my opinion,
It originated from their dislike of a past guard..
Apparently, he disrespected a man named Eroch.


Everything went blank for a moment, before shouting was heard. It revealed Akemi, arguing with one of the previous guards.

"Stupid! Morons! Idiots!" She shouts in a fit of anger.

A guard from the previous vision growled in anger at the insults spouted at him. "The hell you're saying to me!?"

"Who do you think you are???" Countered the shorter man next to him.

"You left me to fight that hillichurl camp alone!" Huffing, the pyro user stared back with distaste. "Who do YOU think you are???"

"Listen here brat!" The first guard demanded in a firm and serious tone. "Unstable little kids like you should learn some respect, you hear?"

"Unstable?!" Akemi grits her teeth, her fist clenching as she approaches the man who said that. "I'll show you unstable!"


The belief in their entitlement to supreme admiration caused them to perceive themselves as superior to others.
They deemed their ability to do as they pleased valid, jeopardizing others for their own amusement.

I couldn't understand at all...

They proclaim my lunacy for my statements as though they are exempt from the same.

If their perception of me is madness, they gotta be blind to their own.


It was dark out. Akemi strolled down the streets of Mondstadt, keeping to herself. By chance, she happened to come across those same guards, whispering amongst themselves.

With how late it was she couldn't help but fall into a daze as she watched them, listening to them. But even in her drowsy state, she was unable to quell the tiny glint of hatred in her eyes.

Once again, Collei's vision blurred as Akemi's voice rang in her head once again.


Individuals who resort to manipulation, coercion and deception...

All in order to command respect.

They have no business acting as defenders.

They do not deserve that right.

And not once have I thought differently.


The vision clears, and it shows an astonishing view.

All three of the guards, on the ground. Standing over them was Akemi expressionless and in a trance-like state.

Collei's mouth slightly opens in shock as she stared from afar. The way her fiery eyes glowed in the dark, glaring at them, it resembled that of a dragon. And to think that someone like her could be so intimidating.

The sound of footsteps could be heard approaching, she and Collei looked over and saw Kaeya, staring at the scene in alarm.

It took a few seconds, but once Akemi had realized her actions, her eyes widened, the look of horror and regret on her face.

"W-wait! It's not what it looks like!"


Yet when I saw them, beaten on the ground,
and then the look on that face
I couldn't help but look at my gloved hands.

And I thought... or knew...

I didn't deserve those rights either.


It's been a while since Collei had felt so threatened. If it weren't for the people nearby at time, she wasn't sure what she would done to Akemi, but it wouldn't have been pleasant for both sides.

Then again, would she even want to face something like that? No, definitely not.

Perhaps for now it's best that Collei kept her distance from the girl.



So uhh... this was meant to come out a big while ago, but I got grounded. 💀
Nothing bad though so dw.

But anyway!

Well damn,
Akemi is feeling a little woozy now, isn't she?

Let's hope she learnt her lesson to not eat suspicious sources of energy! 😃

(She didn't learn)

Also! This story will preferably be finished before the Chasm in my other story and will DEFINATELY be finished before I get to Sumeru due to the amount of Sad just-before-she-met-Aether Akemi lore that I will add in that Nation. 👹

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